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ST4 - Emperor Tweak

Hmmmm.....What a delimma. We are committed in deals to just about everyone. The one thing that bugs me is that we despite all our holdings, we only have 4 luxes. I decide to try to take the furs from the poor Japanese and get our foothold against the Russians (Since they aren't involved in the current war.) Getting transports over there is going to take at least 6 turns though, so the first part of this report is condensed.
4 turns to Flight at max Research.
Only rush a few buildings here and there. Start saving money. Building tanks. Start Seti Prebuild in Orleans

On turn 4 we lost our Dyes, Spices, and Wines deals. Time to do a round of trading. Mass Production to Russia for Spices, WM, 24gpt, and 900 gold. Mass Proproduction and 47 gpt to Arabia for Wines and Dyes. Mass Production to India for 84 gpt and 400 gold. Japan and Spain are broke. Micro-manage a few cities to max shields/pop. Flight learned, but I forgot about Sirian's Mods! :o Research Amphibious Warfare next, due in 4. Bad me! Restage Seti prebuild by building an Airport at a loss of 100+ shields.

1545: Attempted to plant a spy in Japan and failed. They declare war. (No outstanding deal with them.) We just so happened to have 14 tanks and supporting forces in some transports right outside their Territorial waters. :satan: I did manage to plant a spy in Russia and India though.

IT Russia demands Motorized Transpo from us. We blow her a special French raspberrry and she skulks off. A Japanese Cav dies against our invasion forces.

1550: Capture Nara against Pikes and Spears. (We keep the harbor). Take out a few approaching Samuari units. :lol:

1555: Capture Osaka (lose 1 Tank against Riflemen.) Also capture Kyoto with 1 tank loss.

1560: Learn Ambibious Warfare and get to the Modern Age. Computers due in 4 at 100% Capture Edo with a couple of Cav loss. Capture Nagoya with no losses. Poor Spain gets ganged up against by Russia also.

1565: Approaching other Japan cities. We get our Furs hooked up so that we have all 8 luxes. Build some airports to help the transportation situation.

1570: Capture Satsumi with 1 Cav loss. Trying to suppress the resistance in the other cities. Sink a couple of Japanese Ironclads.

The Game
Got it

Playing soon.

Pre-flight checks... OK :goodjob:

Press button
Russia wants to renew Silks for 33gpt - upped to 34gpt + WM :)
Paris Inf - Battlefield Medicine
Versailles Tank - Tank
Lyons Tank - Tank
MArseilles Tank - Tank
Edo riots - starvation diet
Hangchow Hospital - HArbour
Bayonne Tank - Tank
Chinan Bank - Hospital
Ningpo Police - Dock

1 - 1575AD
Attack on Tokyo
Bombardment destroys Barracks and red-lines 4 defenders
Elite Tank vs con Rifle (1/2) - victory
Elite Tank vs reg Rifle (1/3) - victory
Vet Tank vs reg Rifle (1/3) - victory
Vet Tank vs reg Pike (2/3) - victory and promotes
Tokyo falls
Repoition troops for assual on Kagoshima (probably 2 turns)
Nagoya hurries Temple
Kyoto hurries Airport
Paris switches to Bomber
Vesailles switches to Battlefield Medicine
Research 90% (Computers 1 turn @ +169gpt)

Japan lands 2 Cav between Rennes & New Canton
Discover Computers - Fission (secure the UN)
Kyoto Airport - Lib
Rheims Battleship - MI
Nanking Stock - Dock
Resistance in Edo ends
Xinjian Stock - Dock
Rouen Dock - R Lab
Nagoya Temple - Lib
Cherbourg Bank - Hospital
Gems from India expires - I don't renew

2 - 1580AD
Vet Cav vs vet Cav (New Canton) - dies, red-lining Cav
Vet Guerilla vs vet Cav (1/4) - victory (1/4)
Elite Tank vs vet Rifle (N Kagoshima) - victory (4/5)
Artillery move into position to bombard Kagoshima next turn
Edo hurries Temple
All ex-Japanese cities set on starvation
Tanks advance on Kagoshima (Frontal assault next turn)
Fission due in 4, 100% @ -276gpt (this leaves 1 turn grace on Palace pre-build in Orleans)

Renew Ivory to Arabia for 31gpt + WM (was 20gpt)
Spain doesn't want to renew Incense for 18gpt - however she will give WM, 35gp + 28gpt for Iron - I take it
Russia wants to renew Ivory for 32gpt - I get WM + 34gpt
Paris Bomber - R Lab
Strasbourg MI - R Lab
Shanghai Uni - MI
Bordeaux Lib - MI
Canton Cathedral - Uni
Lyons Tank - R Lab
Resistance in Tokyo ends
Tsingtao Bank - Lib
Marseilles Tank - R Lab
Poitiers Bank - Stock
Edo Temple - Lib
Avignon Tank - R Lab
Hangchow Harbour - Uni
New Rheims Factory - Bank
Macao Police - Hospital
Anyang Bank - Hospital
Bayonne Tank - R Lab
Port St Louis Lib - MI

3 - 1585AD
Bombard Kagoshima - destoy Cathedral, Harbour & red-line most defenders
Elite Tank vs reg Pike - victory (4/5)
Elite Tank (4/5) vs con Rifle (1/2) - victory (3/5)
Elite Tank vs reg Rifle (1/3) - victory & generates GL (Richelieu)
Richelieu moves to Kyoto, creates an Army then rushes back to the battlefield to load Trusty Tank #1 into the Army
Elite Tank vs reg Rifle (1/3) - victory (4/5)
Elite Tank vs reg Guerilla (1/3) - victory
Kagoshima falls
Japan has 2 cities left: Nagasaki (NW tip of Spanish mainland) and Izumo (3 tile island 2S, 2SE of Sevastopol).
It might be worth making the effort to take Nagasaki to give us a foothold on Spanish soil.
We need to take Nagasaki fairly quickly or it might flip to Spain.

Russia has entered Modern Times and has Fission - she'll do a straight swap for Computers as she has no gold
Buy Fission from Russia for Computers + WM
Research switched to Rocketry 90% (4 turns @-5gpt)
Damn! I forgot that Diplo was turned off for this game. Sorry guys, but at least we can build Nukes for the launch party :D
Orleans switches to Manhattan (due in 2)
Rebase Bomber in Nanking (ready for our 2nd round of Tank Testing)
Army moves to Nara, loads a couple of vet Tanks then boards transport bound for Nagasaki (due to arrive in 5)
Transport sets sail from Lyon with a mix of Tanks, MI and 1 Artillery (due to arrive in 5)
Upgrade 28 Inf for 560gp

Arabia wants to renew Incense for 20gpt - I get 31gpt + WM
Russia wants to renew Incense for 33gpt - she's flat broke so I buy her WM instead
Ningpo Docks - Carrier
Paoting Factory - Hospital

4 - 1590AD
I decide to leave most of our forces in the ex-Japanes territories in case Russia gets uppity.
Reposition troops
Clear pollution
Sell Incense to Russia for WM + 35gpt (she obviously sold something)

Shanghai MI - R Lab
Orleans Manhattan - SETI

Rheims MI - R Lab
Tours MI - R Lab
Nanking Dock - Airport
Besancon Marine - Tank
Resistance in Satsuma ends
New Orleans Factory - Hospital
Russia starts SETI

5 - 1595AD
Clear pollution
Research 80% (2 turns @ +299gpt)
Investigate Kiev for 187gp - SETI in 13 turns so we could leave it in Orleans and have 1 turn in hand or switch it to Versailles if we prefer.
Satsuma hurries Temple

Arabia wants to renew Silks for 27gpt - I get 32gpt + WM
Paris R Lab - Airport
Versailles Battlefield Medicine - R Lab

Tsingtao Lib - Hospital
Satsuma Temple - Lib
Tatung Factory - Hospital
Grenoble Stock - Lib
Resistance on Kagoshima ends
Dijon Stock - Dock

6 - 1600AD
Clear pollution
Kagoshima hurries Temple and starves
Tokyo hurries Temple & starves
Orleans switches to R Lab
Versailles switches to SETI (10 turns instead of 11)
Research 70% Rocketry next turn @ +568gpt

We lose our transport carrying the Army to a privateer :(
Discover Rocketry - Space Flight
Canton Uni - R Lab
Lyons R Lab - Airport
Tokyo Temple - Lib
Marseilles R Lab - Airport
Chengdu Stock - Hospital
Kagoshima Temple - Lib
Macao Hospital - Uni
Bayonne R Lab - Airport
New Lyons Bank - Factory
India starts SETI
Japan lands 2 Cav on South Island near Bodeaux

7 - 1605AD
Vet Tank vs vet Cav (Bordeaux) - victory
Vet Tank vs vet Cav (Bordeaux) - victory and promotes to elite
Land 4 Tanks, an MI and Artillery SE of Nagasaki
Clear pollution
Research 80% (5 turns @ +266gpt)

Strasbourg R Lab - Airport
Shanghai R Lab - Dock
Orleans R Lab - Tank
Nanking Airport - Lib
Xinjian Dock - Hospital
Cherbourg Hospital - Cathedral
Chinan Hospital - Cathedral
Ningpo Carrier - Uni

8 - 1610AD
Bombard Nagasaki - knocking to spots off Rifle
Vet Tank vs reg Rifle (Nagasaki) - victory and promotes to elite
Elite Tank vs reg Rifle (Nagasaki) - retreats :(
Vet Tank vs reg Rifle (2/3, Nagasaki) - victory
Vet Tank vs vet Rifle (2/4, Nagasaki) - victory and promotes to elite
Nagasaki falls
Clear pollution
Orleans switches to Palace (pre-build for Apollo)
Russia has Advanced Flight - I pass for the moment

Spain & Arabia sign Peace Treaty
Paris Airport - Tank
Chartres Bank - Lib
Avignon R Lab - Airport
Hangchow Uni - R Lab
Grenoble R Lab - Airport
Toulouse Stock - Dock
We catch Russia trying to plant a spy :)
Arabia starts SETI

9 - 1615AD
Battleship takes station East of Nagasaki
Nagasaki hurries Temple
Clear pollution

Canton R Lab - Dock
Lyons Airport - Bomber
Rheims R Lab - Airport
Nanking Lib - Cathedral
Bayonne Airport - Bomber
Nagasaki Temple - Lib

10 - 1620AD
Clear pollution
Research 70% (Space Flight 2 turns @ +512gpt

Military vs India (3 turns till deals expire)

We have a monopoly on Rocketry and are at least two techs ahead of everybody else except Russia who has Advanced Flight.We ought to try out Paratroops as they've been modded to +1 offense & defense.
Remeber that we need to research Robotics (SS Stasis Chamber)
We can go to war with India very soon. We just need to build some transports in Nanking, Macao & Chengdu. Delhi is almost on the coast so could be a first target.
I've started our Airforce but mainly built infrastructure to increase research speed.

The save is > here <

Good turns. Errrr....just one question. Why were you in so much of a hurry to build Manhattan? Seti provides more tangible benefits. Not being critical here, just curious.
I was really thrown by not having the UN available and in the confusion I just made the wrong choice :smoke:

Sorry about that.

I got it.

Normally, I'd research straight to Modern Armor before attacking, because we're now close to it anyway, but that wouldn't be much of a test of this mod, right? :)
We're far enough ahead to pretty well do what we want.

I thought it would be nice to try out the Paras but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give the good old MAs an outing :)

Don't forget the Marines were beefed up also. Since the AI builds them fairly regularly, they may be a force to be reckoned with.
I have eight turns played, and will get the other two played this evening. I'm setting up for RJ to deliver some birthday presents to the Indians. :devil2: The Indians had MI's at the start of my turn, and attacking MI's in metros without modern toys is a major pain.

We aren't actually that far ahead of Russia. We're currently researching @1st-civ at 4 turns apiece at a surplus, but Russia is strong enough to almost keep pace with us. Attacking Russia would be an awesomely time-consuming task at this point, so let's not bother.

We could also test the Marines ourselves. The Indians have a couple island cities; one and maybe both of them will require either marines or nukes. Might as well try marines. :) We will probably have exactly one marine at the end of my turn (which I started with), but we can build them and send 'em to India very rapidly and efficiently with all the airports we now have.
IT: Where are our workers, and why do we have so few of them? Oh well, this game is in the bag one way or the other, so I won't stress about it. :)

Swap Paoting from hospital to cathedral (this city is not going to reach size 12 soon). Swap Tatung from hospital to coal plant (this city cannot even grow about size 12). I transfer control of a tile from Versailles to Tsingtao, which needs it to grow much beyond size 12. Swap Chartres from library to granary. Swap Hangchow from research lab to transport (because we have none in the area, and the number of workers I would like just on our home island is about three times the number we have total). I disband 2 cavalry in Hangchow to get the transport 1 turn faster. Swap Bordeaux and Port St. Louis from MI to police station (we were building 110 shields of military without a barracks in one of the cities). Swap Poitiers from stock exchange to university. Swap Grenoble from airport to cathedral (getting into WLTSD will increase production). Swap Tabriz from library to granary. Several transports set sail for ex-Japan. Swap Paris, Besancon, Lyons, and Bayonne to MI, which we need more of. Rush granary in Chartres for 196g. Swap New Canton to police station. Upgrade a vet infantry that's hanging around to MI. Swap tiles around our core to put as specialists to work as possible; since we're producing military and don't have mass transit I want to level off growth. Swap Rheims to settler.

Whoa, the AI's now have computers. Forget attacking with ordinary tanks, this will be painful without modern armor.

AD 1625 (1) Paris MI -> worker. Shanghai commercial dock -> coastal fortress. Rheims settler -> worker. Marseilles airport -> MI. Chartres granary -> factory. Hangchow transport -> cathedral. Dijon commercial dock -> university.

I load up most of our troops in ex-Japan on transports and head south.

I sell Radio to Spain for WM + 19g + 3 workers.

AD 1630 (2) Space Flight discovered. Paris / Rheims worker -> worker. Strasbourg airport -> colosseum. Shanghai coastal fortress -> MI. Lyons MI -> coastal fortress. Tours research lab -> coastal fortress. Tsingtao hospital -> cathedral. Poitiers university -> commercial dock. Besancon MI -> research lab. Rouen research lab -> colosseum. Ningpo university -> colosseum.

I swap Avignon to MI so that it can shed its excess population as workers without undue shield waste. I swap Orleans to the Apollo Program.

I set research to Ecology, due in 4 at +212gpt at 80% science.

AD 1635 (3) Paris worker -> MI. Canton commercial dock -> colosseum. Lyons coastal fortress -> battleship. Rheims worker -> battleship. Nanking / Cherbourg cathedral -> university. Marseilles MI -> jet fighter. Avignon MI -> settler. Macao university -> cathedral. Anyang hospital -> cathedral. Bayonne MI -> battleship. Paoting cathedral -> police station.

The Japanese have landed a couple of samurai on Ex-jungle Island. I get two elite victories killing them.

I find three more vet inf and upgrade them.

I plant a spy in Spain for 102g, but fail in Japan for 74g.

I'm not in a hurry to get Japan's last city, as capturing it will make it easier for our rivals to catch up on tech. I sign a peace treaty with Japan.

Our deal with Russia for Spices has ended, but I let the trade lapse since they're not needed, and I don't want to give our closest rival more money if I can help it.

AD 1640 (4) I give 500g to the Arabs. I give Fission to the Arabs to renew shipments of Wines and Dyes from them, and get our 500g back. Russia and Spain sign a peace treaty. Shanghai MI -> battleship. Orleans APOLLO PROGRAM -> tacnuke. Tours coastal fortress -> battleship. Xinjian hospital -> cathedral. Chengdu hospital -> library. Tabriz granary -> police station. Grenoble cathedral -> university. Chinan cathedral -> harbor. Ningpo colosseum -> battleship.

AD 1645 (5) Paris MI -> worker. Canton colosseum -> battleship. Marseilles jet fighter -> tacnuke. Avignon settler -> worker. New Rheims bank -> police station. Brest stock exchange -> police station. New Paris bank -> granary. New Canton police station -> harbor. Kiev completes the SETI program. :aargh: Boy, was that a screwup or what? Oh well, we don't need it to win anyway. Versailles swaps to the SS Engine, wasting 210 shields. Swap Tours to worker.

AD 1650 (6) Ecology discovered. Paris / Tours worker -> mass transit. I scroll ahead and swap Shanghai, Orleans, Canton, Lyons, Rheims, Marseilles, Besancon, Rouen, Bayonne, and Ningpo to mass transit. Versailles SS Engine -> mass transit. Strasbourg colosseum -> mass transit. Rheims mass transit -> airport. Avignon worker -> worker. Hangchow cathedral -> coal plant. New Orleans hospital -> police station.

I trade Mass Production to Spain for WM + 20g + 1 worker.

I begin research on Synthetic Fibers at 80%, due in 4 at +142gpt.

AD 1655 (7) Shanghai mass transit -> SS Docking Bay. Orleans mass transit -> Palace placeholder (for The Internet). Lyons mass transit -> SS Cockpit. Nanking university -> mass transit. Avignon worker -> mass transit. Chengdu library -> coal plant. Toulouse commercial dock -> mass transit. Chinan harbor -> police station.

AD 1660 (8) Orleans artillery -> MI. Marseilles mass transit -> MI. Poitiers commercial dock -> mass transit. Bayonne mass transit -> artillery. Ningpo mass transit -> research lab. Rush factory in Chartres for 672g, and in New Lyons for 476g. Rush police station in Bordeaux for 228g, and in Port St. Louis for 132g.

AD 1665 (9) Paris mass transit -> MI. Versailles mass transit -> courthouse. Bordeaux police station -> cathedral. Canton mass transit -> coastal fortress. Rheims airport -> MI. Chartres factory -> worker. Rouen mass transit -> colosseum. Ulaanbaatar aqueduct -> granary. Macao cathedral -> coastal fortress. Dijon university -> mass transit. New Lyons factory -> coal plant. Port St. Louis / Rennes police station -> harbor.

Rush aqueduct in Kaifeng for 156g. Rush harbor in Nagoya for 172g, and in Nagasaki for 204g. Rush courthouse in Kyoto for 252g. Rush library in Edo for 256g, and in Nara for 244g. Rush barracks in Kagoshima for 112g.

AD 1670 (10) Synthetic Fibers discovered. Kyoto courthouse -> library. Versailles courthouse -> MA. Shanghai SS Docking Bay -> MA. Canton coastal fortress -> MI. Tsingtao cathedral -> commercial dock. Marsailles MI -> SS Exterior Casing. Chartres worker -> worker. Edo / Nara library -> courthouse. Xinjian cathedral -> hydro plant. Tatung coal plant -> library. Kagoshima barracks -> harbor. Nagoya harbor -> library. Amiens bank -> police station. Bayonne artillery -> MA. Kaifeng aqueduct -> courthouse. New Paris granary -> barracks. Nagasaki harbor -> barracks. Nagasaki harbor -> barracks. New Canton harbor -> cathedral.

I begin research on Miniaturization at 90%, due in 4 at -224gpt (we have enough gold to ride out this deficit). Our prebuild for The Internet is still running in Orleans.

I have constructed a series of fortress on resources and luxuries along our shores. If we have spare defensive units, they can be placed here, since the AI loves to bombard those squares.

I upgrade 20 tanks to modern armor for 400g (these are in Shanghai and Kagoshima). Our remaining ordinary tanks are either elite, or can't reach a barracks this turn.

We have some unused workers with movement still on them.

Six luxuries are barely enough to keep our citizens content -- don't let our luxury count drop below that.

Our other military on the Indian front include a stack of transports near Nanking, the modern armor in Shanghai, along with some elite tanks, some artillery, and some settlers also fortified near Nanking. There are also about 20 cavalry itching for some action. :) We have no standing deals with India, which can be attacked straight away, though we should wait at least until next turn since our MA's are freshly upgraded. RJ will probably want to wait a few more turns to build up more of an assault force, but we shouldn't wait too long, because India will probably have nuclear capability in about 15 turns (they can actually nuke our current capital with a tacnuke, once they get the tech). India also still has that spear on our home continent. :lol: India also has some obsolete units near New Paris, which needs that barracks to upgrade that musket there to something more modern. Karachi is the obvious first target (raze and replace it in the same spot). Delhi and Calcutta have India's wonders.

Of course, if you don't actually want to fight a war, we don't have to. :D

Download the save here!
Originally posted by Dark Savant

Of course, if you don't actually want to fight a war, we don't have to. :D

Man! I should have taken this to heart! India is a freakin' bloodbath. Have played 5 turns so far. Hopefully will post soon.
Pre-turn. Hmmm...would rather have more units for an invasion of India, but we'll muddle through it somehow. ;) How come you guys are making me be the one to declare war? Do you think I'm a bloodthirsty megalomaniac or something? (Don't answer that!) :D Looks like I'll do the invasion-on-a mountain square gambit near Bombay (on a Gems square, why not?). Move transports to Port city so that they can load and disembark on the same turn. Who built the Carrier? I have always considered them as "fluff units". (not as if we are sweating much in this game anyway, so no biggie)
I don't know what D.S. was railing on about Workers so much. Why do we need so many at this stage of the game?

IT Russia has learned Miniaturization and started the Internet. If they get that wonder....GRRRR!!! Wow...they have turned into a monster, haven't they? We really should find a way of knocking them out of Democracy. But they actually could hurt us fairly badly at this point, so we might as well pick on poor Ghandi.

1675 (1) Hurry Barracks in Nagasaki. Load up the transports. I strip some cities of Mechs and replace them with Cavs temporarily to provide the invasion force with some defense. Use our spy to check up on Indian units. They really have no offensive force to speak of, but with Mechs... I declare war honorably with them and dump off our invasion force on a mountain near Bombay. Change preferences to show enemy moves so that I can keep track of things better.

IT A single Indian Mech attacks and actually redlines our defending mech on the mountain before dying.

1680 (2) Strasbourg starts SS Storage. SS Cockpit is complete. Bombay battle is fierce. We lose 4 Modern Armors against 2 Mechs and 3 Infantry, even after bombardments by 11 Artillery. (Wish we had more of those!) The good news is that the Airport was captured intact! [party] We don't need to risk our transports anymore. Spread out and start killing radar towers and the infantry guarding them (no casualties but plenty of red-lines.

IT Iron deal to Spain ends. They can't afford to renew at all. India shuffles a bunch of infantry forward near bombay. A Marine attacks and kills a Mech! :eek: A MA gets killed by another marine/cav.

1685 (3) Ouchies! Bangalore falls at the cost of 4 MA and redline four others. This is going to be a costly war. Get rid of the trashy infantry India sent over last turn.

IT 2 Indian Tanks take out two of our Mechs. We learn Miniaturization. Start on Satelittes in 4. Russia adds their first part to their spaceship.

1690 (4) Orleans changed over to the Internet, due in 6. I investigate St.Petersburg, and they are due in 9, so we should be safe. I don't renew our 3 lux deals to Russia. They don't need OUR help in keeping their people happy while researching at 90%. :p

IT Arabia and India sign an alliance against Spain. The Russians add SS Cockpit to their ship. An Indian tank kills itself against one of our Mechs.

1695 (5) Pillage India's only source of Rubber (I hope!) Capture Madras in a another tough battle where I lost 5 MA against 4 Mechs and a Tank. Set up an assualt on Delhi.

IT 2 Indian Mechs kill 2 of our Mechs. (Bad RNG!)

1700 (6) Sink 2 Indian Ironclads. Bombard Delhi without making much of a dent. Not enough strength to take on Delhi yet.

IT 2 Indian Tanks attacks, Kill 1 Mech and the other is killed. Russians add another part to their ship, and we finish SS storage.

1705 (7) Gigantic battle for Delhi. It turns out it was defended by 11 Mechs and 3 Tanks. :eek: We lost 7 MA (and were darn lucky at that!) And had some good luck with Artillery. We now control JS Bachs and hopefully broke the back of India's resistance. We get a great Leader, DeGaulle, while taking out a radar/infantry tile afterwards.

IT Spain wants a MPP...nope! India and Japan sign an MPP, which might be trouble for War Weariness. Indian tank kills itself against one of our Mechs. Russia demands Incense. I cave because I am 90% sure they would declare war, and we are a "little busy" at the moment. Japan declares war on us.

1710 (8) We learn Satellites and start on Superconductor, due in 4. Strasbourg starts SS Thrusters. Attack Karachi and get lucky with the RNG and only lose 1 MA against 4 Mechs. 18 Resisters! I'm going to abandon it and resettle. (I didn't want to raze it because the borders allow us to get in Bombardment range of the new Indian capital in Lahore. New Tours founded in place. DeGaulle used to form an army. Lahore is razed after losing 3 MA against 3 Mechs and 2 Conscript Rifles.

IT Japan and Spain sign peace. No Indian activity. Marsailles completes SS Exterior Casing. Starts on Heroic Epic. Russians add SS Life Support.

1715 (9) Build New Marsailles near the ruins of Lahore. That is very strange: Russia has learned both Satellites and Superconductor during the last 2 turns.???? That should be impossible since Arabia could not have helped on either one??? Russia stole it form us? Healing turn.

IT Russia declares war on poor Spain. We complete the Internet in Orleans. (Starts Military Academy)

1720 (10) Sell some Research labs (built before the Internet) to raise some quick cash. Capture Calcutta and Shakespeare's Theatre after losing 3 MAs to 4 Mechs. (and a bombardment). Capture Kolhapur after a bombardment and lost 3 MAs. Capture Jaipur with no losses, and the Main Indian Continent is ours.

Notes: Beware flips! Starve 'em down and don't put our whole army in high-risk cities. 2 turns left on Superconductor. 10 turns away from space victory as long as we research Laser and Robotics straight away.

The Game
Got it

Good progress RJ :thumbsup:

probably play this evening

Pre-flight checks... OK :thumbsup:

Sell Ecology to Russia for WM, Superconductor, Spices, Worker + 299gp + 48gpt (flat broke)
Sell Motorised Transport to Spain for WM + 26gp

Press button
We sink a couple of Attacking Indian Ironclads & our Battleship promotes to elite
Delhi Worker - Worker
Shanghai MI - SS Fuel Cells
Lyons MI - SS Life Support
Resistance in Madras ends
Rheims Marine - Offshore Platform
Bangalore Worker - Worker
Nanking MI - Bomber
Poitiers Stock - Barracks
Avignon MI - Offshore Platform
New Marseilles Lib - Temple
Rouen MI - Offshore Platform
Bayonne Marine - Offshore Platform

1 - 1725AD
Disband Slave in Bangalore & hurry Worker for 32gp
Madras hurries Lib for 268gp
Delhi disbands Slave & hurries Worker for 32gp
Rebase our Bomber to Carrier near Jaipur
Battleship to Bangalore for repairs
Disband 3 Slaves in Kolhapur
Bombard Indian elite Ironclad down to 1hp
Bombard Japanese vet Frigate down to 1hp

Delhi Worker - Barracks
Madras Lib - Temple
Bangalore Worker - Worker
Marseilles Heroic Epic - Marine

Xinjian Police - Offshore Platform
Chinan Stock - Dock

2 - 1730AD
Disband Slave in Bangalore & hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave in Bangalore & hurry Worker for 32gp
Land a small force near
Load transport with Marines

Ivory to Arabia expires
Shanghai SS Fuel Cells - Offshore Platform
Lyons Bomber - Offshore Platform
Madras Worker - Worker
Bangalore Worker - Worker
Nanking Bomber - Offshore Platform
Poitiers Barracks - Marine
Resistance in Kolhapur ends
Resistance in Calcutta ends
We lose our Dyes & Wines

3 - 1740AD
Sell Ecology to Arabia for Wines, Dyes +7gp
Research 60% Nuclear in 1 @ +716gpt
Rebase another Bomber on our Carrier
Bomb RT NE Hyderabad - gone
Land 2 Marines NE Hyderabad
Disband Slave in Bangalore & hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave in Madras & hurry Worker for 32gp
Vet MA vs reg MI (Bengal) - victory & promotion
Elite MA vs reg MI (Bengal) - victory (3/5)
Bengal is ours
Calcutta hurries Lib for 200gp
Buy Slave from Russia for 118gp

Spain & India sign Peace Treaty
Incense to Arabia expires
Arabia & Spain sign Peace Treaty
Sliks to Arbia expires
Discover Nuclear Power - The Laser
Versailles SS Life Support - ICBM
Canton Offshore Platform - Bomber
Madras Worker - Worker
Bangalore Worker - Cathedral
Tsingtao Stock - Offshore Platform
Marseilles Marine - Jet Fighter
Calcutta Lib - Worker
Hangchow Offshore Platform - Bomber
Tatung Bank - Hospital
Grenoble Mass Transit - Offshore Platform
Resistance in Jaipur ends
Ningpo Battleship - Bomber
New Paris MI - Hospital
Bengal riots (quelling resisters)

5 - 1740
Bomb Hyderabad - red-line defenders and kill 1 pop
Vet MArine vs reg Spear (1/3, Hyderabad) - victory & promotion
Vet MArine vs reg Spear (1/3, Hyderabad) - victory (3/4)
Hyderabad falls
Disband Slave in Madras and hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave on Kolhapur and hurry Lib for 284gp
Disband Slave in Jaipur and hurry Lib for 296gp
Russia is in Anarchy

Russia destroys Spain
Japan declares war on Russia :D
Orleans Military Academy - Army

Madras Worker - Worker
Rheims Offshore Platform - MA
Calcutta Worker - Worker
Kolhapur Lib - Worker
Jaipur Lib - Worker
Dijon Offshore Platform - Barracks
Resistance in Hyderabad & Bengal ends
New Canton Cathedral - Hospital
India declares war on Russia :D

6 - 1745
Disband Slave in Kolhapur & hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave in Madras & hurry Worker for 32gp
Bengal hurries Temple for 236gp
Hyderabad hurries Lib for 316gp
Red-line Indian fleet (7 ships) with Artillery barrage
Edo switches to Market & hurries for 340gp (happiness)

Strasbourg SS Thrusters - Offshore Platform
Shanghai Offshore Platform - Bomber
Canton Bomber - MA
Madras Worker - Worker
Marseilles Jet - Bomber
Edo Market - Barracks
Calcutta Worker - Worker
Hangchow Bomber - Bomber
Kolhapur Worker - Worker
Dijon Barracks - MA
Cherbourg Dock - Offshore Platform
Bayonne Offshore Platform - Bomber
Hyderabad Lib - Temple
Ningpo Bomber - Offshore Platform
New Orleans Bank - Lib
Bengal Temple - Lib

7 - 1750AD
Rebase Bombers & Fighters in Bangalore
Disband Slave in Kolhapur & hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave in Madras & hurry Worker for 32gp
Land task force N of Jaen
Vet Marine vs vet Marine (Jaen) - victory
Nagasaki hurries Walls
Move Naval Taskforce S toward Jaen
Kagoshima hurries HArbour
Research 60% (Laser in 2 @ +611gpt)

Shanghai Bomber - MA
Bordeaux Cathedral - Hospital
Lyons Offshore Platform - MA
Madras Worker - Worker
Rheims MA - Bomber
Tours Offshore Platform - MA
Nanking Offshore Platform - MA
Poitiers Marine - Bomber
Calcutta Worker - Worker
Avignon Offshore Platform - Bomber
Kolhapur Worker - Worker
Kagoshima Harbour - Market
MAcao Offshore Platform - MA
Anyang Police - Uni
New Lyons Hospital - Cathedral
Paoting Bank - Hospital
Brest Artillery - MI
Nagasaki Walls - MArket

8 - 1752AD
Bombard Jaen - red-line reg Rifle
Elite MA vs vet Cav (Jaen) - victory
Elite MA vs reg Rifle (1/3) - victory
Jaen is ours
Rebase our Bombers & Fighters to Jaen
Disband Slave in Kolhapur & hurry Worker for 32gp
Disband Slave in Madras & hurry Worker for 32gp
Load Transport in Bangalore
Naval Taskforce moves South
Shanghai starts Palace pre-build

Discover Laser - Robotics
Paris ICBM - SS Party Lounge
Canton MA - Bomber
Madras Worker - Worker
Marseilles Bomber - MA
Calcutta Worker - Worker
Xinjian Offshore Platform - Bomber
Chengdu Offshore Platform - Bomber
Besancon ICBM - Offshore Platform
Rouen Offshore Platform - Bomber
Hangchow Bomber - MA
New Rheims Hospital - Commercial Dock
Kolhapur Worker - Worker
Toulouse Uni - Barracks
Bayonne Bomber - MA

9 - 1754AD
Rebase Bombers & Fighters in Jaen
Bomb Murcia - down to pop 2
Disband Slave in Kolhapur & hurry Worker for 32gp
Land Assault Force on mountain S of Murcia

Russia offers Advanced Flight for Synth Fibres - No thanks
Lyons MA - Bomber
Rheims Bomber - MA
Nanking MA - Bomber
Chartres Stock - Hospital
Calcutta Worker - Worker
Avignon Bomber - MA
Kolhapur Worker - Worker
Ulaanbaatar Granary - Barracks
Dijon MA - Bomber
Chinan Dock - Offshore Platform
Russia completes SS Engine

10 - 1756AD
Bomb & bombard Murcia - down to pop 1 & red-line defenders
Elite MA vs vet MI (1/4, Murcia) - victory
Elite MA vs reg Rifle (1/3, Murcia) - victory
Murcia is ours
Elite MA vs vet Inf on mountain (RT, W Valencia) - victory (3/5)

Not long left to go now :)

The save is > here <

Sounds good! What is the status of the Russian spaceship?

Bad me. I forgot we needed Nuke power for the Laser.:o
I can't remember exactlry but they're a couple of necessary techs adrift :)

DS should wrap it up - only a couple of turns to Robotics left.

Ack, I can't get at a Civ3-capable computer for the next two more days or so.

RJ, can you finish this one off? Alternatively, you could wait for me, but I don't mind not having the glory of wrapping things up. :)
Hmmm...I haven't played this late for a space launch in a long time. I confess I am too lazy to read through all this thread, so what do you suppose slowed down the tech pace?
Japan is still around?
:eek: Russia has a buttload of warships!
Anyway, we complete Planetary Party Lounge, 3 turns to go for Robotics. (PS- I think I have only ever build Manufacturing Plants in one Civ game, total!)
India is trounced out of the game in 1758 when we take over their last city.
Its nice to see our workers on auto-pollution patrol. The hundreds manual worker moves per turn in LK51 were driving me berserk!
I start a few cities on ICBMs so that we can switch over easily to the last SS part.

Russians add SS Thrusters (6 out 10 parts). We learn Robotics and start on Genetics in 1762. I blew it and didn't have a pre-build ready for the Stasis Chamber. Switched Paris to Stasis Chamber due in 2.

Russians add SS Storage (7/10) We Launch in 1766. Screenshots follow.

Thanks everyone for the great game! See you in some other SGs (I think we are already in several!) :D

Save Game (Before Launch)

Ah, good to see victory at last. Great game, guys! :thumbsup:

About the changes: I have to say that the specialist changes (taxman = 2 coins, scientist = 3 flasks), the space changes, the new mandatory techs, and the new improved muskets, rifles, and infantry are all changes for the better.

Who knows about the marines though. Such units either seem to be woefully underpowered (as, well, the marines in Civ 2 or Civ 3) or massively strong (like the berserk in PTW or units with the marine ability in Alpha Centauri). That would take quite a bit of testing, and may be tough to get right.
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