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So which is more addictive, Civ4 or WoW?

meh, i still disagee. not all classes require same amount of skill to play.
but i dont want to go into all that..

Playing civ4 is like learning chess openings, besides playing it with understanding, you leant those moves by heart. The similarity between the two ends here, while chess makes you think in the middgame, civ4 is all about recipe. One same recipe you learn to execute every game. It doesn’t matter if you’re rushing with chariots or axes, the strategy always remains the same. If you take some futures that are bugged, the whole game is pretty much predictable. I’m not one of those who play games 12+ hours a day, unfortunately i have life to deal with so i split my free time between WoW and Civ4, and WoW is much more enjoyable and rewarding on every aspect. I also believe that whether you like WoW ir Civ 4more depends on your personality; WoW is fast paced game, full of do or die, kill or get killed quickly type of situation, in one word very dynamic game. Civ4 is relaxing game, you think about your next move while taking crap in the morning.
This game doesn't even come close to the addictive power of WoW. I used to play wow religously and I witnessed people struggle with trying to quit over a period of years. It's really worse than some drugs, the pulling power of that game is truely amazing.
I play both games and like both of them. However, I've found myself playing Civ IV a lot more lately--not too hard since I haven't played WoW for almost 2 weeks now. I think the big reason for that is the fact that I have like 5 quests that I need to do in Gnomergon, and don't have the solid 2-3 hours it takes to make it through the dungeon.

When I do play, I typically play like this: 1 hour of WoW in the morning after my shower, etc. and then I play 1 hour of Civ IV on the week days during my lunch @ work. With it being so cold out lately, I've been a fan of sleeping in more than waking up to play WoW :D
WoW is a bit of a suck, but only if your system is set up for high end video. It's quite beautiful for a while.

With Civ4 you actually learn something about reality, as opposed to WoW where you learn where to camp for nth kill of the nth species of Foozle you need to do some minor leveling.

Plus CIV4 has the 'chess' aspect of having multiple strategies to pursue like AcidSatyr said.

I'm not playing either now.
WoW released the expansion. Its like another shot of heroine into the veins. One of my guildmates got into a traffic accident getting her copy, drove over the meridian or something, buggered the tie-rods or something like that. She still got the game and plays with the rest of us now though :p
Games like WoW just have that extra edge,that extra comfort of being great in something....
If your life happens to suck, you can always play games like WoW and achieve something great.

On the other hand Civ has something that even a gr8 game like WoW cant include in its massive world...and thats editing units and making scenarios...
Civ gives the ability to improve in ones tactics and strategic thoughts...

therfore in all my experiences from both sides of MMO's to Civ games i say Civ is better due to the sheer fact that you can create your own world and edit others :D :lol:

p.s. very interesting topic :goodjob:
idont like the idea of paying £15 every month.
Civ is for me. WoW was fun when pvp wasn't boring, but now I don't even play it so it's a no contest. I played WoW when it first came out for awhile (had a level 60 Shaman with the PvP gear and fast mount), then they introduced BG's and sucked the life out of it for me. I personally don't enjoy running lame 40-man dungeons of pushing 1 button, and it kinda turned pvp into the same repetitive crap just with a couple more buttons being used.
idont like the idea of paying £15 every month.

You and me both. I don't like how games have you pay 60 bucks for the product, then charge you every month to use it. To me, that is like buying a DVD and then having to pay someone 5 bucks everytime you watch it. Then when they take the servers down, you have nothing but a disc to game that you can't play to show for your money. At least with a game like civ, you buy the product for the rest of your life, and can play at age 90 if you want. :p

It is funny how irritated people get when a sequel to MMOs come out. Because all their uber guys are gone and they have to start over. :lol:
I play both games and like both of them. However, I've found myself playing Civ IV a lot more lately--not too hard since I haven't played WoW for almost 2 weeks now. I think the big reason for that is the fact that I have like 5 quests that I need to do in Gnomergon, and don't have the solid 2-3 hours it takes to make it through the dungeon.

Wait until your level 60. WOW is much more addictive and much less fulfilling. I had several level 60 characters before I quit. You end up repeatedly doing the same thing again and again just for xp/honour/gold. There is minimal challenge in it (it was much better up to level 30). You also have to commit three hours to everything you have to do. 'One more turn' in Civ4 is one thing, telling a 10 man group that their only has to go halfway through an instance makes you feel guilty.

I've been a Civ addict since Civ, so I may be biased, but I don't think I will play a MMORPG again.
World of warcraft sucks completely, theres no comparrision of the two genres, let alone the two titles.

i vote Civ being more addictive becuase i dislike that fantasty Bull.
yeah i forgot about the huge enjoyment from riding a purple eagle and firing your laser arrows at the dark wizzard and his nonce minions of beastiality
Anyone think the monthly fee has something to do with the addiction? Its like you want to get the most out of the game that you paid for each month so you play a ton? I don't have WoW so was just wondering. The monthly fee turns me off. I do have Guild Wars and it is fun. In guild wars you can only get to lvl 20 and that happens 2/3rds of the way in the campaign. So it forces you to focus on strategy rather than just doing repetitive killings to lvl up. PvP has a high learining curve in Guild Wars also. Best part of Guild Wars is no monthly fee, so I don't feel that I have to play the game a ton per month to get my money's worth. The only bad part of Guild Wars is obviously the campaigns are shorter than WoW.

For me CivIV is about as addictive as Guild Wars. I tend to play a game for several months and then get tired of it. Right now I kinda oD'd on CivIV so havent played it for several months.
yeah i forgot about the huge enjoyment from riding a purple eagle and firing your laser arrows at the dark wizzard and his nonce minions of beastiality

lol. You forgot about killing yellow trolls over and over hoping one will drop a Goblet of Doom. It's weird, I like fantasy, but MMO's seem to almost exclusivly be fantasy and I don't like that. MMO's have actually made me sick of the genre. Me and a friend are going to check out warhammer online when it releases this year but I am not really excited about it. Really I would prefer a free trial first.

Jawsofwar said:
Anyone think the monthly fee has something to do with the addiction? Its like you want to get the most out of the game that you paid for each month so you play a ton?

That has something to be said for it I think. I too own Guild Wars and haven't logged in for a while. If you like it and pvp, you should try out Silkroad Online - it is entirely free. Just go to the site download the client, register, and you will be playing in about 30 mins to an hour. It has a good honestly balanced pvp system on it and it has a max level of 70 I believe atm, might be 80 or 90 now. Once you hit 20 though, you will be open for pvp although there are certain rules of engagement. Also the ingame economy is almost incorruptable on this game. The downside is charactor creation is very limited. SO alot of people look like other people to a fair extent. But if you can get past that, it is a really good game.
Another one you might try is Anarchy Online - again completely free. But if you get any expansions, you will have to start paying monthly. Of course, people with the expansions will reem you in pvp. Also, even if you have the expansions the pvp system on here is really unbalanced and the combat/graphics engine are old but still looks alot like guild wars. I played anarchy for years until I got tired of them nerfing the weak and promoting the strong classes. The ingame economy is seriously jacked up on here and if you are new expect to be in poor for a very long time unless you can mooch somewhere.
i think someone should really post this on a WoW site then after a week bring results back here.
then we see what they think,thats if they know what civ is lol...
that wouldnt really work becuase not many World of warcraft fanatics wouldve heard of Civ. theres not enough Runes in Civ to attrack their fatt attention.

Worse would be posting this thread on a Warhammer Forum. i dont think it would even get replies becuase the thread didnt have 'Super blitz armagedon Caos Space mega Marine' in the title.
lol yeah, I mean it's not like that level of fanaticism toward a game can be found on this forum..
btw, I occasionally listen to hip-hop, as well as rock, but thank god i’m not sterile yet. Must be the tolerance buildup.
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