Okay, I think I went a little deep here
That's a good thing
My turn lol.
Are you modding vanilla BtS or some other mod? I ask it because some mods (AND2, C2C) have more capabilities regarding hunting.
Just vanilla. I've added a lot of python (mostly by platyping) to it though. I envision a mod that combines the best ideas of earlier civ mods (revolutions and inquisitions, etc.) but also gets more realism in ways that haven't been fully done yet (true nomadism, dynamic tech tree). The main goal with all of that is to make a game that is forcefully different every time you play.
What I don't like is that both require a city.
Also this. Nomadism ftw!
My solution for hunting was just to damage units outside a players' borders every turn, then give them health back when they kill animals (or plant units with tiny strength and movement 0). This also makes things like supply wagons possible, and also affects exploration...
This is really painful as you can't auto explore.
It would be more "realistic" to have the FoW only reset when the nomadic people settle into cities.
The exploration problem is really hard...
because yes, it's unrealistic that a newly-formed city-state has accurate and detailed maps of the entire continent.
...and it's also annoying to explore everything three times.
One way to solve it, that I accidentally found, is to spawn dangerous animals everywhere and give the nomads a measly camp unit to protect, which spawns their warriors. Turns out that when your entire civilization can get destroyed by one wolf-pack you tend to park in one area and hope it ends soon (which is actually fairly realistic to how 'nomads' in prehistoric times moved around - they typically stayed in a pretty close area, and migrations took tens of thousands of years across many generations).
But even then, you do move around, and then when you settle you still have either 1. a perfect map or 2. an annoying need to re-explore everything again (which is doubly annoying now, because there are dangerous animals everywhere and your unit loses health every turn).
So, I have no idea.
Probably just an inherent problem with how the game works - one player controlling a whole civilization.
A little brainstorming about what (I think) would work
The more I think about your idea the more I like it. In fact, a combination of the two might be ideal.
The main reason to use events over techs would be the ability to have very specific conditions lead to very specific techs - for example, discovering bronzeworking requires that you have tin smelting and copper smelting going on in the same city. You could do the same kind of thing with the auto-generated way, but for specifics it would get very tedious (you'd have to hard-code the specifics for each tech).
However, it's fairly easy to split the techs into categories by Advisor/Great Person (I think I've seen mods do that). Then you can have all
sorts of triggers lead to beakers in the different categories - units resting in certain tiles, units getting killed, buildings being built, population growing, contacting other civs, trading with other civs, on and on.
You'd have to make sure to restrict eras, so that ancient civs don't accidentally discover Cannons, but that's pretty easy too.
I am now envisioning a combination of three tech tree ways:
- Techs that can only be triggered by specific conditions through events, such as bronzeworking, settling your first city, etc. (Similar to historic events spurring certain technologies.)
- Techs that are learned over time through python like you said, that build further advances in different areas. (Similar to people getting better at whatever they do a lot of.)
- Techs that you can actually research through the tech tree, once you have the ability to direct scientists. (Similar to actual grant-funded scientific research.) Could combine this with events/platyping's tech events mod to give random techs of certain types after completing certain research.
For balance reasons a Settler should be created at about the same time for all players.
Actually, if there's a truly dynamic and realistic tech tree, balance will be very difficult throughout the whole game. My vision of the mod ignores balance. You might be plugging along as a little ancient empire and then get totally destroyed by invading soldiers using new bronze weapons/better tactics, for example.
I don't know how yet, but I plan to include an ability to switch to other civs/new civs that spawn, kind of like RFC. That way you could switch if your civ goes down the pipe.
After I get a mod fully working with a dynamic tech tree I'll be genuinely curious how people's games go. They shouldn't go the same way twice!
Once you have some techs done (a dozen or so) please upload your work. I'd like to try it. Thx!
Ok will do! Obviously I have big plans for this mod, but I think I'll upload one as soon as I get it reasonably working up to founding cities. I'll probably post a thread for it too.