Spacefarers (A Sci-fi RPG)

OOC: Tooo strong! death rays aren't allowed!

Death rays are in name: only at max kills 5 people in a 5ft radius!

can only drain life force or sheilds. Major limitation.

So the only offense I have are 2 minor turrets and a small army of fighter pilots.
OOC: I have to agree with Charles. I think the Death Ray is fair, as long as it's as strong as the weapons we're already using and not stronger. Death Ray is just a name. I could name the MAC on the Column, the MAC of Ultimate Destruction, but it does not immediately make it overpowered. It's just a fancy name for a gun which shoots high velocity projectiles.

I think this board needs a revival. I would post, but mine is the last post so far

Well I was waiting for Zxcvbnm and Rheinmetall to post...

Also, I think, given that Li's death ray can't cause hull damage that it's fine... However, there is a big difference between killing 5 people in a 5 foot radius and wiping out an entire destroyer, so which is it?
OOC: I'm losing inspiration for every day we're idle. Since Stylesjl hasn't posted in a while, I might have to resort to a bit of powergaming by using his characters on his ship (or the guards or something). I have consulted him about it and he hasn't got back to me yet
A new ship warped through the gate... its the Silver Belly. It flew through the dark nothingless towards a far planet ready for contact after years stranded in the warp plane. Captain Horance Tortan, 63, was once just a gun leader, First Mate Johnathan Corance (45) was once just a polisher. (:p). Head of Maintanance Jessica O'Neal (50) was once a co-ordinace caller. All their lives are changed by that day...

30 or so years ago, more than 2 generations to the crew, the battle of Cornak called their ship into battle. Hundreds of fighters died to defend the homeland, and while following an flanking Warp order the warp stabalizers malfunctioned. Warping itself and 10 other ships they tumbled into timeless space...

Only Silver Belly survived, all the other ships lost power as Time was drained by the larger ship and crew, the food is rationed, and even growed as they passed year after year.

After 20 years all of the original Adult Crew died. A new generation is here.

5 Years before freedom another generation is born, 15 suicides are known.

Now, with a crew of 50 old-timers, 300 of the new generation and 400 babies, tottlers and cadets, the Silver Belly prepares to settle its younger crew in call in new ones in search for a job as a mencenary.

(low on fuel, people in their 40s, lots of suicides, I need to refuel and restock in the nearest planet before I am functional. Also the empire that she used to belong to is gone, and of course I am not awsome yet, and can still be trumped by AAA (awsome anti aero guns)extension on ships, Post away!)

Should I post next? I'd still rather Zxcvbnm and Rheinmetall post before I do again (since they haven't made many posts lately), but I will if I have to...
Nuboltens crew couldn't do much else than watch as the others boarded the Carrier. Atleast Herb had managed to fix their radio equipment during this time. Some time after the boarding the carrier plunged towards the nearest star while a handful of craft escaped it's hangar. Dan monitored the radio transmissions. Suddenly the newcomer merchant vessel was ramming one of the escaped craft.

"What the?" Trent exlaimed.

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but the Column just declared that one of the escaped craft is piloted by traitors and communists."

"Traitors and communists my ***. If there's anyone onboard they're either from the Infernal Mists crew, Adelaides crew or Columns crew. If they we're from Infernal Mist, someone would be shooting at them already so it's unlikely."

"Do you think they might be attacking friendlies?"

"That is a possibility. This Vladimir fellow seems able to do anything for profit."

Once again Trent didn't know whether to act or remain neutral about this whole affair. There was more to this than what was visible and getting involved might have serious consequences.

Warren had been listening and monitoring things all the while and interrupted Trent's thoughts. "Sir. The people on that phantom are the Column diplomats from Adelaide."

That didn't make much sense to Trent. "This cannot be about the nanopaste smuggling. Dragonhelper is dead. Why would the Column want to get rid of it's own officers and crew who helped to destroy the Infernal Mist."

"Commanding officers perhaps, sir?" Dan replied.

Trent thought intensively.

"That might be it Dan. Mutiny."

Trent was still thinking about it but issued an order. "Target the Merchant vessel and open a radio channel."

"Channel open, sir."

"This is Captain Trent Levy, commander of mining barge Nubolten. Cease your hostile activities immediately or we will see to it that your profits will plummet."

Trent reasoned that by threatening his profit margin might make Korovin more eager to listen.
Michael Harrier wasn't good at cracking codes. He was having a bit of difficulty with the reprogramming. Perhaps I should get one of the techs up here to examine it. Use false information... nah, they might figure out my plans. he thought. He gave up and put the AI into the info slot. He looked at the wounds in his body. I should see a medic soon. This biofoam won't last too long

Something rattled in the air vents above. Michael turned and raised his pistol at the sound. Nothing. But you can't be too careful he thought, walking towards the main exit. He had his pistol drawn. The rattling sounded again at the exit. He fired a shot into the air vent. The bullet ricocheted off the plating and stopped in a corner. Oh yeah, air vents are titanium. How could I forget such a thing?

The AI said to Michael "What are you doing? Live fire in the bridge isn't very profitable. You could hurt yourself worse than you already are."
Michael turned and got ready to yell back at the AI, but then it added "Remember, Crossroads is running a sale this time of the orbit. Remember to grab a bargain!"
"Mr. Dollar sign, I've had enough of this. Prepare the ship for an immediate departure!" Michael yelled.
The AI said "Unable to comply. Exchange is not complete. Order suspended"
Michael said "I don't care about the trading. We're getting out of here. This is my ship and I don't care about the profit margin of your leader"
"Profit Margin. Override Accepted. Please enter new password" the AI declared.
Michael was shocked by this announcement. After realising what it said, he then said a new password.

In some prison cell on a merchant vessel
"Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down! Never gonna run around and hurt you!" the music played over the loudspeakers in Grigor's cell.
"I'll buy the freaking soundtrack if you just stop playing it!" he yelled
"This song is a quality Rick Astley. Back in the 21st century, people would listen to this song..." the computer spoke
"How would you know quality, Commie? You probably think quality is living together in a mud hut with several friends for some "global collective" and not buy a thing" the computer answered.
"I am not a Communist! I just have been travelling in space for some time and haven't been in touch with a major trading junction" Grigor roared back.

"He's been arguing with that computer for an hour now" Chuck mumbled. He was pacing around the cell, occasionally checking his methane supply. It was running low and the Syndicate sold no methane readily available or in good quality. The computer said the ship would get more methane next time to his standards, but machines had no sympathy to the lifespan of customers.

In space
The Column's engines were warming up. Syndicate ships were confused on what was going on and took up positions around the ship. The Column was slowly starting to move.

Stylesrj, in your post, Chuck grumbles that Gigor has been "arguing with that computer for ten hours now..." and that there are now multiple Syndicate ships of some description taking up positions around the Collumn...

1: Does this mean a lot of time has past since the Infernal Mist was first destroyed? I so I'll assume the Adelaide withdrew when the Syndicate ship first arrived and met up with commodore Fitzpatrick's ships...

2: Does this mean there are a lot of Syndicate ships about now, or are they just the first ship's fighters?

Well that's still plenty of time for the Adelaide to have fobbed off in... :)

I'm thinking I could well have the Adelaide retreat, actually. After all, because the Syndicate ship has not made a direct threat to the Adelaide (as opposed to the Infernal Mist, which attacked everybody), captain Baker might well want to run for his support (cmdre. Fitzpatrick's ships), rather than stick around this time...

Then again, if the Syndicate ship does attack the Adelaide (you could make that happen, perhaps they suddenly remembered that the UFP are a bunch of 'flithy' communists?), captain Baker would probably feel compelled to stick around and help protect the other ships in the area (Nubolten, etc.)...

I heard from Stylesjl he wasn't interested in continuing. But I can't believe it yet until he posts it. I mean, I might be his brother, but I can say the wrong thing at times

Ok... Well, what do we do now then? Someone's going to have to take over control of the Syndicate ship I guess...
OOC: I'm back, for at least some time.


The Ghosts had kept silent in the cell of the Syndicate ship. Seeming almost lifeless they lay on the floor, waiting for something.

The communications had been hindered by the ship's shields, but finally they got the message through:

- Get some help on this @#*!&$ reddie ship, they've confused us for commies!
- Commies? Us? Commies? Are they crazy or what? Even Friedman wouldn't have got that idea... anyway, I'll send some help, to teach them who are the commies.
Ouagadougou to SS Syndicate:
*You have several members of our crew detained in your ship. We demand immediate release or we shall blow you up completely. You have one minute to reply, or we shall fire. Then you'll see who are forced to share what they have. Yes. This is a threat. And we will blast you to the stone age, forcing you to be commies just to survive.*

I feel bad only making a token post at this point, but I'm tired this evening and I'll make another post that goes into more detail about the events of the past hour and before (with particular focus on Deep Space Five) soon... I've decided that the Adelaide has stuck around, by the way...


For over an hour, the Adelaide had sat, floating in space, waiting for someone to make the next move. They had tried unsucessfully to hail the hostile vessel numerous times, and were continuing to do so on various frequencies, though ensign Harris didn't expect anything to change... The Murray Bridge and Wyalla had long since redocked with the Adelaide, and all the surviving away team members recovered and debriefed...

They had also recieved a transmission from commodore Trevor Fitzpatrick of Deep Space Five... The station had recieved their transmission and at least two starships had been scrambled to assist them... Henry had thought about retreating and meeting up with them, but he decided to stay... If this ship went on the offensive, Henry felt obliged to protect those who had today become his new friends and battle companions...

Hmm... It does seem to have rather ground to a halt (which is party my fault)...

Here's an idea... Why don't we retcon back to where the Infernal Mist blew up and pretend like the Syndicate ship never existed? I have a great idea for moving the story foward that won't invovle us sitting around like stunned mullets...
OOC: Good idea. I would RP more, but school has gone into the way and I discovered yet another online nation building game and it has some really good roleplays.

Well, why don't you repost post number 167 on page 9, cutting out the references to the SS Syndicate (which is actually most of that post) and we'll go on from there?
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