SGOTM2 Germany - Team DGIT


GOTM Staff
Jan 24, 2003
SGOTM2 Game Thread

Welcome to your game thread for SGOTM2-Germany

Here is the start position.

Each team has their own save file. Please download and play from the correct save. If you use the wrong save the server will not accept your submission. Also, please make sure that the software version is correct. PM me immediately if it is not.

You can download your save file >>HERE<<.

The Roster
Cool, its here!

Looking at the start, note that those are all forests, none of them are jungle.
It looks like there is another grassland tile S, SE, which we would claim on expansion.

I think we should move the worker S on the first move, to check out that grassland tile, a lot of recent GOTMs seem to have started with a bonus food just out of reach(GOTM31, France for example). I think it is worth the gamble.

Overall, it looks like a good start. A river, two BGs, and most probably more under those forest chops.

*note* Forest chops in PTW are 10 turns, unlike 4 turns in conquests. We will have to take that into account.
SGOTM rules.
  • The Game administrator will decide who plays in which teams. Teams may pick themselves, but the game administrator will have the right to strengthen or weaken a team in the interests of balance.
  • The teams may decide on the order of play themselves.
  • The first person in the roster plays to the end of the 3000BC turn.
  • Everyone plays ten turns each after this. In some games the team may decide that five turns/player would be better. This is fine.
  • When a save is posted, the next player in the roster must post a "got it" within 24hrs and post a new save within 72hrs. If you are late you will be auto-skipped unless you have asked for an extension.
  • If you are auto-skipped twice in succession you will be removed from the roster.
  • The threads used by other teams are off-limits unless otherwise stated.
  • The discussion of information from spoiler threads relevant to the original game is not permitted.

A note of the rules is above. Please Read :p

SGOTM ettiquette
  • Ask to be skipped, or play your turns on time. Please don't just go missing in action.
  • Do not automate workers.
  • Do not use city governors.
  • Do not leave units on goto orders that extend beyond your set of turns.
  • Do not make trades on your last turn, but by all means offer advice to the following player.
  • Finish all your turns and upload the game saved at the END of the last turn.
  • Stick rigidly to the saved game naming convention.
  • Include the turn number and the in-game date for each turn in your log. Note: you receive the game at turn 0
  • Do not change build orders wholesale on your inherited turn. One or two is OK, more is irritating for the preceding player.
  • Include a summary at the end of the turnlog that communicates your intentions. (Where is that galley going?)
  • Please post your Firaxis score at the end of your turn.
  • Finally, MAC users are very welcome to play, but need to zip their save files before uploading them.

A note of etiquette in the SGOTM
Current Roster

Just checking in. Anyone prefer to go first? I actually don't want to open this one, but I'll go whenever after that. Remember that we can do the turn order however like. The one that's posted there is alphabetical. This follows RBC rules right? Don't know about you guys, but those are hard for me to follow... if I happen to slip up, let me know. I shall strive to remain honorable, and not exploit the AI stupidy!

And move the worker on to the mountain up north on the first move. Will take longer for him to work something, but will give us twice the view as moving to the forest first would.... Lots of shields here, but not much growth at first... 10 turn forest chops? The more I've been going back to Civ3, the more I like Conquest... I will let ya guys know, this will be my first game playing PTW... anything I should know that's different from Civ3 or Conquest? I've played both of them alot.
Hmm, yea the mountain looks a better choice.

Differences between PTW and C3C. No Statue of Zeus or Knight's Templar in PTW for one thing. No flak, obviously none of the new Civilisations.
Checking in. That moutain two tiles east of us looks like its surrounded by jungle..
Checking in. Hello to everyone. We should have some discussion about how we want to play (quickest Domination, variant, something else, etc), although I don't think we have to decide right now. For sure our start should be to try to get a settler factory going, whatever our eventual goal.

In reading the original game notice for GOTM8 (which is posted in the main thread), it does say its a great start position, and should not be too difficult.
That leads me to believe there is a bonus resources to the south / south east / south west. It would not be an easy game if it was beyond the mountains.

Therefore I suggest we move the worker south, if that doesn't show anything, then SE or SW with the settler. Then move the worker one more time (depending on what we see) and make the decision where to settle then. The first player can play that first move and then post if they are unsure where to settle. Although I think the first player should just play those 20 turns. I've played all the succession GOTM's and often we would play some turns and then ask for advise.

I suggest we stick with the order posted, but as Alerum doesn't want to start, then start with Obvlivium, then me, etc.

Do we post the Firaxis score at the end of every turn?
Another reason to go up north to the mountain is to see if that little bit of water to the northwest is an ocean or a lake. I'd really like to move the worker on to the mountain, and if we see no good land then move the settler to the east or southeast. Southeast looks like it may be better land. Smackster, hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your playing style?
I can play any style, but I have been known to win with quick Cavarly charges in the Middle Ages, I'm happy to play that style, or more of a builder style if we want. Obviously we would not win on points if we don't take over most of the land as quickly as can be, but I don't think winning on points should always be the goal.

But I do believe that its a waste of a turn to move to the mountain, why do we care right now if its ocean or lake, we would care if there was no fresh water to be seen, but that river is all we need. The best start would be if we get a bonus resource or two within our first cities borders, and it just looks so likely to be to the south.

I'd say move the worker east so he can start mining/roading that BG..extra commerce since it's on the river.
There is no need to post scores anymore. All you have to do is upload the save to the GOTM server (using the link in my sig) and all the scoring will be taken care of automatically.

The next can also download the save from the download link in my sig. I hope and expect this makes things easier for everyone.
I will happily play first. I think i will move the worker south, which was my original idea, it looks like good land down there, etc, all the reasons Smackster said, bla bla bla.

I'll try and leave the next player with a settler ready to come off the production lines in 3000 BC. I'll wait another hour or too for any more input, but as this is 9:30 AM on a sunday morning in the UK, i doubt many of you are on :p
I opened the game up, and i noticed something immediately. There is game East, then SouthEast.
Take a look:

You can clearly see the horns.
We will get it on expansion. Will this affect our worker move?
I guess it is up to you where you move, we should cut that forest around the game, and irrigate it, so I think you should move the worker towards it. Then if something else is shown by that move, that may affect your settler move (or make you decide to settle on the spot). I think its always worth moving one space to get a resource that gives us +3fp, but we obviously need to irrigate the deer first, so that's not relevant here, unless there is another resource.
Okay i played it

Turn 0: 4000BC

Move worker E, find game under the fog, next to jungle.
Found Berlin on the spot. Wheat revealed to the North on plains, we will get it on expansion.
Start Pottery@max, 14 turns to go.
Berlin starts on warrior

Turn 1: 3950BC

Worker starts Mining BG, so the game chop will contribute towards the granary

Turn 2: 3900BC


Turn 3: 3850BC


Turn 4: 3800BC


Turn 5: 3750BC

Berlin: Warrior --> Settler for granary prebuild (More expensive than barracks because of
Militaristic trait

Turn 6: 3700BC

Exploring warrior reveals fresh water next to wheat, and sees a lot of plains from mountain

Turn 7: 3650BC

Worker finishes mining BG. Goes to chop game. Warrior finds two ivory on plains

Turn 8: 3600BC

Worker starts Game chop

Turn 9: 3550BC

Warrior finds nice coast and BG spot

Turn 10: 3500BC

Berlin expands, revealing spices to the South

Turn 11: 3450BC


Turn 12: 3400BC

Pottery next turn.

Turn 13: 3350BC

Pottery --> Alphabet@27 turns.
Berlin switches to Granary in 8 turns@5spt. Forest chop finishes in 5,
changing granary build time too 6 turns with its 10 shields.

Turn 14: 3300BC


Turn 15: 3250BC


Turn 16: 3200BC

Warrior finds floodplains near ivory

Turn 17: 3150BC

English scout comes into view by Berlin. Dial Lizzie up. She is up Alphabet, we
are up warrior code. No trade there.

Turn 18: 3100BC

Forest Chop complete. Granary in 1 turn, Worker starts irrigating game.

Turn 19: 3050BC

Granary --> Warrior
Treasury now at -1.

Turn 20: 3000BC
Berlin grows to size 3, Lux to 10% at -1gpt

The warrior is due in two turns, can be vetoed to a settler. Growth in 4 turns.
Currently working game, mined BG and unmined BG.

Good luck next player. I upoloaded the save, and we are about equal with everyone else, 69 Firaxis points so far. One team has played up till 2550BC, and they are on 79 points.

Here is the save

The Save

Here is the known world. Next player, upload your save too Here


  • 3000BC.JPG
    118.7 KB · Views: 337
Got all freaked out when I sn00pys terrian until I realized I'm probably the only one that left Civ3 unmodded and C3C modded so I know which is which.:p

Those were some great turns there! Score wise, you did the best that could be done. ;) Two resources. Does anyone object to RCP? If not, what pattern should we go with? With this start I'd probably want somewhat of a loose build... Maybe 4-8? I'll take a look at this when I get home, but all you "work" posters better chime in on your day off!:p
alerum68 said:
Got all freaked out when I sn00pys terrian until I realized I'm probably the only one that left Civ3 unmodded and C3C modded so I know which is which.:p

We are playing PTW, not Civ3 vanilla. Just making sure you remember :p
I think we should get a roster up and going for this. Is this OK for everyone.

-Oblivion- (just played)
Smackster (UP)
Alerum68 (On deck)

Any objections?
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