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SheepNES: Alternative Cold War


Orange Shrooms!
Oct 23, 2002
Edited so Moose cant find me
Major Events in History 1939 - 1959


March - Germany annexes the remainder of Czechoslavakia violating the Munich Pact, England and France both sign a treaty of mutual defense with Poland as a result.
September - Germany invaded Poland kicking off the Second World War. Three days later England and France declare war on Germany in support of Poland. On the 17th the Soviet Red Army crosses the eastern border of Poland
October – Warsaw surrenders along with the remaining Polish resistance, Poland is split up between the Soviet Union and Germany. The Red Army occupies the Baltic States.
November – The Soviet Red army invades Finland starting the Winter War.


January - Finland and USSR sign a peace treaty ending the Winter War, giving all of Finnish Karelia to the Soviet Union
April - Germany invades Norway and Denmark, Denmark surrenders within hours
May - Germany invades Netherlands, Belguim, Luxembourg and France. Luxembourg, Belguim and Netherlands all surrender to Germany within a month.
June – Last Norwegian Army defeated and Norway surrenders in early June. Paris is captured and the French government relocates to Vichy. The Vichy regime begins armistice talks with Gemany and capitulates on the 28th.
July – September Battle of Britain rages, culminating in defeat of the German Luftwaffe.
December - Italy invades British Egypt, the British turn the invasion into a rout and follow the Italian forces into Libya. Japanese troops enter French Indo China with the agreement of the Vichy regime.


Feburary - Rommel’s Afrika Korps comes to Northern Africa, they begin pushing the British back out of Libya.
March - Italy invades Greece and is soundly beaten forcing the Italian army to retreat back into Albania. President Roosevelt’s Lend Lease Act doesn’t pass US Congress and US Neurality is preserved.
April - Germany invades Yugoslavia, Croatia declares independence and alliance with Germany, Yugoslav soldiers fighting for the Serb King surrender by the end of the month. Germany at the same time invades Greece. They are held up by a British Expeditionary Force.
June – British troops retreat from Greece. Greece surrenders two weeks later. Germans launch Operation Barbarossa taking large swathes of the European Soviet Union.
Japan launches Pacific War by taking European colonial possessions.
October - Leningrad falls due to a secondary attack from Finland to the north encircling the city. Soviet officals there to cajole the populace to resist the siege are overthrown by the local Red Army officer who surrenders to the Germans.
November - Moscow falls, Stalin commits suicide before he is captured.
Molotov and Zukhov take joint control over the Soviet government relocated to Omsk
Soviet counter-offensive fails to retake Moscow.
December – Japan declares war against Britian, takes over Hong Kong, and invades the Dutch East Indies. Urgent negotiations between the US and Japanese forestalls a proposed attack on Peal Harbour and secures US possessions in Asia.


January – Wanassee Confrence held condemning European Jewry to the extermination camps of Germany.
February – Battle of Java Sea ends with Japanese invading army destined for New Guinea decimated on the waves by joint Australian, New Zealand and Royal Navies.
May – Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Deputy SS Fuher Reinhard Heydrich is assainated in Prague, Throughout Bohemia reprisals are felt
July – Battle of El Alamein ends in German victory leaving Rommel with a clear path to Alexandria.
August - Spain declares war against Britain and takes Gribraltar, British in Africa begin to suffer from lack of munitions.
September - Spain from Ceuta invades Morocco
October – Crimea falls to Germany after the capitualation of Sevestapol, tensions between Molotov and Zukhov cause the Marshal to leave the capital in exile, Omsk.
November - Germans begin the Stalingrad campaign entering the suburbs of the city.
December – Japanese troops land in New Guinea and fight fierce jungle fighting from the locals with help from British, Australian and New Zealander troops.


January - Alexandria falls to Rommel and the British retreat to the Suez Canal, declaring Cairo an open city.
March - Molotov sues for peace, and signs the harsh German-imposed Treaty of Breslau as the Soviet Union slides into civil war as Zukhov denounces the treaty and the Comunist Party faction of the government led by Molotov. The Red Army splits and begins fighting amongst each other
August - British Indian Raj collapses and is replaced by the Indian National Congress which declares its independence, lead by M. Gandhi
September - South Africa follows India’s lead and declares itself free of all ties of the British crown
October - Suez Canal is captured and British begin peace negotiations.
December - Japan completes its conquest of New Guinea after a year long bloody war of jungle attrition.


January - Britain signs the Treaty of Hamburg with Germany. King George VI abdicates and by the treaty King Edward VIII a Nazi sympathizer is reinstated to the throne.
March - Australia and New Zealand declare their independence and signs separate peaces with Japan.
April – Britian and Japan sign peace.
November – ANZUS alliance formed between Australia, New Zeland and United States allowing for US troops to be stationed in Australia and New Zealand.


April - Germany detonates the first ever nuclear weapon destroying utterly the extermination facility at Treblinka.
October – Molotov has to flee Omsk ahead of a White Army faction lead by Zukhov.


July - USA detonates its first nuclear weapon at Almagordo, New Mexico.
August - Fascist party legalized in Britain by Royal decree.
October - Canada declares independence from Britain in disgust over the legalization of the fascists. The British Empire is effectively dead.
September – First televisor station in the world opened in Berlin.
December – Hitler becomes the first world leader to be beamed by mass marketed television.


February - In a US sponsored move the Carrabean islands unite under a single flag forming the Carrabean Union.
April - Canada, Carrabean Union, Mexico and USA sign the ADTO accords
November - Peru unifies with Ecuador and Bolivia in a military annexation.


August - USCA is formed with USA help. USCA becomes fifth member of ADTO.
September - India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada form the Commonwealth Alliance. 5 months later the USA joins as the sixth member.


February - Japan detonates its first nuclear weapon in Manchunko
April - Manchunko annexed by the Japanese Imperial Army in its entirety.
August – Molotov secures Soviet-Japanese friendship pact allowing certain Soviet territory in northern Manchuria to be ceded for Japanese support in Civil War.
November - Fascist revolution in Argentina supported by the Third Reich.


March - Adolf Hitler is found dead in his bed due to natural causes, Heinrich Himmler takes over control and the Reichchancellory as Hitler’s heir apparent.
October - Auschuwitz special administration facility is closed down as the last European Jews under German or German ‘allied’ control in any great number are exterminated.
Demcember - Himmler declares the Reich to be Judenfrei on German national television


January - Benito Mussolini is killed by an assassin’s bullet. His son Benito Jnr takes control over the Fascist party of the Italian Empire.
March - Soviet Civil War nears end with Zukhov captured by a joint Soviet-Japanese army near Yatsuk and later committing suicide Molotov becomes the Supreme Ruler of the remnants of the Soviet nation.
August – Rebel Red Army units surrender and Soviet Civil War ends.
November – Japanese units leave Soviet Union in regard to Soviet-Japanese friendship pact.
December - Oriental Alliance formalized between Siam and Japan.


March - Japanese agents are suspected in the bombing of Luftwaffe Alfa killing all on board including Hermann Goering and the Chancellor, Heinrich Himmler on their way to a diplomatic conference in Tokyo. Goebells form a Council of 7 to rule the Reich in their stead and a Nuclear crisis ensues as Japan after three months of diplomatically veiled threats leaves the Axis.
October - Brazil, Chile and Iceland join ADTO


February - The King of Italy dies, and Benito Mussolini Jnr declares the postion to be abolished assuming complete control over Italy.
April - Council of 7 abolished in Germany and Joseph Goebells becomes Chancellor
May - Fascist majority elected to British parliament and Oswald Moseley becomes Prime Minister of Britian.
October - Benito Mussolini Jnr leaves the Axis (with much encouragement from Japan) and forms the Meditternean Sea Pact with Spain, Turkey and Portugal.


February - Italy detonates its first nuclear weapon in the Libyan desert.
March - The remaning nations in the Axis sign the Berlin Pact disbanding the Triprature Pact once and for all. France and Britian both elect to join the Berlin Pact at this time.


March - German Reichsatelite orbits the Earth
August - Nazi-Anglo-Argentine Treaty signed signifying Argentina’s continued movement towards European fascists. German and UK forces are sent to Argentina.
September - Greater Peru joins ADTO
December – US satellite launched into orbit.

August - August Uprisings in China put down. People’s Republic and Republic of China both grudingly sign peace accords with Japan, Rebellion and banditry is still rife throughout all of China even today.

May - German man, Heinrich Drucker orbits Earth as the first man in space. Dies up in Orbit due to technical errors to his space ship.
July - Japanese satellite launched
October - USSR officially renamed FSSR, Molotov calls for the people of the Soviet Federation to continue the spirit of the October Revolution their fathers and grandfathers once had!


January - Italian satellite launched
August - Colombian central government collapses into anarchy between rival drug gangs.
November - Border incident, with the death of 3 Italian soldiers and a German one and several others wounded along Nazi-Italian border almost causes a nuclear war, but is adverted due to British mediation and the signing of the London Agreement installing a the world’s first Red phone between Rome and Berlin to avert nuclear war.
December - First nuclear reactor operational in Britain


February - FSSR and Japan sign the Soviet-Japanese Pact committing the two governments to mutual defense after the expiration of the Soviet-Japanese friendship pact.
April - First nuclear reactor operational in FSSR, India announces the same two days later.
November - The first intifada occurs causing widespread rebellion against the German occupation of the Middle East.
December - 40,000 people march on Washington DC to protest for civil rights for negroes after a black woman in Birningham, Alabama was imprisoned for refusing to sit at the back of the bus and vacate her seat for a white man.
Rules Part One

Orders in a list please. Stories and innovative solutions in orders also are welcome and encouraged. If you like something to be done but do not wish to share it with the rest of the players mark it secret . Orders in the thread will not be accepted unless my PM box is full . However you may post them for information. Diplomacy with NPCs or PCs can be done in the thread. I am also asking that all players keep their orders to a one PM minimum and number the orders, as I will take the LAST PM sent to me ONLY.

Stories are not necessary, but very encouraged. Writers will get an economy bonus and if their story is very good – some positive random events.


There are several levels of economy. Most economic power or eps will come from economic centres of the map. It costs an investment of 5 economic points to raise the economy one level. If you neglect the economy from time to time it will drop a level on its own accord. For larger nations more care is required as your economy is more complex to deal with.

Depression - 2
Recession - 1
Failing - 1
Stable 0
Growing + 1
Prosperous + 1
Outstanding + 2

Futhermore any eps you do not spend one turn you may bank in the treasury and save for the next turn.

The military will consist of 3 parts namely Army, Navy and the Airforce. With time Space Forces may also be added to the list. The military is measured in numbers of types of forces, for example: 15000 of mobile infantry or 30 B-2 Bombers.

Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons are divided between the 3 branches of the army. It is wiser not to use them, but it’s your own choice. Every nuclear warhead or bomb (with bomber) must have a target assigned or to be in reserves, for example: “all b-52 in Germany (with nuclear bombs) assigned to targets in Canada and USA”. No need to explain why its important. However I remind you that nuclear weapons use is discouraged. You can make me target maps if you want.

ICBMS are with the other missiles in the 'Strategic' section of yours stats.

Weaponry Description
There will be a post left for descriptions of different military systems in particular nuclear weapons (range, speed and power). This list will contain all weapon systems that are known to most of the world intelligences, so do not rely on it completely. It is done for the (main) purpose of defining the strength of nuclear weapons. When you design a new weapon it would e great if you write a small description on what the weapon is or maybe provide a link t a short article. This is to make reserach of new techs give a little more flavour to the background of the nes.

Once your country officially enters a war you can announce a mobilization. This will cause a temporary rise in war production and will give you a large number of recruits. Needles to say they are badly trained, but are large in numbers. Mobilization means that your focus shifts to the war only, thus nothing can be done with the economy in the turn you announce mobilization.

Alliances are encouraged. However I ask that all threads that are created for them are upkept reguraly to help me with NPC stances and also that you post a link on the thread for me to find these easier.

Is how stable your country is. The concept of stability also includes other things like moral, government approval rating, culture and stability itself. There are 7 levels:
1. Revolutionary (3)
2. Dangerous (2)
3. Unstable (2)
4. Normal (2)
5. Above Normal (2)
6. High (3)
7. Amazing Stability (0)
Stability will grow if you write good/long stories. Money can be poured into increasing stability (number of ecos to get up to the next level is shown in brackets). There are restrictions in stability caused by different forms of government. One small note: stability can be “2/2” and increase to 0/2 of the next level only if you add economy into it.

There are a quite a few types of government allowed. All of them give your nation advantages or disadvantages (effects given below). A country can change between similar forms of government with little loss of stability (i.e. monarchy to parliamentary monarchy); however changes from one political system to another will cost you much, maybe a civil war. Changing government type is a serious business, keep this in mind .

Productivity is your country’s industries. Will determine how much is produced in the economy. If you increase your navy your productivity will determine by how much. Same works for any other production. However nations with more shipyards will get more ships than countries with few ports.
Productivity can be increased by spending economy on it or by projects. Represented by a number.

What you can get per an economy point x productivity will be reflected on a table. Eg. you may receive y infantry troops per each ep spent (ep). this is multiplied by productivity (prod) to arrive at the actual purchase of z infantry troops.

For example

1 ep = y x prod = z.

To upgrade productivity it costs the number of ep equivalent to the amount of productivity we have remaining.

Literacy is the education of the general population in your country. Educated population is unlikely to start rebellions, will sometimes make protests on wars and affect your economy in a positive way. And educated population will give birth to great scientists that can push your technology further to the stars. Education directly affects the progress of technological advances and projects is in the country.
Uneducated population will quicker converge to enemy propaganda, will slow down your technological advances, is likely to revolt or break away into smaller states. Literacy is measured in numbers. Literacy also affects the performance of your militar

To upgrade literacy will cost 5 ep until you earn more than 10 ep a turn then it will cost you 10 ep.

Well they work the same as in other NESes. You say what you want it to do, I decide how much it costs in economy, then you decide if you want to continue with it. The only new thing that projects also take time (turns) to complete. I explain this with the idea that no pouring of money and resources can’t make construction go faster than it can possibly go or people thinking faster than they can. Every project will now consist of 2 components: “turns to complete” and “economy” needed to finish it.
Example: You start the “Internet” project that will increase your education and stability. The project will take 4 economies and 3 turns. If you pay 1 eco on the first turn after start the stats are: complete 1/4, turns 1/3 (turn 1 from the start). You can leave the project for 2 turns: complete 1/4 and 3/3 turns (turn 3). This means that the materials and research for the project are done and with sufficient resources it can be finished next turn. NB it could have been done in the next turn if the stats are: complete 1/4+3(this turn) and turns 2/3.

Tech Advances:
You can purchase tech advances. Some will require a few turns to mature for use. A list of tech upgrades available will be given on a post below the stats. In your stats, you will have a list of all tech advances you have accumulated.

Military and Weaponry:
Due to the fact that there are alliances some troops are on foreign territory. For example in Frace you have a number of troops. Some are French, some are German. German player can control his troops, but it is generally a good idea to consult the nation your troops are in.
As soon as new guns are developed a whole army gets them. So for example if Germans develop new gun model all German troops from Mongolia to Germany get those weapons.


While Colonies wont have specific stats for themselves I warn you that Colonies will always have a lower confidence that your home countries and that they will be MORE suspect to rebellion.
Starting Map

North America

United States of America
Player (leader): President Earl Warren - Thlayli
Government: 2 party Democracy
Capital: Washington DC
Economy: Prosperous (+1)
Economic Centers: 24
Treasury: 19
Productivity: 11
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Projects: Project CIA (secret 2/25),
Army: 22 div regular, 15 div mech., 10 div Artillery, 980 Light Tanks, 530 Med. Tanks, 455 Heavy Tanks.
Navy: 10 div Marines, 200 Minesweepers, 100 Destroyers, 35 Light Cruisers, 20 Heavy Cruisers, 10 Battleships, 5 Light Carriers, 145 D. Attack Subs, 35 N. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 180 Prop Fighters, 500 Early Jet Fighters, 100 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 1000 Short Range, 300 Med. Range, 100 Long Range, 55 ICBMs, 148 Nuclear warheads, 20 Thermonuclear warheads, 500 Chemical warheads.
Swedish Government in Exile: 1 regular div.

Free Republic of Canada
Player (leader): Prime Minister John Diefenbaker – j_eps
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Ottawa
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 4
Stability: High (2/3)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 19 div regular, 4 div mech., 4 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks, 20 Heavy Tanks
Navy: 2 div Marines, 20 Minesweepers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battleships, 5 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 20 Prop Fighters, 30 Early Jet Fighters, 10 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 100 Short Range, 5 Chemical warheads.

Republic of Mexico
Player (leader): General Porfirio Díaz
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Mexico City
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 5
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 3
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 45%
Army: 30 div regular, 4 div Artillery, 50 Light Tanks, 25 Med. Tanks
Navy: 1 div Marines, 30 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 8 Light Cruisers, 15 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 40 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

United States of Central America
Player (leader): President Carlos Ruiz Garcia
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Union City
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 2
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 35%
Army: 13 div regular, 25 Light Tanks
Navy: 15 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers
Airforce: 10 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none
USA military Force: 5 div regular, 1 div mech., 50 Light Tanks, 20 Med. Tanks, 50 Early Jet Fighters.

Union of Carrabean Islands
Player (leader): President Roberto Agramonte – canuck3
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Havana
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 2
Stability: Normal (2/2)
Literacy: 55%
Army: 3 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 10 Light Tanks
Navy: 2 div Marines, 15 Minesweepers, 15 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 3 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 30 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none
USA military Force: 5 div regular, 2 div mech., 50 Med. Tanks, 10 Heavy Tanks, 50 Early Jet Fighters.

South America

Democratic Republic of Venezuela
Player (leader): President Rómulo Ernesto Betancourt Bello - Gelion
Government: Socialist Dictatorship
Capital: Cracas
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 8
Treasury: 8
Productivity: 3
Stability: Unstable (1/2)
Literacy: 40%
Army: 7 div regular, 3 div Artillery, 40 Light Tanks, 20 Med. Tanks
Navy: 3 div Marines, 40 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battleships, 15 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 70 Prop Fighters, 20 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none

Federative Republic of Brazil
Player (leader): President Janio Quadros - wubba
Government: 2 party Democracy
Capital: Rio de Jannerio
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 9
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 4
Stability: Normal (2/2)
Literacy: 45%
Army: 18 div regular, 3 div mech., 1 div Artillery, 250 Light Tanks, 130 Med. Tanks
Navy: 3 div Marines, 50 Minesweepers, 45 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 1 Light Carriers, 14 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 70 Prop Fighters, 35 Early Jet Fighters, 20 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 200 Short Range

Nationalist Republic of Greater Peru
Player (leader): General Ricardo Pío Pérez Godoy
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Lima
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 3
Stability: Unstable (0/3)
Literacy: 25%
Army: 28 div regular, 3 div Artillery, 50 Light Tanks, 25 Med. Tanks
Navy: 20 Minesweepers, 15estroyers, 4 Light Cruisers, 5 Light Carriers
Airforce: 20 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

Republic of Chile
Player (leader): no leader
Government: ANARCHY
Capital: Santiago
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 5
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 2
Stability: Revolutionary (0/1)
Literacy: 40%
Army: 5 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 20 Light Tanks, 30 Med. Tanks
Navy: 20 Minesweepers, 10 Destroyers, 3 Light Cruisers, 10 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 30 Prop Fighters
Strategic: 10 Short Range

The Most Serene Republic of Argentina
Player (leader): President Arturo Frondizi
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Beunos Aires
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 4
Stability: High (0/3)
Literacy: 55%
Army: 27 div regular, 20 Mech. Div, 3 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks
Navy: 1 div Marines, 35 Minesweepers, 15 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battleships, 45 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 40 Prop Fighters, 5 Early Jet Fighters, 10 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
German military Force: 10 div mech. 5 div artillery, 50 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks. 50 Early Jet Fighters, 30 Prop Bombers
UK military Force: 5 div regular, 50 Early Jet Fighters.
Paraguyan Government in exile: 1 regular div.

Eastern Republic of Uraguay
Player (leader): President Alberto Heber Usher
Government: Mulit-party Democracy
Capital: Montivedeo
Economy: Prosperous (+1)
Economic Centers: 2
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 50%
Army: 7 div regular, 50 Light Tanks, 2 div Artillery
Navy: 15 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

Union of South Africa
Player (leader): President Charles Robberts Swart - MJM
Government: Apartheid Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Pretoria
Economy: Outstanding (+2)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 1
Productivity: 4
Stability: Above Normal (2/2)
Literacy: 85%
Army: 15 div regular, 5 div Artillery, 250 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks
Navy: 2 div Marines, 50 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 45 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 70 Prop Fighters, 20 Early Jet Fighters, 30 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 150 Short Range

Free Republic of Liberia
Player (leader): President William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman - Carmen
Government: 2 party Democracy
Capital: Monrovia
Economy: Stable (even)
Economic Centers: 2
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Unstable (0/2)
Literacy: 15%
Army: 6 div regular
Navy: 15 Destroyers
Airforce: 15 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none
USA military forces: 10 div Regular, 10 div Mech., 5 div Artillery, 300 Light Tanks, 150 Med. Tanks, 20 Heavy Tanks, 100 Early Jet Fighters, 20 Prop Bombers.

Republic of Iceland
Player (leader): President Sveinn Björnsson
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Reyjavik
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 1
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 50%
Army: 5 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 10 Light Tanks
Navy: 5 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 20 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none
USA military Force: 500 Meduim Range, 50 Nuclear Warheads, 5 Thermonuclear warheads, 250 Early Jet Fighters, 5 div Regular, 50 Med. Tanks, 25 Heavy Tanks

Republic of Ireland
Player (leader): President Éamon de Valera
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Dublin
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 5
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 85%
Army: 15 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 55 Med. Tanks
Navy: 15 Minesweepers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battleships, 35 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

The United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Wales
Player (leader): Prime Minister Oswald Mosley – Silver2039
Government: Westminster Democracy (fascist)
Capital: London
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 12
Treasury: 13
Productivity: 7
Stability: Normal (1/2)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 8 div regular, 4 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks Tanks.
Navy: 5 div Marines, 180 Minesweepers, 40 Destroyers, 22 Light Cruisers, 18 Heavy Cruisers, 14 Battleships, 2 Light Carriers, 20 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 100 Prop Fighters, 250 Early Jet Fighters, 100 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 100 Short Range, 30 Med. Range,
German military Force: 5 div regulars, 4 div mech., 50 Heavy Tanks.

Kingdom of Portugal
Player (leader): King Manuel IV
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Lisbon
Economy: Recession (-1)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 3
Stability: Unstable (0/2)
Literacy: 80%
Army: 21 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 50 Light Tanks
Navy: 10 Destroyers, 3 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battleships, 35 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none
Italian Military Force: 5 div regulars, 2 div mech., 50 Med. Tanks, 20 Heavy Tanks, 50 Early Jet Fighters.

Empire of Spain
Player (leader): Generalissimo Franco Fransico - Luckymoose
Government: Fascist-Imperialist Dictatorship
Capital: Madrid
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 7
Treasury: 8
Productivity: 6
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 20 div regular, 2 div mech., 2 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 55 Med. Tanks
Navy: 1 div Marines, 30 Minesweepers, 15 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 3 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 35 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 20 Prop Fighters, 50 Early Jet Fighters, 10 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none

Independent French State
Player (leader): President Joseph Darnand – Drake Rlugia
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Paris
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 7
Treasury: 6
Productivity: 6
Stability: Dangerous (2/2)
Literacy: 85%
Army: 15 div regular, 5 div Artillery, 100 Light Tanks, 25 Med. Tanks
Navy: 30 Minesweepers, 20 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 55 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters, 20 Early Jet Fighters, 30 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
German military Force: 10 div Regular, 10 div mech., 150 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks, 100 Early Jet Fighters

The Confederation of the Swiss
Player (leader): The Swiss Federal Council
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Bern
Economy: Outstanding (+2)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 2
Stability: Amazing Stability (0/0)
Literacy: 95%
Army: 15 div regular, 5 div Artillery, 150 Light Tanks, 70 Med. Tanks
Navy: none
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters, 50 Early Jet Fighters
Strategic: none

The Greater Italian Empire
Player (leader): Il Duce Benito Mussolini Jnr - Darkening
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Rome
Economy: Prosperous (+1)
Economic Centers: 15
Treasury: 13
Productivity: 9
Stability: Normal (2/2)
Literacy: 95%
Army: 40 div regular, 8 div mech., 9 div Artillery, 750 Light Tanks, 350 Med. Tanks, 200 Heavy Tanks.
Navy: 10 div Marines, 200 Minesweepers, 150 Destroyers, 45 Light Cruisers, 30 Heavy Cruisers, 12 Battleships, 2 Light Carriers, 55 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 300 Prop Fighters, 200 Early Jet Fighters, 95 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 300 Short Range, 100 Med. Range, 50 Long Range, 10 ICBMs, 40 Nuclear warheads, 90 Chemical warheads.

The Third Reich of Germany
Player (leader): Reichschancellor Joseph Goebells – Ice Eye
Government: Nazi Dictatorship
Capital: Berlin
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 20
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 10
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 95%
Army: 72 div regular, 25 div mech., 10 div Artillery, 1200 Light Tanks, 950 Med. Tanks, 545 Heavy Tanks.
Navy: 50 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 9 Light Cruisers, 20 Heavy Cruisers, 4 Battleships, 3 Light Carriers, 180 D. Attack Subs, 45 N. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 200 Prop Fighters, 780 Early Jet Fighters, 150 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 1500 Short Range, 500 Med. Range, 200 Long Range, 60 ICBMs, 200 Nuclear warheads, 30 Thermonuclear warheads, 800 Chemical warheads.

Republic of Greater Finland
Player (leader): General Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim – The Farrow
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Helsinki
Economy: Prosperous (+1)
Economic Centers: 10
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 7
Stability: High (0/3)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 20 div regular, 8 div mech., 5 div Artillery, 375 Light Tanks, 200 Med. Tanks
Navy: 1 div Marines, 30 Minesweepers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 25 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 20 Prop Fighters, 25 Early Jet Fighters
Strategic: 50 Short Range, 10 Med. Range

Greater Republic of Hungary
Player (leader): Premier Ferenc Szálasi
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Budapest
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 4
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 70%
Army: 15 div regular, 3 div Artillery, 250 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks
Navy: none
Airforce: 40 Prop Fighters, 40 Early Jet Fighters
Strategic: none
German Military Force: 5 div Regular, 10 div Mech., 50 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks, 60 Early Jet Fighters.

Independent State of Croatia
Player (leader): Premier Ante Pavelic
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Zagreb
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 2
Productivity: 2
Stability: Unstable (0/2)
Literacy: 60%
Army: 5 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 150 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks.
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 30 Prop Fighters, 5 Early Jet Fighters, 15 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
German Military Force: 10 div Regular, 2 div Mech. 150 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks. 100 Early Jet Fighters

Empire of Bulgaria
Player (leader): Chancellor Georgi Damyanov
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Sofia
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 5
Treasury: 5
Productivity: 3
Stability: Unstable (0/2)
Literacy: 60%
Army: 5 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 150 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks.
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 30 Prop Fighters, 5 Early Jet Fighters, 15 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
German Military Force: 10 div Regular, 2 div Mech. 150 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks. 100 Early Jet Fighters

Player (leader): Conducator Ion Victor Antonescu
Government: Fascist Dictatorship
Capital: Bucharest
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 4
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 70%
Army: 15 div regular, 3 div Artillery, 250 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks.
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 30 Prop Fighters, 25 Early Jet Fighters, 15 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
German Military Force: 10 div Regular, 2 div Mech. 150 Med. Tanks, 50 Heavy Tanks. 100 Early Jet Fighters

Republic of Turkey
Player (leader): General Cemal Gürsel
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: Ankara
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 7
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 4
Stability: High (0/3)
Literacy: 65%
Army: 38 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 150 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks
Navy: 30 Minesweepers, 20 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 25 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 200 Prop Fighters, 100 Early Jet Fighters, 100 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
Middle East

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Player (leader): King Saud bin Abdul Aziz – Major Tom
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Riyadh
Economy: Prosperous (+1)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 3
Productivity: 3
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 40%
Projects: Reading Nation (+40% Literacy 0/7)
Army: 5 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 50 Light Tanks
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruisers 35 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

Empire of Iran
Player (leader): Shahanshah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - freakonomic
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Tehran
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 3
Productivity: 2
Stability: Unstable (2/2)
Literacy: 35%
Army: 3 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 20 Light Tanks
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruisers 30 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: none
Strategic: none

Greater Afghanistan
Player (leader): King Mohammed Zahir Shah
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Qandahar
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 4
Productivity: 1
Stability: Unstable (0/2)
Literacy: 25%
Army: 5 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 50 Light Tanks
Navy: 10 Minesweepers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruisers 35 D. Attack Subs
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters
Strategic: none

The Islamic Empire
Player (leader): Caliph Massauri I
Government: Absolute Theocracy
Capital: Jerusalem
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 5
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 45%
Army: 13 div regular, 1 mech inf 1 div Artillery, 200 Light Tanks, 50 Med. tanks
Navy: none
Airforce: 200 Prop Fighters, 50 Early Jets
Strategic: none

Asia and the Pacific

Republic of India
Player (leader): Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhai Patel - Kenthau
Government: Multi-Party Democracy
Capital: Delhi
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 12
Treasury: 1
Productivity: 6
Stability: Normal (2/2)
Literacy: 35%
Projects: National Education (+35% Literacy 1/5)
Army: 35 div regular, 10 div Artillery, 250 Light Tanks, 155 Med. Tanks
Navy: 28 Minesweepers, 17 Destroyers, 10 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Battleships, 1 Light Carriers, 97 D. Attack Subs, 5 N. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 100 Prop Fighters, 150 Early Jet Fighters, 30 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 250 Short Range, 200 Med. Range 150 Chemical Warheads, 1 Nuclear Warhead.

The Holy State of Tibet
Player (leader): The Dalai Lama
Government: Buddhist Fundamentalist Populist Regime
Capital: Lahsa
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 2
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Amazing Stability (0/0)
Literacy: 20%
Army: 12 div Regular
Navy: none
Airforce: none
Strategic: none
Indian Military Force: 5 div regular, 50 Light Tanks, 100 Early Jet Fighters

Democratic Republic of Sinhala
Player (leader): Indian Military Panel
Government: Democratic Republic under temporary military control
Capital: Colombo
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 1
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Amazing Stability (0/0)
Literacy: 20%
Army: 5 div Regular
Navy: none
Airforce: none
Strategic: none
Indian Military Force: 3 div regular

Democratic Republic of Tamalia
Player (leader): Indian Military Panel
Government: Democratic Republic under temporary military control
Capital: Tamil
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 1
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 1
Stability: Amazing Stability (0/0)
Literacy: 20%
Army: 5 div Regular
Navy: none
Airforce: none
Strategic: none
Indian Military Force: 2 div regular

People’s Republic of China
Player (leader): Chairman Mao Zedong
Government: Communist Party Dictatorship
Capital: Xi’an
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 5
Productivity: 2
Stability: Dangerous (0/2)
Literacy: 20%
Army: 14 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 400 Light Tanks, 100 Med. Tanks.
Navy: none
Airforce: 25 Prop Fighters, 15 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none

Republic of China
Player (leader): President Chiang Kai-Shek
Government: Military Dictatorship of the Nationalist Party
Capital: Chengdu
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 2
Stability: Revolutionary (0/2)
Literacy: 15%
Army: 14 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 400 Light Tanks, 110 Med. Tanks.
Navy: none
Airforce: 10 Prop Fighters, 15 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none

The Empire of Japan and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Player (leader): Emperor Hirohito - blackheart
Government: Imperialist Military Dictatorship
Capital: Tokyo
Economy: Outstanding (+2)
Economic Centers: 23
Treasury: 6
Productivity: 11
Stability: Unstable (1/2)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 30 div regular, 10 div mech., 10 div Artillery, 1040 Light Tanks, 650 Med. Tanks, 300 Heavy Tanks.
Navy: 120 Minesweepers, 120 Destroyers, 45 Light Cruisers, 30 Heavy Cruisers, 12 Battleships, 8 Light Carriers, 135 D. Attack Subs, 55 N. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 300 Prop Fighters, 600 Early Jet Fighters, 150 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 400 Short Range, 900 Med. Range, 300 Long Range, 30 ICBMs, 120 Nuclear warheads, 10 Thermonuclear warheads, 400 Chemical warheads.

Kingdom of Siam
Player (leader): King Bhumibol Adulyadej Rama IX
Government: Imperialist Military Dictatorship
Capital: Bangkok
Economy: Stable (even)
Economic Centers: 6
Treasury: 7
Productivity: 2
Stability: Above Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 50%
Army: 10 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 300 Light Tanks, 150 Med. Tanks.
Navy: 20 Minesweepers, 20 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 35 D. Attack Subs,
Airforce: 50 Prop Fighters, 20 Early Jet Fighters, 10 Prop Bombers
Strategic: none
Japanese Military Forces: 10 div regular, 2 div mech., 100 Med. Tanks, 150 Heavy Tanks, 100 Early Jet Fighters, 20 Prop Bombers

Federated Soviet Socialist Republic
Player (leader): General Secretary Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov – Warman17
Government: Socialist Dictatorship
Capital: Omsk
Economy: Failing (-1)
Economic Centers: 12
Treasury: 0
Productivity: 8
Stability: Normal (0/2)
Literacy: 70%
Army: 19 div regular, 7 div Artillery, 350 Light Tanks, 290 Med. Tanks
Navy: 30 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 10 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 175 Prop Fighters, 215 Early Jet Fighters, 50 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 750 Short Range, 900 Med. Range, 100 Chemical warheads.

Independent Commonwealth of Australia
Player (leader): Prime Minister Robert Menzies
Government: Multi-party Democracy
Capital: Canberra
Economy: Growing (+1)
Economic Centers: 4
Treasury: 5
Productivity: 4
Stability: High (1/3)
Literacy: 90%
Army: 5 div regular, 2 div Artillery, 20 Light Tanks, 50 Med. Tanks
Navy: 30 Minesweepers, 30 Destroyers, 15 Light Cruisers, 5 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Battleships, 1 Light Carrier 10 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 200 Prop Fighters, 200 Early Jet Fighters, 50 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 400 Short Range
USA military Forces: 50 Long Range, 50 Nuclear Warheads, 10 div Regular, 50 Med. Tanks, 100 heavy Tanks, 100 Early Jet Fighters

Republic of New Zealand
Player (leader): Prime Minister Keith Hollyoake
Government: 2 party Democracy
Capital: Wellington
Economy: Stable (0)
Economic Centers: 3
Treasury: 3
Productivity: 3
Stability: High (0/3)
Literacy: 85%
Army: 3 div regular, 1 div Artillery, 10 Light Tanks, 25 Med. Tanks
Navy: 15 Minesweepers, 15 Destroyers, 7 Light Cruisers, 3 Heavy Cruisers, 5 D. Attack Subs.
Airforce: 100 Prop Fighters, 100 Early Jet Fighters, 25 Prop Bombers
Strategic: 100 Short Range
USA military Forces: 5 div Regular, 25 Med. Tanks, 50 heavy Tanks, 50 Early Jet Fighters
Techs –

APCS (10ep) – enables you to deploy APCS to protect your troops and to deploy mechanised infantry.
Researched by: USA, Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain, Canada

Attack Helicopters (15ep) – enables you to deploy attack helicopters with your army.
Reserached by: NONE

Heavy Tanks (20ep requires Meduim Tanks) – enables you to deploy heavy tanks with your army
Reserached by: USA, Italy, Germany, Japan

Computerised Logistics (15ep) – gives you better logisictal control over your military
Researched by: NONE

Nuclear Artillery (30ep – must have nuclear weapons tech) – enables you to deploy depleted uranium shells and small nuclear weapons in artillery.
Researched by: NONE

Nuclear Attack Sub (25ep – must have nuclear reactors) – enables you to deploy nuclear attack submarines with your navy.
Reasearched by: USA,

Nuclear Missile Sub (40ep – must have Long Range Missiles and nuclear weapons) – enables you to deploy nuclear strategic missile submarines with your navy.
Reasearched by: NONE

Heavy Aircraft Carrier (40ep – must have nuclear reactors and better jet engines) – enables you to deploy a larger carrier with more capabilities with your navy.
Researched by: NONE

Increased Sonar (20 ep) - Increased the enemy detection capabilities of all ships in your navy.
Researched by: Japan, USA, Britain, Italy

Modern Fighters (20ep) - Enables you to field Modern fighters in your air force.
Researched by NONE

Modern Interceptors (25ep) – Enables you to field Modern interceptors in your air force.
Researched by: NONE

Modern Bombers (30ep) – Enables you to field Modern Bombers in your air force.
Researched by: NONE

Better Jet Engines (25ep – only applies to modern aircraft) – Gives better capabilities to your modern jet aircraft.
Researched by: NONE

Increased Radar (20ep) – gives you increased capability to detect the enemy.
Researched by: NONE

Short Range Missiles (10ep) – Short range unguided missiles eg. V2 rockets.
Researched by USA, Canada, Chile, South Africa, Britain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, India, Japan, FSSR, Australia, New Zealand.

Meduim Range Missiles (15ep – must have short range missiles) – Meduim range missiles become available.
Researched by USA, Britain, Italy, Germany, Finland, India, Japan, FSSR

Long Range Missiles (20ep – must have long range missiles) – Long rang missiles become available
Researched by USA, Italy, Germany, Japan

Computerised Missiles (20ep) – gives all your missiles better guidance systems making them more effective.
Researched by Germany, USA, Italy, Japan, Britian, FSSR, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada, Spain.

ICBMs (40ep – must have long range missiles and computerized missiles) – allows you to build and deploy ICBMs.
Researched by Germany, USA, Italy, Japan

Nuclear Theory (15ep) – Gives your physicists the understanding of nuclear theory
Researched by

Nuclear Reactors (20ep – must have nuclear reactors) – Essential stepping stone towards nuclear weapons and numerous other techs.
Researched by Germany, Japan, USA, Italy, India, FSSR, Britain

Nuclear Weapons (30ep – Must have nuclear reactors) – Gives you the ability to construct deploy and detonate nuclear weapons.
Researched by Germany, USA, Japan, Italy, India.

Thermonuclear Weapons (40ep – must have nuclear weapons) – Gives you the ability to construct deploy and detonate thermonuclear weapons
Researched by Germany, USA, Japan

Early Satelites (20ep – must have ICBMs) – Gives you the ability to put small scientific objects into orbit around the Earth.
Researched by Germany, USA, Japan, Italy

Men in Orbit (30ep – must have Early Satelites) – Gives you the ability to put astronauts into orbit around the Earth.
Researched by Germany

Spy Sattelites (40 ep - must have Communication Satelittes) – Gives you the ability to begin forming a spy satellite network.
Researched by NONE

Communications Sattelites (30ep – must have Early Sattelites) – Gives you the ability to being forming a communication satellite network greatly increasing your communications.
Researched by NONE

Moon Mission (60ep – must have Men in Orbit) – Lands astronauts of yours onto the moon giving you great prestige.
Researched by NONE

Any techs not listed here may still be researched via confirmation by pm by me. Once completed they will be added to this list for general research.
Major Alliances

American Defence Treaty Organisation [ADTO]

United States of America
Carrabean Union
United States of Central America
Greater Peru

Berlin Pact

The Third Reich

The Meditteranean Pact


The Commonwealth Alliance

South Africa
New Zealand
United States of America

Bilateral Mutual Protection Pact Treaties

Japanese - Soviet Pact
Oriental Alliance (Japan and Siam)
Nazi-Anglo-Argentine Treaty (Germany, UK and Argentina)
ANZUS treaty (Australia, New Zealand and USA)

All Costs are per an ep. This is then multiplied by your production value to arrive at the figure that you actually build/recruit in for that ep. Any fractions no matter how large are rounded down. If 2eps are this fraction rule is imposed on the TOTAL spent, thus allowing some nations to invest multiple eps to build the more expensive units

Unit - per an ep built (then multiplied by productivity)

Regular Infantry - 1 division
Mechanical Infantry - .5 division
Artillery - .5 divisions
Light Tank - 20 tanks
Med. Tanks - 10 tanks
Heavy Tanks - 5 tanks
Attack Helicopter - 5 helicopters
Nuclear Artillery - 0.2 divisions

Marines - 0.5 divisions
Minesweeper - 1 ships
Destroyers - 0.5 ships
Light Cruisers - 0.2 ships
Heavy Cruisers - 0.1 ships
Battleships - 0.05 ships
Disel Attack Subs - 0.2 boats
Nuclear Attack Subs - 0.5 boats
Missile Subs - 0.1 boats
Light Carrier - 0.1 ships
Heavy Carrier - 0.05 ships

Air Force
Prop Fighters - 10 planes
Prop Bombers - 5 planes
Early Jet Fighters - 5 planes
Modern Fighters - 5 planes
Modern Interceptors - 2 planes
Modern Bombers - 2 planes

Strategic Forces
Short Range Missiles - 50 missiles
Meduim Range Missiles - 10 missiles
Long Range Missiles - 1 missile
ICBMs - 0.5 missiles
Nuclear warheads - 0.5 warheads
Thermonuclear warheads 0.1 warheads
Chemical warheads - 2 warheads
Reserved post
Reserved post - just in case

You know I hate sign up threads don't you?
You know this is the actual nes, feel free to join in as a vacant nation or wait and see if anything becomes free.

To all those who have signed up on the other thread. I need confirmations that you will be joining us within 48 hours or your reservation will be null and void
I think I will wait 48 hours. I want something relatively fun to play with.
Confirming Vichy France.

TO: Reichschancellor Joseph Goebells of the German Reich
FROM: President Joseph Darnand of France

Monsieur, I politely ask that you allow me to restore the Légitimiste Bourbon branch to the vacant throne of France. As an ardant traditionalist and good, Christian man, it would please me that the throne of Saint Louis be filled once more.

Of course, I understand that men have minds, and restoring a King would be dangerous. But if it would please you, I shall ensure that I myself and several other Vichyists serve on a council to advise the King. To further show our great support for you, our ally, we will allow you to nominate a limited number of Germans to serve on the council as well.
I claim Finland!

To Germany
From Finland

My we join the Berlin Pact?
The Farrow is Finland, Nuclear Kid.
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