SpaceWars : Evolution (PTW)


canonically ambiguous
Nov 27, 2002
Portsmouth, England, UK
Introducing a space-based mod for civ3: PTW version

Space colonisation and interstellar war

>Download Link< 13.6 megs

unzip to 'SpaceWars' subdirectory in your scenario folder, then play the scenario : Download scenario file

(thanks to thunderfall for the upload)


(early expantion)


(late game clash of titans)


(selection of spaceships)

Its not finsihed exactly, as there are many things missing. Different races, diplomacy animations, and building graphics are still standard civ3.

What is there are the terrain and resource graphics, units, 3 ages of technology, some interface graphics, 2 races (generic human, and one 'satelian' tribe) and the game system.

I am posting this here, because unless i get some kind of major inspiration, i doubt ill get get any further. But its actually quite playable as it is, and quite fun (in my biased opinion)

About playing the game (if anyone gets that far)

There is no 'sea'. All the galaxy is 'land'....

Settlers are colony ships, but not everyone can build them at the start, it requires space colonization tech. You can only build cities on 'star' terrain, which are usually surrounded by at least one 'planet' bonus or strategic resource. Note that no units apart from colony ships can enter 'star' terrain, but once a city is built there, it becomes passable (and attackable) by all units, as it changes to 'settled star' terrain.

Workers are construction ships, mining and farming are only possible on some planets, and this also requires tech.

Its best to expand fast, the most needed resources are mineral mining and rare metals.

There is currently only one scenario, with one galactic map (screenshots show an unfinished map). Random maps are not possible with this mod, i can make more maps if anyone really wants,


Im also posting this as resource for anyone else making a space style mod. Feel free to use anything here, as long as some credit is given :)

Bear in mind, the following people helped out:

Bobisback (Many ideas, Civlopedia entires, and PTW conversion of original test version, and other work)

Ed O' War (Many ideas, Civlopedia entries,Empire in Flames scenario)

Smoking Mirror (Some cool planet graphics)

andrew510 (civlopedia stuff)

Probably other people too! sorry i cant remember where i got some stuff from.... heres a link to the old thread

All spaceship graphics are by me, and the technology icons are taken from the ancient game 'deadlock II' (i didnt make them).

Thanks very much if anyone tries this out. Feedback also much appreciated!

edit: The ships look cool but where is the .bix in the download?
omfg i suck, i left out the scenario file in the original upload. Ok i edited the first post, and added separate link. Sorry for any inconvinience :)
now I can try to play it;) now what a about a C3C version:rolleyes: :lol:

edit: A bug, The AI won't settle any cities because the units protecting them are not aloud on the stars without a city.
Oooo, very nice! I especially like the new ships. :) If I can ever tear myself away from SWG for more than a few minutes I'd like to try this out, maybe tinker with it again. Great job Daftpanzer!
It is fun but have so questions why doesn't anything upgrade, I thing the fighter wings should cost alot less to show the the big ships have a weakness, to make the AI build cities you need to turn off the "Impassable by Wheeled units" for Stars, or make all the defense ships not Wheeled, but keep the Assault units with Wheeled selected, and I also think that fighters(all fighters and Gunships) should have a higher RoF.

Now, IMHO I think this mod has great potential.

btw do you have C3C, if you don't do you plan on getting it?
i have tried this. the game crashes if you build a city. it is so annoying.
thanks for trying this

fighters need to be improved, i agree, it was kind of a quick test when i put those in.

The A.I does build cities and the game never crashes when i play this game using these same files i uploaded. I have tested it!

When i played, the units protecting a.i settlers would move with the settler ship even into terrain they normally wouldnt be able to, they followed the settler ship right onto the star. I thought it was a bit wierd, but it worked at least.

Im sorry, i dont know why those things would happen for me and noone else. Although i tested through PTW, i do have conquests installed, maybe thats got something to do with it?

Nothing upgrades apart from defence stations, because my idea was always to have several classes of ship available, from cheap frigate to battleships. I was going to make friagte mk II, advanced destroyer etc. which you could upgrade to. Maybe it should be frigates upgrade to destroyers, cruisers to battelships or something.

Well this was just an idea... it was fun to work on it at least :) Now im going to learn how to program, so i can make a true space wars game.....
Ok, i need to rephrase this. when i build a city, it gets destroyed. i build it on a star. i tried by changing it into an explored star, but no effect.
Originally posted by Daftpanzer
Nothing upgrades apart from defence stations, because my idea was always to have several classes of ship available, from cheap frigate to battleships. I was going to make friagte mk II, advanced destroyer etc. which you could upgrade to. Maybe it should be frigates upgrade to destroyers, cruisers to battelships or something.

I have already coverted this to C3C:p :lol: And I have four classes of ships frigates, destroyers, cruisers, and battelships and to types of ships assault and defense. I have also made fighters better.

btw if you make any more models for this could you please post them. I love your models:love:
Those models are F*** sweet! I love the one in the upper right. What programs are you using?

Check out my mod for some futuristic buildings. My first 3-d models were done for my mod, so you will find some buildings are bad looking, and some look pretty good.

Gonna download and have a look. I never saw this mod before, so I'll visit the old thread as well.
hey, thanks neomega :)

i used 3ds max to make the ship graphics. Unfortuantely my units are pretty bad because there not animated at all (me too lazy and unskilled).

I have played pentagenasis, awesome :) its still the best mod in my opinion. But i am biased because i like sci fi things :)

@bluemofia, thats a strange effect, didnt happen to me. Do you have the latest PTW version? dunno if that would affect things...
Ok, some how, some way, i managed to get it to work. strange.
i noticed there are no mercenaries or other worker disabler resources anyehere on the map. also, sometimes the star terrain is next to the actual star.
Daft. Im working on a terrian model for a space mod (Based of SM's ideas) and was wondering if i could use some of your terrian graphics (read most apart from the planets)
Bluemofia, sorry for that. I made changes to tthe map, i must have overlooked those errors. The worker disabler is not supposed to be there BTW, it was just an easy way for me to completely disable those worker jobs, rather than linking to an unresearchable tech.

Celeborn, feel free to use anything i made...
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