Slightly More Dynamic Scripting for Some Civs


Jun 6, 2011
If you'd pardon the wordy title, with the new map coming out I think there's some room for some more dynamism in terms of how certain civs are created, rather than just a set date spawn, they could have a date range and more conditional/dynamic scripts, kind of like Byzantium and Rome.

For example here's my thoughts on Arabia, Moors, Spain and Portugal
In the typical 600AD start, Arabia should firstly come out a few turns earlier, and rather than flip Egypt freely get a bunch of conqueror units in Egypt (which will easily kill like 1/2 Byzantine archers). There should be Roman roads in North Africa, and once Arabia takes all of Egypt they get conquerors in North Africa all the way up to Morocco (independent cities - oh and Carthage/Tunis should DEFINITELY exist in the 600AD start, it was a major Roman/Vandal supply port). Once Arabia takes Morocco they should spawn conquerors in Spain.
After a Muslim civ controls over half of Spain, Spain should be able to spawn in a Northern city initially as Asturias/Leon, and progressively get conquerors every so often against a Muslim controlling parts of Iberia.
The Moors shouldn't be a set spawn date but instead if Arabia goes unstable (which is very likely if they're controlling land from Spain to Persia!) then they are a conditional split spawn much like Byzantium.
Portugal should spawn as a set of conquerors around Lisbon, maybe with the first wave of Spanish conquerors around 1000AD or so.

So Iberia would start filled with some independent Visigothic cities, who are conquered by the Arabs, who then split into the Moors, and Spain will spawn in the North taking over Burgos/Santiago/whatever. Every few hundred years Spain will get conquerors against the Moors, sometimes collapsing them, and Portugal will spawn to ensure Spain doesn't take Lisbon.


Another set of conditional spawns could be the Netherlands. Amsterdam should be an independent city founded sometime in the medieval era, with a high propensity to be conquered by Holy Rome or France. Then if the civ controlling it is unstable after Protestantism is founded and spreads to Amsterdam and the controlling civ is Catholic, the Dutch could spawn.


South Americans should just be able to spawn from an unstable overlord any time after a civ invents Nationalism.


Dunno about Prussia, could be done though!
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