• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Soul's Ablaze - a 100K PBEM

GPS to Knutis
GPS to Beorn.....

Nothing to report. One Barb dispatched, another heads towards the Indian Empire. Ravindran climbs to the top of a mountain only to find more mountains on the horizon.

GPS to the Denier
GPS to Knutis

Theres's a stack of bad peoples blocking the choke point from my corner of the world
GPS to Beorn.....

Ravindran is still mucking around in the mountains, and it has to be said, as far as scouts go he has been pretty useless. The Indian city of Madras was attacked by a barb warrior but the 2nd Indian Warrior Division successfully defended against the attack.

@ Knutis, No problems regarding the wait, hopefully you have got things sorted out.
Sooooooooo I played all my pbem's a while back and forgot to send them all. Sorry, GPS.
GPS to Knutis

Beorn, please ignore the file I sent to you (should have been to Knutis)
GPS Deny D
GPS to Knutis
GPS DddddD
GPS to Knutis
GPS to Beorn......

The 1st Indian Warrior Division bravely dispatches a Barbarian encampment, but is redlined in the process. The coffers of the Indian nation are temporarily replenished by this deed.

The "Explorer", the first Indian Naval unit is launched to venture into the unknown.

GPS to DenyD
Boone manages to slip past the barbarians and heads to visit the lovely Catherine

GPS to Knutis

BTW: Ignore the score lead, I haven't built a single cultural building yet
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