A new ship warped through the gate... its the Silver Belly. It flew through the dark nothingless towards a far planet ready for contact after years stranded in the warp plane. Captain Horance Tortan, 63, was once just a gun leader, First Mate Johnathan Corance (45) was once just a polisher.

p). Head of Maintanance Jessica O'Neal (50) was once a co-ordinace caller. All their lives are changed by that day...
30 or so years ago, more than 2 generations to the crew, the battle of Cornak called their ship into battle. Hundreds of fighters died to defend the homeland, and while following an flanking Warp order the warp stabalizers malfunctioned. Warping itself and 10 other ships they tumbled into timeless space...
Only Silver Belly survived, all the other ships lost power as Time was drained by the larger ship and crew, the food is rationed, and even growed as they passed year after year.
After 20 years all of the original Adult Crew died. A new generation is here.
5 Years before freedom another generation is born, 15 suicides are known.
Now, with a crew of 50 old-timers, 300 of the new generation and 400 babies, tottlers and cadets, the Silver Belly prepares to settle its younger crew in call in new ones in search for a job as a mencenary.
(low on fuel, people in their 40s, lots of suicides, I need to refuel and restock in the nearest planet before I am functional. Also the empire that she used to belong to is gone, and of course I am not awsome yet, and can still be trumped by AAA (awsome anti aero guns)extension on ships, Post away!)