State of the Empire


Turn 139:


Musket in Aerie (set to musket)
Cavalry in BoP (set to musket)
Cavalry in Shqiperia (set to musket)
Walls in The Roost (set to settler)

Spend 80 gold rushing a longbow in TT then change to musket.
Spend 76 gold rushing a longbow in The Hatchery then change to musket.
Spend 80 gold rushing a longbow in Beizjagd then change to musket.
Spend 76 gold rushing a longow in Calistoria then change to musket.

Unit Moves:

Worker15 clears jungle
Worker19 SW-SW
Worker 23 W-W-NW
Worker24 SW-SW
Worker26 SW-SW
Worker34 clears jungle
Worker44 clears jungle
Worker49 clears jungle
Worker54 clears jungle
Worker55 S-S
Worker59 S-S
Worker62 E-S
Worker63 E-S
Worker 61 E-S
Worker66 joins Schloss Adler
Worker69 joins Schloss Adler

TMS Eagle Fire heads back north with its cavalry
Iron Eagle fortifies in The Roost.

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 24%)
41% of world population (?? citizen(s)) (Knights have 31% with ~?? citizens)
30 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 149 gold and +42 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 445 bpt (including 11 scientist(s)) due in 2 turn(s) (546 beakers invested)

Running 30% luxuries and 50% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


17 cavalries
1 knight(s)
1 warrior
8 dromon(s)
3 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up nothing
Knights: We are up nothing


Hell island:

TMS Fiery Sea Eagle SE-S-E and bombards barbarian horse knocking it to ½
Flying Horseshoe III kills it flawlessly and then retreats back to the hill

Others see in war council!!

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 140:

Musket in Tuscan Talon
Musket in The Hatchery
Musket in Beizjagd
Worker in Azmodan’s Hideout
Musket in Calistoria

screenies of 140:


Turn 140:


Musket in Tuscan Talon
Musket in The Hatchery
Musket in Beizjagd
Worker in Azmodan’s Hideout
Musket in Calistoria

Unit Moves:

Worker in AH SE.
Worker68 irrigates
Worker58 SW-S-SE.
Worker38 SW-S-SE.
Worker59 S-SW-W.
Worker55 S-SW-W.
Worker62 clears jungle
Worker63 clears jungle
Worker61 clears jungle

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 24%)
41% of world population (?? citizen(s)) (Knights have 31% with ~?? citizens)
30 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 199 gold and +63 gpt.
Research: researching Astronomy (Astronomie) at 413 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s)

Running 30% luxuries and 50% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


14 cavalries
1 knight(s)
1 warrior
7 dromon(s)
7 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up nothing
Knights: We are up nothing


Hell island:

TMS Fiery Sea Eagle bombards the barb horse on flat ground but misses.
Flying Horseshoe III kills it going to 2/4 then retreats to hill.

2 dromons bombard a ¾ knight galley to 2/4 (one miss)
4/5 dromon sinks knight galley going to 3/5

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 141:

Musket in Aerie

Turn 142:



Unit Moves:

one worker joined Chambo

The others do their jobs...

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 24%)
40% of world population (Knights have 31%)
29 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 240 gold and +3 gpt.
Research: researching Physics (Physik) at 301 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s)

Running 40% luxuries and 50% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


10 cavalries
1 knight(s)
7 dromon(s)
8 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Astronomy
Knights: We are up Astronomy


Hell island:

3/4 knight vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 3/4 knight

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 143:

Cavalry in BoP

screenies of 142:


Turn 143:


Cavalry in BoP (set to cavalry)
Courthouse in The Great Oak (cannon)
Worker in Inferno (worker)

Unit Moves:

The workers do their jobs...

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 24%)
40% of world population (Knights have 31%)
30 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 243 gold and +0 gpt.
Research: researching Physics (Physik) at 303 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s)

Running 40% luxuries and 50% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


11 cavalries
1 knight(s)
7 dromon(s)
8 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Astronomy
Knights: We are up Astronomy


Hell island:

3/4 knight vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 3/4 knight

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 144:

Musket in Aerie

screenies of 143:

Probably a mistake by the Knights, but I accept it anway:


Turn 144:


Musket in Aerie (set to Musket)
Marketplace in Schloss Adler (set to harbor)

Unit Moves:

The workers do their jobs...

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 26%)
39% of world population (Knights have 33%)
27 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 251 gold and -19 gpt.
Research: researching Physics (Physik) at 263 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s)

Running 50% luxuries and 40% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is weak


7 cavalries
1 knight(s)
7 dromon(s)
8 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Astronomy
Knights: We are up Astronomy


Hell island:

knight heals

Wonder Update:

No wonders are under construction

Due to complete on turn 145:

Cavalry in Eagle Eye

screenies of 144:


Turn 145:


Cavalry in Eagle Eye (set to cavalry)
settler in Hell's Angels (set to settler)

Unit Moves:

The workers do their jobs...

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 26%)
39% of world population (Knights have 34%)
27 workers
3 settler(s)

Treasury: 224 gold and -38 gpt.
Research: researching Physics (Physik) at 351 bpt (including 0 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s)

Running 40% luxuries and 60% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is weak


8 cavalries
1 knight(s)
7 dromon(s)
8 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up nothing
Knights: We are up nothing


Hell island:

knight kills barb horseman on mountain --> 2/4 knight

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Sistine, but in a 1 shields town.

Due to complete on turn 146:

Cavalry in The Hatchery
Cavalry in Beizjagd
Cavalry in Aquila
Cavalry in Shqiperia
Courthouse in Darkside
Settler in Hellgate

screenies of 145:


Turn 146:


Cavalry in The Hatchery (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Beizjagd (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Aquila (set to cavalry)
Cavalry in Shqiperia (set to cavalry)
Courthouse in Darkside (set to cannon)
Settler in Hellgate (set to settler)

Unit Moves:

The workers do their jobs...

Domestic Report:

27 towns
21% of world area (Brotherhood has 26%)
38% of world population (Knights have 34%)
27 workers
4 settler(s)

Treasury: 186 gold and -65 gpt.
Research: researching Banking (Bankwesen) at 377 bpt (including 8 scientist(s)) due in 4 turn(s)

Running 40% luxuries and 60% science.

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is weak
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is average


12 cavalries
1 knight(s)
7 dromon(s)
8 musket(s)

Tech situation:

Kueche: We are up Physics
Knights: We are up Physics


Hell island:

knight heals on mountain

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building the Pyramids
Brotherhood is builing The Great Lighthouse

Due to complete on turn 147:

Musket in Aerie
Cavalry in Tuscan Talon
Worker in Duriel's Shelter

screenies of 146:

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