SLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

To the Goblins of Yelak

Winter shall soon be among us. Our newest road have connected to you, and trade flows through the land. We seek permission to continue northward, connecting the myraid villages and towns of the Eastern Ridge of the Southern Goldtier.

Yalek is not in the business of building roads and has little to gain from a road going through its city, except more traffic - which our humble artisans would not care much for. Also, your envoy has continued to mis-spell our realm's name.

To the Barbarians of Kess-fal

The Dark Elf has revealed her plumage. Our road has been built, sturdy and strong, and now our men, empowered by magic, stands within your city. Her mental bloodknights will not trouble you, nor are her physical Elven Infantry. I seek land to build an Embassy of Peace within your city as a sense of good will, and to expand my road building to within the Central Forest, to the foot hills of the Goldtier, and to the citadel, Wylias, to your north.

We do not trust you Wizards. And 'the citadel' you speak of is the great Wylias, protector of the Crata. Any business you have within these grasses belongs to them.

Minotaurs of Mylias Keep

I speak and I hear. I am Wendell the Tall, Wizard of Marburg, Protector of the Pordos Valley, and an Honorable Halfling. I bring greetings and good luck as winter returns. News I bring, of my friendship and of the roads and trade heading towards your noble keep. Will you accept these gifts?

Wylias does not speak with Halflings who want roads and trade and who dishonor our name with errors. The Crata does not need your civilization. It needs pure grasses and natural folk. We will not allow you to desecrate our lands with wickedness and sloth.

OOC: Spelling errors have nothing to do with what they are saying. Just thought it would be fun. :D And yes, Arya is a dude.
To: My fellow elves of Delai, Sephira and Kyunia
From: Elatair of Lan'elatair

Greetings. I can only extend my deepest apologies for the actions of Arya the Liar, he took us all for fools. But this is not why I am contacting you. I intend to march upon Ceros and demand that Arya answer for his crimes. However my army cannot bring about justice without assistance. Arya will likely still have ardent followers who will fight and die to defend him from those who would attempt to bring him to justice. I therefore offer to all those he has wronged the opportunity to join forces and assist in our efforts to bring him to justice. It is important to note our objective would solely be the capture of Arya and the dismantlement of his government to prevent further atrocities. Our objective is not to punish ordinary people who were taken in as we were or to take lands and wealth that are not rightfully ours. We can decide, after Arya has been brought to justice, the correct course of action regarding his kingdom, its people and its wealth. Who will march with me?

To: the people of Kess-fal
From: Elatair of Aurelia Forest far to the south

Greetings to the proud men of Kess-fal. I am contacting you for one simple reason. I intend to bring Arya to justice, and have contacted the other elven peoples of the Central Forest to assist me in this endeavor. However, I believe that Arya also led attacks against your people for whatever reason his diseased mind concocted. Therefore, even if you cannot contribute forces to bring about his downfall, you have every right to send representatives to his trial and later to decide on a just distribution of his lands and wealth between the aggrieved parties. If your forces can reach the Central Forests this coming season to aid in the war then I would be most grateful. I doubt a great and deranged Wizard will go down without a fight.

To: the Orcs of Noskepak
From: Elatair

My men have discovered the source of these monsters which assail you. It is within our forests and we will attempt to destroy it as soon as we are able. However, my forces are currently preparing to engage the mad Wizard Arya to the north and cannot act on this information this season. I can only apologise but my forces are not numerous enough to deal with both threats at once. I can tell you the location if you wish and you may attempt to deal with it or you can wait and join our attempt to eradicate this threat, hopefully, next season. I warn you that these orcs, as you no doubt know, are extremely dangerous. They massacred a whole company of my veteran rangers with consummate ease.
To: My fellow elves of Delai, Sephira and Kyunia
From: Elatair of Lan'elatair

Greetings. I can only extend my deepest apologies for the actions of Arya the Liar, he took us all for fools. But this is not why I am contacting you. I intend to march upon Ceros and demand that Arya answer for his crimes. However my army cannot bring about justice without assistance. Arya will likely still have ardent followers who will fight and die to defend him from those who would attempt to bring him to justice. I therefore offer to all those he has wronged the opportunity to join forces and assist in our efforts to bring him to justice. It is important to note our objective would solely be the capture of Arya and the dismantlement of his government to prevent further atrocities. Our objective is not to punish ordinary people who were taken in as we were or to take lands and wealth that are not rightfully ours. We can decide, after Arya has been brought to justice, the correct course of action regarding his kingdom, its people and its wealth. Who will march with me?

Representatives from Delai, Sephira, and Kyunia arrive to the Citadel of Elatair.

Ah, the Elvish Wizard has made contact. Where were you when our people were being subjugated by Arya and his Bloodknights? Bloodknights still roam our woods. They are inhibiting our daily lives and they are successfully raiding our forest villages. While it is difficult for us to trust another Wizard, we feel we have no choice but to ask you to assist us. We will all march with you to defeat this threat to the Central Forests. But we ask in return, that you treat us with the respect that Arya did not. Our armies will gather to fight this menace. The Elves, whether they be High or Dark, will fight side-by-side to rid the wood of Arya. To battle!

To: the people of Kess-fal
From: Elatair of Aurelia Forest far to the south

Greetings to the proud men of Kess-fal. I am contacting you for one simple reason. I intend to bring Arya to justice, and have contacted the other elven peoples of the Central Forest to assist me in this endeavor. However, I believe that Arya also led attacks against your people for whatever reason his diseased mind concocted. Therefore, even if you cannot contribute forces to bring about his downfall, you have every right to send representatives to his trial and later to decide on a just distribution of his lands and wealth between the aggrieved parties. If your forces can reach the Central Forests this coming season to aid in the war then I would be most grateful. I doubt a great and deranged Wizard will go down without a fight.

We from the Crata do not easily trust you 'Wizards'. Our history books tell of the real Wizards, the ones that came long ago. We are not sure yet what you are, or who you are. You are an Elf from the Central Forests, and you say you are against the villain that attempted to assault us. But who are you really? Yet your words are words that friends we might trust would say. We would like to send military observers to see this battle that will take place. If they report that you are indeed against Arya, we will send some troops to participate. But we ask in return, that you do not encroach upon the Crata. The Crata is a proud land, and both ourselves and the Minotaurs will never accept a foreign power here.

To: the Orcs of Noskepak
From: Elatair

My men have discovered the source of these monsters which assail you. It is within our forests and we will attempt to destroy it as soon as we are able. However, my forces are currently preparing to engage the mad Wizard Arya to the north and cannot act on this information this season. I can only apologise but my forces are not numerous enough to deal with both threats at once. I can tell you the location if you wish and you may attempt to deal with it or you can wait and join our attempt to eradicate this threat, hopefully, next season. I warn you that these orcs, as you no doubt know, are extremely dangerous. They massacred a whole company of my veteran rangers with consummate ease.

As written by Governor Meldrock of Noskepak said:
Your efforts are extremely admirable. We regret that you have lost many Elves in attempting to remedy our problem. We will send some troops to observe their movements and will give our reports to you, whenever you feel you are ready to handle the challenge they pose. Indeed, they are worthy enemies, and your loss comes at no surprise to us. Perhaps with a stronger army, you can defeat that menace and bring peace to our long-haunted lands. Noskepak has a long, rich history, and we are more than willing to share our heritage with you and have long discussions over bottles of ale, once this threat is conquered.
To: Arya the Liar
From: Elatair

You have wronged us. You should know that only a fool wrongs the elven people in the way you have. You have roused the feyness in our blood and our rage runs thick. Your walls cannot save you. Your spells cannot save you. Whatever servants you have remaining cannot save you. You will be destroyed even if we must fight till time itself doth end. You have two choices: surrender now or be destroyed later.

OOC NB: Destroyed does not mean killed. He will obviously be captured first, unless he resists too much and has to be killed, and then his punishment will be chosen. Whatever his punishment is it will destroy him as a great ruling Wizard in Ethereal and that is what I meant.

To: The Fair City of Vandalorien
From: Elatair

Our armies are coming. The elves of this forest will not tolerate your mad lord now that his crimes have been unveiled. You have two choices. Renounce your lord Arya and declare yourself neutral in this war or remain loyal to him and be conquered along with the rest of his lands and redistributed as we, the aggrieved parties of the Central Forest, see fit.

To: My allies Delai, Sephira and Kyunia
From: Elatair of Lan'Elatair

To answer your question, where was I before? I was under the illusion that Arya was helping to protect your lands, as he is physically much nearer and had, at that point, given me no reason to doubt his story. Thus I focused on consolidating my own kingdom and negotiating with those powers who were physically near and or not under the sphere of influence of a fellow Wizard I regarded as an ally. I have not been idle in this war though. Did I not aid in the defense of Sephira when I visited the city with Arya, whilst discussing various plans with him? Did I not fend off Arya's attempt to seize a foothold in my lands at the Battle of the Central Ford, when I finally learnt of his treachery after engaging his creations in combat myself (OOC note: story mostly written but still need to finish it. Will have a big push to finish it tonight. Please roll with it Starlife). Farmsteads burned, hunters lost and even a child murdered. We have suffered our fair share of horrors at the hands of Arya monsters. As a war cannot be conducted unless we trust each other, I offer this pledge to you.

I swear to you that I will not betray you in the coming war and that I had no idea of Arya's true nature and depravity or his intentions of regional and global domination. I swear to you that I will be honest and just in all my dealings with you and that I will not raise my hand against you unless you have assaulted my own kingdom or those peoples which I count as allies and friends. I swear I will not subjugate your peoples by force but, if your peoples choose to come directly under the protection of my kingdom, I will accept you into my kingdom, if it is feasible for me to do so, and afford to you the same rights and protection I afford to all parts of my kingdom.

Of course you will dismiss the above as empty words but, perhaps, you will see they are not over time.
OOC: This is great. And looking forward to your story. Just know I'm not going to have a whole NPC Wizard roll over easily for you. Good you have allies.


To: Arya the Liar
From: Elatair

You have wronged us. You should know that only a fool wrongs the elven people in the way you have. You have roused the feyness in our blood and our rage runs thick. Your walls cannot save you. Your spells cannot save you. Whatever servants you have remaining cannot save you. You will be destroyed even if we must fight till time itself doth end. You have two choices: surrender now or be destroyed later.

To: The Fair City of Vandalorien
From: Elatair

Our armies are coming. The elves of this forest will not tolerate your mad lord now that his crimes have been unveiled. You have two choices. Renounce your lord Arya and declare yourself neutral in this war or remain loyal to him and be conquered along with the rest of his lands and redistributed as we, the aggrieved parties of the Central Forest, see fit.

Only a whisper is heard in the wind of the Central Forests. It speaks 'death' and the howls of Blood can be heard in the night.

To: My allies Delai, Sephira and Kyunia
From: Elatair of Lan'Elatair

To answer your question, where was I before? I was under the illusion that Arya was helping to protect your lands, as he is physically much nearer and had, at that point, given me no reason to doubt his story. Thus I focused on consolidating my own kingdom and negotiating with those powers who were physically near and or not under the sphere of influence of a fellow Wizard I regarded as an ally. I have not been idle in this war though. Did I not aid in the defense of Sephira when I visited the city with Arya, whilst discussing various plans with him? Did I not fend off Arya's attempt to seize a foothold in my lands at the Battle of the Central Ford, when I finally learnt of his treachery after engaging his creations in combat myself (OOC note: story mostly written but still need to finish it. Will have a big push to finish it tonight. Please roll with it Starlife). Farmsteads burned, hunters lost and even a child murdered. We have suffered our fair share of horrors at the hands of Arya monsters. As a war cannot be conducted unless we trust each other, I offer this pledge to you.

I swear to you that I will not betray you in the coming war and that I had no idea of Arya's true nature and depravity or his intentions of regional and global domination. I swear to you that I will be honest and just in all my dealings with you and that I will not raise my hand against you unless you have assaulted my own kingdom or those peoples which I count as allies and friends. I swear I will not subjugate your peoples by force but, if your peoples choose to come directly under the protection of my kingdom, I will accept you into my kingdom, if it is feasible for me to do so, and afford to you the same rights and protection I afford to all parts of my kingdom.

Of course you will dismiss the above as empty words but, perhaps, you will see they are not over time.

The collective Elvish realms around Arya's old kingdom have agreed to fight for Elatair. May you lead us to victory, and may we rid the Southland of the villain who has plagued us for many seasons.
OOC: I know the war won't be a push-over.
Yes…. Its possible

I had come to ‘Foundry’ to play my trade, to find clients with money who would be interested in the works of a lettered civil engineer. And work I have found, and fame, and money. But the Thuggee are a strange people and the Society that rules them stranger still. There is always an undercurrent of fear amongst the people, some, one might say, paranoia, but that is a poor choice of words for it suggests that there is nothing to fear. No, there most certainly is something to fear.

Over the last two weeks I have become certain that I am being watched. I have felt furtive glances that suggest much more than casual curiosity. I have sensed figures in the shadows, suspected the kiss of lovers in the garden opposite my workshop more of a theatrical performance for my benefit than the flower of passion. No, there is no doubt in my mind that I am being watched.

But all my worry and anxiety will soon come to an end. A man walks into my workshop. He wears the mask of one of the voices and is surrounded with bodyguards. From behind the mask he addresses me and asks if I am indeed who am I and if I am an architect of grand buildings, of roads and bridges, of castles and dungeons, of siege towers and mangonels. I reply that I am indeed me, feeling pretty sure of my answer despite my confusion regarding his questioning.

He then tells me that I am will be working for the Society and that there is no option to refuse. I am hardly surprised. It should go without saying that one does not refuse the Society; I have no wish to disappear in the night and leave my wife and children without husband and father. I mean my wife her husband and my children their father. I am not father to my wife nor husband to my children. That is for the barbarians of Gwydion, not the refined goblins of Thug. I wish I had had the courage to speak my joke out-loud. Instead now the voice simply wonders at my nervous giggling. Enough.

The voice sits casually at the counter and motions to the desk, making a clearing motion and I am happy that he has asked me to clear my models and papers and not just done so himself. He seems polite this masked goblin. Fair enough I think I as I carefully put the miniature model of the repeating ballistae I was working on away. Carefully he withdraws a long scroll case as long as a cutlass and as fat as a melon and withdraws a single gigantic sheet of rolled paper larger than any I have seen before. He motions for me to unroll it and this I do.

I must have gasped because he simply asks, “Is it possible?”

I stare at the depiction on the paper for a long long time, finally I shake my head, “No. The distances are too great. The support is completely impossible and how would you anchor it? You can’t even see anything or lower anything to those depths. You have no idea how deep it is. And the money and man-power. Even if all of Thuggee were to unite and work on just this one project for 30 years, you could maybe… maybe complete it. No its not possible.”

He stares at me, thinking. Finally he leans in closer and whispers in my ear. His breath smells of garlic and yogurt, “We CAN do it. We have the master’s magic. You’re just going to guide that magic.”

I nod, looking at the drawing again. I pull out a quill and begin adding my own notations, making calculations. Later I look up and realize I am alone.

“Yes…. Its possible. With magic.”
Update 5: Winter, Year 2
Ancient Worlds & Fresh Desires

The northernmost known ruins.

Part I

Exploring those ruins and discovering that desert will change everything from here on.

- Magalas, the Sage-Historian of Aniok

Searching the Ruins Beyond the Abrasia Forest

Stretching in front of Avanai the Dark Elf was a wide expanse of sand and dunes. The bright white sands reflected the eerie sun and made the Dark Elf squint his eyes in pain. However, he was no less determined, having emerged from the Abrasia Forest, having confronted so many torments and trials within this strange wood. He had come from the Sul Mountains, saved by Merogia Soter from an army of Minotaur ghouls. To Avanai, the adventure was just beginning. When he emerged from the trees to find that they mysteriously bordered a deadened sand, he was shocked. The sand was cold to the touch. A winter frost coated the ice, like nothing Avanai had seen before, whether in this world or the next. And the desert, beyond the ruins, stretched as far as his Elvish eyes could see. It was remarkable.

After peering into the white sands, Avanai directed his attention to the ruins that he had uncovered. Within the Abrasia Forest, he had set off a plethora of traps. Hands had risen from the ground beneath, attempting to consume him. Odd saws and blades coated with poison flew towards every inch of his body. He had successfully avoided such trials, and he was now teetering on the edge of insanity. There was never a moment of peace within Abrasia, never a time of clarity. Avanai was constantly having to defend himself, and he had not slept in many weeks. The trees of the Abrasia were also coated in a layer of snow, yet they were not dead. A place seeped in powers that even he could barely understand.

Towers spiraled into the sky, connected by walkways. Vines and other vegetation had leeched onto the old walls and gobbled them. The oddest feature was a yellow glow in the doorways, as if someone was home. But upon inspection, Avanai found no one except orbs of glowing manalights. The place made his whole body tremble, and gave him terrible feelings and thoughts. For a toughened champion of the Red Moon, Avanai felt weak and drained. Despite this, Avanai continued to search the ruins thoroughly. He found many secret passageways that led to old, emptied storage rooms. After looking through the ruins, Avanai discovered something most peculiar in the central courtyard: a hole the size of a small Elvish house. Avanai glanced down into the hole, but it was pitch black. He fetched some of the yellow manalights and threw one down, placing others in his satchel. The flickering crystal made the tunnel glow for a bit, and then was lost completely. Avanai knelt over the hole, feeling the dirt. Then he felt a push from behind him.

Avanai fell for several marks, trying to grab onto the sides. The tunnel edges were slippery and he was unable to get a hold of any of the loose vines. As he sank further and further, he began to feel lighter and lighter, as if he no longer had any mass. After falling for several hours in this state, with nothing but a few mana lights in hand and darkness around him, he suddenly felt a tug on his body and he was then standing, submerged beneath the land, looking upon what appeared to be a mountain. It was warm. He looked up, and there was no sky. It was only a thick layer of rocky crust. He looked around here and found a small cave that went into the mountain he had landed near. After a brief hike, the champion went inside and discovered a strange staff, decorated with a single mana gem and ornately carved out of enchanted teakwood. The carvings were centralized to the backside of the staff, and featured scenes of what appeared to be men vanquishing demons. The cave had a name carved into it above the entrance: Degr. He took the staff. When he emerged from the hole, he found that he was surrounded by vile, hideous creatures of many kinds. Behind them, more mountains could be seen stretching for miles. Their tongues hung out from their crooked teeth. Some hunched over with their heads twisted while others swung large tails from under their cloaks. They appeared humanoid, yet Avanai could see that they were changing. Some grew claws and clanged them on the stone, while others dug their toefangs into the dirt. They spoke in a language that Avanai could not understand. He began to attack them, but soon found that such an action was useless. Every attack and every spell he could muster would kill a few of these demons, and then more would simply appear in the distance. He was outnumbered. Some of the demons were able to stretch their limbs far from their bodies or twist their necks into the air. The champion ran to the spot he had come through, hoping it would somehow guide him back to the surface. As the demons approached, sure enough, Avanai felt a tug and began his ascent, with the staff in hand. As he emerged from the tunnel, large swaths of mud spread out from the opening, sealing it shut. Avanai looked around the ruins and saw a hairless man slowly walking towards the sand. He ran towards him, but as the champion gained, the man vanished.

Spoiler :
* Avanai (Juukkeshi's Red Moon Champion) has Degr's Staff.

The Manaforge

Loud warcries could be heard throughout the entire Northern Sul. Merogia Soter was ferociously angry at the interruption. Redtear was as good as hers, yet somewhat foolishly she had saved the Dark Elf Avanai. It was the honorable thing to do. In her fury, she summoned Shield-Chaser, the brute warlord who had been successfully conquering much of the Sul in the name of Merogia. The two discussed at length as to how to continue settling the Minotaur tribes. Shield-Chaser smiled and left the Citadel. His task continued. Minotaurs poured throughout the Northern Sul under his command, establishing encampments, marauding villages that no longer served a purpose, and generally cementing a foothold over virtually all of the Northern Sul. Shield-Chaser, in command of some of Merogia's finest Minotaurs, patrolled the new lands, ensuring that Merogia's chief law system was being obeyed adequately.

Meanwhile, Merogia Soter descended into the depths of Pragaom. She had caused a mess in Redtear - a bloody, violent mess. Never had she seen such force from mindless ghouls. Therefore, she wished to continue practicing her skills at crafting mana-infused objects. Some might say this was a counterintuitive decision, yet to Merogia Soter, the drive to perfect enchantment was too strong. Deep within Pragaom, Merogia Soter created a Manaforge, a magnificent workshop filled with magical equipment tunneled under the Sul. The forge was large and fit for a Minotaur Wizard, and able to melt mana crystals, turning them into malleable material. While she worked on this project, Merogia Soter spoke with the spirits occupying Redtear, attempting to calm them or even gain their loyalty. The haunting howls of ghoulish Minotaurs heard from Redtear spoke to Merogia Soter directly. From this communication, Wizard Soter learned that the minotaurs had raided Redtear after their untimely awakening because of a long-unsettled dispute with the Orcs there, going back thousands of years. The Empire of the Two Ranges, as some called the old Orcish empire of the Southland, had enslaved Minotaurs for their cause many eons ago. A powerful Minotaur hermit-priestess had heard the torments of his kind and worked her entire life to achieve the level of necromancy which would revive the fallen, dishonored warriors. With this knowledge in hand, Merogia Soter gained a significant advantage in thinking of new ways to quell the spirits.

The Minotaur Queen also had her eyes on the north. She summed Chieftain Pneimma 'Shadow-Taster' of the Syssaros tribe and ordered him to seek out villages that might be loyal to the Minotaurs. Shadow-Taster left Pragaom honored to be tasked with such an important assignment. He journeyed throughout the Sul, around the Dwarvish realms. Living at the foothills of the mountains near the Dwarvish city, Shadow-Taster discovered semi-sedentary tribes of Minotaurs and Dwarves living among each other. It was there that Shadow-Taster extracted information and found Minotaurs willing to serve Merogia Soter, especially because winter in the valley had been particularly harsh. With this knowledge, Shadow-Taster brought back to Merogia Soter reports of the High Men castle Heisenar and information about the city of Aurabrad. The two realms are connected with each other as part of an ancient but dying Dwarvish-Man kingdom, which long ago served as a buffer to prevent the spread of Orcs through Dwarven homelands.

War of Arya's Corruption

War has begun in the snow-dusted Central Forests. The Wizard Elatair of the Elves from the Aurelia and Wizard Arya from the Soulstar have become locked in mortal battle. The Central Forests thus became coated in the blood of Elf and Dark Elf, the wilted winter trees becoming colder and barer the more north Elatair's rangers traveled. General Ela-Hellacos gathered loyal Dark Elves from Kyunia, the Nightpikes. The Nightpikes assembled in full force, giving their troops to Elatair. The combined Elvish army sent a message to Sephira: attack will be during the night. This was a risky move, as during the night Arya's troops would have an advantage. Yet so would the troops of the Dark Elves that wished to combat him and had allied themselves with Elatair's troops. General Ela-Hellacos ordered his rangers to spend days scouting the regions around Ceros, and hoped that they would be capable to fight a darkened battle. This proved to be advantageous to Elatair's rangers. The Nightpikes fought valiantly in the woods around Ceros, and upon their victories Elatair's rangers also proved their worth. Many of Arya's soldiers had fallen.

As the army converged onto Ceros, with the army of Kyunia and Elatair to the south and the army of Lady Sephira to the north, the skies became reddened as the moon shined with a dark red glow. Many of Elatair's Elves began to feel pains in their minds, as if they were going insane. Some began to attack each other, as the Bloodknights poured into the red-lit groves. Screams were heard as souls were taken by the Bloodknights, and Elvish bodies were left hanging from trees. The Kyunian Nightpikes arrived at the perfect time, unaffected by Arya's magic. Indeed, all Dark Elves were unaffected by Arya's magic, thus giving Elatair's allies a great advantage. The Dark Elves from the Soulstar and the magic of Lady Sephira were able to dispel many of Arya's twisted wordspells (OOC: Arya's spell does not effect Dark Elves, as he wrote in his description.) With many of the rangers saved, they pushed onward towards Ceros. Unfortunately, many Elves had been lost due to insanity. Some had been killed by other Elves amidst the mind-bending chaos of Arya's Song of Corruption. Unable to live with this knowledge, some Elves committed suicide by Aurelian Blade, while others simply fled. Most rangers were comforted by whispers - whispers that could be heard throughout the forest. The whispers of Elatair.

Just as Elatair whispered to the forest, he also listened. He heard the steps of the Bloodknights in the woods, and with advance knowledge of their movements, he sent a quick message to General Ela-Hellacos. The Bloodknights, who are extremely powerful entities, were unable to prevent the forest from attacking them. Elatair's whispers and intent listening had proven disastrous for the Bloodknights, who became confused at the ever-changing woods and baffled by the advance knowledge of their every breath. Simple, common rangers began to fire shots directly into the Bloodknights, knowing their each and every precise movement. Most of the Bloodknights were annihilated, while others fled to unknown locations.

As winter came to a close, many rangers had been lost, but most had proven their worth in battle and survived. Elatair himself walked through the battlefield and thanked the host of Dark Elves. The army now surrounds Ceros, while Arya keeps himself locked up in the Citadel's high chamber. All of Arya's troops around Ceros and Vandalorien have been annihilated, yet Vandalorien has dug itself in, forming tunnels underneath the forest. It is rumored that the Dark Elves there are constructing ships to escape via the Dura'dan Lake.

Spoiler :
* -2 units of Rangers.
* 1 unit of Rangers will now have Elite status (please call this unit Elite High Elven Rangers).

The Far Southland

A grand army from the Citadel Tarunia swept forth through the Doanine, conquering more lands in the name of Wizard Tarnum. The army contained a powerful squadron of gryphon riders. The image of the gryphons and their feathers created silhouettes over the grasslands in the south-winter sun. Several towns and villages surrendered to Wizard Tarnum without a fight, in awe of the gryphon riders and the presence of a storm elemental. Hailstorms and strange winter thunderstorms continued to strike lands that Tarnum was preparing to invade, a foreboding element to his army's march.

Lord Juergen of Wirsmarch watched on as lands around his city became gobbled up by the High Men of Tarnum. Lord Juergen had grown quite fond of Tarnum and his diplomats, though. They had provided Wirsmarch with protection from bandits and the city was now the safest it had been in many years. Not only that, but the personality of the diplomats was welcoming and their desire to improve Wirsmarch was clear. Lord Juergen knew what his choices were. Either he ring the city bell and call forth his army, and have them all killed in the name of some false honor, or he submit to Wizard Tarnum, allowing his city to become part of the empire that now stretched over much of the Doanine. Lord Juergen chose the latter, which was well-received by the population of Wirsmarch. Much needless bloodshed had been avoided, bloodshed that Lord Juergen would have considered against a friend and ally. As Wirsmarch joined Tarnum's empire, so did several domains immediately surrounding the realm, which had been under Lord Juergen's protection.

Gaia's Maldia & the Vanishing Pond

The three empires of Camrol Steedi, Lord Arthurdin, and Wendell the 'Tall' continued to expand their borders, as their armies grew larger and their influence spread in the form of trade, knowledge, and stories. The Temple of Mother Nature in Camrol Steedi's realm was particularly influential in gathering many villages around the Maldia Plain. Camrol Steedi could feel the new sources of mana throughout the Maldia, and relished in his newfound magical powers. The temple, located near Stabila, features large pillars reaching high into the sky, glowing with mana crystals and creating a beautiful array of light from a distance. The whole Maldia Plain glows during clear evenings. The Great Temple to Mother Nature has also adequately trained an influential order of priests. This priesthood has been traveling throughout the Maldia, teaching the followers of Camrol Steedi about the importance of Gaia and the Great Mother. As a result, Camrol Steedi's followers are becoming devout and dedicated to the ways of the Centaur Wizard.

The Gorgon Mistress, in all of her terrifying might, slithered and swayed around Lakestone, searching the castle's grounds. Wizard Steedi had senses a great power coming from near the castle, and it was the duty of the Gorgon to seek out this power and conquer it in the name of Stabila. The Gorgon Mistress felt the power coming from a small pond near Lakestone. She went closer to it and the force of the overwhelming mana almost threw her into a coma. She approached, closer and closer. When she came to the edge of the pond, it was no longer there. She saw it again, at a distance. She moved closer to it once again, but it vanished. The Gorgon continued this for many hours, until she became frustrated and sent message to Camrol Steedi. Steedi could feel that immense power, but could not yet harness it. The magic of the Maldia was playing tricks with the Centaur.
Update 5: Winter, Year 2
Ancient Worlds & Fresh Desires

The other side of Deathaven Lake during winter.

Part II

Everywhere I traveled, the snow had become red.

- Magalas, the Sage-Historian of Aniok

The Imperium's Plain & the Crata Ambush

Lord Arthurdin commanded several of his Dwarvish companies across the northern areas of the Maldia Plain. There, walls infused with mana began construction in major towns and the great trading corps of the southern Goldtier began to stretch beyond the mountain edge. Dwarves also migrated from the south Goldtier to areas dotting the northern Maldia, wishing to escape the mountain interiors and engage in a more pastoral lifestyle. Such division of some of the Dwarves of the southern Goldtier goes back generations, when sects of coastal and farming Dwarves split off from the mountain families. Eventually, they were forced into the mountains by invaders coming to the west coast of Ethereal. Now, under Lord Arthurdin's command, they have been able to re-settle their traditional areas, mingling with villages of humans and Beastmen. Travelers from the Goldtier have also begun to survey the northern Maldia, coming to areas here searching for rare goods and telling stories of Lord Arthurdin's valiance.

The propaganda corps of the Dwarvish Imperium did not stop there. Bleeding into more of the southern Goldtier, Lord Arthurdin placed great pressure on Yalek. The Imperium's tunnels broke through the mountains and intersected within Yalek, which had brought much wealth to the Orcish city of famed artisans. However, pressure was being placed on Yalek by the Halflings of the Valley, and the leadership of Yalek was growing concerned that the two growing nations surrounding its walls would soon want more than trade. A small, meager army was raised by the Orcs - but this army was nothing compared to the forces of Dwarves and Halflings which stood ready to occupy the city if they so wished. Yalek was politically stuck, and its government is indecisive as to whether or not Yalek should cut all ties with outside empires, join one of the nations, or even fight. The people of Yalek are not with the government on this issue. Months of trade have brought them great wealth and the stone engravings of Yalek have now been found as far away as Thuggee and the Windflay Peninsula.

Various towns and villages north of Yalek were occupied by Dwarvish forces under the banner of Lord Arthurdin. They came and treated the people well, offering goods from distant lands and erecting walls around the town. This squadron of Dwarves left the area a month later, traveling in the deep snow to the Crata Grasslands. The Crata was far less frigid than the Goldtier, yet a good layer of snow blanketed the grasslands and a strong winter wind created frost on the beards of the Lost Dwarves. They marched and sang and drank ale in the Crata, encountering villages and encampments along the way. Their efforts were met with apathy. The people of the Crata were silent and foreboding, and some even warned the Dwarves to leave as soon as possible. Upon message to Lord Arthurdin, the Wizard commanded his troops to continue onward, attempting to occupy a Grassland Elves town at the foothills of the Goldtier. As the Dwarvish troops entered the town, they were ambushed by groups of Minotaurs under the banner of Wylias. The Dwarves were slaughtered, but some were left alive to deliver a message to Lord Arthurdin: The Dwarves of the Goldtier may not come into the Crata. We of Wylias hold dominion over this land. Next time, we will not be afraid to follow bearded cowards into the mountains from whence they came.

Spoiler :
* -1 unit of Lost Dwarves.

Lucius's Silvercrane Academy

Westfield Temple was active at all hours of the day and throughout the evening. Strange chanting and words in unknown tongues were heard throughout the Silvercrane Coast. Priests flocked to Westfield to be purified by the temple and to gaze upon its amazing abstract frescos, which turned the mind inside out and caused almost fanatical behavior in honor of Envoy Lucius. The artworks were beautiful, and the temple had a recent expansion: the Academy, or a workshop for artisan-priests wishing to perfect their art. The paintings created from these priests during the cold, icy winter in the Westmark were brilliant and perfected with great skill and mastery. The Academy High Priest in control of the group of priest-artisans created many works in honor of Lucius and the religion of the Westfield Temple. These works became exports as they had before, and their value sky-rocketed, especially among the Gnolls of Flyglan.

Trade of the artworks from Westfield Temple commenced, and the Gnolls who gobbled them up with their eyes began to exhibit strange behavior. Many of them simply stopped operating, staring at the paintings for weeks on end. Some starved to death, while others only ate scraps. The entire city seemed to become entranced by the abstract paintings coming in from Lucius's growing empire. Meanwhile, Lucius commanded an army to seize more lands throughout the Silvercrane, stopping at the Sunfane River to the south, pouring out from the Goldtier. Lucius's troops encountered little resistance from these towns, one of which was Orcish to the south and another which was Dark Elf to the north. The Dark Elves thrived in the winter weather, however, yet they were outnumbered by the army that came to conquer their town. Lucius promised the towns that life would continue as normal, yet of course tributes and resources would be required from the newly-occupied towns.

The Expansion of Rage

The Goblins of the Goldtier have awoken. Amassing their armies they have begun raids around the Gnollish city of Flyglan, pillaging and looting many lands throughout the mountainside. As a result, large amounts of wealth have been plundered from non-Goblin polities around the Goldtier, a situation that the Goblin vanishers from Regamon could not stop. Yet the vanishers continued to protect the Goldtier around their realm. While large quantities of gold and crystals was plundered from the Goldtier's foothills, the Goblins of Rage could not secure large amounts of sustainable resources. However, their forces grow every season and their conquered lands are becoming more and more complacent being ruled from Hatred.

Several raids took place in which riches were gained. The most profitable came from around Flyglan, whose Gnolls were being entranced by paintings from Westfield. As Goblin raiding parties attacked Flyglan, and as the populace became largely unable to do anything about it, certain political factions gathered within the Gnollish city to create a coalition against all magic and all Wizards. This coalition argued that banning imports was the wisest course of action and that all religious artifacts from other lands be burned. Their message of isolation has caught on with roughly half of the population, while the other half believes the Wizards to be a source of power and good luck. The political division of Flyglan has begun to turn somewhat violent, with street gangs and various factions gathering in unison, attacking the current ruling council's guards. It is difficult to tell who is who in this brooding civil war.

The War of Aadoran Succession

Time was of utmost importance. The Warrior-Bard Gilfaethwy quietly unpacked stored boxes of swords, spears, bows, arrows, and light armor. The sailors aboard the small fishing ship were relieved to be cleared of danger, and Gilfaethwy thanked them for their assistance. Gilfaethwy waited. Another fishing boat pulled up to the coast, and a group of Berserkers from Gwynedd disembarked. They were in Gnoll territory, and they could smell it. The scent of old encampments and embers wafted throughout the coast, as did the smell of feces and dog saliva. Gilfaethwy commanded the Berserkers to carry to the cache of weapons, and they set off. They would have docked in the town itself, but such a move would have been too risky.

On their journey to the coastal town of Kendrick, a town of Orcs, Gilfaethwy and his men saw many old encampments. The Gnolls had been here weeks prior, probably searching for more resources and marching south towards Palinan. When Gilfaethwy and his men arrived to the town of Kendrick, the Orcs were in the streets, huddled in the cold without much. Many of their homes had been wrecked and the blankets they carried were old, dirty, and falling apart. Their food was scarce, as well. The weapons brought by Gwynedd were wonderful, but unfortunately Gilfaethwy believed that these men could not fight. Some Gnoll patrols were still occurring, though, and the weapons were distributed any way. Gilfaethwy had the entire town's layout and plan mapped out from an unknown source, and thus knew where the Gnolls patrolled. One by one, the Gnollish patrols were killed by the Barbarians, and by some armed Orcish civilians. Clearing the docks was the most difficult, but the attempt succeeded. With the docks clear, Gilfaethwy waited for the boats to arrive.

The next day, the boats pulled into Kendrick's docks and as many Orcs as possible were loaded. After the first shipment of civilians left for Palinan, the rest waited. The ships heading for Palinan were diverted to the coastal area north of Quentora, due to news of an impending battle outside of that city. By the end of the season, the majority of the population of Kendrick had been emptied, and Gilfaethwy, the Berserkers, and a new warband of Orcs traveled out of the city to raid any encampments they could find between Palinan and Kendrick. Meanwhile, reports of the attack reached Akhoowoo, and Gnollish troops headed for the town, only to find it empty. Now many once-nomadic Gnolls from the Norclove are moving to the old town of Kendrick, yet the seasonal economic loss for Akhoowoo was significant.

Spoiler :
* -50 gold to Ng'graa Akh'rrr
* +50 gold to Gwydion, +1,000 population to Stryddinas
* +1 unique unit to Gwydion:
Kendrickan Warband (Orcs)
300 conscripts
Conscript Quality
Spears, Short Swords, some Pikes and Swords
Leather Armor

The Barbarians of the Norclove were not the only ones who had success in battle. As Gilfaethwy executed a flawless operation, the city of Palinan began to panic. Whispers of the dog-lord Ng'graa Akh'rrr could be heard throughout the city. Man, woman, and child began to scream in terror. Palinan's guard was completely useless throughout this mess. King Soan wore a pendant of great power which prevented him from being effected by the fear, yet he could not control his populace. Whispers from Ng'graa Akh'rrr's captured souls shuffled through the city at all hours. They proclaimed that the war against the Barbarians need not involve Palinan, that the city may save itself from destruction and horror if they reject the leadership of Gwynedd. Yet the people could not respond logically to this request. They simply panicked, and in doing so many reserves of Palinan's food were looted, shops were burned, and people were killed. King Soan was tormented from this.

The king's son, Prince Anoan, was approached by a bearded old man in the streets of Palinan. The old man's presence brought strange thoughts to Anoan, and his charisma attracted the prince to listen. With great articulation and persuasiveness, the man told Prince Anoan to assemble an army and rise up against his father. At first the prince was repulsed by this advice, but the persuasiveness of the man continued to effect the mind of Anoan. In addition to this, the cry of Ng'graa Akh'rrr constantly in the background was beginning to drive Anoan mad. The prince gathered many troops in the street and began an uprising against his father. The battle for Palinan continues to this day, pitting father versus son. King Soan has informed the population of Palinan that his son has been driven mad by an agent of Akhoowoo. Yet the people are still in panic. King Soan's most loyal guard has stayed with him, an elite force fighting back the troops of the mad prince.

Amidst the chaos of Palinan, some of Ng'graa Akh'rrr's troops began light raids along the city's borders. These were met full force by Gwydion's troops, who were able to slaughter many of the Gnoll Wizard's dogs by baiting and ambushing them. In addition, the food supply to the Gnollish army had been interrupted near Kendrick. Food stocks were found near the small town, which Gilfaethwy and his men thoroughly burned. Many wolfriders starved, and the Gnolls could not maintain much ground close to Palinan. Nonetheless, the spell of Ng'graa Akh'rrr continued to wreak havoc on the human city. In this new war, it is unclear what ruler will succeed the current order in the land surrounding Aadora's Bay.

Spoiler :
* -1,000 population to Palinan
* -4 units of Gnollish Wolf Riders
* -1 unit of Barbarian Berserkers

Klailor's Arch

In the winter, Deathaven Lake is known for its sounds. Much of the lake forms small icy islands, too dangerous to cross, and preventing ships from safely crossing. It is rumored that these ice forms are caused by spirits of those who drowned long ago. Whatever the reason, the Goblins of Thuggee did not intend such superstitions to inhibit their grand plans. And in this winter, the whole lake experienced a new sound other than the creaking of floating ice forms: stone. At the edge of Deathaven Lake, a large hole opened on a small peninsula as infantry from Thuggee looked on in amazement. As the hole opened, loud sounds of crunching and rock-squeezing could be heard as the massive earth-crust could be seen emerging from the terrain. Every day during winter, more and more of the earth's dirt, soil, stone, and metal combined to create a massive bridge which stretched across the sparse glaciers of Deathaven Lake. By the end of winter, the bridge was completed, a magnificent structure and feat of magical architecture, and a tool to connect the coasts of Deathaven. The bridge was smooth and had efficiently-placed stone arches at even intervals. The banner of Thuggee also rose up at even intervals. Thus infantry from Thuggee began their march across the bridge.

That was when the killing began, and certainly not when it ended. Having a modicum of battle sense, the commander of the Thuggee ordered that drake-riders be trained in haste at the beginning of winter and then put to the test guarding this bridge and supporting the attack force to conquer lands on the other side of Deathaven. This was a wise decision. The spirits of Deathaven lay dormant until the bridge was constructed. The spirits did not focus on the structure, but rather decided to focus on select goblins. One by one, goblins fell on the bridge as the spirits attacked them. As the goblins marched quickly across to reach the other side, the spirits had risen from Deathaven, completely freezing the bridge. Klailor Min'drock was one goblin who survived to tell a tale of slaughter.

Klailor is from a small goblin enclave in the Raimore Range, and has been proud to serve with the magical forces of the Thuggee. It was during this assignment he proved his worth as but a lowly member of a goblin infantry company. As his company reached the end of the Deathaven Arch, the name the goblins had given their new structure, he looked behind him to see that every inch of the bridge had been frozen. A hazy snow fall had begun and the goblins could not see. Klailor Min'drock, however, had come from a family of great inventors. His grandfather had given him a view-scope, beautifully decorated with the family crest which was more or less meaningless in the new order of things. Hastily, Klailor took the view-scope and peered through the snow-haze. He could see a great many of them - spirits. Spirits of the Elves. They glanced at him through his view-scope. Klailor began to have a seizure. One of the goblin commanders ordered him shot, but the arrows diverted from his body as they came near him. He began to glow. He was a mouthpiece.

'We are the Elves who had run from Lydai by fishing boat and canoe. We are the Elves who the spirits of this lake gave great power to vanquish those that cross. We are the Elves who protect the western coast of Deathaven and the Elves that live there. We are the Elves that kill with ice and choking cold.' As these words came out of Klailor's mouth, he fell to the ground where he remained paralyzed, completely unable to move. The drake riders came in, swooping down to attack the spirits, but they could not be attacked easily. The weather had become extremely frigid and the snow and hail was becoming too dangerous for the drake riders to operate safely. The drakes began to flail about and crash into the icy waters as large pieces of hail struck their wings. Strangely, the spirits did not move from their position. They allowed the majority of the goblin infantry to cross the bridge safely, but kept the bridge frozen with a thick layer of ice and snow. After the drakes were forced to retreat, Klailor regained control of his body.

The goblin infantry marched forward. The western coast of Deathaven was a snow-coated forest. A small opening could be seen. Many of the goblin infantry were spooked at this point. Several of their comrades had died gruesome death. Icy fingers had reached through the bridge and grabbed their ankles, flinging them off into the cold waters. Some goblins had simply froze, becoming statues of death permanently fused into the bridge's structure. Yet the goblins moving into this snowy forest could not retreat. They could only go forward, and they had their orders. They moved into the forest. It was completely quiet. Not a single animal could be seen or heard. Nothingness. The goblins continued forward. They had seen lights on the other side of Deathaven during other seasons. Perhaps a trick? Then the forward company yelled out to the rest. They had found some structures. It was not a city. No walls. As such, the cumbersome crates filled with timber and stone that were to be used to build siege equipment had been useless. Instead, the 'city' was rather a series of dwellings built into massive, hollowed out trees. Still no sound could be heard. The goblins moved forward, and snow began to fall once again.

When the first arrow fell into the skull of one of the members of the forward company, the response was an immediate radial firing of crossbows. After the goblins had all fired once, they realized only one man had died. When it was quiet again, another went down and the same cycle began again. That is when the ambush happened, and when Klailor glimpsed the horrors of those woods. Large numbers of High Elvish rangers began an assault of the goblin companies. There was another force present, however. The dead trees began to move their branches to form a hardened rooftop canopy over the goblins. Invisible foes began attacking the goblins. Some were pulled into the snow, while others were gobbled whole by openings in trees. After the massacre, the stain of goblin blood was splattered across the snowy woods. Klailor Min'drock had edged to the coast of Deathaven a bit south of the battle. He was not a coward. No. Rather he felt he should share this knowledge with the Society. Perhaps they would reward him. A few other goblins joined him in this quest, yet on their journey southward they too fell to the mysteries of the wood. Only Klailor survived, eating twigs and bugs in the woods and almost freezing to death. Someone or something had spared him, perhaps to provide a message for Thuggee. As winter came to an end, the drakes swooped down on the edge of Deathaven, picking Klailor up and returning him safely to the Raimore.

Spoiler :
* -8 units of Goblin Infantry.
* -2 units of Drakefang Drake Riders.
Update 5: Winter, Year 2
Ancient Worlds & Fresh Desires

Part III

During my travels I kept parchment and ink among my belongings. With my tools I made a map of these lands.

- Magalas, the Sage-Historian of Aniok

Map of Ethereal
Spoiler Map of Ethereal :

Direct Link to Map

Other Events
* A civil war in Coratoth has resulted in the coming occupation of that castle by Thuggee lords (next turn).
* A series of watchtowers was erected in several areas of the Thuggee realm.
* Gwydion's Barbarians conquered another town on the Windflay Peninsula and successfully found a route around the peninsula.
* Gwydion has also created a new type of Barbarian (Reverse Warriors).
* There has been some strain in Stryddinas due to the intermingling of Barbarians and the new Orcish community. (-15 gold to Gwydion's coffers)
* A beautiful ring was crafted for the Princess of Quentora, who was wed to Gwydion in a beautiful ceremony.
* Juukkeshi has perfected a new spell called Endless Nothingness.

* Continued successful propaganda of Lord Arthurdin: +25 gold. (thomas)
* Wedding gifts to Gwydion and his new wife: +25 gold, +25 mana crystals. (LDi)
* Successful salt trade from Thuggee: +40 gold. (Immaculate)
* Woodmind Priesthood's ceremony to honor Avanai: +25 mana crystals. (Massive Attack)
* Plunder from Gnollish lands: +25 gold. (vruchten)
* Westfield Temple Academy's highly valued trade to Flyglan: +25 gold. (Seon)
* Caves filled with treasure chests found in the Northern Sul: +25 gold. (nutranurse)
* Gifts to Wizard Tarnum from Lord Juergen: +25 gold. (andis)

Abrasia Forest: The great and dangerous forest north of the Sul Mountains.
Sunfane River: The river separating the realm of Lucius and the realm of Lord Arthurdin.
(Previously revealed landmarks can be found in the Maps section of the rules.)

Magical Items
Degr's Staff: This staff was retrieved by the Dark Elf Avanai in the name of Juukkeshi. The true power of the staff is currently unknown.
(Previously revealed magical items can be found in the Magic section of the rules.)

Cities Revealed
Kai'ala / High Elves (25,000 / 100)
(Previously revealed cities can be found in the Maps section of the rules.)

Castles Revealed
14: Dark Elves
15: Unknown
17: Barbarians
Heisenar / High Men
Spoiler Kingdom of Heisenar :
Kingdom of Heisenar, ruled by King Charles
High Men
Lionhill Longbowmen (-8 to Longbows, -2 to Leather)
10 troll riders
Elite (16)
Longbows (0)
Leather (0)
Cost: 16 with 50% discount = 8 gold
Upkeep: 4 gold per turn
Conditions: Keep this unit or disband. If disbanded and new High Men unit is designed, discount will be void. You can only have 20 of this unit at any given time.

'Lionhill' is actually a rather tall mountain, and it is on top of this mountain that Heisenar Castle sits, ruled by King Charles of the Lionhill Family. Heisenar was once part of a human-dwarf coalition which kept the Empire of the Two Ranges in check from expanding northward into what were once called the 'free realms'. Heisenar guards the Dwarvish city of Aurabrad in addition to itself. Many consider King Charles to be an inept ruler, who has allowed the minotaurs of Merogia Soter to form a divide between the castle and the city of Aurabrad. In many ways King Charles fears the Wizards and has accepted a policy of appeasement. However, others within the old kingdom have exhibited behaviors more concerned with retainment and bravery.

Mirdelak / Goblins
Spoiler Mirdelak Keep :
Mirdelak Keep, ruled by the Council of Mir-nobles
Steepcliff Troll Keepers (-8 to combatant mount)
5 troll riders
Elite (16)
Leather (0)
Shield (0)
Spears (0)
Combatant Mount (4)
Cost: 20 with 20% discount = 16 gold
Upkeep: 8 gold per turn
Conditions: Keep this unit or disband. If disbanded and new Goblin unit is designed, discount will be void. You can only have 10 of this unit at any given time.

Trolls are not as common as they used to be, yet the southern Sul still has an abundance of them and they seem to be experiencing a sort of resurgence from this area. Trolls are not very intelligent creatures and are extremely aggressive. Very few have been able to tame them, let alone befriend them. The Goblins of Mirdelak are one of the few realms that has been able to successfully do so. During the old Empire of the Two Ranges, Mirdelak offered their troll-riders to the Orcish empire to help in its southern defenses. That was long ago, and the tradition of capturing trolls and training the Troll Keepers has since been purely for mercenary purposes. One of the principal ways Mirdelak makes a living and has been able to live on this whole time free of an empire to support it is due to mercenary work. The Council of what are called Mir-nobles have guarded over Mirdelak and promoted its traditions. Decorating the keep are engravings of trolls and epic battle scenes involving the Troll Keepers.

(Previously revealed castles can be found in the Maps and Castles Listing section of the rules.)
S U M M E R . A W A R D S . T I M E

Welcome, Wizards and kids to summer award time! This is not summer in Ethereal, but rather summer on the planet Earth, a dimension in the Nether Sphere that can no longer be visited, but will probably be destroyed by some sort of apocalyptic event in the near future (as described by insane Christian evangelicals!). These awards are to serve as a cheers from me to you for a fun game so far, and to hope that we continue to have such fun in the near future. Also, with empires fairly established, ruins discovered, and spells having been cast and wars being fought, I feel the NES has entered a new stage. Therefore, awards time. If you want, you can post stories about these awards, or you can just accept them with grace and dignity.

thomas.berubeg: Unto you I give a cask of Star Ale, a fine beverage which will make two of your units extremely drunk. Yet this drunkenness is not a negative effect - rather it makes Dwarves risk their lives. It makes them tougher and braver. Awarded for: Always turning orders in first.

Terrance888: Unto you I give a basket of Life Berries. After a unit eats these berries, they will find themselves completely healed (if you ever receive a -1 of a unit from an update, use these berries to revive that unit free of charge). Awarded for: Most peaceful player.

erez87: Unto my sir from Israel I give Gaia's Warpaint. When painted on one of your units, it will greatly improve that unit's attack and speed. Only to be used once (like all other awards here). Awarded for: Most impatient player.

Seon: Unto one of our youngest players I give Psychotic Brushes. These paint brushes are made from the fine hair-like thistles of plants found on the Silvercrane Coast. Use them once to create a painting which will brainwash an enemy unit and cause it to flee a battle. Awarded for: Being a weird mother****er.

Northen Wolf: Unto our videographer goblin, I give a set of Ghost Blades. Equip one of your units with these for a one-time use. Your units can stab themselves, and those units will be able to haunt something for one turn. After that turn, they will return to normal. Awarded for: Making crazy videos with weird hybrid medieval-heavy metal music.

Vertinari118: Unto our British gliding/physics-major friend I give Owl Wings. Equip these to any one unit to make them a flying noncombatant for one turn. Awarded for: Joining this NES despite your lack of free time.

nutranurse: Unto the male nurse I give a Ring of Starfaith, which will allow your troops, for one turn, to track the movements of enemy troops. The ring provides foresight for the commander who wears it. Awarded for: Orders with highly inventive concepts.

andis-1: Unto this elusive fellow I give Grassquake Boots. Equip the commander of one unit with these boots, and that unit can stomp on the ground causing a small (only distracting) earthquake for enemies. Awarded for: Gaining the most ground without posting any stories or a single piece of in-thread diplomacy. :p

LDiCesare: Unto you, dear sir, I give the Eternal Bouquet, a bouquet of shapeshifting (as in, can take the form of any flower) flowers which will improve the morale of one of your units and allow that unit to charm others. The flowers are immortal until they are smelled / rubbed all over the body by the unit, at which point they wither away. Awarded for: Most descriptive orders.

Massive Attack: Unto our friend named after a famous 'trip hop' band, I give a Shadowmilk Potion. Have a unit drink this potion, and that unit will become a shadow, able to spy anywhere during the night. Awarded for: Sneakiness and inventiveness.

vruchten: Unto our German friend I give a set of Howling Collars. Put these collars around the necks of one of your units to make them even more vicious. Awarded for: Most warmongering player.

Immaculate: Unto Sir Immaculate I give a set of Klailor's Enchanted Inventor's Tools. Use these once to create a bomb which can be used either offensively or defensively. Awarded for: Most expansionist player.
OOC: Except Britain doesn't have majors and I have never managed to work out what they are. I doing A-Levels in the three sciences and philosophy of religion and ethics if that helps anyone. Awesome update by the way.
OOC: Except Britain doesn't have majors and I have never managed to work out what they are. I doing A-Levels in the three sciences and philosophy of religion and ethics if that helps anyone. Awesome update by the way.

Sorry. I'm totally uncultured. At least the map is in kilometers. :p Thanks btw.
OOC: The standard unit for distances in the UK is still the mile but I can work in either so it doesn't matter. Don't worry about it.
To the Inhabitants of the Crata Grasslands

You wish for proof of my power? Very well. I will give you a choice! Do you wish to allow yourself to feel the greatest joys of your lives, or the sheerest horror? As I wizard I have faced both numberless times. Speak, mortals, and feel my power.

(Don't Get Wendell Angry or imply he's short! Or He'll get you!
Telurgrae / Halflings (41,000 / 164))

To the Kindred City of Telurgrae
I speak and I hear. I am Wendell the Tall, Wizard of Pordos Valley, Lord of Halflings, Humans, Elves and Beastmen, and Pursuer of Peace. I have subdued bandits, liberated the fearful, empowered the weak and protected the poor. Being Kindreds we are separated by the Crata Grasslands. Would you wish a road to bring our peoples closer together in this dangerous world? My halflings will defend lands with their lives, and trade between such a great city as yours and my realm will be fruitful for all. Speak, and I will hear.
andis-1: Unto this elusive fellow I give Grassquake Boots. Equip the commander of one unit with these boots, and that unit can stomp on the ground causing a small (only distracting) earthquake for enemies. Awarded for: Gaining the most ground without posting any stories or a single piece of in-thread diplomacy.

Gee, I should be honored ;) but what can I say? I suck at writing stories with actual story, and on top of that the last month or so has been quite busy with school and the trip to germany. If you want I could make some sort of description of the culture, but it would be just that, a description :p

just one note, you forgot to add gryphon riders to my stats.
Corrected! Thanks andis. No worries - I only jest. Post what you want to post. Descriptions of the culture are always helpful, especially later on when your kingdom begins contacting other realms.
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