[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Unusual Suspects

1930 france is dead whats left to do is to clean out Peter and Sal, build the eifel tower in merchant found cereal in merchant and check that every building is present(a corporation in merchant, lab and Ip maybe a temple here and there to).
The war with france was only somewhat successfull my first attempt on paris failed and his navy was to big to ship over reinforcements had to take peace and reload. SB on the other hand was easy.
I'm out of time if someone wants to take over. Maybe I can finish it on Sunday if nobody else got time.
Good job Zhary. Take it home SD!
I got some unexpected news today which puts my schedule all out of order, so I'm unable to play at all for at least a week or two.:(
Almost done!

Peter has one little city left.
Researching as fast as possible
Disbanded most of the army.
Just need the Lab and the Industrial Park.

  • Lady Stoneheart has finally brought PEACE to the entire world. Yet there has always been peace in the entire world for as long as any can remember. Long Live Lady Stoneheart.
  • Victory date: 1984 :borg:

  • Lady Stoneheart has finally brought PEACE to the entire world. Yet there has always been peace in the entire world for as long as any can remember. Long Live Lady Stoneheart.
  • Victory date: 1984 :borg:
Well played! We made a mistake thinking that the gold needed to support an army wouldn't interfere with our tech requirements... but I'm damn sure we did the fastest conquest of any team! Thanks for taking most of the heavy lifting, SittinDown!

Thanks to all on the team who contributed!!! Even you, @Deckhand - the early organizing made it possible to keep things in line during the marathon final push! Thanks Zhary for stepping in when most needed, and all those who offered much needed advice while we were still aimless. (PS, I think we'll get some spoons). :grouphug:
Yes - thanks to all for all the advice, especially KCD while we kept the lights on in August and early September. Thanks Zhary for playing the last couple of nights. I could not have finished on time without that.

It was a brutal military game. Definitely a terrible strategy - but fun! That military was massively expensive.

73 cities razed
155 longbows killed.
55 grenadiers killed.
49 cannons lost.
...and many more units.
Congrats US's. :hatsoff:for having the stones to do a conquest victory. :ar15:
Congratulations gang, especially SittinDown for keeping it alive. I wish I could have joined you, but there was just no way to find the time. Maybe the next one?
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