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Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack


Oct 25, 2000
Version 4.1 released on February 2nd, 2003
...for Vanilla Civ3 and PTW

*** Civ3 Conquests version can be downloaded in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68702


A complete terrain graphics modpack! This modpack is composed of several smaller mods: new graphics for irrigation, rocky Mountain & Hills, new rivers, distinct looking forests and jungles, blue water, greener grassland, raised land, and improved city graphics. Released soon after Civ3's release in 2001, this modpack quickly became the most popular terrain graphics modpack for Civilization III.

You can download this modpack in one convenient file.

Download New Version 4.1:

NOTE: This is the same version included on the PTW CD. You don't need to download it if your version of PTW has it. (So far it seems only the German version doesn't have it)

Standard 4.1:
http://www.civfanatics.net/downloads/civ3/modpack/Snoopy41.zip (3.77 MB)

Greener 4.1:
http://www.civfanatics.net/downloads/civ3/modpack/Snoopy41g.zip (3.78 MB)

Here is a screenshot showing the effect of this beautiful modpack:


Another screenshot: http://www.civfanatics.net/downloads/civ3/modpack/snoopy41c.jpg



Terrain Modification

If you are unsure if you will like this mod or if you wish to go back to the original terrain files sometime, then you must first back up the original files before you use these. If you do not, then you will have to reinstall Civ3 to get the originals back.

Unzip the files directly into your /Art/ directory. All the correct directories are provided so your unzipper should unzip them correctly.
Overwrite all.

There is one file called "X-o_ALLstates-sprite" this file belongs in the /Art/ Directory, it will change the "circle" shaped button that you push when you want to confirm a yes command. It will also change the X slightly.

The Modpack

Mountains that have no jungle on them are now grey with a slight yellow hue, but I have left the jungle mountains red, as there are mountains that are red and I believe they are usually in the tropical areas. There are many of you who complain and want all your mountains grey, well tough, Earth's mountains are not all grey, and if you don't like that, then make the sea yellow with purple dots, I don't care.

The original mountains also shot out from the ground and mountains don't exactly do that, they gradually get higher and higher surrounded by hills, but unfortunately it would not look good if the tree's looked 3x bigger than the hills and the hills as big as the mountains. So shrinking things would only kill the look that Civ3 can achieve. But I did add a few hills around the base of the mountains to try and help it.

The original snow on the snow-top mountains were horrible, I know what they did to make that snow and it's just terrible, looks like fluff, so I have changed that too.

Now, about the forests, not the jungles or the pine tree's, but the other ones, there are 3 colours, the very very dark ones are on tundra, the very autumn like ones are on plains, and the nice green ones are on grassland.

I have put small tree's around rivers, because without them, the river looks like it's floating wherever there are tree's, but now it doesn't look so bad.

The rest of the terrain is obvious.

If you see any mistakes, errors, etc, email me icedan@myrealbox.com thanks.
Great improvement. You can actually make out which terrain is which without using "terrain info" :)
(i'm snoopy)

If anyone finds any bugs or anything they'd prefer changed, let me know and I will see if I should change it
Is there now a distinct difference between flood plain and desert?
Please see screen attached. The river goes into the sea.
Thanks alot Icedan.

As to that bug Blitz_1 I have seen that problem happen when making a map using the scenario maker with normal color tiles.
hehe, that's not my fault, that's firaxis's fault. I'm surprised u haven't seen it in the game yet, have u got civ3?
oh I see....sorry

I do have the game but I took that shot in the Editor. I was checking out a North America map. Never payed much attention before :)
When Icedan first started this project, I was a bit skeptical. At first I thought it was only a colour change because the terrain looked to yellow on his graphics card. I will agree the screenshots of 'before' he posted were really yellow, but they looked fine in my game.

Now that I have seen a shot of the completed modpack, I think it looks wonderful. All to often I have confused Forests for Jungles, and the screenshot made them very distinct.

So I downloaded it, and ran the game. I'll tell ya-the graphics blended so smoothly that I had a hard time beliving they wern't the ones the designers didn't originally intend.

My only complaint is that when a unit stands on top of a forest it looks like he's floating in the air. However, unless we can find a way to make the trees look like they surround the unit, not much can be done about it.

All in all, great job Icedan!
I give this 7 stars out of 5.

What an improvement. Jungle and forest are clearly different. I very much prefer the blue oceans. Etc.

Originally posted by Icedan
btw I love ur quote GIDustin
lol :lol:

Unfortunately it's complete tosh. Pencils have problems in no gravity environments. Leads break and pencil dust and shavings accumulate, all of which floats free in zero g environments and ruins sensitive equipment. However, private enterprise (not government dollars) came to the rescue. See Snopes for the real story.

Then go here to buy your own.

Dude, no offense or anything, but, you ened a hobby :P
I'm sorry but this mod is not work on my Civ3! :( I download complete pack and I don't see any difference... I will try to download parts of it...
when you put the files into the correct directory, is it asking if you want to overwrite?
Great graphics snoop, thanks a ton for the improvment!
one thing though, any mountains in jungle squares are still brown + sometimes hills are brown and it looks weird next to a green hill, but it doesnt bother me
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