SGOTM2 Germany - Team Ankka

@ Ivan
I saw your log plots but I'm afraid maths isn't one of my strong points :blush: I did get the impression it was comparing teams by score/turn and it showed that some teams had "blips" in their progress (mainly us!) and other teams just powered ahead. The actual plot on the scores page was great for this at first, but then as the scores differentiated it was harder to see small details.

@Everyone (inc Mad-Bax)
I am happy to play with you guys again but I also think 4 players is too few and we would benefit greatly from another deity/emporer player on the team. I usually play regent but have been venturing up to monarch every now and again . This time last year I was struggling to make the transition from chieftain to warlord! Progress has been mainly down to the GOTM and the war academy but this SG has taught me sooo much more. I've never reached the domination limit before!
So thanks to my teamies and to the staff, roll on SGOTM3!
I have a feeling it'll be a good one!

Side note: I think I might prefer to play PTW cos I really miss the rename units and "stack commands with one click", but if that isn't an option for you guys it's no biggie. :crazyeye:
Yes you did need another Strong player. But there are a limited number of "vanilla" players. I'll try to do better next time. In any case, as I said I have someone in mind, who I rate in the top 5 of all players I've ever played with. Just a question of whether he chooses to play. :)

...And yes GOTM3 will be something else indeed! I just wish I could take credit for it....
mad-bax said:
Yes you did need another Strong player. But there are a limited number of "vanilla" players. I'll try to do better next time. In any case, as I said I have someone in mind, who I rate in the top 5 of all players I've ever played with. Just a question of whether he chooses to play. :)

...And yes GOTM3 will be something else indeed! I just wish I could take credit for it....
Unfortunately my PTW do not run properly. It often crashes at diplo screen and also I can't open input from other SG. So I stick to Vanila.
I looked at the picture of SG3. If we will not play sponsor variant I think we can manage. But we need five players anyway.
mabellino said:
@ Ivan
1) I saw your log plots but I'm afraid maths isn't one of my strong points :blush: I did get the impression it was comparing teams by score/turn and it showed that some teams had "blips" in their progress (mainly us!) and other teams just powered ahead. The actual plot on the scores page was great for this at first, but then as the scores differentiated it was harder to see small details.

2)I am happy to play with you guys again but I also think 4 players is too few and we would benefit greatly from another deity/emporer player on the team. I usually play regent but have been venturing up to monarch every now and again . This time last year I was struggling to make the transition from chieftain to warlord! Progress has been mainly down to the GOTM and the war academy but this SG has taught me sooo much more. I've never reached the domination limit before!
So thanks to my teamies and to the staff, roll on SGOTM3!
I have a feeling it'll be a good one!

3) Side note: I think I might prefer to play PTW cos I really miss the rename units and "stack commands with one click", but if that isn't an option for you guys it's no biggie. :crazyeye:
1. I add some comments - answers at discussion thread not sure it will help...
2. You were most relible person in our team: micromanage carefully, carry war acurately, listen nicely. What I really want to point out your intuition that English getting to declare first war and build some defense in advance.Also, greate work of counting tiles of our counting tiles of our continent. I can't remember other smaller things, but my general impression that you did nothing upseting. (BTW I never reach Domination before...)
3. Sorry, can't run PTW, don't know what problems are...
mad-bax said:
...And yes GOTM3 will be something else indeed! I just wish I could take credit for it....
Don't worry: those who know to appreciate things can appeciate your work and effort NOT only in SGOTMs, but in SGs as well, with your maps :goodjob: and the time needed to watch out if all is going well.

The team remains the same for SGOTM3?
You can sign up as a team. Sure. I will add an Emperor/Deity player, then you will be set. You can PM each other and then sign up in the "Sign-up" thread. If there are only 3 of you, then I will add two players. It's not all or nothing. :)
mabellino said:
I'm in! see you in the sign up thread!
So I officially aplly to the game as a team leader with requiest to include one strong player in our team. I prefer non-variant game, as King Alex.
I looked at other team’s threads and decide to summarize our game. Instead of critics that I did during the game I want to highlight most smart thing that we did and what let us win fast in spite of our mistakes.
1. At turn 27 I did not trade tech with Lis and wait for next contact.
2. At turn 37 chain trade let us establish Tech parity with English and Russians: non of the team had this result that early.
3. Trade IW for cash. This was possible in combination with 9 gpt I did at turn 37 (Mcmg Berlin).
4. Tech research sequent was optimal (Poly was small deviation, I think Currency might be better choice).
5. Libraries in all core Cities. It give culture supremacy and make wars lot easer, compare to handy or bagsy teams. (They had a lot of flip back).
6. Clear and simple military goal for first stage of the game.
7. War with French in Alliance with English. Without Alliance we may not win this war that fast.
8. Cologne on Horses.
9. Early research of Republic. I think we might revolt straight after, the war might be few turns longer, but we gain more cash.
10. Lighthouse. FP was a real alternative, but it was risk that somebody else will build Lighthouse.
11. Demand of Rheims and control of center part of the continent.
12. Parquet plan and 2 turn settler Factory in Moscow.
13. Organization of overseas wars.
14. False peace for Chivalry.
15. Good timing of “D” day (830 AD).
16. Fast transfer troops to India-Japan.

May be I miss something, but I thing similar strategy for SGOTM3 will also work.
The thing I remember most about the early game was when I managed to trade communications between the 2 adjacent civs (Russia and English?) the turn before they would have met! I was very proud of that! he he he!
I am also pleased to have got our first GL and that we all agreed the lighthouse was our best option. We acted as tech brokers for much of the game and prevented the two continents from meeting, so our trashed rep with the home continent civs didn't matter for our relations with the other continent. The lighthouse was essential for this since the other civs would have met each other if they had built it instead.

We'll all be able to apply this experience to our next game and I'm sure our team's ranking will improve.
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