SGOTM8 - Xteam

I don't think we should bother about the dyes yet. There are more dyes further north that the other civs will settle and we should have ample time getting it hooked up. Imhso paramount now is getting our core established.
Capt Buttkick said:
I don't think we should bother about the dyes yet. There are more dyes further north that the other civs will settle and we should have ample time getting it hooked up. Imhso paramount now is getting our core established.
Second that. AI is junglophobic usually. I'll settle site1 first, then site6. I'm going to play now. :cool:
OK, then once we get city 1 up and running, we ought to think about sending a couple of workers on a road building mission to the north, as well as a worker to claim Gems. I'm hoping we get Iron and can upgrade warriors and produce Swordies, as Horsies look to be out at the moment. :cry:

To take down China, we'll need to be able to move our reinforcements to the north as quickly as possible. As I think about it, a defensible town near the dyes wouldn't be a bad idea, once our core is up and humming. :mischief:

I'm also thinking we may have to consider allying with Greece, think Gold or tech, to prevent any backstabs and having to face Hoplites with Swords, although we have done it before. ;)

But I definately would like to see China as ancient history before they get Riders. Besides, the pointy stick research will save us a lot of Gold and time, which in competition is worth more than Gold, imho. :crazyeye:

Good luck Bluebox.

EDIT - BTW - we're 48 post behind Cutlery. Can't imagine what they're talking about. :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT2 - We are handicapped by 17% with Willow on vacation. That is 24 posts. Still not enough! :cry: :mischief:

OOps, should have double posted! :blush:
I lost my nice long first post so here's a short version.

bluebox said:
Second that. AI is junglophobic usually.

Unless there is some coal there or some other resource.

I'm not too worried about the dyes. I'd concentrate on the core and getting that first ring completed. As we expand northward we can build some "Jungle Jump" cities to reach our northern neighbors.

We need to be careful about not relying on pointy stick research too much because we want off island cities in peace deals not techs.

On the promo side it's looking good. They only posted the postion for one week which usually means they already have someone in mind. I've already expressed my interest to my superiors and they have given me encouragement. There is one other person I work with that will apply but I think I'm viewed as a better choice. My past dealing with the other departments and interaction with the Board should help tremendously. Plus, in less than 2 months I have stepped into a problem area and have already got it running smoothly, which has earned me a few other highly positioned supporters. If I get the promo the first round :beer: is on me.
DJMGator13 said:
We need to be careful about not relying on pointy stick research too much because we want off island cities in peace deals not techs.
Agree that the idea of getting cities is very important. We need to get the core up and running. :thumbsup:

In test games, the wars served both purposes extremely well. As I look at this map, it is a much further distance to get to our opponents than in any of the test games played. imho, that means we need to keep in mind what we're going to try to do and prepare so we are ready when the time comes. :mischief:

Once the other civs get Map Making, we should be ready to begin the attack as our advance will force them to seek land for expansion elsewhere. :hammer: So the war serves both purposes, and we may not want to destroy the civ entirely. It will serve our purpose to keep a weakened Greece around for their Scientific trait. imho, it serves our purpose to take China out, or at least be sure they can not obtain horsies, because of their UU.

I am thinking that we may need horses, iron, and Knights to take down Greece. Allying with Greece has another side benefit, perhaps they will waste their Golden Age on China instead of us. :mischief:
DJMGator13 said:
On the promo side it's looking good. They only posted the postion for one week which usually means they already have someone in mind. I've already expressed my interest to my superiors and they have given me encouragement. There is one other person I work with that will apply but I think I'm viewed as a better choice. My past dealing with the other departments and interaction with the Board should help tremendously. Plus, in less than 2 months I have stepped into a problem area and have already got it running smoothly, which has earned me a few other highly positioned supporters. If I get the promo the first round :beer: is on me.
Good luck Gator! Keep up the good work. :cooool:

How are things with your dad?
if we ally with greece we may need to protect china slightly towards the end of the war, we don't want them taken out by greece before we get an offshore city or two from them.
My dad is doing fine. He's back to work already. He mainly needs to just watch what he is doing and not over exert himself.
TheNemesis666 said:
if we ally with greece we may need to protect china slightly towards the end of the war, we don't want them taken out by greece before we get an offshore city or two from them.
Yes, you're right. Hopefully we will have map knowledge of just where China and Greece are and what their holdings are "off shore". If China has off island colonies, I think we should act quickly to take as much as we can as quickly as we can and sue for peace. I'm not sure how badly that does in our rep, but Greece is next. :D

Whether we decide to ally with Greece will need to be discussed at the time I think. I am thinking out loud, not always a good thing :blush: , about preventing a backstab. We may see other ways of doing that. :mischief:

At this point, I think I am asking that we consider what position we want to try to be in in another 40 turns or so. If it is attack mode, then roads will need to be built. If we need to wait longer, then the roads can wait as well. :crazyeye:

I should prolly look at the map and figure out how many worker turns will be required to build a road up to where we want to jump off and attack from. I think it is going to be a lot with all that jungle. I'll go now.

Gator said:
My dad is doing fine. He's back to work already. He mainly needs to just watch what he is doing and not over exert himself.
Good news then. :thumbsup:
A quick calculation tells me that, including a turn to move to each square, we will require 70 worker turns to build a road to the horses near the Chinese border. Add another 8 to 10 to get us to the border. Doubling up workers will require more time as all the numbers are odd, 5 turns to road a jungle or mountain, 3 to road a forest or hill (I think, forgot to try a hill) and 2 turns for a plains, grass or flood plain.

@Capt - kind of reminds me of SGOTM 1! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
leif erikson said:
A quick calculation tells me that, including a turn to move to each square, we will require 70 worker turns to build a road to the horses near the Chinese border. Add another 8 to 10 to get us to the border. Doubling up workers will require more time as all the numbers are odd, 5 turns to road a jungle or mountain, 3 to road a forest or hill (I think, forgot to try a hill) and 2 turns for a plains, grass or flood plain.

@Capt - kind of reminds me of SGOTM 1! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: I know what you mean ;) I've found worker groups of 3 usually does the job ok, also for industrial civs.
the save
I'm really sorry guys, I messed some things up - not with the game, but with the formal stuff: I overperformed and played 20 turns. :blush: I was irriated by capt's turnset. But I'm confident we can deal with this issue. I started to realize my mistake after uploading the save, so it's already official. :sad:

The good news: We have 5 cities, our score graph touches team Ivan's graph. :D I was a little nervous the first 5 or 6 turns and got a riot in washington but got more confindent after that and just played through my oversize turnset.

My notes:
Turn 31 - 2510BC
eqWorker builds road to site6, moves W to improve plains+river (more gold);
Worker2 irrigates;
MM Washington, moved citizen from irr.plains to lake for +1g;
Warrior NW, sees Greek elite Warrior and 2 more wine;
Scout SE,S

IBT - Barb warrior approaches Scout

Turn 32 - 2470BC
Settler NW,N along road to site1;
Worker builds road;
Scout S;
Warrior NW;
lux 20%

IBT - barb follows Scout

Turn 33 - 2430BC
Scout S;
Warrior NW on mountain tile;
Settler N;
Worker N to connect Capital and site1

IBT - China learns IW, Barb moves S, China founded Canton, Greece moves 
Hoplite-Settler-pair N

Turn 34 - 2390BC
Scout E,N;
EqWorker road;
Settler NE;
Warrior NW;
Worker1 irr. plains;
MM Washington fp -> pl = +1s

IBT - Washington riots, Barb on olives, China learned CB

Turn 35 - 2350BC
lux 30%;
Scout N;
Warrior NE;
MM Washington to 8s, change to Spearman;
found NY, build wealth because of coming Barb attack

IBT - Barb attack, -25g

Turn 36 - 2310BC
Washington builds Spearman, starts with Settler;
Warrior NW,N on road to NY;
NY produces Warrior, MM NY to 2s;
Scout NW;
exploring Warrior N;
Worker1 to pl NE of Washington;
EqWorker irr. fp

Turn 37 - 2270BC
Scout 2xNW;
Washington Warrior to olives;
Worker roads pl;
exploring Warrior W;
MM Washington to 5f.6s

IBT - Greece founded Thermopylae

Turn 38 - 2230BC
Exploring Warrior SW on mountain tile;
Scout Nw, W on hill;
Washington Warrior attacks Barb camp, gets 25g, now veteran;
Worker @ NY N to irr. fp

IBT - Palace screen

Turn 39 - 2190BC
exploring Warrior NE;
Scout N;
Warrior @ NY fortifies;
lux 40%;
I use the Washington Worker to check site6 for barbs and move him 
NW,NW,W towards the W mountain tile;

IBT - Chinese 1 Warrior/1 Archer stack moves S towards Barb jungle camp

Turn 40 - 2150BC
Worker on mountain tile, site6 cleared to settle;
Settler along the W road towards site6;
exploring Warrior NW;
Scout S;
lux 30%

IBT - exploring Warrior sees Chinese Warrior pillaging Barb camp

Turn 41 - 2110BC
NY builds Warrior, starts on Warrior;
NY Warrior moves towards site6;
NY Worker roads irr fp;
Veteran Warrior W exploring coast near NY;
site6Worker towards pl to irr.;
Settler to site6;
Scout SW;
Exploring Warrior N, sees 2hp Chinese Warrior + Barb camp;

IBT - Chinese Warrior pillages said camp

Turn 42 - 2070BC
Scout SW,S;
Settler founds Boston, starts on Warrior;
exploring Warrior NW;
NYWarrior S;
Redirecting new Warrior SE to explore S mountain tiles;
bostonWorker irr pl;
MM Washington to 5f.6s (fast growth)

Turn 43 - 2030BC
NYWarrior SW, NewWarrior SW;
NYWorker to olives, will mine + road;
Exploring Warrior W

Turn 44 - 1990BC
Washington lacks 2s, MM to max gold, min shields (Settler next turn);
exploring Warrior W (Gems Mountain Tile);
Scout S, sees Chinese fortified 3hp vet archer on hill;
NY Worker builds road;
NYWarrior SW along coast;
Boston Worker roads irr. pl.;
New Warrior SE

Turn 45 - 1950BC
New Warrior SE to mountain tile;
Settler follows NewWarrior S to site3;
exploring Warrior W, reaches end of island

Turn 46 - 1910BC
newWarrior + Settler in stack SE;
boston Worker to BG;
NY Warrior NE;
NY Worker W to start northern road;

IBT 2 Barb Warriors appear N of NY

Turn 47 - 1870BC
Boston builds Warrior, BostonWarrior to mountain tile;
BostonWorker mines BG;
Settler founds Philadelphia, starts on Warrior with 2f.2s (Worker next);
NYWorker starts road;
Scout moves SW on mountain tile, cannot evade barb warriors and will 
die IBT;
exploring Warrior E;
MM Washington to the same 5turn cycle as last time (5f.6s)

IBT - BarbWarrior1 kills Scout, BarbWarrior2 fortifies

Turn 48 - 1830BC
NYWarrior NE to forest;
Philadelphia Warrior S, discovers Barb camp;
exploring Warrior NE

IBT BarbWarrior1 dies in attack on Veteran Warrior

Turn 49 - 1790BC
MM Washington to max gold;
Boston Warrior to Washington;
Philadelphia Warrior attacks Barb camp, dies
NY builds Warrior, starts on Worker
NYWarrior + newNYWarrior + Worker all along road to forest tile NW,NW,N 
from NY;

Turn 50 - 1750BC
Settler+Warrior to site2;
2 NYWarriors fortify, NYWorker starts road;
exploring Warrior SE;

IBT - Greece and China learn WRT

Turn 51 - 1725BC
Settler/Warrior S;
Exploring Warrior S;
Greece wants 120g, China wants 110g for WRT, trading with China: 
WRT = 100g;
we need a token tech to buy us ot of the stone age, so I start research on 
LIT @ 50% to get it in (currently) 28turns

IBT - Hoplite kills Barb north of NY, China founded Tsingtao

Turn 52 - 1700BC
Warrior7Settler to site2;
newly build boston Warrior to mountain tile;
Exploring Warrior E;
Boston Worker to bg;
Newly build Philadelphia Warrior SE, Philadelphia starts on Worker

IBT Hoplite moves W and makes way for our road stack

Turn 53 - 1675BC
road stack N;
NewBostonWarrior N;
founded Atlanta;
AtlantaWorker mines bg;
PhiladelphiaWarrior discovers horsie barb

Excuse me again, I'm really sorry about messing up our turn count, but I hope the result will make up for that. :mad:

EDIT: Reworked my turn log; identified 3 missing turns, corrected numbering
of turns: our current turn is #53 - 1675BC, next turn will be #54 - 1650BC
(Capt counted both 3700BC and 3650BC as turn 6).
Some additions: The NY worker pump currently produces a worker in 5 turns without any lux adjustment. The workers can be sent to enforce the road stack N of NY.

As Greece and China both got Wrtiting in the same turn, I bought it and started on Literature. I adjusted the slider to get LIT faster. You can move back to 40turn research if you think it will be better without much loss.

I wanted the warrior E of Atlanta to reinforce Philadelphia and the warrior N of Boston to take care of the NY region. I think we need a warrior in the eastern region of our core, that could also become our next building site.

We could try to settle the dyes soon.
That looks like an excellent turn set :goodjob: :goodjob: :banana:
Are you running Civassist? I haven't had many riots after I started using Civassist.
The trade was a good one and I agree on max research on Lit. We have no chance of getting MM before our rivals so might as well trade for it. I don't think we're ready to invade before we get litt and we should get it be4 the AI so not much of a gamble imhso.
Gyathaar said:
Actually, you played 23 turns :)
I thought the graph stopped at a strange point. Nm, looks like Gator can do with a lax turn set of 7 turns anyway. Espescially if there's a promotion to celebrate :beer:
Capt Buttkick said:
Are you running Civassist? I haven't had many riots after I started using Civassist.
I'm using MapStat. That particular turn I'd mm'ed Washington and *knew* it would riot next turn, but simply forgot to adjust the lux slider. :blush:

Gyathaar said:
Actually, you played 23 turns
Actually, I don't understand what happened. I had made my turn list numbered from 30 to 49 beforehand and stopped playing when I reached the end of it. Seems like I am severly infected by the one-more-turn virus. :lol: I'll really try and get control over my playing behaviour again next time.

Thanks for your understanding :blush:
:eek: :eek: Wow, we certainly moved that along quickly! Nice work Bluebox! :goodjob: :goodjob: :banana: (Is that correct Capt? :lol: )

Looks like the core is coming along. We'll need Barracks in Philly, Atlanta and Boston before we build too many units.

Gator - UP
Leif - On Deck
- Enjoying life on vacation. :D
- Just played! :beer:

EDIT2 (for stupidity on my part) - Gator, if you wish to play 17 turns to get us back on track, please feel free. If you are short on time, go ahead and play 10, I'll play 7 and Capt. can finish up the last 10 to 1000 BC. My head is :crazyeye:

Checking the tech situation, both China and Greece have IW now. China will trade it for 54 Gold plus 3 GPT, a total around 114 Gold (CivAsst II says Approx. cost = 127) With research at 10%, we're making 10 GPT. We can have IW in 5 to 6 turns if I added that up correctly.

Also, China is moving south in settling. Should we move a settler or 2 north to cut them off and give ourselves some room? If they get too far it is going to be a longer war than I had hoped for when we go after them. :cry:

EDIT - Should we consider a settler from our worker pump?
I agree we should seclude China if they're getting above themselves :thumbsup:
I just want to keep you informed that I checked my turn log for mistakes and also improved readability. I found out that I put the notes of 2 turns together in three cases. Our correct turncount is turn #53 - 1675BC. See my Post Edit above for details. :beer:
leif erikson said:
Gator, if you wish to play 17 to take us to the end of the QSC, please feel free. Or you can play the normal 10 turns and I'll take the last 7 turns to 1000 BC.
Don't get infected by my miscalculation virus, Leif - as 1000BC is turn 80, it's still 27 turns to go. :lol:
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