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Some noob questions about this Mod


Jul 23, 2015

Some question I had during the gameplay
1. Why arent all my workers used? They generate +1 Production while they could generate +2 Production on some tiles.

2. When do you my unit heal and when not? Can I improve heal speed by taking them to a city?

3. What does the radio tower do? In the german version it tells me I get +33% culture. But there is no culture in this mod so what does it then! ARGH

4. Playing in Round 20 with UK I cant build or buy ANY Air units, what did I do wrong? Bug? I cant build the air factories or tank factories in London too. Dafaq happened. I build the shipyard at London now I cant build there :(
1. I have no idea what is up with that, just asign them manually
2. If you enough Materiel and Personnel then your units heal 5 health per turn. The less Materiel and Personnel you have the less they heal.
3. The Broadcast Tower increases the rate of recruitment by some percentage (i cant remember) and thereby increases the total personnel output of that city.
4. You can either have 2 Air factories or 1 Land Factory, or a Shipyard. You cant combine these. Also to produce or buy any unit you need to have the appropriate factory first.
Thanks! I have one last question:

How can I increase my support for more units? As UK I can just have 46. Are there any buildings?
And having a few units above the limit won't kill your production.
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