SM4 - The Great War

I tried to load the save and the game immediately crashes...commandobob, could you check whether the save is correct
I'll play after you then to keep it going.
We have done some mistakes at the start, thats why now we are in so bad position... We need to think about long-term plan, with current tech situation we will not be able to survive after Inca is gone. Fighting Cavs + rifles with spears and MW's = :crazyeye:
When should start GL operation? How are we planning to do it? Lets discuss those things :scan:
I tried to load the save and the game immediately crashes...commandobob, could you check whether the save is correct

And the save is >>HERE<<.
I had the wrong file name in the saved URL (SM4_500AD instead of SM4_AD_500). I fixed that, downloaded the save and it opened fine on my machine.

The above quote has the correct link to the save file.

I hope this fixes the problem.
smart, how do you want to pull off the GL capture. We can and must declare on Zulu only once Inca are destroyed.

I think the only way to do this, is a nasty ROP rape. By the time we know Incas are about to go, we need to pile a stack of units next to the GL city and once war is declared, capture the city and keep for 1 turn. Should be possible of we manage to pillage the roads around it as well.

Cyllus, if you can play tonight, take it, I go after that and then smart.
lurker's comment: If the Zulu are willing to sign a RoP with you, that is. They will remember your "RoP Rape" of the Inca.
I thought that we can make wars with anyone and then sign peace, if it's not the "current" enemy.
Inca have 13 cities to go, do we have to wait? Zulu will get Nationalism after that, probably they have only one or few MA techs to research... Btw we have RoP with them currently.
First, you should buy contact with the rest of the world to get more chances of getting techs. There's likely to be some advanced civs out there.
I thought that we can make wars with anyone and then sign peace, if it's not the "current" enemy.
Inca have 13 cities to go, do we have to wait? Zulu will get Nationalism after that, probably they have only one or few MA techs to research... Btw we have RoP with them currently.
I think we forgot that fact as we focused on 'Public Enemy #1'. So, we can't make peace with the current victim, not a problem. But, does that mean they have to be our primary focus? Could we not beat up on someone else for limited goals while we just shadow-box with our main foe?

And, in the current situation, we could maintain a war stance against the Inca and let the AIs kill each other off. Right?
I've been saying this for a longtime. Without any sort of pointy stick we'll be attacking Infantry with ME, or even swords at this rate. I'm gonna play right now. If I can't squeeze ten turns out before I need to get off I'll just post what I got with the save.
Yes, we can make different things with other civs too. I'm not saying leave current enemy with one city and play like in normal game - it would be unfair, but in current situation we can't focus on Inca only - our research is like in Always War game where we can't trade.
We need contacts, but it may take some time... I'm think we must maintain safe war with Inca and at the same time take GL city and rebuild infrastructure. Then we will be able to continue wars with more "modern" units then obsolete MW's and spears.
My idea of a safe war (here) is to let the Zulu and everyone else beat up on the Incas. We don't give peace, but don't pursue war. We build cities where there were none or once were some. We keep our Incan border cities defended.

That's the easy part. Planning on how to take GL City, sorta different. For that we need the Inca's strong enough to keep the Zulu occupied while we build up. So we may need to begin blocking Zulu units moving through our wigwams. It would be nice if GL City was near a border with a 3rd civ, so we could get an ROP with that civ and still have our troops near enough to GL City to get there upon the declaration of war. Even better, if we could get MAs against the Zulu once we attack.

The raid to capture GL City could be costly, especially if we raze the city. (Or we could just gift it back to the Zulus and teleport our units home, but that seems a bit of a cheat.) If we raze the city (and all this is without looking at a save or a map) we may strand our units deep in enemy territory.

If we pull off the Great Library Elevator, and manage to make peace with the Zulus rather shortly (say, five turns or so) and we haven't lost too many cities, we need a fair number of cities to turn that new knowledge into power and units.

Or then again, perhaps an overses embassy so we can sell contacts and knowledge to the unwashed masses.
We are 8 turns from Monarchy
First off I look for trades, there are a LOT of communications to buy.
Only Zulu and Persia know Printing Press.
Mass communication purchases, India gets them all because Zulu has over 7k in gold
English->90g Mongols->62g and WM Babylon->124g Aztecs->135g Vikings->113g Korea->107g Persia->126g
Most of these civs ONLY know Zulu and Persia which is odd. Only England has techs AND is behind in other techs (besides Japan of course). The 2 most powerful civs are our next targets, sweet! :lol:
Build embassy with England for 82g and check their price for Monarchy. They were the first civ I purchased from India and at the time they’d trade Monarchy for Currency, Lit, Ivory, Furs, and 77g. Now their price is Currency and Lit OR Currency and Ivory for Monarchy and their measly 2g. I give them the 2 techs for Monarchy and 2g. They’re way to far away to trade resources with without a big risk that the route get cut off.
Sell Currency to Japan for all of their 80g.
Purchase Engineering from Korea for 495g and 66gpt
Purchase Fued from the Mongols for Monarchy, Engineering, and 61g
Now we are up Eng and Fued on Aztec, Sandanavia, and England. Hopefully one of them researches Mono for us to trade with.
I get to take the Anarchy turns

And oh yeah, Zulu is strong! I cancel the ROP with them, we don’t need to move on their territory to meet civs anymore and they’re just gonna crush Inca otherwise.
Move some troops around
Hit Enter

Zulu drags India in against Inca

1 – 510 A.D.
Wake a fortified Galley and continue him on his way.
Troop movement and worker turns

Zulu drags Korea in against Inca

2 – 520 A.D.
Scandanavia learns Mono
Just like turn 1


3 – 530 A.D.
More of the same


4 – 540 A.D.
Can’t get an offense going. The Inca are trickling in too quickly in the Northeast.

We had company pop in and I been away from the computer now for 3 hours, now we're heading out. Here is the save if someone can take it.
And oh yeah, Zulu is strong! I cancel the ROP with them, we don’t need to move on their territory to meet civs anymore and they’re just gonna crush Inca otherwise.
You idiot! Weren't you going to RoP Rape the Zulu to get the GLB elevator? :crazyeye:
how many turns of anarchy did we draw?

great deals btw...this will help us but we lack iron as far as I remember

We should try and get Incas RoP back as we need to rape them

suggest smart you continue as this would fit the original roster
No one took it yet, I'll finish the ten turns right now. Has Adz been around?
No one took it yet, I'll finish the ten turns right now. Has Adz been around?

lurker's comment: Does this answer your question?
First off thanks for the update on Adz Chox :crazyeye:

The rest of the story (AKA turn 4)

Clear our lands of Inca

Japan and India sign peace

5 – 550 A.D.
Without Maya having the ROP we can’t hold off the Inca so he gets it back, won’t pay any gold for it.
Just more random movement


6 – 560 A.D.
We are now a Monarchy
Invention in 50 at 76gpt, 14 turns left giving 66gpt to Korea
We could trade Engeneering AND 14gpt to Scandanavia for Mono but I’m going to wait for .
We cannot afford Iron with our 76gpt… Losing out on Poitiers is going to cost us a fortune.

Babylon and India sign MA against Inca
Spain and Inca sign peace
Zulu take 2 Incan cities, Arabs about to take another with their Ansar Warrior stack

7 – 570 A.D.
Almost have a stack ready to move again.

Arabs raze Juli

8 – 580 A.D.
India is in Democracy
Nothing really happening as of now
Sell Ivory to India for 309g and 7gpt
Rush 2 Libraries, we need SOME cultural expansion.
Just to note: Ivory, Furs, 2g, and 80gpt is not enough to get us Iron.

UGG here come the war Elephants again. Also note Arabia sending a Settler in. We have enough in production that we should beat any of the Eastern civs to settling Razed Incan territory.
Figures, just after I say that an Indian Galley drops off a Settler pair and settles some Northwestern open space lol.

9 – 590 A.D.
Practically nothing
Duh, just noticed something… :hammer2:
Purchase Mono from Scandanavia for Engineering and 4gpt then turn Mono and sell it and 17gpt to Mongolia for Iron. (could have used Ivory or Furs in the deal but I don’t want the trade route to be broken somehow and we get burned)
Lower the Lux slider 1 and mm to get 23gpt more.
Change some builds

BAH! Gimme Horses riots.

10 – 600 A.D.
A LOT of civs learn Chivalry and Theology, none of the ones we’re up on of course.
The polite Indians will sell us Chvalryfor practically all we’ve got.
Our land is littered with foreign Elephant and Horse Dung!

Well that’s all folks, whoever takes it next will find our SOD the only thing not moved, it’s ready to go finally.

Some pictures for those who like pictures
Here’s as much of our goofy doughnut shaped territory as will fit

The War Front

The Save
Looks good, Cyllus. We've got new tech and better units. Great!

I've not downloaded the save, so just some quick questions.

Who are we at war with?

Who do we want to be at war with?

From just the map, we need a lot of purple cities and we have some yellow and gray splotches in our land.

We have a lot of Incan and soon-to-be open land to settle to our northwest.

My very vague thinking is that we lay low, build better units and settlers and begin to fill in the unclaimed land. We build the GL City Task Force (unless we learn Education) and move it into place. Once we declare on the Zulu we get India to join us on an MA against the Zulu. Once Zululand is purple, we DoW on India, at least to remove any Gray threat in our own backyard.

Not real detailed, and may not even practical, but so much about this level is unfamiliar to me. And even to me it sounds sorta fuzzy.
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