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SGOTM3 Rome - Team mauer

Mauer said:
Besides I don't want Mauer berating me like he has at the rest of you :mischief: .
I'm afraid there's no way of stopping him! :lol: :lol: :lol:

@rushing : Taliesin made some good points there. :thumbsup: You could rush a temple for flip-protection if you feel you need to. To expand our territory it can wait until we get closer to domination, just let them build their temple brick by brick.

@submission : I don't think there is a fixed submission date for SGOTM games! :confused:

I do like the look of these kurves : :goodjob:
Temples, settlers got it. Good points. I have to work a short day today. I will probably play this in about 8-9 hours or so. I will check back just in case before I start though.
I looked at the save and it looks good. :D

Here are my 2 cents, we don't have cents in Denmark, they are called "øre" and are worth much less than even the canadian cent. :lol:

It does not matter much who we attack first as long as it's ASAP.
And the way our troops are positioned I'd say Japan or/and India. :)

I suggest :
1) Upgrade our knights except for elites.
2) Buy Astronomy from the Iroquois for Metallurgy, they'll probably have it soon anyway.
3) Rush a harbour in York or Coventry
4) Upgrade our galleys to caravels, they'll carry 3 units.
5) In 1-2 turns sign ROP with India and Japan.
6) Flood their land with cav.
7) In 10 turns (or 15 :crazyeye: ) :bump: :hammer:

...and while we do all this we should of course settle easter island and get rid of our european friends. :)
Get some workers to easter island to connect the cities and irrigate the land, and we should build temples instead of barracks. :cool:

Good luck Mauer and remember : patience, or our team leader will come down on you. :lol:
I shouldn't sleep so long. You guys are really fast.
My euro-cent counts 1.7x the us-cent, so with my 2 i can cover canada and denmark.

I also think of Japan and Denmark at the same time. We have enough power to handle this. Our Maueriumite (I love this word) looks like a hard fighting team leader. Go on Mauer you have 10 turns to raize japan and india. :D
Detlef Richter said:
I also think of Japan and Denmark at the same time. We have enough power to handle this.
Ooh no please not Denmark! :D
zamint3 said:
5) In 1-2 turns sign ROP with India and Japan.
6) Flood their land with cav.
7) In 10 turns (or 15 :crazyeye: ) :bump: :hammer:

You are a vicious man without any sense of decency or any scruples at all.;) I'm glad you're on our side :lol:
Seriously, though, it's good that someone else is around to think of these things, because it never even crossed my mind to sign an ROP and then :eek: break it! I guess I just never allow my rep to get this soiled in the first place...
The downtime is only for 3 hours, supposedly.

Domination w/o Aztec territory? Sounds like a plan!

Game started on the 13th, so we're getting close to 30 days. I can't find a deadline, though.
I asked about the deadline in the maintanence thread. Sesn sai he thinks it is somewhere around 8-10 weeks. Guess that actually makes it a SG of the couple of months!?
I'll check to see if Mauer has wrapped this thing up tomorrow morning. If he has taken Denmark, then I'll be impressed.

Mapstat says we need to more than double our territory. More temples!

Ladmass: 2011 tiles = 1086 current + 1125 new

BTW, if we do a sneak attack then be sure to pillage the resources and lux that don't get captured!
Ok, I fell a turn short of 10, but my wife is trying to get me to go somewhere. So I'll be brief and fill in the rest later.
Started by changing some builds to temples, and rushing some settlers for the north. Trade met to Iroquois for 5g/WM/astronomy.

710 AD- founded Bethelehem and Gonzomonium, attack Besancon. Lose 1 knight and 1 cav to a lone spear! Sink the final American galley just for giggles.

720AD- notta

730AD- Founded: Lunacantorium, Neocaledonium, Aesonesium.

740AD Founded Ceasaraugusta, Palmyra, and another one (can't read my writing :crazyeye: ) capture Besancon.

750AD-Founded: What do I call it, homemade vanilla, cookiesn' creme, buttered pecan, dutch chocolate, rocky road. @alamo-you can tell them why ;) , Sign ROP with India, and begin troop movement. India actually is closer!

760AD- Founded banana split, choc chip cookie dough, neopolitan. Find Tao the Impi, and denNyd the impi.

770AD- Founded pistachio almond, mint choc chip, french vanilla, and capture cologne

IBT: India doesn't care much for our horse poop, and DoW.

780AD- capture madras and Bengal

IBT: DoW on Russia

790 AD- capture Delhi and bangalore get octavian as GL :goodjob: . capture Karachi and nogorod.

Sorry about the brief summary, I am in a rush. I'll clarify things and give my thoughts in a little while.

Sounds good. I'll look at the save shortly. We have to make sure that India doesn't drag anybody else in against us-- we cannot afford to fight two at once.
EDIT: I just looked at the submissions graph. NICE! :goodjob: We are now in second place for score (and that's five hundred years before team oblivion), and increasing like mad.
What should we do with the great leader? I guess we have two options: make an army for the second continent, or rush Copernicus in a secure Indian city as soon as it stops resisiting. What do people think?
Alamo, you might want to go in and double check all of my last city settings. Things like clowns, scientist and such. I am pretty sure I left no unit awaiting orders though. I was seriously in a big rush just at the end of turn 9, so I just saved it and posted real quick. Sorry :( . Considering Taliesin was the only one online after that, I should have just finished it later, oh well.

Lets see, in the Northern cities I rushed alot of settlers. Really.... alot. Still got a few of them floating around. Just trying to fill in as much as possible. I set most of the coastal cities to temples, they can be rushed when needed, and after that had planned on harbors for the slower growing ones.

Easter Island looks extreeeeemly vicious. Barbs on there like you wouldn't believe. I landed some units near Nogorod, and every visible tile had at least one barb on it. I think India will be easier to take than Easter Island :eek: . Seriously.

INDIA: Should be a decent sized reinforcements march going on towards Coventry. I think there are enough over there for them now, if given a turn or 2 to heal. Resistance has been meager at best. None of the cities had more than 2 units in them. All spears, save one longbowman and a musket. They still have warriors as well.

The Aztecs and Iroquois (I think the Iroquois) have military tradition.

Workers: Chopping forest and irrigating except in core cities.

Future aggression: We need a better resupply route. It takes 3-4 turns for the cavalry from the core cities to get to coventry. Against Iroquois or Aztecs, it will take even longer because of ship movement. need to relocate and find a good crossing point.

EDIT:Man that graph sure does look amazing guys.
I loaded the save to discover that Japan has neither iron nor saltpetre! :eek: I did not realise they were so poorly equipped! Once we mop India up, Japan will be a pushover-- spearnen don't have much of a chance against cavalry, and the counterattack will be effectively zero. :)

EDIT: I also noticed that we can obtain ivory from Japan. The price is high-- all of our luxuries aren't enough-- but there might be a way of paying for it that's worth it. Since our rep is worse than mud anyway, we might as well get 10 or so turns of more happy-making.
Mauer said:
IBT: India doesn't care much for our horse poop, and DoW.
You mean they declared on us??? :) I guess Ghandis military adviser will have to look for a new job. :D Anyway he'll be dead soon. :evil:

That would explain why the Iroqouis and the Aztecs still wanna sign a ROP. I guess Japan will do that too then. Let's see if they are as dumb as the Indians. :D

Leader : Make an army.
Ivory : Having the ivory won't mean much, as we don't have a searoute to our motherland.

... and get some settlers to our new world. :cool:
Yes, they declared on us. Attacked with 2 war elephants and that was it. Best I can tell, it really doesn't look like there have been any wars over there. So I think they are probably in there golden age ;) pppffftttt :lol: !
Got it.

Wait - those flavor names sound familiar - like ice cream?! :drool:

Let's see - Bismark and Cathy exhiled to Easter Island, Hatma feels the wrath of our cav. Dogpile on us would not be good - and they're all furious with us, image that! :rolleyes:

Gave Toku some spices, but no trade route to others - no harbors??? Hiawa accepts RoP. Monty only wants Wmap+100g. Ok, with active deals maybe they'll stay out of the Indian war.

Reg warrior and spears approach! :lol:

Domination stats looking good: 2211 tiles = 1414 current + 797 needed

MGL will rush Copernicus in Delhi once it's quelled (super growth city). We don't have enough spare troops for army, yet.

Speaking of research, why don't we have a lone scientist? We could have 40 turn research with one measly scientist.

FYI - you can click on the MGL in the F3 screen to locate him.
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