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Someone is cheating here?

once again, the AI (artifical idiot) does NOT cheat as this woudl involve havign to use real AI, not just a computer program. they merely get advantages which you often do not.
and yes, we make up for it by havign intelligence which we can make long term strategic changes, whereas the AI has to stick to a program and calculate what to do every turn. so they dont say to themselves "were comign up to the UN beign built, i better eliminate an oppnant toreduce the number of peopel votign agaisnt me". they jsut try to build the UN as oon as it's available, then if they dont suceed dont do anythign about it.
I am surely not frustrated about losing this game.
I did what I could try to win it.I even could build
the Hoover Dam (I 14 turns -> Persia 11 turns
to build).Persia screwed up there,although I did
improve the city's radius and ad workers to city.
And the AIs weren't unwilling to trade techs or
give me gpt for resources.I simply couldn't turn
the tide.
Originally posted by anarres
The AI knowing your troop locations is about the only true "AI cheat" there is. Well, that and the fact they know the whole map....

That is true, but it really not a cheat because it doesn't give any benefit to the AIs.

1. Even though they know the complete worldmap at 4000 BC, they have never send out suicide galley, they continue to explore the world like everyone else, and they have never stop paying big money for our map.:) Their map knowledge is simply to make sure that we don't rob them like selling them a map they already know for zillion gold or something.

2. Even though they know all our troop locations since day one, they do not really use that for their benefit. Landing 1 or 2 archers at our undefended capital is really as far as they will go.;) Of course, because they know that our cities are well defended, they have no choice but to go for the undefended one which could be zillion squares away which benefit us in countless ways.;)
but there have been cases that the artificial idiot will travel through enemy territory whilst a war to settle a tundra tile when there are still many spaces right near them to fill. then when rinign is discoveed, purly by chance, they have built the city on hte oil tile and all here original cities have non.
Originally posted by farting bob
but there have been cases that the artificial idiot will travel through enemy territory whilst a war to settle a tundra tile when there are still many spaces right near them to fill. then when rinign is discoveed, purly by chance, they have built the city on hte oil tile and all here original cities have non.

But that doesn't really benefit the AI at all!;) Because of their weird behaviors of building city in the middle of nowhere, we already know the exactly location of future oil or whatever resources and would have at least 100 turns in advance to form a plan for talking it.:lol: No offend, but all of these so call AI cheating really aren't "cheat" because they actually bring great benefits for the human players and none for the AIs.
I gotta agree with Moonsinger on that one!
Originally posted by anarres
The AI knowing your troop locations is about the only true "AI cheat" there is. Well, that and the fact they know the whole map....

Yes I know the AI knows the whole map, but from what I understood is the AI cannot see "hidden" units such as subs, I could be wrong though, does anyone really know??
Originally posted by sabo10

Yes I know the AI knows the whole map, but from what I understood is the AI cannot see "hidden" units such as subs, I could be wrong though, does anyone really know??

No one can really confirm this, but indications so far all points to that they know where all the troops are including hidden unit. sabo10's example is one real good one. It also makes alot of sense that the AI is program to know it since it takes a lot more effort to program an AI which tries to decide if the transport/sub is loaded or not.
As far as I can see the AI simply doesnt react to subs at all, they just seem to glide past oblivious. Probably because they are very weak units. Good for scouting enemy shore defences but thats about it.

As for the lone settler getting the only tile with Oil or somesuch, I think thats just pure coincidence. In my last game the Romans had a city right next to the only Oil reserve on the continent but they never even built a road to it. Since they got destroyed by me before they got the requisite tech they didnt really know it was there.

The civs trade techs for almost nothing but thats a shortfall of the AI rather than a cheat.

A couple of things I noticed:

1) The AI will always ask you for your world map if you are the first to discover an unsettled bit of land. Obviously you dont sell it to them, but they find it within a few turns that they request the map. I think the AI gets the map anyway despite your refusal.

2) The AI will ask for your territory map as a prelude to invasion or if you have cleared areas formerly occupied by another civ. When you refuse, they settle them anyway.

3) The AI completely and utterly ignores sea borders at any time. Most likely a bug than anything else.

Again, I think these are shortcomings in the program rather than a cheat/exploit.
Originally posted by Greyhawk1
As far as I can see the AI simply doesnt react to subs at all, they just seem to glide past oblivious. Probably because they are very weak units. Good for scouting enemy shore defences but thats about it.

Yeap, probably too weak to attack.

As for the lone settler getting the only tile with Oil or somesuch, I think thats just pure coincidence. In my last game the Romans had a city right next to the only Oil reserve on the continent but they never even built a road to it. Since they got destroyed by me before they got the requisite tech they didnt really know it was there.

Try this, be way ahead of the AI so that you can see the resource but they can't. Next win a war and demand city. They will part with a good city with no strategic resource, but will not give you that size one tundra city with a strategic resource on it that they cannot see. Do the same even when you cannot see the resource. The cities they will never part with are those that you WILL found some strategic resource there eventually.

The civs trade techs for almost nothing but thats a shortfall of the AI rather than a cheat.

Check the civ3editor, there is the AI to AI trade rate which gives them bonus on trading with each other. This is intentional rather than a cheat.

A couple of things I noticed:

1) The AI will always ask you for your world map if you are the first to discover an unsettled bit of land. Obviously you dont sell it to them, but they find it within a few turns that they request the map. I think the AI gets the map anyway despite your refusal.

2) The AI will ask for your territory map as a prelude to invasion or if you have cleared areas formerly occupied by another civ. When you refuse, they settle them anyway.

3) The AI completely and utterly ignores sea borders at any time. Most likely a bug than anything else.

Again, I think these are shortcomings in the program rather than a cheat/exploit.

1) The AI knows the full map from the start. I think Faraxis confirm it before.

2) The AI settles whenever there is available land. This relates to (1) abovev, they know when land is available.

3) Nope. The AI will absolutely not go into sea lane. Faraxis confirm this too. The cases you have seen might be because they have the greatlighthouse or they have already got the tech.

The subject of cheating is well-research and the community here pretty much knows what the AI cheat and what it does not.
3) Nope. The AI will absolutely not go into sea lane. Faraxis confirm this too. The cases you have seen might be because they have the greatlighthouse or they have already got the tech.

No, you misunderstand. I mean the AI totally ignores any of your national boundary that happens to fall on a water tile. It's as though the AI doesnt realize its a boundary or something.
In that case, whats wrong with that? It is neither a cheat nor a bug?? :confused:

I go through AI water border all the time too because it is shorter or because I cannot end my turn on the sea tile.
About this Territorial wather.... If find it strange that if there is a Unit on your Landmass you can ask the AI to remove it or declare war... why can't you ask the same thing when it is a ship in your national waters??
Originally posted by aeldrik
About this Territorial wather.... If find it strange that if there is a Unit on your Landmass you can ask the AI to remove it or declare war... why can't you ask the same thing when it is a ship in your national waters??

You can.
OK, the thing is. mo matter how many times you tell a civ to remove a unit from your waters the civ says "ok" then totally ignores you.

You stop just once in their waters and they leap on you like hounds.

If I had to go to war every time a civ completely ignores my water borders then I would be at war from the time Galleys appear to the very end of the game.

the same cannot be said for land units. Occasionally they try to send a settler or a worker through but 9 times out of 10 they dont cross your borders.

This is why I think its a bug.
Just out of interest about this 'AI cheating' thing, I've just spend the last hour getting my backside kicked by the AI. What's the problem with that you say ? Well I had veteran soldiers (mine) lost every single fight against normal warriors/archers, spearman reguarly beat veteran knights, and AI med. infantry massacue my med. infantry. There may be something I am not doing right which I would really like to hear about. However I think the AI is cheating.
Originally posted by tel_s
Just out of interest about this 'AI cheating' thing, I've just spend the last hour getting my backside kicked by the AI. What's the problem with that you say ? Well I had veteran soldiers (mine) lost every single fight against normal warriors/archers, spearman reguarly beat veteran knights, and AI med. infantry massacue my med. infantry. There may be something I am not doing right which I would really like to hear about. However I think the AI is cheating.

This has been tested thoroughly and there are no cheats in combat probability for the AI.

Are you sure you are taking care of defensive bonuses? For example, you should ideally not be attacking across a river, or a unit fortified on a mountain. Units in a city with walls, in a city with pop more than 7, and another when the pop is more than 12 etc. all give defensive bonuses (these are not necessarily cumulative).

Hence, a regular spearman in a city with walls has a non trivial chance of fending off a vet knight.

You may want to check out the combat calculator.
Most have been fought on desert land/grassland, few over rivers but it's been 50/50 as to who is the aggressor. The AI is invading me, but the spearman and knights have fought on desertland, not in cities.
Originally posted by tel_s
Most have been fought on desert land/grassland, few over rivers but it's been 50/50 as to who is the aggressor. The AI is invading me, but the spearman and knights have fought on desertland, not in cities.
Then you have either very bad luck or a selective memory, or most likely, a combination of those two. The AI simply don't cheat at all with combat resolution. This has been tested and confirmed numerous times in numerous ways, and none have been even vaguely close to giving a proof of combat cheats.
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