SGOTM3 Rome - Team oblivion

Nice turns, but I think that since you reached level 2 war weariness in a democracy, we are about to have a forced 8 turn revolt back to republic or monarchy. We can't go to war again for about 25-50 turns without immediately getting our war weariness back and having the revolt. I think we should make peace and focus on research for space race victory.

Also, if not already done, I think the workers should be shiftA managed so they are automated but won't change any terrain improvements.

Oblivion I think you're up.
i guess so we can put the lux slider back so we can increase science spending. yeah oblivion is up and heres the list:
Oblivion has just had a turn before you Blackbird.
Don't think tehfreak's had a turn for awhile though.
oh I thought we were going back to normal schedule. tehfreak hasn't played for many turns.
Yea, i did think i had played recently. I think tehfreak is up, if he is still with us ;)
And yes, Blackbird, this game is still going on.
I missed signing in for SGOTm4 :(
Looks good too - 5 city limit.

I'll just have to wait till SGOTM5
Matternich said:
I missed signing in for SGOTm4 :(
Looks good too - 5 city limit.

I'll just have to wait till SGOTM5

I think MB is still taking names for replacements for dropouts - just post it in the sign up thread :) .

[edit] looks like MB just formed another team of 4 players today. you might see if you can join that team

Since Oblivion just clarified this AM that tehfreak was up, I'll give him to tomorrow night to post a got it or I'll play sometime this weekend.
rrau just play as tehfreak hasn't been around since August 22nd 2004. i think he left us so if he does come back we can squeeze in his turns.
ok - got it

preturn 1796ad

Switch Rome to UN for denial to AI's
Switch Ravenna to Manhattan
Switch some clowns to scientists as long as it keeps the peeps happy.

ibt Japan has destroyed the Iroquois
liverpool pillaged by barbs, work destroyed

turn 1 (1798ad)

not much

turn 2 (1800ad)

Rushed some airports

turn 3 (1802ad)

1802 ibt Russia and Japan signed Peace Treaty

turn 4 (1804)

airlifted some tanks to the strip

turn 5 (1806)

destroyed some barbs

turn 6 (1808)

Japan moved large force into our territory. Caesar demanded removal. They declared war on us.
Signed MA with Aztecs against Japan. WE gave ecology for Military Alliance, ebur, and Purpura
:hmm: Where's our navy? Guess I'll build one.

turn 7 (1810)

turn 8 ( 1812)

turn 9 (1814)

ibt we get a dome and 2nd floor wing addition for our palace :)

turn 10 (1816)

ibt complete UN and MP - no vote as the world is furious with us and we would lose

and we get another palace addition :D

turn 11 (1818)

turn 12 (1820)

start our navy on it's way

turn 13 (1822)


turn 14 (1824)

landed troops and bombed Japanese land/cities with bombers
Turned sci slider down to get $ to rush airport once we take a city

ibt Japan and Aztecs signed peace treaty - we will lose our lux's :(

turn 15 (1826)
autorazed 2 japanese cities and captured Lahora. Rushed another transport and queued 3 settlers

turn 16 (1828)
captured Hyderabad with one modern armor that killed 3 infantry :eek: . Positioned to take another city next turn

ibt Aztecs demanded Fission - We said no, they dow on us. We get a lot of WLTK days :)

turn 17 (1830)

Bought alliance with India vs Aztecs for Fission, Spaceflight, Condimentum, Suffimentum
Captured Tokyo and Nara

turn 18 (1832)

Settled Nicomedia, positioned to settle 2 more next turn
Bombed Satsuma from size 14 to size 11, then captured it

turn 19 (1834)

Settle Seleucia and Artaxata. Captured chiconautia (Aztec) on the strip. We are now only ones on barb strip. NOTE: Aztecs had Mech Infantry
ibt Lahore flipped - only lost one MA

turn 20 ( 1836)

Recaptured Lahore, captured Kyoto

ARRGH :aargh: the game crashed when I was just about done with turn 20, just was tidying up. I had forgot that the vanilla civ had a bug where if you scrolled too fast with the mouse the game would freeze/go unresponsive

turn 20 again (1836)

recaptured Lahore, recaptured Kyoto


1. Japan will talk peace and will give 2 cities, but their capital only had 2 art and 4 Inf and 1 Cav in it and other cities only have 2-3 inf. Should be able to conquer before WW sets in as long as only go one city at a time and bomb them with the bombers first so we don't lose troops and have left over troops to pick off troops that stray into our territory so they don't accumulate WW for us.

2. Aztecs will not talk peace yet. They are hurting the Indians pretty bad. They have mech inf and have built seti

3. Apollo should complete in Rome on the ibt

4. Antium has Palatium prebuild for the spaceship engines

5. There are a lot of airports on main continent and 2 on the barb strip and 1 in former Japanese territory in town of Nicomedia

6. You have a battleship and 3 transports near Nicomedia. (2 transports of mostly art, and one of MA)

7. There are 2 carriers with a battleship escort near Satsuma with unused bombers this turn. You might consider postioning them in Kyoto for attack on city next turn that I set up
(CTRL-J works for this, too :) )

8. The people are still ridiculously happy for being in a war during democracy for this many turns. We have used up our war weariness bonus from Aztecs declaring, so if you make peace with them before Japan, be prepared for unhappiness as we would the bonus.
Im always here just nothing to say, just play our turns finally...
Yup. I am nearly finished. maybe tonight tomorrowish.

By the looks of things who ever's after me will be the one who launches 'Team Rocket Oblivion.' towards AC. It'd great if there was a AC II it could continue on into.

Just as well because with SGOTM4 now started we dont want this one lingering on any longer- I've been placed in a late team for it. :D
Guys... I need to publish the results for this game. I intend to post the results on Friday. The server will continue to accept saves until the 7th October and will automatically update until then. You may of course continue to play until the end.

If you violiently disagree with this, then PM me and we can discuss.
1836 AD Preturn 20 turns or less to space victory

1838 AD
Change most queues from troops to culture/scientific. Dont know the best way to boost score but reducing army will bring in more cash- help push tech slider to limit and disbanding will give shields for building.
Kyoto falls. Osaka fall giving me my 4th leader. Save this leader for the last spaceship parts perhaps.
Rome completes Apollo Prog. First Spaceship parts are now under way.

1 spaceship bit built. Building research labs. Edo falls. Approaching Kagoshimi.
No WW yet. The japs may well be wiped out by Rome after all if this continues.
Have disbanded troops to buy temples in our new jap cities.

Satsuma flips. Nagoya falls. 2nd space part completes. Buy 2 workers off india- even at this late stage I can't resist buying workers.

The war with the Aztecs is annoying. They are destroying our friends the Indians so they cannot buy our tech for inflated prices. Also the Aztecs by refusing envoys likewise can't buy our tech so we don't have the gpt for maximum research. Shame really because I wanted to be able to hit the launch button on my turn but looks as though the honour will go to whoever is playing next. (Kmark flex your button finger.)
My fault I should have sent some huge troop stacks in the aztec direction to panic them into signing peace instead theyre cockey enough to be sending infantry towards our new japanese cities.

1844 AD
3 parts to spaceship now. Kagoshima & satsuma(again) fall. Japan has 4 cities left. WW still hasn't kicked in even though Aztecs are in our territory.

WW has finally kicked in as the Aztecs begin attacking our jap cities. So its peace with japs for 2 cities Nagaski and Manaskua. I can always declared war again and polish off those last 2 in a single turn WW free turn but its the Aztecs with who peace is needed most of all. lux slider +1.
Trade with Japs to mil alliance wit aztecs.
Cleared out the 20 or so aztecs in our territory.

Nagoya is deposed making 3 cities the japs now have. Order restored. Nuclear power researched onto superconductor.

WW hits again after I thought it had just settled back. Aztec Madras falls.
lux slider up to 2 now. Its incredible the Aztecs just stubbornly refuse envoy.
Another SS part is built- around 10 maybe more turns away from launch.

Some buildings are destroyed in yet More WW riots :( but aztecs sign peace :). Managed to sneakily capture aztec bombay just before. Peace gives 15gpt & 71 g. I'll prepare to finish those japs off in a few turns and that should be it for war. Just a question of disbanding to build happy making nd territory expanding buildings. Bad luck though despite aztec size they are poor. Shame as I was hoping they could fund some ultra high tech research by selling them old tech.
Palace expansion.

Not surprisingly WLTKD's start appearing now we are in peace. Only 4 spaceship parts left. Victory in 10 (or less) turns :)
The Russian are planning to attack us. Troop stacks of cossacks are outside Washington.
After I disbanded all but defensive units, a war now, just when things are going smoothly, is what we don't need. I have the advantage so I ask them to leave and they delcare war at least giving me the opportunity to remove the stacks in our territory.

Settling those gaps from the aztec-indian war. Surpringly close to donination, space race will pip it though and net more points.

St Petersburg, Philadelphia and Odessa falls to us but after only 2 turns of war the Russians are still refusing. I can't do anymore than keep taking their cities but with risk of winning by domination before space race win. I may have to start razing.

1862 AD
Some WW is kicking in and Russia tails between her legs and 4-5 cities down accepts peace giving us 9gpt, 95g & 2workers. Just when I was builiding tac nukes too.
Palace expansion- neary complete after 6000 years or so.
At last things are looking better.

Lots of WLTKD's.

Its jsut a question of waiting for the tech to complete and then building the parts. would have been quicker but I over-compensated with the lux slider for WW and lost 3 or 4 tech turns.

1872AD Only 2 more parts left to complete.
I have queued Antium with palace for Planetary Lounge once the Laser is researched and maybe the Leader Titus in Rome can hurry the Satellite's Thrusters part.

Only played 15 turns this time.

Over to the next player for a very short easy turn and the victory save.

EDIT- changed the goddam awflul speeling
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