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*Spoiler3* Gotm20-Spain-Submit or complete Industrial

Hey Dislak,

Thanks for the response, I made a mistake and actually wanted Itcoljit to respond with his strategy. It looks like you had a great fun game though. It all looked reasonable till the zulus came knocking.... I applaud your tenacity. I'm not sure I'd have had the guts/tenacity to carry on in that position.

I was extremely aware of the zulu in my game. And attempted to dogpile them right from before BC. It had little/no effect till I really got stuck in myself though...

Open Class, Civ III 1.29

My middle ages report here :

Started the industrial age 1st in land with the Ottomans holding most of the rest of the continent, a small French nation, and one last Keltoi city in the extreme NW. My GL slingshot had netted me everything up through Nationalism and, with my earlier conquering, I didn’t have any trouble with resources in the Industrial Age.

Had just achieved tech parity with the AIs and pursued my usual tech route of Railroads, Industrialization and then beeline for ToE and Hoovers. My cities went into builder mode while my mixed knight/cavalry army left over from the Keltoi & English wars finished off the French. Ottomans naturally joined in, but took mostly French cities from the old Zulu territory in the SE while I got most of the old French core including Smith’s and Newton’s. Then took out the Keltoi with my Missionaries to trigger the GA just as factories became available.

I love building factories in a GA for several reasons: 1. Can finish them inside the 20 turn limit, 2. Can rush them along with coal factories in a few cities with the extra gold coming in and start pre-building for the Wonders, 3. They’re a big ticket item that means more shields gained from the GA then building a lot of faster items would allow. 4. Combined with the massive railroading going on and you come out of the GA economically transformed.

Americans built Universal Suffrage (they would need it), Japanese beat me to ToE by 1 turn (Argh!), but I got Hoover’s! All those factories become more productive and I was able to trade Atomic and Electronics back across the water to regain tech parity.

At this point the rest of my game was a tech and wonder race with the Ottomans. I didn’t have the army to take him on (he paraded 50 or so veteran Balkan Dragoons past my border every round taunting me) and building up my military would have meant slowing down my research enough to risk not getting the UN. I had to get the UN as my reputation stunk, while the Ottomans periodically were allying with the Japanese and Aztecs against the Americans. I was selling lots of luxuries to the Americans to keep them happy and in the game and funding my treasury.

So, the late Industrial Age was spent bypassing the elective techs and trying to get to Fusion with a meaty pre-build before Osman did. Built enough of a military to hopefully deter any Ottoman invasion and spent every turn with my fingers crossed….

Arrrr, reading the threads I'm having a difficult time deciding how competitive my game really is. I kind of felt that the early elimination of the Ottomans by the Zulus led to a Zulu superstate which slowed down my conquest/domination quest. Anyone else find themselves in this scenario while persuing an anti-reputation/rip off the AI strategy?
Spain left the Middle Ages in 610 AD, tied with India and England for second place in the tech race, just behind the Ottomans (nationalism), and still benefiting from its GA. Although its focus was squarely on building infrastructure in pursuit of the tech lead, Spain also fought two easy wars of expansion in the bulk of this era.


The GA ended as my army peaked with nine cavalry, three missionaries, nine medieval infantry, and two elite swords. France had no saltpeter, and had never recovered from the trimming Spain gave it in the BC years. I figured that this was enough to finish them off, thus gaining more wines and coal. Paris fell immediately, and three more in the next turn. I then waited five turns to heal and gain reinforcements, then took the last four cities in consecutive turns. The one blight was that Tours, on the east coast, flipped to India, which was directly across the sea.


I had no real army, but I couldn’t resist forcing the historical connection – so in 830 AD, two galleons carrying seven cavalry and one really zealous missionary sailed for the small Aztec empire and its two luxuries. That was the end of any historical comparisons, however. My invaders encountered cavalry, muskets and pikemen, and progress was painfully slow. The low point was the flipping of the silk city, which cost me my reputation, as I had already begun trading it to the Ottomans. I eventually rushed some cavalry in the New World, and finally subdued the valiant Aztecs in 1140. But if someone wants an argument against piecemeal fighting, this is it.


My first move in the industrial tech race was to rsearch steam power. In 690, Newton’s was built in Barcelona, and steam power was discovered. Skipping nationalism for now, I sold steam power outright to the Ottomans, India, England, Keltoi, and Japan for a total of 307g + 314gpt. This bankrupted all but the Ottomans, who had over 11k in gold reserves! Electricity was due in 6, and I was still making 112gpt.

In 770 I traded the Ottomans electricity for industrialization + 4gpt. Medicine was next in 5. I then sold electricity to India, the Keltoi and Japan for 262g + 154gpt. Unlike my mixed medieval policy, I now sold techs for next to nothing, hoping to keep research moving quickly. In 820, however, I sold medicine to the Ottomans for 3300g + 59gpt, and 5 turns later, scientific method for 49gpt. One turn later I had the ToE, and sold the Ottomans atomic theory for 6813g + 73gpt, and the once-rich Ottomans were now broke Spain now had 12026g + 495gpt!

I also traded for tech, of course, and picked up replaceable parts, nationalism, rubber from the Kelts, communism, refining, and sanitation. It took until 990 for the AI to research sanitation, however, and in retrospect I wonder if I should have researched it while waiting for the ToE to be built. I missed Universal Suffrage by one turn, but built the Hoover Dam, and was benefiting from all eight spices. I also rushed universities and other improvements everywhere.

By 1150 AD, after selling both combustion and mass production to the AI, I was 3 turns from researching motorized transportation, with every hope that the AI would go for flight in the meantime. My bulging gold reserves - 10629g + 1209gpt - were earmarked for rushing research labs to help me on a launch bid. I also had Barcelona prebuilding a palace to rush SETI or… if something changed my mind… the UN. All the civs liked me, from the defeated English and Kelts, to the Ottomans and Indians, whom I had cultivated from the start.

So what was that stack with its trailing units doing in my southern territory all of a sudden? And what could my quickly relocated defense force, which consisted solely of militia, do about it?

Are the Indians about to abuse our RoP?
Jove, although I was attempting a much more peaceful route I can empathise with your problems of the zulu superstate. My attempts at keeping good relations with the other nations whilst trying to bring down the all-powerful Zulu was having some success during most of the Industrial Age until an MPP with India resulted in a world war that I could not get out of without totally ruining my rep. This meant that my chances of a diplomatic victory were lost and forced me to change my plans. On reflection I was too cautious during the middle ages (scared of Deity?) and my score paid the price. Perhaps next time I can try to be as bold as you and go for a military victory from the start.
Open class, PTW 1.21

... singing ... "I Think Shaka's in love ooh yeah yeah yeah" (and Brennus and Tokugawa)

Following the amazing start for the glorious Isabelle del Cacahuete and her tribe of Mixto d'Español de Nueces - see It Never Rains but it Pours on this Lucky Spanish Peanut - life slowed down a bit in sunny Spain. Her strategy of just being extra nice to everybody paid off very well. Spain traded away all contacts she had, any technology she learnt or bought, all surplus resources (well resource actually - just iron) , and luxuries (incense & furs). She stuffed free maps in everyone's letterbox at every opportunity. After building a few knights and pikemen for border cities, she laboured to build / buy cathedrals, libraries, universities, harbours, marketplaces, banks, stock exchanges, etc. Even a few colosseums on the borders to kick culture along a bit.

For the ENTIRE GAME, Spain stayed out of all the wars that seemed to be continually waged around her. NOBODY declared war on her ! Izzy just lost count of who had declared war on who, and it seemed that every civilization had at various times fought both against and alongside every other civilization. All except Spain. Izzy signed RoPs with all and sundry, and then sat back and watched the foreign armies trudging back and forth along her roads or freeloading on her railroads.

As the other civilizations wasted their efforts on their military, Izzy just plodded on towards eventual victory. After her massive trading festival of 1000 BC, Spain kept within a tech or two of the lead, and gradually pulled into equal tech lead with the Ottomans, Zulus and Aztecs as buildings completed and cash flow improved.

Spain's big break came with Scientific Method. Izzy researched it first, and switched work accumulated on Universal Suffrage across to ToE (We even burnt a few dozen shields on that swap as we were pretty advanced towards U.S.). And we got ToE !! That coup, giving Atomic Theory & Electronics, opened the floodgates. Knowing we had ToE sewn up the next turn, Spain happily sold Scientific Method to everyone for large amounts of gold-per-turn, as well as the techs that the powerhouse civs researched instead of Sci Method (Corp, Repl Parts, Refining). Anything we bought, we onsold to the weaker civs for whatever they would offer.

Izzy swapped a palace prebuild in another city to Hoover Dam, and sold Atomic Theory when we were getting close to finishing. Electronics went up for sale when we were 1 turn away from Hoover, netting more gold per turn. All that gold just fuelled more research and paid for more improvements. And all the while, Spain kept on signing RoPs, and giving away techs and maps to the less advanced civs.

SO, for about two thousand years, Shaka and Brennus were gracious (or occasionally just polite) to the cute and conniving Isabelle. She fluttered her eyelids at them, tantalised them with RoPs, invited them up to look at her maps, whispered tech secrets to them from time to time, and traded constantly with them. She even traded her only Ivory with Shaka for wines - this kept him happy and had no net impact on Spanish happiness. Those fierce, rugged world leaders were just plain in love with dear Izzy !

Tokugawa too was smitten by Isabelle, making advances to her at regular intervals and getting just enough encouragement for him to want to come back again. Lizzie and Joan were happy to be the girls next door, swapping techs and things over the fence and leaving maps so that they knew what was going in each other's back yards. The other leaders were kept polite by little gifts, but they just weren't front runners for Izzy's affections.

The end came in 1490. Izzy discovered the secrets of Fission, thanking the divine Crackerus and the RNG that the scientific Ottomans were graced with computers and not Fission. She swapped a palace prebuild to the UN, and (as usual) sold Fission to her favourites when she was just one turn away from finishing the UN. Izzy also gifted techs to everyone else (just in case) and then the elections were on. It was a landslide ! Hiawatha was Izzy's only opponent, and only Ghandi voted for him.

A diplomatic victory, achieved with NO great leaders (Spain fought no wars), NO golden age (no war), and NO coal or rubber within Spanish Territory. Everything gained by trading. Only one city flip, late in the game when a conquered French border city flipped from the Celts to Spain. Only one civilization eliminated (England by the Iroquois).

This humble Peanut cannot believe he actually survived, let alone won on Deity, especially after that massacre at the hands of Xerxes a few months back. This Peanut cannot wait for next month's splashing about in the Mediterranean !
I've got a little question on the Jason scoring for this game -not sure if it is appropriate for this thread, delete it if it isn't.
After reading how the Jason system works, I wonder why there are no modifiers for diplo/space race that reflect the fact that it often is necessary to sacrifice in game scoring to achieve best date, while domination pretty much is about increasing in- game score. Especially for this gotm, where the best date for diplo is lower than the best date for domination I cannot understand the following example:
one player plays the game and finishes it in 1500ad by domination with a firaxis score of 10.000 pts, his Jason score will be 8542 pts. Another expands at the same speed winning by diplo in 1500ad with the same firaxis score. His Jason score is a bit lower (8520) although he additionnally had to concentrate on getting the tech level to modern age and keeping a clean reputation. I'm wondering what part of the scoring formula I did not understand correctly.

Great result and writeup, so much more fun to read than mine! It sounds like you succeeded in what I was attempting. I kept being plagued by other Civs attacking me for no apparent reason. My Diplomatic goal suffered especially when I allied with everyone against the Zulus (self defence after they attacked me), then accidentally (OK, stupidly:)) broke the alliance to make peace with them 5-10 turns later.

You said :
For the ENTIRE GAME, Spain stayed out of all the wars that seemed to be continually waged around her. NOBODY declared war on her !
As the other civilizations wasted their efforts on their military, Izzy just plodded on towards eventual victory.
Does this mean you didn't build military, or that you didn't waste it in wars? I'm guessing you must have had a reasonably strong military to dissuade the other Civs from attacking you? I think this was my problem, as when I'm trying to be peaceful I forget that I still need to build my military.


Middle Ages Post

Fourth in power, lagging in tech I was resigned to having no chance, but have played through to try and finish.
I've have learned a lot and its been good fun.

On my continent the Ottomans were largest and very threatening, I kept trading and giving them stuff to keep them happy, but eventually they attacked even though I had a huge trade going for one of their luxuries.

My next mistake in this game was to ally with America against Otto and as soon as I could I offered Otto peace, this was really my first reputation break. Since then everyone has attacked me and everyone hates me.

I was kept in the game by three things 1) Inept AI military tactics, they slowly move big stacks to a city (not the closest) and I could pick them off with Artillery.
2) The AI fighting each other, and I found that even though a CIV hated me they would trade me Rubber in between our wars. Only to lose it again when that Civ declared on me. 3) As the AI constantly fought each other some of them would get slowly wiped out, and before they died I could find tech holes and get some good trades.

At the end of the Industrial Age I have not lost a single city, I'm fourth in power, (from memory) Otto 4500, Japan 3700, America 2800, Spain 2400 but there are only 5 of us left.

I'm just praying somebody will win this game to put me out of my misery. Seems like it will go to space.
Well, I'm on my last tech in the Industrial Era - Flight. Only India has gone into the modern Era. Everyone else is behind us or dead. Americans, Aztecs and French are gone and the Ottomans have only 1 city left.

I am #1 in pop and land. #2 in tech. India, however is #4 in score but #1 in tech. The other scoring is Zulu #1, Japan #2 overall.

I am currently prebuilding for the UN, while all the other Civ keep fighting each other.

I stayed out of wars for 1000+ years, and built up my empire. I have taken over the land of the French, Ottomans, Americans, Aztecs and half of the Iroquios without ever firing a shot or declaring war.

I finally entered a real war when the Zulus got upset about me trying to slip in a spy, and looking back at that move, I didn't really need one in there. Oh well, it allowed me to take 4-5 Zulu cites and sue them for peace.

This game is alot of fun, but nervous, becasue I think I actually have a chance to win this game, but we'll see. I don't want to jinx myself.

My original goals (that I copied from someone else) in the 1st thread for this game were:

Goal #1 to survive until one of the AI's win. - Survival is more than likely assured

Goal #2 not be in last on the points list. - #3 and moving up

Goal #3 be in the same age as the winner - 1 more tech and I'm there

Goal#4 (my super secret goal) - to WIN!!!! - Currently working on this one.

My turns have become very long, as all these civs keep fighting, I just have to sit back and watch them bombard the crap out of each other, without really acomplishing much. India and Zulus have been at war with each other more than they haven't been, but yet their borders are they same as when we started. I've been playing everyday, and this is the 19th and I'm still not done. I will keep pushing, becasue even if I lose, my Diety score should add some nice points to my Global Ranking.

Speaking of that, is there a link to total points/Global Ranking list somewhere? EDIT - Nevermind, I found it, but it is only updated through GOTM17 (my 1st submission)
Originally posted by Mazarin
After reading how the Jason system works, I wonder why there are no modifiers for diplo/space race that reflect the fact that it often is necessary to sacrifice in game scoring to achieve best date, while domination pretty much is about increasing in- game score. Especially for this gotm, where the best date for diplo is lower than the best date for domination I cannot understand the following example:
one player plays the game and finishes it in 1500ad by domination with a firaxis score of 10.000 pts, his Jason score will be 8542 pts. Another expands at the same speed winning by diplo in 1500ad with the same firaxis score. His Jason score is a bit lower (8520) although he additionnally had to concentrate on getting the tech level to modern age and keeping a clean reputation. I'm wondering what part of the scoring formula I did not understand correctly.

In your example, when you say the two civs expand at the same speed, do you mean that they have the same number of tiles?
yes. they have had the same number of tiles, number of happy/content citicens etc. Let's say, the UN player, had one less tile for the last turn, so he could not get domination, but he had one more content citicen.
[PTW] 1.14 Euro, Open class.
Previous Middle Ages reports are here and here.

<insert CNN jingle here>.
Carol : Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to CNN live coverage of Spain at War ! We left you just before the break in 770AD with a newsflash that war had just erupted between Spain and Zululand. Let's get an update from our man on the field Pablo Gringo who's in zimbabwe at this moment. Pablo can you see anything ?

Pablo : yes Carol, good evening. We are now actually ON the city walls, and as you can see a massive force of over 30 cavalry units is rapidly approaching us. Since this morning there was no contact anymore with Calcutta (which was under Zulu control) and Bapedi. Zulu's fears that these cities might have fallen to a Spanish blitzkrieg-offensive seem to be proven true as we see this massive invading force. People are massively leaving town and preparations are being taken to protect this cities 3 famous wonders (Oracle, Sistine Chapel and Great Library). Actually, I'm getting out of here myself, as the few musketmen defending the gates seem no match for what is about to happen here. Pablo out.

Carol : thank you Pablo. We have with us in the studio tonight professor Juan De Madrid from Newton's University, expert on Industrial warfare and technologies. Good evening professor.

Juan : Ola !

Carol : professor, seems like the spanish cavalry is far superior to the Zulu musketmen - are you surprised ?

Juan : Ahem, yes, I mean, not at all. Actually, I predict that the Zulu empire will be completely overrun by Spanish and Ottoman Sipahi by 930AD, leaving only the Ottoman Empire, with a strong military and lots of culture, as a serious opponent on the Spanish home turf. Another problem for Spain may be the fact that, with all this navigation going on, they no longer have a monopoly on trades, and Japan seems to be the rising power in the east, uhm... west. Still, the discovery of coal in the Celtic Occupied Territories will give a huge boost to our economy.

Carol : thank you for that analysis professor, we will be back shortly, after a few messages from our sponsors.

(commercial's voice with heavy Japanese accent) : Are you weary of war ? Want to forget about all of it for one evening ? Please come to Tokyo's Syekusupearu's Theatre for an evening of drama on stage. Discount tickets available at Sumithu's Trading Company ! Mata doozo !

Carol : And we have to interrupt that for breaking news : from Paris comes the news that France has just declared war on Spain ! That's 1130AD local time. Joan of Arc, who was always polite to Spain before, said the move was necessary 'to resist the intrusive Spanish culture and free the French Treasury of the ever-mounting spanish claims'. Pablo is on the scene for us in Paris. Pablo ?

Pablo : Uhm, well Carol, it's 1200AD now, and I'm standing in what is now the FORMER French capital ! After the French declaration of war, Isabella of Spain acted quickly to ally the whole world against France, and hardly 7 turns later Spanish troops paraded on the Champs Elysees, under a pale blue sky. The fate of Joan of Arc is unsure; she was last seen in the Cathedral of Rheims, which was destroyed by the Ottomans shortly after. We can however say that the French empire is no more. Meanwhile, a story is doing the rounds here that a conquistador unit succesfully survived a French ambush. this story is causing so much enthousiasm that analists are already talking about a Spanish Golden Age.

Carol : thank you Pablo, take care. Next coming up here on CNN is 'science today' - stay with us.

<CNN jingles>

Bob : good evening, welcome to 'science today'. Today we talk about the recent Japanese achievements with well-known professor Juan de Madrid. Juan, can you schetch the situation for us ?

Juan : certainly Bob. As you know, Japan has established Women's suffrage in 1170AD, and used a cunning Scientific Method to build the Hoover Dam in 1310AD. This puts Japan effectively at the head of the culture and science race. It is quite remarkable to see this quiet and peaceful medieval shogunate evolve into an industrial giant.

Bob : how do you think Spain will deal with this ?

Juan : well, Japan and the Ottomans have recently signed an MPP, and we see a lot of activities in Spanish diplomatic circles to persuade all other states (Iroquois, Aztecs, Americans and Indians) to join an MPP with Spain, effectively dividing the world in two camps. These efforts do seem to be effective, since Spain has a lot of luxuries and resources that the new world civ's are in desparate need of.

Bob : indeed Juan, it is now 1295AD and as we speak, we receive news from our office in Spain that war has been declared on the Ottomans ! Spanish infantry, cavalry and artillery has crossed the border heading for Sogut. In a first round of squirmishes fights have also broken out on the Aztec-Japanese border. I think Pablo is in Sogut for us now - Pablo ?

Pablo : yes Bob *Bwham*. As you can hear we are under heavy *Bwham* artillery fire right now. The famous ancient temple of Sogut is seen burning from our *Bwham* hotel window. The area is definitely not safe, as Spanish troops have obviously not yet discovered precision bombing. Still, resistance is strong, and spanish troops seem to be focusing first on disconnecting roads and resources, rather than going directly for the cities. We just had a press conference with Otto Saeed al-Sogut, Ottoman information Minister, and this is what he had to say :

Otto : there are no Spanish troops in Ottoman country. The infidels have retreated and are dying at the gates of Sogut by the hundreds. We will hang them all by their health bars. The artillery you see on that hill, it is surrounded by our infantry unit.

Pablo : back to you, bob.

Bob : meanwhile a communiqué from Madrid reads that Isabella now wants to be addressed officially as 'Comrade Isabella', until the end of the Ottoman war. In other news, we learn that the commander of an elite cavalry unit has been called back to Madrid to work on a project called 'the United Nations', although this may be very long term, since Tanks haven't yet been discovered... <goes off-air, silence... looks puzzled... talks to somebody off-screen : 'who wrote this text ? What is this UN-thing, and why does it depend on tanks ? What are tanks anyway ?'>.

Carol <taking over from Bob> : and things keep changing rapidly; apparantly Sogut is now in Spanish hands, and one after another the Ottoman cities are falling. According to analists, the fall of the last Ottoman city (in 1440AD) will coincide with the discovery of Flight, and put us into what will be known as 'the Modern Age'. We can also tell you, right at the end of this broadcast, that peace has been made with the Japanese, and that Spain received a small former Aztec town as bounty. We'll leave you with the minimap of the world - stay tuned for more surprising news later !

<more jingles>
I liked, "We will hang them all by their health bars."

:D Awesome report, puts my yet-to-be-completed interview with Isabella the Magnificent to shame.

Not that that's going to stop me writing it, mind you.

Open Civ v1.29f. My first GOTM.

Ancient Age

Middle Ages

Up till now Spain had spent the game peacefully keeping up with the competition in tech. A brief scuffle with the Americans was the only combat Spanish troops had seen. Our claimed territory was fairly small though and we had still not gotten a Golden Age. Origionally we had planned on taking out France as they had beaten us to some techs in the ancient age and claimed some land near Madrid, generally being a nuisance early on. However, they consistantly offered good deals in trading and had spent most of the medieval age being gracious to us. Luckily England saved us from having to make a hard decision by attacking 640ad.

One item of note before getting to the fighting: Spain finally completed a Wonder!!! Newton's University was built in Madrid in the year 590. After this point the other civs were never able to achieve any wonder cascades. Finally building a wonder before my opponents was a huge confidence booster.

The English War (640ad - 1010ad)

Queen Liz obliges our need for war by attacking the small border town of North Madrid in an attempt to connect their north coast colonies to England-proper. North Madrid falls, but the world is enraged by this attack on everyone's favorite trading partner. ;) With a little monetary incentive every nation on the planet declares war on the English! It's Spanish cavalry vs English riflemen so the fighting is fierce and bloody. Within 10 turns we take the three main cities on my side of the bridges but the casualties were high. It takes 15 more turns to rebuild and take Canterbury and 4 more to reduce Nottingham to 1 redlined defender. The dirty cow-loving Kelts grab the city on us the next turn and we slink back to regroup. From 890 to 1010 very little is accomplished. Riflemen in this rough terrain are very tough to bring down and our military advisors suggest that the stinking Kelts might be an easier target at the moment. In 1010 we make peace with the English and immediately declare war on the Kelts.

During our first war we finally achieved our Golden Age. This was tough at this point as Missionaries are outmatched and pretty much require a redlined opponent. Our beeline to Scientific Method was then successful and our prebuild was timed nicely to complete Theory of Evolution in 830. Atomic Theory and Electronics were instantly discovered and we had a 2-3 tech lead on everyone else!

Hoover Dam and a new prebuild for Universal Suffrage were begun and Spain began denying tech to it's opponents, only trading a tech once every 20 years to keep some cash coming in. With the rest of the world at war, we were able to keep our substantial tech lead while we pursued Motorized Transportation and finished our wonders.

The First Keltish War (1010 - 1335)

In the English war the Kelts took Nottingham out from under us and in 1010 they felt our wrath! We immediately took what was rightfully ours and nearby Richborough for good measure. Once again progress was slow and little accomplished with our cavalry.

In 1060 the Hoover Dam was completed and Universal Suffrage followed in 1130. Finally netted Nationalism in one of my 20-year tech trades and riflemen began arriving at the Keltic front. In 1250 we produced our first leader Sertorius. With no major builds going on, Sertorius hangs out in Barcelona living the high life.

In 1280 we finally research Motorized Transportation and tanks start rolling out of our factories. The stalemate is over and Mohacs, Agedincum, Entremont, Camulodunum and Lugdunum quickly fall to our blitz netting us Leo's Workshop, the Great Library and the Great Wall.

In 1335 war weariness finally becomes too much and we sign a ceasefire with the crippled Kelts. I can finish them later. Unfortunately, at the end of that turn Entremont flipped back to the Kelts. I knew that law against cattle-love was a bad idea. :(

During this war the Ottomans were at work eliminating England and nearly finishing France. The Kelts also managed to eliminate India while trying to ward off my attack, effectively shifting their country south.

In 1355 we research Radio and become the first nation to enter the Modern Age. Whoooo! Between ToE and being able to fight a few wars while in a Democracy I was able to take and hold the tech lead. The Kelts have been crippled, the English and Indians eliminated and France reduced to two cities. For the first time in this game I feel like I'm in control and while the Ottomans have a tough military and are closing the tech gap, my stacks of armor and infantry are ready for any funny business from them. :)

The other continent has been divided roughly in 3 by the Iroquois, Japanese and Aztecs. None of these are a serious threat at this moment.

To answer Cracker's question on resources - the lack of coal in my initial territory was a big reason I felt the need to expand although I didn't capture any until the end of the age. Luckily my buddy Joan had some extra coal and for almost all this age, she was my source. I eventually needed to switch to Iroquois coal as France ran out of extra somewhere during Ottoman's invasion. I gained access to Entremont's coal briefly but that city flipped right after making peace. Grrrrr. I also initially had to get rubber from Japan but I managed to capture a source when Mohacs fell to me.

Score after Industrial:
Iroquois: 2543 - 3 techs behind
Japan: 2275 - 3 techs behind
Spain: 2121 - tech leader :)
Ottomans: 2091 - 3 techs behind
Aztecs: 1821 - 6 techs behind
France: 1630 - 2 cities left
Keltoi: 1466 - 12 cities left but hopelessly behind
America: 1280 - out
England: 1215 - out
India: 911 - out
Zululand: 200 - out

Goals for modern age. Finish the Kelts, hold off the Ottomans and win :) Still aiming at diplomatic or space. Looks like I won't finish early enough for a great score but unless something terrible happens winning looks doable. Great score or no, my first diety win would be sweet!

The world as of 1335
Originally posted by Mazarin
yes. they have had the same number of tiles, number of happy/content citicens etc. Let's say, the UN player, had one less tile for the last turn, so he could not get domination, but he had one more content citicen.

Let's ask Aeson!
There is a 15% 'leeway' at the condition best date that regresses linearly to 2050AD. So if two conditions have the same best dates, they should always score the same given the same empire. Normally the best dates aren't the same between though, and so one victory type will have a higher leeway than another at any given date.

On a lot of maps, Diplomatic and Domination will have roughly the same best date.
Originally posted by Dianthus

Does this mean you didn't build military, or that you didn't waste it in wars? I'm guessing you must have had a reasonably strong military to dissuade the other Civs from attacking you? I think this was my problem, as when I'm trying to be peaceful I forget that I still need to build my military.
Dianthus :

Oh yes, I did build a reasonable military, but it was mostly defensive, and mostly sitting in border cities. After temples etc were built, luxuries hooked up, and government changed, most of my interior or coastal cities were undefended for most of the game (ie. no need for military police). I made sure to keep my military upgraded (spear->pikes->etc). I also kept some horses sitting around near the border on hills & mountains (for better visibility). These were also upgraded when possible. So my military was definitely not dominant, but it could have delayed my destruction for a few turns at least.

I think one key to my entirely peaceful game was trade - trade - trade ! I had RoPs with everyone who mattered, even when I had to pay for them. I gave away techs and maps. Whenever anyone wanted an alliance, I always declined but sent them away with a free map to console them. I never had a resource or luxury to spare - I traded them firstly to my powerful and easily irritated neighbours, and secondly to anyone who needed them. For most of the game until I got a tech parity or tech lead my cash reserves were pretty low. I spent on upgrades or rush building improvements whenever I could. So there was little available for anyone to demand.

Through this trade policy I cultivated AI attitudes towards me - the worst anyone got was "cautious", and that was when a trade agreement or RoP had run out. I always renewed it on the spot, and attitudes improved. After 1000BC, I was on "Polite" or better for almost the entire game. Bamspeedy's article on AI attitudes is very helpful. I am just glad that Soren didn't build in tests to check whether the human player was playing silly games (eg. blocking settlers, gifting useless maps, always declining alliances, etc.) Otherwise I would have been a very roasted Peanut before AD times!

But I think the bottom line in my game really was that Shaka, Brennus and Tokogawa were just plain in love with Izzy. After all the wars the AIs had with each other, nobody trusted anybody, except that everyone liked Izzy.
OPEN [ptw] 1.21

My prior posts are here:
http://forums.civfanatics.com/showt...911#post1029911 -#1

http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?postid=1047948#post1047948 -#2

From Cracker at the beginning of this Spoiler:

1. We particularly are interested in how you obtained key resources and how the distribution of similar resources to the AI civs may have effected the progress of the game?
1. Iron was especially valuable because Japan had none. At one point it traded me Invention, Education and 135 gold for Iron and Furs. Later they gave me Spices, Physics and Metallurgy for Iron and 52 gold. These were the most productive trades I made.

However, our lack of Rubber lead me to get too cocky and ended with me slinking home. I was separated from the Zulus by a narrow slice of Ottos territory. The Zulus had a source of Rubber on the other side of the Ottos and I had a ROP with Otto. I decided to capture the Zulu town near the Rubber and build my own city. I moved in Artillery, Cavalry, Riflemen and a Settler. I took the city but couldn’t defend it. Also Otto’s units eventually blocked my ability to resupply those units on the attack. The Zulus took back the city twice before I finally abandoned the foolish escapade and went home to lick my wounds.

2. You also should have at least one and perhaps two major rival civilizations who you are being forced to contend with on a regular basis. It would be nice to know how you planned to deal with these challenges and if you were able to successfully implement you plans without just having to react or respond to unforecast things that may have happened in the game.

2. The two rival civs with which I had the most trouble were the Zulus and the Ottomans. The Zulus started out as the big dogs, but when they invaded me in the last spoiler I allied with all the other civs on the continent against them and weakened them enough that they were no longer a problem.

In the process I had a great round of trading and shortly thereafter got Theory of Evolution. This started my Golden Age and it looked as if I was finally in control of the game. I traded Otto Atomic Theory for Replaceable Parts, Corporation, WM, 93 gpt, and 3190 gold. A pretty good trade. However, I seriously underestimated the economic power of the Ottomans. They didn’t have much territory and so I figured once I got ahead of them I would stay ahead. I was prebuilding Hoover Dam and eventually traded Otto Electronics, thinking I was safely ahead of him on Hoover’s construction. Unfortunately, that was a miscalculation. He beat me to it by 3 turns. He was the only one ahead in research so I was gifting techs to all the other civs in the hope that they would discover something. They never did.

3. My plan was to get the UN and win diplomatically. Since I was giving everything away, the other civs were all polite or gracious and it looked like I would get the UN first. However, just about the time Hoover Dam was built, the world went to war. Some of my former “friends” are now invading me and I have to make alliances, one with the cursed Ottomans. It is 1190. I am at war with India, England and Japan. The war is inconclusive because I fight defensively. It is over in 1320. I am looking forward to a period of peace and prosperity, but 2 turns later the Ottomans declare war. They have Tanks and I don’t. I quickly ally with the Celts, Indians and Zulus. In this game loyalty and allegiance are for sale. The civ I was fighting yesterday is my ally today.

In this war I am magnificent. I am both smart and tough, even though I am the underdog. :thumbsup:

I can’t discuss this war because it spills over to the beginning of the Modern Age. More in Spoiler #4.

4. I did try Moonsinger’s suggestion about putting 3 Conquistadors into an Army and sending it into enemy territory to pillage. It didn’t work. The AI attacked and quickly defeated it. The Conquistador was of some value in pillaging resources that were near the borders. But it was too weak to be sent alone into enemy territory.
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