SGOTM3 Rome - Staff Team

zagnut said:
Space, I tried to take your 1440 save but the program will not load it. Says it is an invalid save. Could you put it up again.
Zagnut - go right ahead. :) I might play some turns in about 7 hours from the timestamp of this post, if you're finished with it (no big deal).

Re the save: Looks OK to me - it even opnes in civassist, which is much more tempremental!

I think its because its a 1.27f save - if you are using 1.14f, then this will be the reason. Either 1.21f or 1.27f patch versions should fix it. :)
No, I am using 1.27. I can't open it. Also, getting late and I can't take it now. Sorry. Someone else please grab it.
Can't find anything obvious to do.... Press enter.

IT - lose two cav an another red-lined to samurai

Turn 1: 1445 AD:
Lose two three more cavs attacking samaurai.
Found antium 2
Wipe-out aztec settler

Lose another cav.

Turn 2:
Get a leader beating a longbow, and use him to build another army.
Get another one beating a musketman. Take kolapur and raze it.
Build another army. Why not?
Found neopolis2 on japan boundary. Extends our boundary to bring Tokyon in cav range...Lose one cavalry, but we take it and raze it.

Lose a cav to a longbowman

Turn 3: 1455 AD:
Jaipur razed.
Lose 3 cav razing Hakodate.
And 4 more failing to take Izumo! :cry: (vet samurai on hills)
Ixtapaluca is more succesful - razed, and that's the end of the Aztecs.

Lose 3 more cav and a legion - attrition rates are high!

Turn 4: 1460 AD:
Raze Punjab
Army redlined, buy Izumo is razed.


Turn 5: 1465 AD:
Lahore razed.

not much

Turn 6: 1470 AD:
Get another great leader beating up a longbowman - another army. We now have 13
Raze ise
Bengal razed.


Turn 7:
Two armies coordinate an attack on Dehli, and the indians are out of the game.
Caughnawaga razed, and the iroquois are gone.

Win 3 defensive battles against longbows

Turn 8
Razed Kyoto
Razed Satsuma


Turn 9
Raze Yokohama
Razed Osaka
Razed Edo


Turn 10
Nagoya razed.

Turn 11? 1500AD
Nagasaki razed.
Matsuyama razed.
Should win next turn....


Turn 12
Kagoshima razed.
Shimonseki razed.
Sapporo razed, and that's it! :D
Well hoo bloody ray! ;)

Well done guys... it was certainly a difficult game. Let's hope the map maker gives the staff team a small break in the next one. ;)
Well done, staff :goodjob:
The leader Xteam had just in time for Leo's and our disconnecting strat prob made all the difference.
A difficult variant well played :goodjob:
If you could find a way that everybody knows the rules and maybe even get consensus about what victory condition to pursue, it could be even a tad better :crazyeye: :p
klarius said:
A difficult variant well played :goodjob:
If you could find a way that everybody knows the rules and maybe even get consensus about what victory condition to pursue, it could be even a tad better :crazyeye: :p

Mates, I have the impression that someone thinks we played this game in a rather chaotic fasion... :hmm: :lol:

EDIT: So you can finally concentrate on your HoF game, Space? :p
Well done Staff. Great Firaxis score, it's remarkable how much Jason cut it back, but you still beat ours ... just.
dmanakho said:
Common guys just finish this game :)

@Mad Bax: You really need to set a time line for the next SGOTM...
Yes, I totally agree!! A Team must take at LEAST 2 days to complete a set of turns!! :D

Good Job to the Staff Team as well! I haven't reviewed the early part of your posts; I think the most interesting comparison of games will be how the Teams survived until Knights/Cavalry came along. With respect to our finish time, I confess we used the Palace Teleporter to transport about 6 fully loaded 4-Cav armies over to the 2nd continent. Without them we'd probably need quite a few more turns to finish the game.
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