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Single Player MP: "Leader Passing"

I'm almost done. I'm actually doing math like those Deity pros :p.

Haha, I thought you had nearly forgot all about the game. And I was coming back to post and say if you still even playing it.

Well, nice to hear, and try to get it up by tomorrow...
I have summer classes so IDK when I'll be done, I don't have much time on my hands as of a week ago. I should have mentioned earlier. IDK if I can finish it in a timely fashion, so if you want you can skip me.
Aye. Let's take a vote for skipping him, shall we? Are all in favor?
OK. If we can get a word from XRW175P6MQ4 or FlyingSwan in favor, that'll be majority vote and we'll skip him.
More detailed report to follow.

Marigold looks like you get a turn after all.

First state of the Empire.
Spoiler :
Looks like we have quite a bit of space for barbs to spawn. We do have the great wall to mitigate the gross lack of spawnbusting. Would it have not been better to spend the hammers on worker/settler. Cities block more area than units.
We only have 5 cities. No invasion forces. Shaka has cities. we are in big trouble if somehow the difficulty went up 2 difficulties and someone didn't have RANDOM PERSONALITIES on. We only have the 4 workers, not nearly enough to improve the cities we have much less chop new settlers out in short order.
We have absurd amounts of forests left. If only we had workers that could chop them.
Our cities are working way to many unimproved tiles.
I can't believe someone settled a jungle city with not less than 4 awesome spots with no jungle.
We're in rep. with no specialists being ran. The cities aren't even using the happy cap boosts.
In short our people are fat, lazy, few work, and those that do have jobs do next to nothing to benefit the nation. Now for a city by city assessment.
Constantinople (capitol) is size 6 but could be size 10. It's building a settler when I could be a)growing or b)helping fix the worker issue. Did I mention it's working unimproved tiles. Build order altered to a worker.
---funny note. this is the only incidence i've seen of an unimproved tile giving a higher yeild than an improved tile. Farm grassland gives 3 food, plains forest yeilds 1 food 2 hammers. But with the imp. bonus it's more like 1 food 3 hammers. Only when building a settler.
Thessalonica is building an aqueduct despite not being sick and not growing. It is pop 6 but could be pop 9 if only the tiles were adjusted correctly. It's better to be sick than not growing. Build changed to worker.
Antioch. You have a city that is only good after a border pop and your slow building the monument? Chop the monument have a good city sometime this milennium. It's not like we have a shortage of forests.
Adrianople. Unimproved tiles again. Whip the library as a stopgap measure. I'm going to cottage it heavily so lib is not a waste.
Nicaea. Give you a hint. It starts with UN and ends with improved tiles. City is pop 2. Given this is epic speed and the city is working 2 food tiles the city has been working this way for many turns. I'd say better than 10-16 turns. Un excusable. I suppose it barely pays for itself in the two trade route but it's still been a burder for quite some time. FYI it has trade routes the worker building the road could improve a tile and finish the road later. Also no farms seriously? We want this city to grow sometime in the next milenium we need some farms. It has one food neg. tile and 2 shared.
---fun fact this is the very city that all the old whackos decided what books did or didn't make it into the bible. Such a shame that the directors cut didn't exist back in the day. Still I'd probably just rent the regular version when it hit the redbox for a dollar.

Last state of the Empire.
Spoiler :

This is the demo screen as I found it. Notice the marginal lead in production and population.

Production is now double the highest AI civ. Pop is now significantly larger than the largest AI. Notice the high AI GNP. Ideally, if I was did not die an untimely death at the age of 1172 earth years (was 22 when I came into power) I'd build a large army and wipe out or cap 1 or 2 ai's in the medieval.

Basically I finished CoL founded confucianism. LOL prince difficulty is easy. Victoria and shaka actually didn't have religions. I gave my missionary to shaka. Both adopted confuciansism. Sometime later I also adopted confucianism. We all three group hugged for the rest of my turnset.
Then I went to grab Alpha. Nobody has much of anything I want. I notice something is wrong when Toku wants to trade. WTF! Blasted random personality. I also make the mistake of going aesthetics. Guess what nothing I want to trade for then either. Garbage princ AI can't research worth a diddly. Usually I'd want to beeline Alpha and aesthetics then trade for everything else.
Then I grab construction, metal casting, machinery, and civil service. Obvious reason is obvious. It starts with a W and also rhymes with something that pres. W started. Engineering is for trebs and road moves.
I bulbed philosophy because it's more expensive than paper and required for lib. Founded Taoism, and sent missionary to Shaka. Probably can pull of a medieval war and still win lib on prince if you know what you're doing.

Is this AI even trying to win.

Interesting feature of the bug mod I believe. I've never used this before. Apparently It shows things that we have that the AI lacks. In this case two advanced units and in Toku's case copper.

Cities founded by me.
Spoiler :

Theres a 2 crab site in the south that could be settled for some profit but I generally consider the landmass adequately settled.
We now have 13 workers. 9 cities.


  • Leader Passing-Turn 240.CivBeyondSwordSave
    291.8 KB · Views: 39
XRW, what turn was that you played up until? That count what would be Turin's turn alone, or both his and yours...? I was going to redo the math to balance this out between our turns, so I'd like to know where you ended.
240 exactly.

OK. We'll extend FlyingSwan's session to 120 turns (50% longer), to end at 360. Then MarigoldRan will finish the game still, but adopting it 40 turns earlier than he normally would.
This sounds like an amazing idea.

Only problem is that I'm not an advanced enough Civ player to play about Warlord.
This sounds like an amazing idea.

Only problem is that I'm not an advanced enough Civ player to play about Warlord.

Don't worry, you'll get better if you try. Prince isn't too far away from Warlord, and I bet you could put up a good fight on it once you get up to noble. That is, if you want the cost of everyone blaming you for loss of victory ;)

I'd invite you, hell I don't care if you're bad. Although, I'm thinking about going Monarch or Emperor on the next game, even though that may be above my level. Thus, it might not be very fun for you. But, keep your eyes open, we might even stoop down to Noble one of these days... :cool:
Lurker comment: @mediterreania: Visit the Succession Games forum (subforum of Stories and Tales, which you'll find a link to in my sig).

This is indeed an amazing idea :cool: and Succession Games are quite similar (but with discussion). After this game, I'd like to suggest the series goes there. Call it "Blind SG" or something. Who knows? This might get more publicity. :thumbsup:
Don't worry, you'll get better if you try. Prince isn't too far away from Warlord, and I bet you could put up a good fight on it once you get up to noble. That is, if you want the cost of everyone blaming you for loss of victory ;)

I'd invite you, hell I don't care if you're bad. Although, I'm thinking about going Monarch or Emperor on the next game, even though that may be above my level. Thus, it might not be very fun for you. But, keep your eyes open, we might even stoop down to Noble one of these days... :cool:

Actually, Warlord is a struggle for me. I'm most comfortable playing Chieftain.

I suck. :(
^^ Yeah, the phrase "Leader Passing", was just a toss-up phrase that I came up with. "Blind SG" doesn't sound too bad, either, but we'll work on an official title.

Also, and word from FlyingSwan? I think I'll send him a PM now.
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