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Single Player MP: "Leader Passing"

Set a few more rules:

For example, how much time does each person have to complete their round? What happens if they don't?

Also, there's a good chance the last two players may not get to play at all.

This, btw, seems like a very good idea.

EDIT: Also, I assume everyone is on their honor code to try their best?

Well, I'm just thinking that we happily say "your time is up at turn *insert turn*!" when we attach the game. If they go over, oh well, we'll give tell other players that they went over...? Like you said, the honor code not only applies to gameplay, but how long you play, too!

And it's all of my hope that the 3rd guy around doesn't pick up the game with everyone at war with him, and 4 stacks around the capital begging Charlemagne for peace.

So... this could go anywhere.
@floatingpants.so as soon as youve set the time rules im ready.Ive been watching vranasm an co,s succession game and they are constantly communicating a plan to each other.What will make this game different is the that no-one can communicate their future strategys(except by the clues left in the empire post their turn).

Il follow whatever rules you set,but heres an idea,why not keep it to 100 turns each.If we all "die out" before the game can finish,so be it,or maybe the 1st player gets "reincarnated" to play the last 50 turns.(I hope Ive got my maths right here,I never play epic).It just seemed like a way to increace the chance of everyone getting to play.
100 turns is too much. It can basically mean if first 2 players do everything right that the last 2 won't even play...

I too thought about making some no-communication SG game (but where is the fun in the game then?), but I would never opt for so long turnsets. I would advice you to limit it to 15, 10, 10, 10,... turns.

If you are not happy with too long living leaders then it's logical... first 100 turns on epic is something like 3500 years...
i actually like the longer turn sets. but i think just to make sure everyone gets to play and also make a useful contribution, the turn sets should be 50 turns.
50 turns only brings us to turn 300 out of 750?,maybe 75 turns each?Surely the long turn sets and lack of communication of strategys and plans is what this SG is about.Maybe if Floatingpants takes an average finish date for one of his sp epic games,then divides that number by 6 rounding up.But as I said whatever he wants to do il roll with it.
If I may make a recommendation... you could pick a number of turns per player which means the sixth player will be ending by the time most games are over (say, 80 turns: ends in 1870 AD). If it's not over by then, just post the save and have everyone give ending it a shot, then take the best result.
A lot of people are wanting shorter turn sets? Yeah, 107 turns means that the game would be over for Time victory, but we all know that won't be how we will win.

I'd never want to go like at 15 or 20 turns apiece, that's just too short. I'm gonna go check what date I finish most of my epic games by. Once I get the average, I'll edit this post with some new intervals, mmkay?

EDIT: Most of my Prince, Epic games end between 1850 and 2000. That means about between turn 400 and 650. At 75 turns apiece we end up at turn 450. At 80 turns apiece, we end up at turn 480. I think 80 turns it is. So... then we get,

1. Floating Pants - Ends at turn 80
2. Shafi-is-back - Ends at turn 160
3. Turin Turumarth - Ends at turn 240
4. XRW175P6MQ4 - Ends at turn 320
5. FlyingSwan - Ends at turn 400
6. MarigoldRan - End game
I suspect this game will end in a quick conquest victory because A: It's prince and most players who signed up are well above prince, and B: It's epic which could speed up wars.
I suspect this game will end in a quick conquest victory because A: It's prince and most players who signed up are well above prince, and B: It's epic which could speed up wars.
Shhh, you're not supposed to give them an overall theme or even hint at ideas that would allow them to communicate to each other how they will win. Doing so counts too much as having a "plan." :lol:

It will be a lot more fun if one player starts playing towards Cultural, other goes for Space, then another goes for Conquest, then the next player goes for a Spy Economy, while another goes back to Cultural, with the last player still having time to play the game.
Hehe, and if the first player gets conquered by Barbarians??? Well, I assume he likely doesn't tell anyone and reloads from the beginning ;P.
You know, just an idea.

At the end of each period, you could arrange your workers/units on the map to say something like:

"Curraissers." Or:

"Go to War." Or:

You know, just an idea.

At the end of each period, you could arrange your workers/units on the map to say something like:

"Curraissers." Or:

"Go to War." Or:


Better idea. Press alt+s. Type whatever you want. Grats you broke the game.
At the end of each period, you could arrange your workers/units on the map to say something like:

"Curraissers." Or:

"Go to War." Or:

Says the guy who has made multiple threads that advocate for building very few Workers early in the game. I think that you might need to pick a shorter message! ;)

Better idea. Press alt+s. Type whatever you want. Grats you broke the game.
You could also draw the letters of your message using signs on the map (the signs could also say the same message, if you wanted).
WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘ ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WARWARWAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR
◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘ ◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR
◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘◘WARWARWAR ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WARWARWAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR
◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘WAR◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘
◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘ ◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘◘◘WAR◘◘◘◘◘WAR
Lol at all the posts here. :D

Alright, now I think it's about time to start, huh? I'll begin the game now, and we'll descend in the order of my list. 80 turns apiece, remember?

... I'll try to make it interesting ... :mischief:
OK. Session over. I'll follow it up with how the epic tale goes down.

Ending at turn 80, 2000 BC, the king of Biblical Proportions, Floating Pants, life had come to an end. But his almighty legend and empire shall live on. The 2000 years he had ruled were glorious, and all the citizens shall miss him.

From this saddening news, a new dawn approaches. Floating Pants passed his throne down to a prince named David, but unfortunately, David was killed by a usurp named Shafi-is-back.

So, now the epic tale is passed to Shafi-is-back, to rule until turn 160. Good luck!

PS: Feel free to change the name of the empire and leader. ;)


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