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Someone is cheating here?


Aug 23, 2002
Now this is what I call a science boost.

In my current game at Regent entering
the Industrial Age I have real bad taste
of what happened in this game.
Facts Persia no.1,Japan no.2 and I England
no.3.I'm falling behind in tech,so I traded
techs with smaller civs and Japan.Otherwise
I didn't noticed what happened to me.
Within 3 turns Japan got 5 technologies.
Magnetism,Democracy,Theory of Gravity,
Steam power and Industrialization.

I'm sorry to say but this really sucks.
(I saved the game during these turns).

Another nasty thing happened early in the
game.A town with my only source of iron
had a culture flip,while I started alone on
my island/continent.France build 2 cities
on my island and both had at the time a
culture influence of 1 (war broke out).
Sorry dude hate to be the one that breaks it to you, but the AI doesn't cheat. Hands down. They may get reduced trades from each other(which is how he got 5 techs), & production bonuses but they don't cheat other then that.

The culture flip was just bad luck. France has a greater cultural score then you & the RNG gods weren't shinning on you that turn. Suck it up & kick there *** for your iron!!
Indeed, you won't get much sympathy for woes of "AI cheating" here. As was said, suck it up and play on. You'll be a better player because of it.
"Major Tom" I wasn't looking for some sympathy,
but getting Democracy,Steam Power and Industrialization
within 3 turns.Those techs are expensive.Japan has only
extra fur to trade.I guess it's all bad luck.Because of the
poor starting location (a lot of jungle) I'm behind.But
I got the hapiness wonders and a Golden Age to go.
I will be a close finish with Persia.
If they could get one, they will trade to get the rest. It is nt uncommon for AI to be behind tech for a long time and then seems to jump a few techs forward. This is because they have spend their research on a expensive tech which is why they are behind. And when they finish research, trading gets them all the other tech. This is also what many players are doing now. Check the other AI, you will probably see them gaining a tech or two too on the same turn - a clear indication that they traded.
Sorry, but I see nothing wrong there. Jumping 5 techs within 1 turn is perfectly normal because we humans do that all the time.;)
You're right Qitai.
I looked at the saved games turn by turn.
Japan did research Democracy and sold it
to some of the other nations.In one of the
3 turns they had an anarchy and before
they were all in the Republic government.
Sorry for the emotional complaint.
No prob Tanran, you aren't the first one thats came here with "proof" of the AI cheating. Between the AI trading back & forth(which they always do.... If there's 5 opponents thats the potential of them getting 5 techs every 4 turns. It's happend to me), or the RNG gods deeming them unworthy("saying my 3/2/1 swordmen lost to a 1/1/1 warrior twice in a row......... its impossible";)).

These things happen, it wouldn't be a great game if they didn't!
Yeah. Its very possible. Also, I've seen a regular Longbowman defend on a hill against a Veteran 4/4 Knight...
That's nothing my 16/8 Tank lost to a 1/2 spearman!!??:rolleyes:

sorry guys! I couldn't resist;)
+) yeah back in civ2 days settlers where a helluva defence unit ... =)
lost many tanks attacking settler in there
I remember one time in Civ1 when a few of my workers caught an inbound ICBM with their hands and threw it back across the ocean...
Originally posted by superslug
I remember one time in Civ1 when a few of my workers caught an inbound ICBM with their hands and threw it back across the ocean...
Don't you mean settler, 'cause there are no workers in civ1... ;)
Well finally I lost the game because of the UN.
Persia did build the United Nations.
Earlier Japan declared war upon Persia (same
continent) and got decimated.Persia made with
almost everyone an alliance against Japan and
got 6 to 1 votes.
Maybe I should started a war against Xerxes
to prevent him winning by the UN.
In the end I had bad starting location (too much
jungle around the first 5 cities.Persepolis was in
the middle of that continent + 4 cattle and 2 flood
plains and enough plains and grasslands in the area.
Better luck next time.You can't always win.
Ok so maybe the AI doesn't cheat but there are alot of "coincedences" that make a person suspicios, for example, yesterday I had a Nuke sub with a tactical Nuke on it 4 tiles away from AI's Aegis cruiser, I thought "well he can't see me yet but just to be sure that he won't sink it I'll move an empty Nuke Sub withing two hex's so he'll see that one and sink it, besides he can't sink two subs in one turn", well guess what happened, he sailed right by the empty Nuke sub and went after and sank the one that he supposedly couldn't see and sank that one, I don't think he has a spy in my capitol because a few turns before he failed at planting a spy, I suppose though that this would be one reason he could see it by stealing my military plans...
The AI knowing your troop locations is about the only true "AI cheat" there is. Well, that and the fact they know the whole map....
Originally posted by Tatran
Another nasty thing happened early in the
game.A town with my only source of iron
had a culture flip

That's not cheating. I've had something like that, but I don't think it's cheating. The Mongols built a city in the middle of my territory in the Ancient Age. In the Middle Ages, it turns out that that city had the only source of saltpeter on the continent. :eek:

It culture-flipped though. Except that it happened in the Industrial Age right after I got Riflemen. :crazyeye: :lol:
Originally posted by sabo10
I don't think he has a spy in my capitol because a few turns before he failed at planting a spy

The computer doesn't tell you if the computer successfully planted a spy in your capital. So maybe it successfully planted the spy and then stole your military plans so he'd know where the nuke-carrying sub is.

If the computer DOES cheat. We make up for it with restarts and reloading saved games. :)
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