Should Eyr be preparing for military building or should it build a settler?

What should Eyr be building?

  • Military Buildup

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Settler

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • Other (Please Explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Retired Moderator
Nov 1, 2001
Durham, NC USA
I would like to put this before the citizenry, as there is much disagreement about this topic. The poll will be final when the turn chat starts tomorrow.

Personally, I believe there are several prime city spots still available, so Eyr should be building a settler.
i agree with you eyrei. and i believe the settler should go to the far west tip to settle (SW of Shailongha). After the settler is produced, then we can switch to militry production,
Originally posted by Cyc
i agree with you eyrei. and i believe the settler should go to the far west tip to settle (SW of Shailongha). After the settler is produced, then we can switch to militry production,

I think it is more important to settle to the south and east first, as it will take the ai a long time to get through our empire to the northern coast.
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