Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

Hey, I'm having trouble installing this.

I'm using a mac, and when it downloads, it goes straight to the desktop as a folder. Can I manually put stuff in the right places?
Ok, it worked, I also figured out how the directories are set up.
uh wait, i did this all but now the city borders arent there and are replaced by huge gray blocks T_T not only that but i can see the whole map!? no fog of war..

please reply >.<

is here still anyone who is the "owner" of the mod? Because I want to use it for another Civ game (C-Evo) and I am still not sure about the some legal questions!

Can Thunderfall or Sn00py tell me if a derivative of this Mod Pack may be used for another Open Source game?

I would like to, but there is no Readme in the download that says if this is permissible or not, or if the art work is original or a derivative of Firaxis' copyrighted works.

I would like permission to use this mod's art work, if anyone can help me reach these two people asap. Tia! =)
Thanks for your opinion on use Watorrey, if it was just here in this bubble i'd do that; but would that suffice for an Open Source game project outside of this CivFanatic site in the real world?

I have sent both of them emails, and as people are busy or have many email addresses i'm looking for a friend of, or direct email to, these two well regarded people to ask for their permission and ask if the works are original or derivative or of a mixed nature.

I would without hesitation give credit to all creators, however, it is not confirmed just who these are and which way they may release their works.

A general CivFanatics Forum discussion on Original, Derivative, Copyrighted, Pirated game art and licensing is ongoing here:
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