Given the marble start, good commerce capital, potential for another strong commerce city to the south, triple-food GP farm to the north, and overall not threatening neighbors, I decided it was a good time as any for a traditional 6-city cultural game (well, ended up going for 7 cities). Plus, I wanted a faster game (by played time, not victory date) this time.
London settled on marble, York 3 tiles west on the coast (support city to grow floodplain cottages while my capital was busy building the oracle and settlers with mines), Nottingham south of pigs (maxing cottage sites and in range of 2nd gold and wheat). Early tech path was wheel, pottery, myst-medi-priesthood, masonry, animal husbandry and writing (Oracle -> Code of Laws turn 53). Built a library in York to leapfrog London in GPP for a scientist to bulb philo later.
After that went for bronze working and alphabet, then the path to calendar (math-sailing). Settled Hastings on the peninsula tip to the north, Canterbury across the north canal between deer and gold (only city outside our starting island), then Coventry to the southwest (1N of ivory) and finally Warwick to the southeast (1E of the wheat, to relieve gold from Nottingham and grab dyes for happiness) around 750 BC. Got techs like hunting, iron working, currency and monarchy via trades.
Next step was music beeline, then civil service. After that, started a Golden Age with the music free artist in 200 BC and did the mega civic switch (HRule-Bureau-Caste-Pacifism). Mausoleum was finished in Nottingham in time for GA, meanwhile London built Parthenon and Statue of Zeus, while Hastings built Nat.Epic.
Lib->Nationalism in 325 AD, then teched Printing Press before turning on the slider to Culture. I built Hermitage in Nottingham and Taj Mahal in London. Cultural Victory in 1520 AD by using 9 artists in Hastings, 1 in Nottingham and 1 in London. (Earlier I had used 2 artists and 1 prophet for 2 golden ages, as well as 1 scientist for philo bulb.)
I underestimated how many great people I could generate in fact, and could have built Hermitage in my capital instead while generating 1-2 more great artists by running more artists longer in my helper cities. I also took a long time to spread the third religion (Buddhism from Asoka, arrived in Canterbury around 1 AD but did not rush missionaries and took a long time to spread to the mainland), so I could probably have improved that finish date by 10 turns at least by avoiding these few mistakes.
Diplomacy was fairly easy, Mansa was the only one really upset about my different religion (Pacal was friendly due to shared civic bonus, and also too small and too far to really matter). I could also bribe my rivals to fight each other to make sure the few Civs that plot at pleased (Mansa and Bismarck) would not plot on me.