SGOTM7 - Team tao

MeteorPunch said:
Now I'm curious. When did you guys get your GA, and what was so great about it?
Why did I write the final spoiler?
While we certainly weren't lucky with leaders, I'm wondering how unlucky we really were. Up until the India invasion we really didn't get a lot of opportunities to get any elite victories. After India, at the start of my turns, we only had a handful of elite units. I was unsuccessful getting a leader from them, but I was able to pad our elite count a bit more and it was early in Furiey's turns that she was able to get that first leader. Looking back it seems to be a fairly natural timing that worked great. From some of the bad luck games I've played, if we had had that luck we would have never gotten a leader.
Very early on we lost an elite sword to an archer or warrior-either wounded or just a reg. That doesn't help with the GL farming and is an example of our bad luck occuring at a key time. How many other GL attempt would that sword have given us if it had not been defeated by a 1-defence weak unit?

With a 1 in 16 chance of getting a GL from an elite victory, you are more likely to get at least one GL than not get a GL after 12 victories and you do not need many elites to acheive this in an AW game. (I hope that my maths is correct there-I've just got up and my coffee has not entered by system yet!)

Also part of the luck factor is how many promotions you get to elite in the first place. Given the number of battles that were fought, my impression was that we were not getting our fair share of promotions as our units were almost exclusively vet builds but I haven't done (and don't intend to do) a detailed analysis of our luck in this area.

GL production has a high variance and so you are right, in the end our luck evened out and teams like X-team that never got a leader must be wondering what sacrifices they must need to do to please the RNG gods before the next game starts.

I guess I was really just commenting that we were hoping for an early GL, as aggressive play can often pay off in this way, but in the end our wish for a GL to rush the Hanging Gardens was thankfully not granted so I'm not complaining! :D

Edit:this is my 1000th post!
Keath said:
[party] It's a girl!!!

Born June 20, Mom and baby doing fine. My wife and I are grandparents for the first time!

What a game! Way to go Tone and Renata!

Congrats Keath! The 20th was my 18th wedding anniversary. No grandchildren for many more years I hope. My eldest is almost 14.

Congrats to the team on a nice game. Renata, I read about your flanking invasion of the Vikings. Again, nice.

I hope to run up against all of you in SGoTM8.
Do you mean Tone? I didn't invade the Vikings, except for the attack on their main island to pick up a last few tiles, but there was no artistry to that, just brute force. :p

I've just seen this picture in Team Chunky's thread. (I thought that it was a sav link the first read through.) That's more like the Deity games I'm familiar with! How did we get off so lightly?
We hit them about 130 turns earlier?

There's some discussion going on in Peanut's thread about why our game might have been so relatively easy, by the way. There will probably be more once the results thread goes up.

Thanks jb, and congrats to you, too. :goodjob:

Tone said:
That's more like the Deity games I'm familiar with! How did we get off so lightly?
That is a very good question. I kept wondering why they couldn't research and why there was no stiff opposition. I truly thought that we'd have to research beyond Chivalry. When you think of it, not that many units were taken at AI Bait - we never even got a leader there, either. Go figure. :crazyeye:

Now the stack Team Chunky faced is more like you'd expect.
@ Renata: yes I've been lurking in Peanut's thread for a while now. The trouble is that there are so many factors involved in this game that it is difficult to isolate just one or two. The unit count is interesting but there could be other reasons for this. I wondered about playing two games simultaneously in vanilla and PtW to try to play indentical moves but some many decisions are made by the RNG that surely the games would deviate at some point. I'll look forward to seeing the discussion develop in the spoiler thread when Peanut has costructed his post.

However I've played vanilla Deity games in the past and not had such a lightweight set of opponants.
In case anyone has not yet noticed, the score graphs now give more detailed information including unit count, population, uncorrupted gold, shields, territory etc etc. It certainly paints an interesting picture, our unit count was the highest for pretty much the whole time! We also revolted first and the effect of that can be clearly seen on the corruption. Looks like the others were whipping whereas we only suffered from whip unhappiness at the end in captured cites so I guess we had to spend less on entertainment as well. All that gold went for research at the key moment in time, upgrading troops, quick Settlers and Libraries!
Thanks for the info, Furiey. I did notice that the finish dates were put on but dodn't look at the graph options. This game seems like such a long time ago now!
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