Star Trek unit preview thread

Wow you guys sure know your stuff. I am into Law so I work on totally different topics. BTW I want to thank everyone's attitude, you have been all class listening to my comments that probably blasphemy Star Trek since I am not a real Trekky but I love some parts of Star Trek.

The Borg question was brought up because I was wondering why don't the Federation arm themselve with projectile guns in gun fights with the borg such as in First Contact.

Also was I right about Gorn, they are the episode when Kirk collects materials to make gunpowder to kill one?

Explain to me again who Tholians are.

Also some of my advice was to add flavor to the scenario. Even if it took that long to travel, you want the ships to move faster to make wars on it seem more realistic. At the current movement points, a Dominion War would be impossible to re-create. I am trying out my first "Enterprise" episode tonight. They had a meeting at the beginning to form an Alliance of planets (I think it is the Federation) on Earth.

Flamand is the science brain here, I am just an amateur who self taught himself some parts of physics that have to do with space because I was inspired by the Apollo 11 Landings when I was a kid, and I watched it live. :lol:

Correct. They were fighting over a planet called Cestus III where the Federation nad mistakenly placed a colony on a Gorn claimed world. Which the Gorn then proceeded to destroy.

In the episode The Tholian Web The USS Defiant is caught in a time/space rift and the crew is driven insane by the warped space. The USS Enterprise is looking for the missing Defiant and when they board it it begins to finally fade into another dimension.

The problem was that Captain Kirk was on the Defiant when she faded out, but was caught in the transporter beam and would be recoverable in time. But only if they do not use their warp engines to move.

Well, along comes a Tholian ship that says they are tresspassing in the "territorial annex of the Tholian Assembly." To make a long story short they battle, the Big E cripples the Tholian so they send out a distress call and another Tholian arrives. Since the Enterprise's warp engines were damaged in the battle they cannot move. So the Tholians begin to weave a energy field, the Tholian Web, around the Big E. Just before they get trapped for good they rescue the captain and escape.

In a TNG episode they tell of a war between the Tholians and the Federation and give a detail that Riker's father was the only survivor of a Tholian assault on a Starbase.

Then in the Enterprise episodes called Through a Mirror Darkly you find out that the rift in our universe that caught the Defiant was a trap set by the Mirror universes Tholians to capture technology from the future in another dimension.

That is the Tholians in a nutshell. :D

Yeah thet freakin skip the ENTIRE reason for the Alliance, the Earth-Romulan war. Once again trying to break what had been established as canon by Gene Roddenberry with The Original Series.

:nuke: Cheers, Thorgrimm :nuke:
Tell me about Romulan War and Alliance. Romulans seem awful far away from Earth to be fighting a war with them.

The problem with that is there is not much in the canon sources about the Earth-Romulan War. The only real mention of it was in the TOS Episode Balance of Terror and it stated that in 2156, the United Earth (UE) and her allies, Tellar and Andor, went to war with the Romulan Star Empire and that the Federation came about because the UE, Andorians and Tellarites found that through cooperation they could defend themselves better. Vulcan was also asked to join and they agreed to.

Beyond that since Gene Roddenberry died a lot of what was established was changed by Berman and his idiot writers so there has been nothing in canon about it. :mad:

Hell, I was at first excited about Enterprise being 100 years before TOS since we now would learn about the Earth-Romulan war from an 'official' point of view. But nope, once again, Buffoon Berman tried to overturn Gene's creation and turn it into his. he gave us a freakin time war ala the Xindi and the Akiraprise instead of something like the Daedalus all because it looked teh kewl. :rolleyes:

So most of what has been written about the E-R war has been by the fans. The most reasonable and faithful to what Gene had done is written by Masao Okazaki in his Starfleet Museum. Below is a small excerpt from his outstanding museum to that neglected time period of ST.

In 2156, the United Earth (UE) and her allies, Tellar and Andor, went to war with the Romulan Star Empire. Although tensions had been building for several years and support for a war was widespread on Earth and her colonies, Earth's armed forces were poorly prepared when hostilities actually broke out. At that time, the ships of the UE Stellar Navy (UESN), which had until 5 years earlier been called the UE Space Probe Agency, were mostly poorly armed survey vessels, converted merchantmen of various sizes and configurations, and small attack craft that were incapable of independent interstellar operations. Although converted interstellar cargo ships, such as those of the 400,000-t PIONEER class (CH-29), could carry, by virtue or their great size, substantial firepower, they had never been intended for offensive operations. The most capable ships of the UESN were probably those of the fusion-powered AMARILLO class (CC-33); however, they too were of limited ranged and only four ships had entered service since 2152.

At the start of the war, all belligerent powers used warp-capable ships powered by fusion reactors. Although rarely used for this purpose today, fusion reactors were the sole means of power for the first century of warp flight on Earth (a notable exception are the fusion-powered accessory nacelles mounted on the primary hull of some early NEBULA-class ships). Fusion-powered warp reactors have decided disadvantages when compared with modern matter/antimatter (M/AM) systems. Probably the most serious disadvantage, in tactical terms, is their relatively low efficiency. To form and maintain a warp field, fusion reactors must consume deuterium at extremely high rates, which places two limitations on a ship's capabilities. First, a large percentage (70% or more) of the ship's mass is fuel, which limits nonfuel payload, such as weapons, sensors, and shuttlecraft. Second, the high rate of consumption severely limits range. The first limitation of payload can be partly addressed by scaling up the ship. Since a fixed percentage of a ship's must be fuel and drive system to operate at a given warp speed for a given duration, the nonfuel payload can be increased by increasing the total size of the ship. The second limitation of range must be addressed by frequently refueling at starbases, convoying the ship with tankers, or rendezvousing with tankers en route. Another disadvantage of fusion reactors is their low peak power output, which limits the maximum speed that can be achieved to about warp 2.5, or 15.6 c.

Because of these limitations of range, speed, and payload, fusion-powered ships were unsuited for offensive interstellar operations. For an attack to succeed, it must be made either when and where the enemy is least prepared or with an overwhelming superiority of force. However, the limitations of range meant that attacks across more than 10 light years (ly) of interstellar space could not be accomplished without repeated refueling, which required that ships drop out of warp and risk detection and interception. If possible attack corridors shorter than 10 ly were continuously well defended, all attacks could be probably be discouraged or repelled. Furthermore, the maximum speed of warp 2.5 meant that a journey of 10 ly would take at least 234 days, during which time detection and interception become increasingly likely. If a ship were to carry enough armaments for a powerful attack on enemy ships or ground targets, the fixed percentage of available payload meant that the ship would probably be extremely large and poorly maneuverable at both warp and impulse speeds. Fighter carriers, of course, were impractical within these payload limitations.

When Earth forces were finally given the opportunity to go on the offensive after a Romulan invasion fleet was destroyed at the Battle of Hell's Gate in 2157, the strategies available were severely limited by the poor quality of UE warships. Despite broad popular support for attacks against Romulans planets, the UE and her allies simply did not have ships of sufficient capability and in sufficient number to successfully undertake offensive operations. Instead, ship-to-ship combat most often took the form of long-range missile duels. Opposing ships would cautiously venture out from their bases until long-range sensor contact was made. The ships would then usually close within extreme missile range, fire a volley of missiles, then attempt to evade their opponent's missiles. As a result, many engagements ended without significant damage to either ship. For the UE to undertake offensive operations, a power source enabling more-dynamic warp flight was obviously needed.

With the start of the war in February 2156, the UE War Council decided to make production of a M/AM-powered warships a priority. As a result, 50 trillion new solar dollars per year was dedicated to M/AM reactor development. This investment equalled, as a percentage of gross domestic product, that of the old United States of America for development of the first fission munitions in the mid-20th century. The flight test program was proceeding smoothly when on her 10th flight on April 23, 2156, Little Nell was destroyed by a catastrophic warp core explosion, likely due to spalling or delamination of the inner surface of the M/AM reaction chamber. However, within 6 months a second prototype, Little Nell II, was launched. Ironically, the destruction of Little Nell may have actually accelerated development, as the new SSWR-IIA reactor installed in Little Nell II incorporated numerous improvements ahead of the original development schedule as well as being lighter (25,000 tons) and smaller (2,800 cubic meters). After an accelerated testing program the improved SSWR-IIA reactor was formally certified by the UESN Propulsion Board for installation in naval vessels in March 2157. The first ships to use the new reactor were KRECHET-class cruisers (CCM-1).

In the aftermath of the failed Romulan invasion of October 2157, a call went up throughout UE space for immediate retribution. Citizens of Earth and her colonies now believed that merely defending UE space against the Romulans was no longer sufficient; instead, they felt that Romulan worlds must be directly attacked. However, in 2157 the UESN was not yet able to mount offensive operations. As the outcome of the Romulans' attempted invasion so clearly showed, fusion-powered ships were simply too large, too slow, and had payloads and unrefuelled ranges too small to successfully attack across distances of more than a few light years. In fact, the Romulan invasion fleet had been discovered when two UESN M/AM-powered cruisers followed Romulan tankers attempting to rendezvous for refuelling. These limitations were recognized by the UESN Admiralty, who tried to explain to an increasingly outraged public that destruction of the Romulan homeworld was not a war aim of the UE-Andor-Tellar alliance. The Admiralty had long believed that the mission of the UESN was to defend allied space and had prepared its fleets accordingly. Unless the Romulans were to somehow obtain more powerful warp drives (an extremely unlikely possibility given their frustrated attempts to harness quantum singularities rather than antimatter), the UESN's existing fusion-powered ships supplemented by M/AM-powered ships in limited roles were likely sufficient for defensive actions. However, if the UESN were now ordered to go on the offensive, the necessary changes in equipment, tactics, training, and crew deployment would be extremely costly yet were not guaranteed to achieve the desired affects.

Despite these concerns, UESN engineers continued their work into applications of M/AM power. The first ships to enter service were those of the KRECHET class in May 2157. Reactors subsequently became smaller, allowing a greater variety of ship types to exploit the new power source. New ship classes entering service in the 12 months after the KRECHET class included TORSK-class destroyers (CEM-1), TANNHÄUSER-class heavy cruisers (CHM-55), OLYMPUS MONS-class combat transports (APM-8), REID FLEMING-class deuterium tankers, FARRAGUT-class fleet monitors (FMM-1), POWHATAN-class cruisers, and YORKTOWN-class carriers and MINOTAUR-class fighters, designed for offensive operations. The significantly better performance of even these early M/AM-powered vessels over conventional fusion-powered vessels convinced the Admiralty of the worth of the new reactors. The final years of the war saw the introduction of CONQUEROR-class heavy cruisers (CHM-69) and the first "modern" starships, the COMET class.

The advantage that M/AM ships gave the UE Alliance cannot be overstated. With the higher speeds and greater ranges possible, the UESN could choose when and where to engage the Romulan fleet and could attack too many targets for the Romulans to adequately protect. The sudden appearance of so many M/AM-powered ships of numerous classes and the rapid destruction of their invasion fleet at the Battle of Hell's Gate likely came as a profound shock to the Romulans. According to a Romulan Commander who defected to the Federation in 2268, several members of the Romulan Imperial Fleet's High Command came to believe that the war could not be won. They recognized that the starship technology and industrial capacity of the UE Alliance far surpassed their own. Even if the Romulan Star Empire could somehow resist the expected attacks from the UE alliance and transform the conflict into a war of attrition, the superior industrial capacity and greater population of the UE would mean certain, eventual victory. These officers approached the Praetor to suggest that peace feelers be sent through Vulcan intermediaries. Although they had clearly and correctly assessed the dire situation confronting the Romulans, they were tried and executed for sedition under emergency wartime laws. The war would drag on for a further 3 years with the outcome never in doubt.

Although most other powers had obtained M/AM reactor technology by the turn of the 23rd century, the Romulans were not to do so until their short-lived alliance with the Klingons in the 2260s. The main reason for this delay was that the Romulans had long believed that quantum singularities would ultimately prove a more powerful energy source for warp drives and devoted most of their research to this goal. Indeed, even after trading cloaking devices for M/AM reactors, the Romulans continued their work on quantum singularity-based drives. Precisely when such drives became operational is unknown; the Romulans were still using deriatives of Klingon-designed reactors at the time of the Tomed Incident (2311), but Galaxy-class USS ENTERPRISE (NCC-1701-D) confirmed in 2368 that D'DERIDEX-class Warbirds were so equipped.

The UESN destroys most of the Romulan fleet at the Battle of Cheron. (August)
DAEDALUS class exploratory cruiser enters service. (August)
The Earth-Romulan War ends. (September)
The United Federation of Planets is founded at the Babel Conference, with the newly formed Starfleet as its primary interstellar naval force.
UES DAEDALUS is recommissioned as USS DAEDALUS (NCC-150), the first starship to join Starfleet.

:nuke: Cheers, Thorgrimm :nuke:
To bump this thread, I got a question... why do they name their ships USS? Isn't that America's monicur for our ships?
To bump this thread, I got a question... why do they name their ships USS? Isn't that America's monicur for our ships?

USS stands for United SpaceShip. Captain Kirk in a couple of episodes referred to his ship as the United SpaceShip Enterprise. And as far as I know Gene never gave much beyond that so once again it is left to the speculation of the fans. :D Then again, if I am incorrect about Gene not speculating on that I am sure I will be corrected post haste. :lol:

My take is this; since the Federation was proceeded by the United Earth fleet USS was used as a link to that earlier time, and to reflect that Starfleet is now a united fleet composed of all the members of the Federation.

:nuke: Cheers, Thorgrimm :nuke:
If one looks at the tradition of the United States Navy and looks at Starfleet, there are a lot of similarities (ranks, branches, chain of command, etc.) Much of Starfleet is based after the United States. Starfleet headquarters is also based in San Fransciso.
Fans have speculated that since the United States was one of the only major powers after the Third World War still functioning and a major contributor to the United Earth government and the Federation that the traditions of the United States Navy should carry over into Starfleet.
I have heard rumored that the writer meant for the Federation to actually be a representation of the United States (or his vision of what it should be) and that the Romulans and Klingons where suppose to represent the Soviet Union and China in TOS.
I have heard rumored that the writer meant for the Federation to actually be a representation of the United States (or his vision of what it should be) and that the Romulans and Klingons where suppose to represent the Soviet Union and China in TOS.

If you want to go the boring way, then yes it can be interpreted like that. ;) :D

:nuke: Cheers, Thorgrimm :nuke:
Nothing new so far... We are all busy with other stuff at the moment...
Any new Star Trek units will posted here from now ones... ;)

This thread will be considered as closed...
Question about your past scenario... I was playing single player, Federation and I want Vulcan and Tellar (the actually planets) to join my federation but no matter how much I try to pay them, they never join. Is it possible to bribe capitols to join your federation? If not, then this scenario is broke because they will never join the Federation. You will have to invade them which is really against the rules.
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