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Starving for culture flips


Nov 26, 2006
If I get a city flipped to me, I usually starve it - especially if I'm at war but mostly because I figure I'll be at war with that civ at one time or another and I just don't want to bother with poisoned citizens.

Plus, the AI irrigates like there's no tomorrow - so I usually get the city starved and repopulated before I can get workers to re-improve the tiles.

But my question is - if you starve a flipped city, does that impact any possible future city flips?
Towns do not flip to me, since I build little or no culture. Even if I did build lots, it would not match their culture. Better to raze their towns and not worry about flips and get teh slaves.
Towns do not flip to me, since I build little or no culture. Even if I did build lots, it would not match their culture. Better to raze their towns and not worry about flips and get teh slaves.

Not everyone wants to play the cookie cutter game.

@ OP...if you get the pop down to one and let it grow from there, you should be fine in avoiding any future flips.
Not everyone wants to play the cookie cutter game.

@ OP...if you get the pop down to one and let it grow from there, you should be fine in avoiding any future flips.

Cookie cutter as in build everything everywhere, is that what you mean? Then play on Warlord or Regent and whine about flips? BTW I suggest that holding towns of a nation that is not about to go out of the game is not going to work on high levels all the time.
Starving the city is one option.

Another is to set the city to have zero growth and builder workers. The nationality of the worker will not be yours, so it will be a slave. (In this case, sometimes the game will not use the slave image but the worker image. This glitch is temporary.) A worker built like this will still be labeled like all other slaves: 'Worker (civ name)'.

This way is a bit slower than starving, but you get slaves and they have no upkeep.
As I understand it, VMXA plays mostly on Sid or Deity. Maybe someone can match the AIs overall culture with say the Babylonians or someone on Deity here and there, but in general you won't win the culture race on that level and will have seriously difficulty doing decently well in the culture department.
Starving the city is one option.

Another is to set the city to have zero growth and builder workers. The nationality of the worker will not be yours, so it will be a slave. (In this case, sometimes the game will not use the slave image but the worker image. This glitch is temporary.) A worker built like this will still be labeled like all other slaves: 'Worker (civ name)'.

This way is a bit slower than starving, but you get slaves and they have no upkeep.

Commando - that's a great suggestion and I've considered it, but I'm usually wigged out about getting the pop down to 1 and raising it back up ASAP.

Might try that next time, though.
If the city is not in rebellion, you can rush the worker. I don't but only because I find it hard to let go of the cash. :lol: The math is pretty good, too. If there is one sheild in the build box, a slave only cost 36 gold. In less than 40 turns it has already paid for itself (no upkeep (ever!), since it is not counted as a unit that needs to be supported).

Depending on your government at the time, you could also pop-rush a worker, which will shrink the city even faster.
There are some of us who just want to build an empire without doing so at Deity or Sid. A good game will allow all sorts of players to play and enjoy whatever game they are playing.

The cookie cutter game is the one where you can't build anything - well build a temple and sell it right away. Do nothing but irrigate the entire world (irrigation is probably the one truly ugly graphic in the game :vomit: ) and never try to win a cultural game. If you can't Ace Sid, with the defined formula, you can't be a Civ player.

I am back to playing on Warlord with the C3C because it is the only game I can play, win and enjoy. I have modded it so that I can build the stuff I want. This is how I want to play and there should be a place for those of us who make this choice.
I am back to playing on Warlord with the C3C because it is the only game I can play, win and enjoy. I have modded it so that I can build the stuff I want. This is how I want to play and there should be a place for those of us who make this choice.

RIGHT ON, DARSKI! As far as Vxma is concerned, there is only one way to play and that is his. As for modding the game, forget it. Not sure that it occurs to some players that a lot of other players really could not care about Deity or Sid level, but just play to have fun.

Personally, I view the screen shot posts were all you see is roads, rails, mines, and irrigation as simply disgusting, where all forest, jungle, and marsh has been cleared, and the terrain is about as interesting as the surface of a golf ball. Be interesting to see how some of those players would fare on a map where they could not terraform forest, marsh, or jungle, and could only mine mountains and hills.
If you want slaves out of a captured city, disbanding obsolete artillery can get you a slave every turn, especially if you can cash rush. 1 trebuchet disbanded is 7 shields, add 12 cash and viola, a slave. Do it until the city is size 1, then when it grows, the new citizens are yours. It takes time and money, but grabbing a moderate empire can get you tons of slaves. As far as mines and irrigation go, ugly, definitely. Playing the game without terrain improvements, difficult or impossible without major overhauls. Cookie cutter games, if you don't like them, don't play them. Mod all you want, it's your game. Fun is how you define it. Just try to set a good example for the youth on here by not snipping at each other all the time. Too many grumpy old f*rts around here these days.:old:

And if you don't see that bit of humor.... You are humorly challenged.
If you have enough workers, you can also plant forests and chop them down for quick workers/settlers and population reduction.
Actually, shield forests can be used in Conquests, but only once. The tile must never have had a harvested forest before to plant and cut a shield forest for shields. CivAssist 2 shows where shield forests are possible on its map tab.
I am back to playing on Warlord with the C3C because it is the only game I can play, win and enjoy.

Darski, I have a feeling you and other newbies could easily win a 20k game on Monarch with a rather simple strategy and just one city. It would probably take you about 4 hours tops. Maybe you wouldn't enjoy it though.

What have you read on worker management, settler factories, reputation, trading, etc.?
Darski, I have a feeling you and other newbies could easily win a 20k game on Monarch with a rather simple strategy and just one city. It would probably take you about 4 hours tops. Maybe you wouldn't enjoy it though.

What have you read on worker management, settler factories, reputation, trading, etc.?

Firstly, I am not a newbie. I have been playing Civ3 since it first came out in ... what?... 2001. Granted it was not continuous as my son had custody of the disk for a while. :lol: Further, I started playing Civ I about 1991 or 92 and I played Civ II as well. In addition, my son discovered this CivFan site almost immediately so I have had access to this place for most of my playing time. I have a fond memory of a game I played where I tried an almost perfect CxxxxC city placement because of the article here.

I have read just about every article in the War Academy and then some. I have also asked questions about anything I did not understand. Before I got out of my SG's so that I could make my game do what I wanted I had even started making those :borg: Farms.

Because I have read and studied all this stuff, I have been able to determine what Civ I want to play. I (for the most part) just want to build a happy empire but I am willing to defend that empire or even expand it with my military. The Pentagon won't be calling me any time soon for strategic advice and that is fine by me. That is just not how my mind works.

I have read the most amazing stories by the great players and I enjoy them and love the fact that there are people out there who do want to beat Sid. I just want to read them, I don't have any interest in copying them.

Granted, I would like to be able to go back up to Regent on C3C but I don't really care whether I do it or not. I just want to build empires.
If you have replacable parts on conquests, try starving while using civil engineers to build a culture improvement or harbour / marketplace

then if you dont like improvements you can sell it
Sorry about calling you a newbie Darski. Have fun winning your next game and go for regent!
If you have replacable parts on conquests, try starving while using civil engineers to build a culture improvement or harbour / marketplace

then if you dont like improvements you can sell it

Unfortunately, this doesn't work. Food is calculated before sheilds in the interturn sequence. What happens is first the city starves, and then the governor reassigns the citizens. You get shields from whatever the governor's reassignments are and nothing from the civil engineers.
Sorry about calling you a newbie Darski. Have fun winning your next game and go for regent!

Player may play whatever level he or she or it (never know these days) prefers. If someone feels that he like warlord more than regent, then it is his right to choose warlord etc. Some like challenges, others like peaceful building and managing!

But my question is - if you starve a flipped city, does that impact any possible future city flips?

About the question, yeah less % and amount of different nationality = less % that city will flip, culture in town will help also.

After Cbob and vmxa suggestion(s), I've started to build workers out of captured cities too. they are, free of cost and that makes them useful, despite of 50% lower work rate.

But if I capture larger than size 8 city, it is too high % that city will flip back while building workers - if there are any other same nationality cities around.

Above that either starve or raze as (City size-1)/2= (round down)amount of slaves you'll get:) (or 1 slave per 2 population AFTER capture, if city is razed.)
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