snofru space map large continents v7, nightmare epic, svn 11391


May 9, 2014
post #2 is actual game, inside spoiler was abandoned due to problem with traits
Spoiler :
settings: 20 AI, playing as Rome Julius Caesar, nightmare, barbarian world, barbarian civs, neanderthal cities, divine prophets, start without traits, developing leaders, complex traits, size matters, hide and seek, realistic siege, advanced nukes, advanced routes

not rerolling after starting - playing with position that I get first time

bc 200 000:
one of my favourite moments in this mods, starting exploring new unknown map

turn 6 - bc 195 000:
I like spots on coast river with caves, nice if with natural wonder, but won't spend too many turns searching one, this spot for city has advantages and disadvantages, easy to defend but hard to expand

turn 180 - bc 107 000:
started with cave dwelling and built wonder, someone else got neanderthal culture before me, then: nomadism and scavenging for production buildings, stone tools workshop, sharpening (I want to create merged spiked clubman as early as possible and attach to great general), trails (woodsman 3 promotion), language and cultural identity for some science, prehistoric dance for 5 dances (culture), petroglyphs (lascaux paintings), softhammer percussion and following techs for +4 science from stone workshop, neanderthal city is size 2 and will be good to capture, but defending units are powerful and maintenance from distance will be probably 20 gold

can't explain how did bamboo tile disappear:D (turn 6 it's 2 tiles to the right from Rome, turn 180 it's not there anymore) it was one of reasons I chose this spot for city

turn 218 - bc 88 000:
prepared for capturing size 2 city by creating trail for immediate trade route (8 gatherers protected by 3 stone throwers, high maintenance for units outside of borders), one wise woman for faster healing, five storytellers to finish anarchy immediately, merged spiked clubman got quality promotion and has now 9 strength

first trait selection is hard choice, seems it's different in svn 11391 than it was in 11390:) after thinking I chose organized for overall larger network, seems that traits marked with I and not with 0 are visible in civilipedia but not accessible when choosing

turn 299 - bc 49 000:
economy recovered after high maintenance of 2nd city and now should be okay to capture 3rd, failed to get lascaux paintings - someone else built in 90 000 bc somehow, research was: bark working (bark huts good for economy), skinning and bone working (huts and boneworkers), trapping and tracking (to make use of ivory that appeared from event), portable shelters (to make use of bison that appeared from event), personal adornment (instant access to jewellers due to ivory), bead working (+3 gold due to ivory), next will be barter (remove -1 trade route civic), tribalism (carpenting that is requirement, will allow to make bridge without rope, for more routes)

turn 365 - bc 40 000
tribalism done, I thought it's better to wait and create 2 cities close to capital rather than capturing one far away, resin will give +1 gold from canoe maker, and will allow to build lacquerware, +1 gold and another +1 from crafts hut, and +1 if I find dye, next techs: pictographs (+1 science building), tanning (some production and gold from ropes that can be made from leather), slavery (to make use of captives), fishing (gives huts in coastal cities which are my all), elephant and animal riding to create double merged unit with great general, then sedentary life

turn 528 - bc 19 000
sedentary lifestyle finished, took longer than my earlier games, I think due to lack of previous traits that were adding trade routes, free tech agriculture for instant +science and gold from smallholding, then ideograms (library of nineveh) then caste system, then heritage (awesome building ancient customs), divination feels much weaker without previous scientific traits, I will rather go through upper line for economy buildings which will allow to balance maintenance after expanding

turn 682 - bc 10 000
one of captured cities had. C.L. neanderthal and it was enough to train neanderthal elephant riders there, I captured city near horses, built riding school (speed promotion) and used great general for double merged unit, morale promotion and quality up, on top of it ancient way of centaur, and it's unit almost as powerful and mobile as early tank, in ancient era, with triple as much hitpoints, I like it:D researched trade for more routes, going to masonry (city states civic), sculpture (golden age from valley of king to avoid anarchy), specialization (free specialists), soap making, glass blowing, candle making, divination, magic (gold income), monarchy
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starting new game on same map due to issue with traits in previous save

turn 3 - bc 198000
after starting exploring, found very good location for city, caves coast river and natural wonder in radius

turn 309 - bc 47 000
captured city near natural wonder and storing captives to use slavery, this time I try trait scientific 1 as first choice, to compare which year it will be industrial era and if information era economy (based on trade routes) will be reached faster than with other traits choices

turn 508 - bc 22 000
after discovering volcano natural wonder I demolished previously captured city in order to be able to build new one 2 tiles away and use obsidian and waterproof cement, it's significant advantage when building canals and ports, reached sedentary era about bc 27 000 with fishing, all three prehistoric religions and megafauna domestication (I was hoping to make use of mamooth but trainer or heritage is unconstructable because of requirement 40 degrees latitude (weird because it's almost south pole of map, there is permafrost), 2nd trait philosophical aloof and 3rd negotiator in order to compare early specialist/trade routes and tech growth

turn 795 - bc 7655
reached classical era around bc 8000 and it's faster than other traits choice, education >500 in all cities is good to have when entering this era for 3rd tier of education, but we will see if information era will be reached faster than in trade routes oriented build, earlier tech choices were as in previous post, and in classical I do as follows: alphabet (open borders=2 trade routes), mathematics (science building math academy), literature (library), republic (trade routes, +% science gold in all cities, civic buildings, which should balance -1 commerce from slaves), mail (national courier -25% anarchy), buddhism (nara's budda -50% anarchy), road building, construction, combat sports (hadrian's walls = walls in all cities, safety when using realistic siege option; flavian amphiteatre = colosseum in all cities, high gold), aristocracy (noble gives access to nice promotions), iron working and ancient machinery (triple-merged siege weapon led by great general is capable of travelling across enemy lands on its own), next I'm thinking machinery for city gates, or spice+drug trade+insurance for 3 trade routes, or sanitation for sewers and more housing types, if anyone has better ideas for tech route in this era, would be awesome

turn 940 - bc 4647
medieval lifestyle done, first vassalage, feudalism, engineering, guilds, theocracy (better civic), education (universities for -anarchy time and maintenance, then anything, could be directly to renaissance or parliaments for king's council (5% gold all cities) and banking for better civic, I overexpanded and maintenance doesn't allow to have 100% science

turn 1070 - bc 1949
done renaissance lifestyle, free tech humanism, going as usual, jurisprudence for supreme court, social contract for tax office (maintenance reduction), botany for arboretum, archeology for theory of evolution, nationalism for gold standard civic, doubtful if it's good time to abandon slavery, 4th traits selection was organized I + negligent I (production from specialists and large maintenance reduction), 5th spiritual I (benefits from many prophets and golden ages)

turn 1208 - bc 761 blob:
industrial lifestyle, free tech steam power, next railroad for faster movement, romanticism for imperial fortress (trade routes), machine tools and assembly line for factories to build before industrial farms are available

reached old continent from previous game on this map:)

turn 1305 - bc 342
atomic lifestyle, free tech industrialism, next communism for state owned agriculture which I think is best agriculture civic in game due to 30% food for growth reduction, then I will get computer related techs for science, on way there probably also aircraft for more routes, and maybe logistics for same reason
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turn 1493 - ad 462
finished information lifestyle, first going to knowledge management for nuclear powercomplex (200 production in every city), then superstring theory (theory of everything world project), exoplanet discovery and jovian exploration to have some free buildings in every city (shorter construction queues), bioinformatics (very good science), genetic biochemistry (fertility clinic faster growth), genomic encyclopedia (high food bonus in all cities), aquaculture (aquafarm 30 food in every coastal city), many good technologies in this era and hard to choose priority:)

edit: rapid prototyping and megacities are awesome for overall economy (production and gold), lots of free buildings in all cities from these, manufacturing districts and housing given by rapid prototyping are very powerful

edit2: construction queues are very long especially in newer cities with lower production, in my next game I will wait with most of buildings that are given for free in later eras, in order to build up other that are not given for free at any point

turn 1603 - ad 753
nanotech lifestyle, construction queues are becoming increasingly more complex and I'm planning ahead with use of free buildings in every city. Free tech I wanted fusion for 200 production and 35% production from new power plant, but I didn't pay attention to requirements, taking ubiquitous computing and then rapid recuperation which is closest significant tech from here (needs 4 techs), I think that reduced % food for growth will be the best, and on 2nd place augmented consumables for food manufacturing districts (+150 food in every city where it's built)

novus chemistry (good districts), vertical farming (a lot of food), skyroads (trade routes), levitation (-15% food to growth from civic off planet dumping), universal translator (some percents of science in all cities), cybernetics (-15% food to growth), environmental economics and planetary economics (large buildings for food)

turn 1746 - ad 1138
transhuman lifestyle, first nuron engineering for free applied psychology lab in every city (shorter construction queues), next homo superior for superhuman civic 25% science in every city

before technological singularity I don't see too many options which give something good, for now going for astrogation constellation to connect all cities with routes

artificial photosyynthesis is good for production (gamma assembler)

I think that nanomining was the best tech to prioritise, core mine and metals megacomplex are huge boosts for production, and city screen looks cleaner:)
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turn 1880 - ad 1433
galactic lifestyle, first colony arcology for good housing (150 production), then antimatter initiated power plants for production, prioritising teleportation for trade route yield and xenodiplomacy for civic with -20% food required to growth, almost whole mars and venus colonized, and most of planets in solar system, soon dyson sphere and interstellar colonization

atomic scale engineering technology unlocks two awesome buildings (renewable megacomplex and nanotech complex) which make city screen much more compact and add a lot of production
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Can I see your save?
Also you are playing on slow speed - you should be in Renaissance era!
So be careful at selecting multiple techs - you will start to overflow making all selected techs to be researched at once somewhere in Galactic.
ye I remember it's somewhere about 20 millions tech costs, currently at 18 so soon can't select multiple:)
turn 1960 - ad 1509
finishing solar dyson sphere on mercury, which costs 57 mln gold to hurry, or 30 captured asteroids, I chose second option:)

and ye, sure, here save:) should be in renaissance?:) almost cosmic, 20 techs missing:D AI civilizations are in late medieval/early renaissance

curious if you see some obvious mistakes in gameplay etc. in save:)


  • Admin August 15, AD-1509 dyson sphere.CivBeyondSwordSave
    8.6 MB · Views: 4,887
ye I remember it's somewhere about 20 millions tech costs, currently at 18 so soon can't select multiple:)
turn 1960 - ad 1509
finishing solar dyson sphere on mercury, which costs 57 mln gold to hurry, or 30 captured asteroids, I chose second option:)

and ye, sure, here save:) should be in renaissance?:) almost cosmic, 20 techs missing:D AI civilizations are in late medieval/early renaissance

curious if you see some obvious mistakes in gameplay etc. in save:)
Yeah 1500 AD normally would be Renaissance if you had normal tech pace

Also can't see things because of constant production popups - maybe try to put something in all cities, and then upload save :D
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I am using minimise popups, also was using auto city governor, but I noticed it had large impact on next turn time (like 30 seconds compared to 2 minutes), now I use build lists, and it's the best way of constructing complicated chains of buildings in every city that I found out so far, tried to upload new save with filled queues and next turn leads to only one pop up, and ye I was mostly concentrating on science buildings during this game:)

edit: although I was noticing that number of popups is large and would be nice if it could be reduced somehow, 2nd picture is how screen always looks like at the beginning of turn:)filling production queues didn't change it


  • Admin February 5, AD-1519.CivBeyondSwordSave
    8.6 MB · Views: 32
  • popups.png
    4.6 MB · Views: 59
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Titan is its own space zone like Moon, Mars and Venus - build colony on Titan to get its specific buildings.

By the way all projects are meant to be buildable on Earth only, but currently map category isn't implemented for projects
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thanks:) I was building spaceship components in space cities when there was nothing else to build, and good catch with titan, I missed that it's "can only exist on titan plot" instead of vicinity requirement like in case of other outer planets:)

turn 2015 - ad 1561
cosmic lifestyle, a lot of interesting science fiction concepts to learn, I am enjoying things like blue supergiant colonies, or galaxy core dyson spheres:)


  • 2015ad1561.png
    4.7 MB · Views: 69
thanks:) I was building spaceship components in space cities when there was nothing else to build, and good catch with titan, I missed that it's "can only exist on titan plot" instead of vicinity requirement like in case of other outer planets:)

turn 2015 - ad 1561
cosmic lifestyle, a lot of interesting science fiction concepts to learn, I am enjoying things like blue supergiant colonies, or galaxy core dyson spheres:)
How about stability with that game - do you have crashes? Amazing if this really runs stable now with so many cities on the map.
hey:) yes it works nicely, slows down a bit when many terrain improvements are loading, but it's generally much better than what I remember from several years ago:) my pc is 16 core, 128 gb ram, rtx 3090, so maybe it matters, although I think that it's mostly because of performance upgrades in mod itself. The only memory allocation failure happened around medieval era, and surprisingly not while in cosmic era:)
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