• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

State of the Empire


Turn 100:

Sent Feudalism accepted to Kueche and Anarchie


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)

upgrade TMS Sea Eagle to Dromon for 45 gold

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues roading mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker2 roads BG N of Hotel California
worker3 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker4 continues chopping forest SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 roads GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished roading forest NE of Darkside
worker7 finished roading plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 irrigates plains SE of Shqiperia
worker9 moves SW to chop a forrest for Easy (will be changed to settler)
worker10 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker11 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker15 continues roading hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 continues roading hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 moves S
worker20 continues chopping forest NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker23 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker24 finished roading desert S of The Roost
worker25 finished roading hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 finished roading mountain SE-SE of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker28 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker30 continues mining GL S of Aerie
worker31 finished irrigating plains NE-NE of Aerie
worker32 irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie
worker33 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker34 continues chopping forest W of Easy
worker35 moves SE, E and mines hills E of Shqiperia
worker36 roads plains SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker38 finished irrigating plains NE, NE of Aerie
worker39 roads hill N of The Roost
worker40 NW, W and irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie

Golden Talonfighter I boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle

TMS Eagleprise moves NE, N (gives Golden Talonfighter and settler to TMS Fiery Sea Eagle) and moves SW, S
TMS Sea Eagle moves S, SE (into TT for an upgrade)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle takes over the troops from Eagleprise and moves NE, E, E, E

Domestic Report:

20 towns
15% of world area (Kueche has 13%)
25% of world population (62 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with 72 citizens)
40 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 117 gold and +76 gpt.
Research: researching nothing (waiting for Theology from Anarchie to start with Education)

Running 10% luxuries and 0% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 6):

works ivory, plains, 3 irrigated GL, mined BG

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 4):

works FP, FP, BG, hill

Beizjagd(size 5):

works BG, BG, GL, GL, GL

Aquila(size 4):

works FP, GL, GL, GL

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 6 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, FP, 1 x hill, 3 x plains, 1 taxman

The Great Oak(size 2):

works GL, GL

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 3):

works plains x 2, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works GL, GL

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 4):

works 3 x plains, GL

Chambo(size 3):

works fish in lake, forest x2

Darkside (size 1):

works fish in lake

Easy (size 2):

works fish, GL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 1):

Works fish

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)


nothing to report

Wonder Update:


Due to complete on Turn 101:

Worker in Aerie

screenies of 100:


Turn 101:

Sent Feudalism accepted to Anarchie


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 finished roading mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker2 continues roading BG N of Hotel California
worker3 moves E, E, SE
worker4 continues chopping forest SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 continues roading GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 chops forrest NE of Darkside (changed to settler)
worker7 irrigates plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 continues irrigating plains SE of Shqiperia
worker9 chops forrest for Easy (changed to settler)
worker10 moves W and mines hill S of Beizjagd
worker11 moves W and mines hill S of Beizjagd
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 finished mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker15 finished roading hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 finished roading hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 clears jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 continues chopping forest NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 moves E, SE to help irrigating plains SE of Shqiperia
worker23 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker24 moves N, NE and mines iron hill near The Roost
worker25 mines hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 moves N to next mountain
worker27 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker28 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker30 finished mining GL S of Aerie
worker31 moves NE and mines mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker32 finished irrigating plains NW, W of Aerie
worker33 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker34 finished chopping forest W of Easy (10 shields to Aquila (MI))
worker35 finished mining hills E of Shqiperia
worker36 continues roading plains SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker38 moves NE and mines mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 continues roading hill N of The Roost
worker40 finished irrigating plains NW, W of Aerie
worker41 moves 3xE

Golden Talonfighter I boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle

TMS Eagleprise moves 4xS
TMS Sea Eagle moves W, W, SW, SE (to explore Anarchie territory)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves E, E, SE and lands units at designated spot (see welcome commitee below)

Domestic Report:

20 towns
15% of world area (Kueche has 14%)
25% of world population (65 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with 74 citizens)
41 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 193 gold and +76 gpt.
Research: researching nothing (waiting for Theology from Anarchie to start with Education)

Running 10% luxuries and 0% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 6):

works ivory, plains, 3 irrigated GL, mined BG

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 5):

works FP, FP, BG, hill, GL

Beizjagd(size 5):

works BG, BG, GL, GL, GL

Aquila(size 5):

works FP, 4x GL

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 5 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, FP, 1 x hill, 3 x plains, 1 taxman

The Great Oak(size 2):

works GL, GL

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 3):

works plains x 2, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works GL, GL

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 4):

works 3 x plains, GL

Chambo(size 3):

works fish in lake, forest x2

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, deer

Easy (size 2):

works fish, GL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 1):

Works fish

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)


TMS Fiery Sea Eagle bombards coastal horseman and hits for one HP

Wonder Update:

Kueche is building The Oracle in Dornstetten (but not really, as it is the hilltop desert town)

Due to complete on Turn 102:

Worker in Aerie

screenies of 101:


Turn 102:

Sent Feudalism accepted to Anarchie


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)

12 gold for Beizjagd
88 gold for settler in Chambo
136 gold for courthouse in Tuscan Talon --> back to market
12 gold to rush worker in Schloss Adler
20 gold to rush worker in Leone --> back to harbor

Unit Moves:

worker1 moves NW (hill near TT)
worker2 finished roading BG N of Hotel California
worker3 chops forrest NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 finished chopping forest SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 finished roading GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues chopping forrest NE of Darkside
worker7 continues irrigating plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 finished irrigating plains SE of Shqiperia
worker9 continues chopping forrest for Easy (changed to settler)
worker10 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker11 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 NW, NW and irrigates plains SE of Calistoria
worker15 mines hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 mines hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 finished chopping forest NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 moves SE, SE, S (forrest S of IG)
worker23 finished mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker24 continues mining iron hill near The Roost
worker25 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 roads mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker28 finished clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker30 S, SE and irrigates desert SW of The Hatchery
worker31 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker32 moves NW, N (hill near TT)
worker33 finished clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker34 roads GL W of Easy
worker35 NW, NW and irrigates plains SE of Calistoria
worker36 finished roading plains SE of Calistoria
worker37 finished mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker38 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 continues roading hill N of The Roost
worker40 NW, NW (plains near TT)
worker41 roads desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 3xNW

Golden Talonfighter returns to TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler founds Hellgate (found the name apropriate) :evil:

TMS Eagleprise moves SW, 3xS (will pick up settler from Chambo and bring it to our one tile lake island)
TMS Sea Eagle moves W, 3xSE
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves 4xW (sword will heal and we will take MI on board)

Domestic Report:

21 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 14%)
27% of world population (69 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 28% with 75 citizens)
42 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 1 gold and +91 gpt.
Research: researching nothing (waiting for Theology from Anarchie to start with Education)

Running 10% luxuries and 0% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 7):

works ivory, plains, 3 irrigated GL, mined BG, hill

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 5):

works 3xFP, BG, hill

Beizjagd(size 6):

works 2xBG, 4xGL

Aquila(size 5):

works FP, 3xGL, hill

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 4 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, hill, 4xplains, 1 taxman

The Great Oak(size 2):

works GL, GL, forrest

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 3):

works plains x 2, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works GL, GL

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 4):

works 3 x plains, GL

Chambo(size 3):

works fish in lake, lake, GL

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, deer

Easy (size 2):

works fish, GL

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 1):

Works fish

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 1):

works cattle
Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)



Wonder Update:


Due to complete on Turn 103:

Worker in Aerie
settler in Chambo
Worker in Schloss Adler

screenies of 102:


Turn 103:

Anarchie sent Theology and at the same time accepted Feud. I thought they did not want it, yet, but I could not reject Theology again. Their fault.


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
settler in Chambo (set to library)
worker in Schloss Adler (set to worker)

There are still some barbs left, so I invest some more gold:

rush MI in Aquila for 76 gold
short rush an archer in The Hatchery for 4 gold (then back to settler (-1 turn))

Unit Moves:

worker1 clears jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 irrigates BG N of Hotel California
worker3 continues chopping forrest NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 roads plains SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 irrigates GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues chopping forrest NE of Darkside
worker7 continues irrigating plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 SE and mines hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker9 continues chopping forrest for Easy (changed to settler)
worker10 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker11 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 finished irrigating plains SE of Calistoria
worker15 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 finished mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 mines hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 roads plains NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 finished mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 chops forrest S of IG
worker23 moves S
worker24 continues mining iron hill near The Roost
worker25 continues mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 continues roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 SE, S (forrest near Chambo)
worker28 irrigates game SW of Darkside
worker29 E, SE, SE (forrest S of Aquila)
worker30 continues irrigating desert SW of The Hatchery
worker31 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker32 finished roading hill SW of TT
worker33 roads game SW of Darkside
worker34 continues roading GL W of Easy
worker35 finished irrigating plains SE of Calistoria
worker36 SE and mines mountain SE, SE of Calistoria
worker37 SE and irrigates GL N of Chambo
worker38 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 continues roading hill N of The Roost
worker40 roads plains SW, SW of TT
worker41 continues roadroading desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 NW and mines hill SW of TT
worker43 N and mines hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 3xNW (from Aerie)

Golden Talonfighter heals on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler (from Chambo) moves SE, SE, S

TMS Eagleprise moves S, W (will pick up settler from Chambo and bring it to our one tile lake island)
TMS Sea Eagle moves 4xS
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves W, 3xSW (sword will heal and we will take MI on board)

Domestic Report:

21 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 14%)
27% of world population (67 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ?? citizens -didn't want to count)
44 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 11 gold and +0 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 100 bpt (incl 1 scientist) due in 11 turns (0 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 10% luxuries and 50% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 7):

works ivory, plains, GL, BG, hill, 2xcoast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 5):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL

Beizjagd(size 6):

works 2xBG, 4xGL

Aquila(size 5):

works FP, 4xGL,

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 3 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, hill, 4xplains, 1 scientist

The Great Oak(size 2):

works GL, GL, forrest

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 4):

works FP, 2xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works GL, GL

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 4):

works 3xGL, plains

Chambo(size 1):

works fish in lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, deer

Easy (size 2):

works fish, GL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 1):

Works fish

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 1):

works cattle

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)



Wonder Update:


Due to complete on Turn 104:

Worker in Aerie
medieval infantry in Aquila

screenies of 103:


Turn 104:


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
medieval infantry (set to library)

short rush settler in Hatchery for 4 gold and change to library to be completed next turn

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 continues irrigating BG N of Hotel California
worker3 continues chopping forrest NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 finished roading plains SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 continues irrigating GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished chopping forrest NE of Darkside (and uncovers a BG) :)
worker7 finished irrigating plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker9 finished chopping forrest for Easy
worker10 finished mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker11 finished mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 mines hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 NE (mountain E of Calistoria)
worker15 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 NE and irrigates desert S of The Hatchery
worker18 continues mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 continues roading plains NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 NW and irrigates desert N of BoP
worker22 continues chopping forrest S of IG
worker23 chops forrest NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill near The Roost
worker25 finished mining hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 continues roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 finished chopping forrest NW, NW of Chambo
worker28 continues irrigating game SW of Darkside
worker29 chops forrest S of Aquila
worker30 continues irrigating desert SW of The Hatchery
worker31 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker32 mines hill SW of TT
worker33 continues roading game SW of Darkside
worker34 finished roading GL W of Easy
worker35 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker36 continues mining mountain SE, SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues irrigating GL N of Chambo
worker38 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 continues roading hill N of The Roost
worker40 irrigates plains SW, SW of TT
worker41 finished roading desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 continues mining hill SW of TT
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 W and irrigates plains SW, SW of Tuscan Talon
worker45 3xSE (from Aerie)

Golden Talonfighter heals on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler gets on board of TMS Eagleprise and unloads on the lake island
Medieval infantry moves NE, N, E (on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle)

TMS Eagleprise moves W, NW unloads settler and moves
TMS Sea Eagle moves 3xSW, S (next turn towards Anarchie territory)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves 2xSW, S picks up the MI and moves NE (back to Hellgate)

Domestic Report:

21 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 15%)
26% of world population (73 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with 86 citizens)
45 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 5 gold and -1 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 105 bpt (incl. 2 scientists) due in 10 turns (100 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 10% luxuries and 50% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 7):

works ivory, plains, hill, 4xcoast

Hotel California(size 2):

works BG, BG

The Hatchery(size 6):

works FP, BG, hill, GL, desert, iron mountain

Beizjagd(size 6):

works 2xBG, 4xGL

Aquila(size 5):

works 2xFP, 2xGL, hill

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 2 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, hill, 4xplains, 1 scientist

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, GL, forrest

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 4):

works FP, 2xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works GL, GL

The Roost(size 2):

works oasis, lake

Calistoria(size 5):

works 3xGL, 2xplains

Chambo(size 1):

works fish in lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, dyes on jungle

Easy (size 2):

works fish, GL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 scientist

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 1):

works cattle

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:


Due to complete on Turn 105:

Worker in Aerie
marketplace in Tuscan Talon
library in The Hatchery
library in Shqiperia

screenies of 104:


Turn 105:


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
marketplace in Tuscan Talon (set to collosseum -> prebuild university)
library in The Hatchery (set to collosseum -> prebuild university)
library in Shqiperia (set to harbor)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 continues irrigating BG N of Hotel California
worker3 roads GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 NE and mines hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 continues irrigating GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 moves SE, S (S of Dark Side)
worker7 joins Tuscan Talon
worker8 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker9 roads GL NW of Easy
worker10 moves SE, E to jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 moves SE, E to jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues mining hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 roads mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues irrigating desert S of The Hatchery
worker18 continues mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 finished roading plains NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues irrigating desert N of BoP
worker22 continues chopping forrest S of IG (build changed to library)
worker23 continues chopping forrest NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill near The Roost
worker25 moves SE, E to jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 continues roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 mines GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker28 continues irrigating game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues chopping forrest S of Aquila
worker30 finished irrigating desert SW of The Hatchery
worker31 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker32 continues mining hill SW of TT
worker33 finished roading game SW of Darkside
worker34 moves N, NE and mines hill E of Aquila
worker35 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker36 continues mining mountain SE, SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues irrigating GL N of Chambo
worker38 continues mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 finished roading hill N of The Roost
worker40 finished irrigating plains SW, SW of TT
worker41 irrigates desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 continues mining hill SW of TT
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 finished irrigating plains SW, SW of Tuscan Talon
worker45 SW and irrigates desert N of BoP
worker46 3xN from Aerie

Golden Talonfighter on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler founds Troy on the lake island (set to courthouse) (proposals for a build?)
Lucifer I on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle

TMS Eagleprise moves E, 3xN
TMS Sea Eagle moves 3xW, N (to explore Anarchie area)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves N, 3xNE (back to Hellgate)

Domestic Report:

22 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 15%)
28% of world population (81 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ?? citizens)
46 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 2 gold and +6 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 116 bpt (incl. 2 scientists) due in 8 turns (205 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 10% luxuries and 50% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 8):

works ivory, 4xplains, hill, coast, BG

Hotel California(size 2):

works BG, BG

The Hatchery(size 6):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, desert

Beizjagd(size 6):

works 2xBG, 4xGL

Aquila(size 6):

works FP, 4xGL, hill

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, BG, 3xGL (Forbidden Palce in 1 turns)

Shqipëria(size 7):

works FP, hill, 4xplains, 1 scientist

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, forrest

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 4):

works FP, 2xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 2):

works 3xGL

The Roost(size 2):

works oasis, lake

Calistoria(size 5):

works 3xGL, 2xplains

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 3):

works fish in lake, game, BG

Easy (size 3):

works fish, 2xGL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 scientist

Winged Spear (size 2):

Works horse, fish

Hellgate (size 1):

works cattle

Troy (size 1):

works fish in lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:


Due to complete on Turn 106:

Worker in Aerie
Aqueduct in Beizjagd
Forbidden Palace in BoP
worker in Ilium

screenies of 105:


Turn 106:


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
Aqueduct in Beizjagd (set to marketplace - for now)
Forbidden Palace in BoP (set to library)
Worker in Ilium (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 finished irrigating BG N of Hotel California
worker3 continues roading GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 finished mining hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 finished irrigating GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 roads BG S of Dark Side
worker8 finished mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker9 continues roading GL NW of Easy
worker10 clears jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 clears jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 finished mining hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 continues roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 finished mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues irrigating desert S of The Hatchery
worker18 continues mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 irrigates plains NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 finished irrigating desert N of BoP
worker22 finished chopping forrest S of IG
worker23 continues chopping forrest NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill near The Roost
worker25 clears jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 continues roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker28 finished irrigating game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues chopping forrest S of Aquila
worker30 SE and finishes irrigating desert S of The Hatchery
worker31 SE, E and joins Shqiperia
worker32 finished mining hill SW of TT
worker33 moves E (to GL SE of Darkside)
worker34 moves N, NE and mines hill E of Aquila
worker35 finished mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker36 finished mining mountain SE, SE of Calistoria
worker37 finished irrigating GL N of Chambo
worker38 finished mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker39 NE and clears jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker40 NE, NE and joins Tuscan Talon
worker41 continues irrigating desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 finished mining hill SW of TT
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 3xNE to plains NE of Tuscan Talon
worker45 NE, NE and joins The Hatchery
worker46 W and irrigates plains NE of TT
worker47 SW, SW and irrigates BG SE of The Great Oak
worker48 3xN from Aerie

Golden Talonfighter on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
Lucifer I on board of the TMS Fiery Sea Eagle

TMS Eagleprise moves 3xN and fortifies (waiting for settlers)
TMS Sea Eagle moves N, 3xNW
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves 2xNE, 2xE (next turn units will land in Hellgate)

Domestic Report:

22 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
28% of world population (81 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~87 citizens) (Thanks to Elephantium :) )
44 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 8 gold and +8 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 152 bpt (incl. 2 scientists) due in 6 turns (321 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 10% luxuries and 60% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 9):

works ivory, 5xplains, 2xhill, BG

Hotel California(size 2):

works BG, BG

The Hatchery(size 7):

works FP, BG, hill, GL, desert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 6):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, hill, plains

Aquila(size 6):

works FP, 4xGL, wheat

Birds of Prey(size 7):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 2xGL

Shqipëria(size 8):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, mountain, 1 scientist

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 4):

works FP, 3xplains

Eagle Eye(size 3):

works 3xGL

The Roost(size 2):

works oasis, lake

Calistoria(size 5):

works 3xGL, 2xplains

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 3):

works fish in lake, game, BG

Easy (size 3):

works fish, 2xGL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 scientist

Winged Spear (size 2):

Works horse, fish

Hellgate (size 1):

works cattle

Troy (size 1):

works fish in lake (We can't build a harbor here :( )

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Statue of Zeus in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 107:

Worker in Aerie
Worker in Hotel California

screenies of 106:


Turn 107:


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
Worker in Hotel California (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 moves E, NE, N (hill near Beizjagd)
worker3 finished roading GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker4 joins Tuscan Talon
worker5 moves E, 2xN (near BoP)
worker6 continues roading BG S of Dark Side
worker8 joins Shqiperia
worker9 finished roading GL NW of Easy
worker10 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 joins Tuscan Talon
worker14 finished roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 moves W and finishes irrigating desert S of Shqiperia
worker17 joins The Hatchery
worker18 continues mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 finished irrigating plains NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 joins BoP
worker22 roads plains S of IG
worker23 finished chopping forrest NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 finished roading mountain E of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker28 N, N, NW (near Chambo)
worker29 finished chopping forrest S of Aquila
worker30 joins BoP
worker32 joins Tuscan Talon
worker33 roads GL SE of Darkside
worker34 continues mining hill E of Aquila
worker35 finished mining mountain W, NW of Shqiperia
worker36 S, SW and mines BG E of Aerie
worker37 3xNW
worker38 2xSW and mines GL, NE of Aerie
worker39 NE and clears jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker41 finished irrigating desert S of Shqiperia
worker42 3xSE towards Aerie
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 N, NE and irrigates GL SE of The Great Oak
worker46 finished irrigating plains NE of TT
worker47 continues irrigating GL SE of The Great Oak
worker48 N and mines hills SW-S of Ilium
worker49 SW and mines wheat SW of Aerie
worker50 3xNE (Schloss Adler)

Golden Talonfighter moves N
Lucifer I moves N

TMS Eagleprise moves 3xN and fortifies (waiting for settlers)
TMS Sea Eagle moves N, NE, N, NW
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves SE, 3xE (and unloads our troops in Hellgate)

Domestic Report:

22 towns
16% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
30% of world population (93 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with ~90 citizens)
39 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 16 gold and +7 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 168 bpt (incl. 2 scientists) due in 4 turns (473 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 60% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 8):

works FP, BG, hill, GL, 2xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 3xGL, hill, plains

Aquila(size 6):

works FP, 5xGL

Birds of Prey(size 9):

works 4xhill, 2xBG, 3xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, mountain, desert, coast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works forrest, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 3):

works 3xGL

The Roost(size 2):

works oasis, lake

Calistoria(size 5):

works 3xGL, 2xplains

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 3):

works fish in lake, game, dyes in jungle

Easy (size 3):

works fish, 2xGL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 scientist

Winged Spear (size 2):

Works horse, fish

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 scientist

Troy (size 1):

works fish in lake (We can't build a harbor here :( )

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Statue of Zeus in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 108:

Worker in Aerie
Harbor in The Great Oak
Library in IG
Worker in Winged Spear

screenies of 107:


Turn 108:

rush a settler in Dark Side for 32 gold
ruah a settler in Easy for 36 gold


Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
Harbor in The Great Oak (set to library)
Library in IG (set to aqueduct)
Worker in Winged Spear (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 moves E and mines hill S, SE of Beizjagd
worker3 mines GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker5 moves W, SW and mines hill S, SE of Beizjagd
worker6 finished roading BG S of Dark Side
worker9 moves N and finishes mining hill E of Aquila
worker10 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 finished mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker14 mines mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 finished mining hill E of Aquila
worker16 moves SW, SW and joins The Hatchery
worker18 continues mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 moves S, SW and mines ivory near TT (we have one exceeding food there)
worker22 continues roading plains S of IG
worker23 roads GL NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 moves 2xSW, S (near Aerie)
worker27 continues mining GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker28 moves N (near Chambo)
worker29 roads GL S of Aquila
worker33 roads GL SE of Darkside
worker34 finished mining hill E of Aquila
worker35 moves 2xSW, W (near Aerie)
worker36 continues mining BG E of Aerie
worker37 moves SW and joins BoP
worker38 continues mining GL NE of Aerie
worker39 NE and clears jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker41 moves 2xSW and joins The Hatchery
worker42 moves W and mines ivory near TT
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 moves N to forrest near The Great Oak
worker46 moves S, SW and mines ivory near TT
worker47 finished GL SE of The Great Oak
worker48 finished mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker49 continues mining wheat SW of Aerie
worker50 moves N and mines hill S, SW of Beizjagd
worker51 moves S, W, S (Near Ilium)
worker52 moves NW and mines GL NW of Aerie

Golden Talonfighter fortifies to heal a hit (he obviously got on the interturn).
Lucifer I flawlessly kills a barb warrior and gains us 25 gold destroying the camp

TMS Eagleprise moves 4xS (will pick up 2 new settlers next turn)
TMS Sea Eagle moves N, N,W, N
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves W, NW, 2xW (to pick up new settlers)

Domestic Report:

22 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
31% of world population (98 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 28% with ~89 citizens)
38 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 80 gold and +9 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 182 bpt (incl. 2 scientists) due in 3 turns (641 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 60% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 4xGL, hill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 10):

works 4xhill, 2xBG, 4xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 3):

works 2xGL, fish in lake

The Roost(size 2):

works oasis, lake

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 4):

works fish in lake, game, dyes in jungle, lake

Easy (size 3):

works fish, 2xGL

Schloss Adler (size 1):

works tobacco

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 scientist

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 scientist

Troy (--> renamed to Alcatraz) (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)


4/4 Lucifer I vs. 2/2 barb warrior --> 4/4 Lucifer I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Statue of Zeus in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 109:

Worker in Aerie
Library in BoP
Worker in The Roost
Settler in Darkside
Settler in Easy

screenies of 108:


Turn 109:


Worker in Aerie (set to worker, the last one)
Library in BoP (set to marketplace)
Worker in The Roost (set to worker)
Settler in Darkside (set to library, to gain territory against Kueche)
Settler in Easy (set to settler)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 finished mining hill S, SE of Beizjagd
worker3 finished mining GL NW, NW of Chambo
worker5 finished mining hill S, SE of Beizjagd
worker6 moves SW to forrest near Darkside
worker9 moves S and mines GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker10 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 moves 3xS towards Aerie
worker14 mines mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 moves S and mines GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker18 finished mining hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 finished mining ivory near TT
worker22 finished roading plains S of IG
worker23 continues roading GL NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 moves 2xSE and mines BG NW of The Hatchery
worker27 moves 2xNW and joins BoP
worker28 chops forrest NE of Chambo
worker29 continues roading GL S of Aquila
worker33 finished roading GL SE of Darkside
worker34 moves S and mines GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker35 mines GL NW of Aerie
worker36 continues mining BG E of Aerie
worker38 continues mining GL NE of Aerie
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker42 finished mining ivory near TT
worker43 continues mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 chops forrest NE of The Great Oak
worker46 finished mining ivory near TT
worker47 moves NE and irrigates BG SW of Ilium
worker48 moves 3xS towards Aerie
worker49 continues mining wheat SW of Aerie
worker50 continues mining hill S, SW of Beizjagd
worker51 moves S, SW and irrigates BG SW of Ilium
worker52 continues mining GL NW of Aerie
worker53 2xSW, S towards Beizjagd
worker54 moves N, NW to forrest near Schloss Adler

Golden Talonfighter moves E.
Lucifer I after Golden Talonfighter spotted a barb horseman, Lucifer I moves NW onto a mountain (see pic)

TMS Eagleprise moves SW, picks up a settler, moves NW, 2xN and picks up another settler
TMS Sea Eagle moves N, N,NW, N
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves 2xSW, 2xW (to pick up new settlers)

2 settlers board TMS Eagleprise

Domestic Report:

22 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
30% of world population (96 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with ~93 citizens)
39 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 89 gold and +9 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 185 bpt due in 2 turns (823 of 1100 beakers invested) (277 remaining)

Running 20% luxuries and 60% science.

Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)


Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is now building Pyramids in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 110:

Worker in Aerie

screenies of 109:


Turn 110:


Worker in Aerie (set to marketplace)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 moves W and finishes mining hill S, SW of Beizjagd
worker3 2xNW and joins BoP
worker5 N, NW and joins Beizjagd
worker6 chops forrest near Darkside
worker9 finished mining GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker10 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker11 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker12 moves SW and mines GL NW of Aerie
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 moves S and mines GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker18 moves 2xN and irrigates BG NW of Beizjagd (we need water for the plains tile SE of Beizjagd)
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 moves 2xSE, S
worker22 irrigates plains S of IG
worker23 finished roading GL NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 2 SW of BoP
worker26 continues mining BG NW of The Hatchery
worker28 continues chopping forrest NE of Chambo
worker29 finished roading GL S of Aquila
worker33 moves 2xNW, N
worker34 finished mining GL 2xSE of Aquila
worker35 continues mining GL NW of Aerie
worker36 continues mining BG E of Aerie
worker38 continues mining GL NE of Aerie
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker42 moves 2xSE, S
worker43 finished mining hill N of Schloss Adler
worker44 continues chopping forrest NE of The Great Oak
worker46 moves 2xSE, S
worker47 finished irrigating BG SW of Ilium
worker48 mines GL N of Aerie
worker49 continues mining wheat SW of Aerie
worker50 finished mining hill S, SW of Beizjagd
worker51 finished irrigating BG SW of Ilium
worker52 continues mining GL NW of Aerie
worker53 irrigates BG NE of Beizjagd
worker54 chops forrest 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves SEm E and mines BG NW of The Hatchery

Golden Talonfighter moves E.
Lucifer I flawlessly kills horseman

TMS Eagleprise moves NE, N, NW after bombing a barb galley
TMS Sea Eagle moves 4xN
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves NE

2 settlers board TMS Eagleprise

Domestic Report:

22 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
30% of world population (100 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with ~96 citizens)
38 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 98 gold and +87 gpt.
Research: researching Education (Bildungswesen) at 93 bpt due in 1 turn(s) (1008 of 1100 beakers invested) (92 required)

Running 20% luxuries and 30% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)


4/4 Lucifer I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 4/4 Lucifer I
TMS Sea Eagle bombs barb galley to 1/2

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is now building Pyramids in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 111:

Library in Aquila

screenies of 110:


Turn 111:


Library in Aquila (set to marketplace)

I rush a courthouse in Beizjagd (for 108 gold) and then switch back to Marketplace

Sent world map to Anarchie

Unit Moves:

worker1 finished clearing jungle SW, SW of BoP
worker2 moves NE, NE and irrigates plains SE of Beizjagd
worker6 continues chopping forrest S, SW of Darkside
worker9 moves W and mines GL S of Aquila Aquila
worker10 roads GL 2 SW of BoP
worker11 roads GL 2 SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining GL NW of Aerie
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 moves SW and mines GL W of Easy
worker18 finished irrigating BG NW of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker20 moves NE and joins Aerie
worker22 continues irrigating plains S of IG
worker23 moves 2xNE and mines GL S of Aquila
worker24 continues mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 finished roading GL 2 SW of BoP
worker26 continues mining BG NW of The Hatchery
worker28 continues chopping forrest NE of Chambo
worker29 mines GL S of Aquila
worker33 clears jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 moves SW and mines GL W of Easy
worker35 continues mining GL NW of Aerie
worker36 continues mining BG E of Aerie
worker38 continues mining GL NE of Aerie
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker42 moves NE and joins Aerie
worker43 moves N, NE and joins Beizjagd
worker44 continues chopping forrest NE of The Great Oak
worker46 moves S, SW and mines BG NE of Beizjagd
worker47 moves NE, N and irrigates spices
worker48 continues mining GL N of Aerie
worker49 continues mining wheat SW of Aerie
worker50 moves N, NE and joins Beizjagd
worker51 moves NE, N and irrigates spices
worker52 moves SE and joins Aerie
worker53 finished irrigating BG NE of Beizjagd
worker54 continues chopping forrest 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves SE, E and mines BG NW of The Hatchery

Golden Talonfighter fortifies and waits for Lucifer to come closer.
Lucifer I flawlessly kills horseman and promotes to elite

TMS Eagleprise moves 4xNE and gives settlers to TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
TMS Sea Eagle has been sunk by barbs :eek:
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves NE, NE, E, E (will land settlers next turn)

2 settlers board TMS Fiery Sea Eagle

Domestic Report:

22 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 16%)
31% of world population (111 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with ~104 citizens)
33 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 229 gold and -29 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 284 bpt due in 4 turn(s) (0 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)


4/4 Lucifer I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 Lucifer I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is now building Pyramids in Camelot

Due to complete on Turn 112:

University in Tuscan Talon
Marketplace in Beizjagd
Library in Chambo
Worker in Schloss Adler

screenies of 111:


Turn 112:


University in Tuscan Talon (set to Collosseum as prebuild)
Marketplace in Beizjagd (set to palace as prebuild)
Library in Chambo (set to settler)
Worker in Schloss Adler (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 irrigates GL 2xSW of BoP
worker2 continues irrigating plains SE of Beizjagd
worker6 continues chopping forrest S, SW of Darkside
worker9 finished mining GL S of Aquila
worker10 irrigates GL 2 SW of BoP
worker11 irrigates GL 2 SW of BoP
worker12 moves NE and mines GL N of Aerie
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 continues mining GL W of Easy
worker18 moves S and irrigates plains SE of Beizjagd
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 continues irrigating plains S of IG
worker23 moves 2xNE and mines GL S of Aquila
worker24 finished mining iron hill NE of The Roost
worker25 finished irrigating GL 2 SW of BoP
worker26 finished mining BG NW of The Hatchery
worker28 finished chopping forrest NE of Chambo
worker29 finished mining GL S of Aquila
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 continues mining GL W of Easy
worker35 finished mining GL NW of Aerie
worker36 finished mining BG E of Aerie
worker38 finished mining GL NE of Aerie
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 finished chopping forrest NE of The Great Oak
worker46 finished mining BG NE of Beizjagd
worker47 finished irrigating spices
worker48 continues mining GL N of Aerie
worker49 finished mining wheat SW of Aerie
worker51 finished irrigating spices
worker53 moves S and finishes irrigating plains SE of Beizjagd
worker54 continues chopping forrest 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves NW, W and joins Aerie
worker55 moves N, NE, N to Beizjagd

Golden Talonfighter moves W
Lucifer I kills horseman and is down to 2/5 (got damaged on the interturn)
TMS Eagleprise moves 4xSW
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves E and unloads one settler then continues 3xSE (second settler stays on board for now (barbs)

1 settlers unboards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle and 1 stays on board

Domestic Report:

22 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (112 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~108 citizens)
33 workers
2 settler(s)

Treasury: 200 gold and -33 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 301 bpt (incl. 3 scientists) due in 3 turn(s) (284 of 1100 beakers invested)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
1 medieval infantrie(s)


3/5 Lucifer I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 2/5 Lucifer I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is now building Pyramids in Camelot

Due to complete on turn 113:


screenies of 112:


Turn 113:


Library in Eagle Eye (set to barracks)

Unit Moves:

worker1 moves SE and mines mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker2 moves NW and joins Beizjagd
worker6 finished chopping forrest S, SW of Darkside
worker9 moves SW, SW and mines GL NW of Chambo
worker10 moves SE and mines mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker11 moves SE and mines mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker12 finished mining GL N of Aerie
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 finished mining GL W of Easy
worker18 moves 2xS to jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 finished irrigating plains S of IG
worker23 moves SW, SW and mines GL NW of Chambo
worker24 moves NW and mines hill N of The Roost
worker25 moves SW to jungle 3xSW of BoP
worker26 moves 3xS near BoP
worker28 roads GL NE of Chambo
worker29 moves SW, SW and mines GL NW of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 finished mining GL W of Easy
worker35 moves SE and joins Aerie
worker36 moves 2xSE and joins The Hatchery
worker38 moves NE, E, E to Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 roads GL NE of The Great Oak
worker46 stopps mining BG NE of Beizjagd
worker47 moves S, W
worker48 finished mining GL N of Aerie
worker49 moves 3xE
worker51 moves S, W
worker53 moves 2xS to jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 finished chopping forrest 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves NW, W and joins Aerie
worker56 joins Beizjagd

Golden Talonfighter flawlessly kills barb horseman
Lucifer I got killed by barbs :salute:
TMS Eagleprise fortifies
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves SE, E and unloads the settler then moves W, NW

1 settler founds the town of Inferno (set to worker)
1 unboards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle S of our elite warrior

Domestic Report:

23 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
32% of world population (119 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~111 citizens)
29 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 169 gold and -20 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 320 bpt (incl. 4 scientists) due in 2 turn(s) (585 of 1100 beakers invested) (515 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)


5/5 Golden Talonfighter I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 Golden Talonfighter I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Pyramids in Camelot

Due to complete on turn 114:

University in The Hatchery

screenies of 113:


Turn 114:


University in The Hatchery (set to barracks)

I rush a courthouse in Aerie for 92 gold, set it back to university to be completed next turn.

I changed the build in Aquila from market to horseman.

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker6 roads BG S, SW of Darkside
worker9 finished mining GL NW of Chambo
worker10 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker11 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker12 moves 3xNE towards mountain near Calistoria
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 moves 2xNE, N to plains S, SE of IG
worker18 clears jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 moves SE to plains S, SE of IG
worker23 finished mining GL NW of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker26 moves 2xSW and mines mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues roading GL NE of Chambo
worker29 finished mining GL NW of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 moves 2xNE, N to plains S, SE of IG
worker38 moves NE to mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 continues roading GL NE of The Great Oak
worker46 moves 3xS to jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 finished roading GL NE of Great Oak
worker48 moves 3xNE to mountain near Calistoria
worker49 moves 2xNE, N to mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 irrigates GL NE of Great Oak
worker53 clears jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 roads GL 2xSE of Schloss Adler

Golden Talonfighter flawlessly kills barb horseman
TMS Eagleprise fortifies
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves back towards our home continent

settler moves NE onto the gold hills and will found a town next turn

Domestic Report:

23 towns
17% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (119 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~115 citizens)
29 workers
1 settler(s)

Treasury: 57 gold and +67 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 207 bpt due in 1 turn(s) (905 of 1100 beakers invested) (195 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)


5/5 Golden Talonfighter I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 Golden Talonfighter I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Pyramids in Camelot
Brotherhood is building Statue of Zeus in Lanzelot's Edge

Due to complete on turn 115:

University in Aerie
Worker in Ilium

screenies of 114:


Turn 115:


University in Aerie (set to marketplace)
Worker in Ilium (set to worker)

I rush a courthouse in BoP for 32 gold and switch production back to university (done in 2 turns)

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues roading BG S, SW of Darkside
worker9 moves SW to forrest W of Chambo
worker10 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker11 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker12 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 roads plains S, SE of IG
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 mines plains S, SE of IG
worker23 moves SW to forrest W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker26 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker28 finished roading GL NE of Chambo
worker29 moves E and irrigates GL NE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 mines plains S, SE of IG
worker38 roads mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 irrigates GL NE of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 moves 2xSW to hill SW of Great Oak
worker48 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker49 roads mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 continues irrigating GL NE of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 continues roading GL 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 moves to hill SW of Great Oak

Golden Talonfighter moves NE
TMS Eagleprise moves into IG and fortifies there
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves back towards our home continent (now E of Leone)

settler founds Hells' Angels (set to worker)

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (124 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~120 citizens)
30 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 142 gold and +9 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 300 bpt (including 2 scientists) due in 4 turn(s) (0 of 1200 beakers invested) (1200 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 70% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)



Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building Pyramids in Camelot
Anarchie is building The Great Wall in Timbuktu

Due to complete on turn 116:

horseman in Aquila

screenies of 115:


Turn 116:


horseman in Aquila (set to horseman)

I rush a pike in The Hatchery for 24 gold and turn back to barracks (to be completed next turn).

Unit Moves:

worker1 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished roading BG S, SW of Darkside
worker9 chops forrest W of Chambo
worker10 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker11 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker12 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 roads plains S, SE of IG
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 continues mining plains S, SE of IG
worker23 chops forrest W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker26 continues mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker28 continues irrigating GL NE of Chambo
worker29 continues irrigating GL NE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 continues mining plains S, SE of IG
worker38 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 moves 2xSW to SW of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 mines hill SW of Great Oak
worker48 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker49 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 finished irrigating GL NE of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 finished roading GL 2xSE of Schloss Adler
worker55 mines hill SW of Great Oak

Golden Talonfighter flawlesly kills barb horseman
TMS Eagleprise moves into IG and fortifies there
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle moves into Leone and fortifies

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
31% of world population (~124 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~120 citizens)
30 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 177 gold and +12 gpt.
Research: researching Invention (Erfindung) at 300 bpt (including 1 scientist(s)) due in 3 turn(s) (300 of 1200 beakers invested) (900 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 70% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
1 horseman (want to call horsemen flying horseshoes)
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)


5/5 Golden Talonfighter I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 Golden Talonfighter I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

Due to complete on turn 117:

University in BoP
Barracks in The Hatchery
Marketplace in Shqiperia
Aqueduct in Calistoria
Worker in Hotel California

screenies of 116:


Turn 117:


University in BoP (set to marketplace)
Barracks in The Hatchery (set to horseman)
Marketplace in Shqiperia (set to harbor)
Aqueduct in Calistoria (set to library)
Worker in Hotel California (set to worker)

Unit Moves:

worker1 finished mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker6 moves 2xN an mines BG NW of Darkside
worker9 finished chopping forrest W of Chambo
worker10 moves S, SW and continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker11 finished mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker12 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker14 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 finished roading plains S, SE of IG
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 finished mining plains S, SE of IG
worker23 finished choping forrest W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker26 finished mining mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker28 moves NE, E, S to banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 finished irrigating GL NE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 finished mining plains S, SE of IG
worker38 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 roads hills SW of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 continues mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker48 continues mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker49 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 moves 2xSW to hill SW of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 moves NW to hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 finished mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker56 moves 2xNE, E to hill SE of Schloss Adler

Golden Talonfighter flawlesly kills barb horseman
Flying Horseshoe I arrives at The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortifie in Leone

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
32% of world population (~129 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 30% with ~120 citizens)
31 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 189 gold and -31 gpt.
Research: researching Gunpowder (Schießpulver) at 366 bpt (including 5 scientist(s)) due in 2 turn(s) (600 of 1200 beakers invested) (600 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 80% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
1 horseman
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)


5/5 Golden Talonfighter I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 5/5 Golden Talonfighter I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

Due to complete on turn 118:

worker in The Roost
worker in Winged Spear

screenies of 117:


Turn 118:


worker in The Roost (set to worker)
worker in Winged Spear (set to worker)

:wallbash: Hellgate is burning. Me fool!!

Unit Moves:

worker1 moves 2xS on mountain S of Eagle Eye
worker6 continues mining BG NW of Darkside
worker9 roads GL W of Chambo
worker10 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker11 moves S, SW an continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker12 finished mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker14 finished mining mountain E of Calistoria
worker15 moves NW and mines plains S of IG
worker18 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker19 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker22 moves NW and mines plains S of IG
worker23 mines GL W of Chambo
worker24 continues mining hill N of The Roost
worker25 continues clearing jungle 3 SW of BoP
worker26 moves S, SW an continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker28 clears banana jungle S of Easy
worker29 moves S and clears jungle SE of Chambo
worker33 continues clearing jungle 2 SE of Chambo (dyes)
worker34 moves NW and mines plains S of IG
worker38 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker39 continues clearing jungle SW of Eagle Eye
worker44 continues roading hills SW of The Great Oak
worker46 continues clearing jungle E of Schloss Adler
worker47 continues mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker48 moves to Shqiperia (will join next turn)
worker49 continues roading mountain NE of Shqiperia
worker51 mines hills SW of Great Oak
worker53 continues clearing jungle east of Schloss Adler
worker54 roads hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker55 continues mining hill SW of Great Oak
worker56 roads hill SE of Schloss Adler
worker57 moves to spices
worker58 moves N and mines hill N of The Roost

Golden Talonfighter kills barb horseman
Flying Horseshoe I fortified at The Roost
TMS Eagleprise is fortified in IG
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle is fortified in Leone

Domestic Report:

24 towns
18% of world area (Kueche has 17%)
32% of world population (~129 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 31% with ~124 citizens)
33 workers
0 settler(s)

Treasury: 158 gold and +60 gpt.
Research: researching Gunpowder (Schießpulver) at 236 bpt (including 4 scientist(s)) due in 1 turn(s) (966 of 1200 beakers invested) (234 more required)

Running 20% luxuries and 50% science.

Spoiler :
Aerie(size 6):

works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL

Tuscan Talon(size 12):

works ivory, GL, 6xplains, 2xhill, BG, coast

Hotel California(size 1):

works BG

The Hatchery(size 10):

works 2xFP, BG, hill, GL, 3xdesert, iron mountain, plains

Beizjagd(size 7):

works 2xBG, 2xGL, 3xhill

Aquila(size 7):

works hill, 6xGL

Birds of Prey(size 11):

works 3xhill, 2xBG, 6xGL

Shqipëria(size 9):

works 2xFP, 2xhill, 2xplains, desert, 2xcoast

The Great Oak(size 3):

works GL, BG, hill

Ilium(size 1):

works spices

Ignis Graecus(size 5):

works FP, 3xplains, wheat

Eagle Eye(size 4):

works 2xGL, fish in lake, iron hill

The Roost(size 1):

works oasis

Calistoria(size 6):

works 3xGL, 2xplains, mountain

Chambo(size 2):

works fish in lake, lake

Darkside (size 2):

works fish in lake, game

Easy (size 1):

works fish

Schloss Adler (size 2):

works tobacco, BG

Leone (size 2):

Works fish, 1 taxman

Winged Spear (size 1):

Works horse

Hellgate (size 2):

works cattle, 1 taxman

Alcatraz (size 1):

works lake

Military Report:

Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is average
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak


1 sword(s)
1 horseman
4 warrior(s)
2 dromon(s)
0 medieval infantrie(s)


5/5 Golden Talonfighter I vs. 2/2 barb horseman --> 4/5 Golden Talonfighter I

Wonder Update:

Brotherhood is building The Great Library in Camelot

Due to complete on turn 119:


screenies of 118:

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