Like Bird, I didn't quite understand what sort of experiment I'm involved in, so I might be imposing my own shape on the question.
In the scenario, I don't have to and am not allowed to work. So at least the second most significant element of the experience would be having a lot of time on my hands (after being in greater danger than I am presently in my life, which the scenario stresses through its references to gangs and such).
So what I think I'd try to do with my time is volunteer. I have sufficient culinary skills to work in a soup kitchen. I have basic fixer-upper-style skills. I could tutor kids. So I would make contact with the public school and the local parishes in town (Blackpool has four Catholic churches; even Durant has one), and nose about for how my labor could be put to good use. I might have to seek out sources of funding for materials and borrow tools, but old lady who needs a ramp installed? done. People will be suspicious of a do-good interloper, but if I can convince the parish priests of my sincerity, maybe they can set people at ease on that account.
If the idea behind money is that I have pretty much only enough for basic survival, then that's what I'd do. If the budget is sufficient that by scrimping, I can free up some funds for discretionary purchases, one of the first would go to safety--an extra deadbolt on the door. I'm not too worried on that front, b/c presumably I don't possess much worth anyone's stealing. After that, I'd save up to be able to buy a round of drinks at the local pub for whatever lucky bastards were there on the day I pulled the funds together. (I'd go at a time when there were only three or four present.)
Blackpool and Durant each have a public library, so I'd get a borrower's card. Hunker down after dark and read.
I'd pick Blackpool b/c I'm an Anglophile, so whatever touring I was able to do, even if limited to the town itself, would flesh out my knowledge of English history and culture.
You can look for work. The UBI thing was mostly to account for getting work in such places would be hard.
More a test of if the basics are taken care of where would you be willing to live if you had to is the test.
Sure you coukd go digital nomad and relocate somewhere nice but CFC gets to laugh at you.