Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

At the very least, you will need to blend it in with any file with an O in its name in the art/terrain directory. If you end up changing the coastal you will also need to change all the ones with a C in the name. If you are just changing the tint a bit, it shouldn't be hard. If you are making more substantive changes, be prepared for a lot of work. Making sure tiles blend correctly is the most time consuming part about making a terrain mod. Each tile has to blend seeemlessly with dozens of tiles.
Oh no, I tried to update my desktop w/this sweet graphics pack and nutted it up. I did it correctly on my laptop, but now the desktop won't recognize the disk. I tried to uninstall CIV3 and re-install, but it gives me the darn DSETUP.dll (may not be exact) file missing error.

help please

be sure it's not a result/problem of snoopy's terrain...

try this: uninstall civ3, delete the civ-folder manually (if needed), clean your disk and maybe the cd/dvd-drive too, reinstall civ3
The prob I think is that I unzipped the files in the wrong fashion partly because I was in a hurry, and now I can't get the game to start up or recognize the disk.

The game won't uninstall because of the dsetup.dll file missing error.
Installing this, even into a wrong folder, won't screw up your puter other than making a mess of files someplace unintended.

You need to check out the tech support forum for what might be wrong with your computer. Also do some web searches for the specific error message you recieved. I suspect it is totally unrelated to this mod and just a coincidence.
the terrain-mod only extract some graphic-files, it doesn't matter if you install/copy them in the wrong way/directory. the only problem may occur is that the mod doesn't work, but never civ3 doesn't work as a result of this

so delete the civ3-folder and all registry-entries manually (maybe use a program like regcleaner for reg-entries), then try to reinstall
if this wont work post to tech support forum, like watorrey already mentioned
Just wanted to thank Snoopy (if he/she's still around) for the beautiful terrain graphics, which really add a lot of color to the game
I installed and was dissapointed to see none of my Conquest tribes availible. I thought this was fixed, now what do I do. How do you remove this thing?
Installing this won't affect anything in the game other than how it looks on the display.

The only way to remove it if you didn't backup your original files is to reinstall the game.
It's working now. I don't know why but the first few time it didn't work and now it’s great. The graphics are great, really adds to the game. Thanks
Congratulations for your fantastic graphics, Snoopy.
Could you tell me what I should edit on the vanilla files to make my own?
@Muck-You need to clean out any trace of Civ 3 before you reinstall it.

@Snoopy-Great graphics Modpack. I give it two thumbs up and two big toe's up(If I had any more thumbs they would be up)
i want to down load it but ive reached my download limit with bt broad band:cry:
DB9 said:
i wnt to down load it but ive reached my download limit :cry:
Welcome to the forum. CFC (abbreviation for this site) does not have download limits. They are quite generous with bandwidth and do not even require registration do download, only to post.
Ok, I see you from your last edit that you were not talking about issues with this site, but with your ISP.
man BT sucks...

so bad i even use AOL over it!
I done broke the game...
I'm not having any luck tonight.

Someone please help me.

This is what happened when I extracted Snoopy's terrains. And yes, to the correct folder.


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