SGOTM2 - Spoiler 2. End Game Submitted.

Team Scout,

I was lurking your thread after we finished, and saw what you were doing with that city. That was a very sharp move. Even though you didn't win, you should take pride in the creativity used in coming up with that and the successful execution of the plan.
Thanks bigchief, I thought it was a pretty innovative idea too. I look forward to seeing Mistfit ranked above me in some GOTM results someday soon.

Unfortunately, style points (like timeouts in a ballgame) don't do you all that much good in the locker room. But we had a heckuva lot of fun playing the game.

Incidentally, I posted the "pre-slugfest save" in there somewhere... if you'd like to share our fun and run over Russia with some modern armor. It's so much fun it's almost theraputic. If you download it, be sure to say 'hi' to Cathy for me.

Do we have to post a continuation of the last spoiler?

How about a fairly brief summary, since we're all pretty bothered by our result?

We decided early on to try to "beat" the Jason scoring by securing our continent, and then milking until the UN vote. We thought that this might enhance our score, assuming our end date was similar to that of other teams.

We declared war on Russia, England, and France, in that order. In those wars, I think we got about 4 leaders, which were used for the Fp, Sun Tzu's an army, and something else I can't recall (sorry).

At this point, we sort of went into "milk mode" to try to enhance our Firaxis score.

We decided that we neede more luxuries to furthur enhance our score, so we eliminated India and took their luxes.

We started planning for the endgame by buddying up to Liz, Cathy, and Joan with gifts, MPP's, and RoP's. japan and China were somewhat equal in strength, but Japan was bigger.

When we gifted japan up to the Modern Age to induce the UN build, they were at war with China. Although we made efforts to peacefully control this war, we were unsuccessful.

China had to go, or Japan would never start the build. Unfortunately, Cathy had an MPP at the time with China, so she became a victim as well.

Once China was eliminated (or very close) Japan finally began their build.

The moment the UN build was finished, we declared war, signed MA's with Joan and Liz, and took Tokyo. Then we just tried to do some pillaging (tanks and MI's were becoming a nuisance) and waited.

FINALLY, after all of our posturing, the vote was called.
Bismarck votes for Bismarck.
Toku votes for Toku.
Cathy abstains.
Liz abstains.


We knew that that the numerous trades and deals we had broken in our late game warmongering had cost us the variant. In 1820 ad after an annoyed flurry of modern armor and nukes that destroyed all the civs left (for all intents and purposes), the dom limit was tripped.
@SesnOfWthr: Daang... you nuked 'em too?!??

Look at the bright side of it, you helped team scout snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Anybody wanna take any bets that Team Bugsy takes the wooden spoon from Team Scout?

:blush: scoutsout <--- hears crickets chirping in the distant forest

That's what I thought.
Damn right I nuked 'em, and they desrved it too!!

1. If they had started the UN when we had our forces dividing the continent, we would not have had to destroy China and Russia, and probably would have won the variant.
2. THEY built manhattan, I merely put it into use. :D
3. It's always cathartic to nuke someone....


You know,if we had won the spoon, then at least we'd have SOMETHING to show for all of our hours of plotting and planning.
This is the final post for the Staff team. We are a little late as we finished the game about two weeks ago. However, we thought you might like to know about the little mistake we made that might have cost us a first place victory.

We secured our continent and then started building ships to take our units across to the other continent. Since early in the game we had been focusing on invading Japan first. They only had one source of Iron, which was on a hill on the coast. It seemed like an ideal place to land to start and invasion. Unfortunately, we had tunnel vision with regard to it.

The problem was that almost all of the ships we built were on the eastern coast of our continent. It turned out that the only safe passage across to the other continent was from the SW coast. I played the next to last turn and realized the mistake. We all gnashed our teeth and came to the conclusion that the only way to conclude the game was to sail all of our Galleys/Caravels around the entire continent to the safe passage. I spent my entire 10 turns doing that and at the end, in 950, we still only had 3 Caravels in place. There were 25 Knights and an Army waiting to cross but no ships to take them.

Ainwood took the final turn and played a masterful series. He waited until 1000 AD when we discovered Military Tradition and upgraded all of our waiting units to Cavalry. By that time the other Caravels were all ready. He loaded up 40 units in 1010 and set sail. Declared war on India, signed an ROP with China, set up units next to their cities and by 1070 achieved a domination victory. :D
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