on time
Turn 100:
Sent Feudalism accepted to Kueche and Anarchie
Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
upgrade TMS Sea Eagle to Dromon for 45 gold
Unit Moves:
worker1 continues roading mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker2 roads BG N of Hotel California
worker3 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker4 continues chopping forest SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 roads GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished roading forest NE of Darkside
worker7 finished roading plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 irrigates plains SE of Shqiperia
worker9 moves SW to chop a forrest for Easy (will be changed to settler)
worker10 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker11 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker15 continues roading hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 continues roading hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 moves S
worker20 continues chopping forest NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker23 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker24 finished roading desert S of The Roost
worker25 finished roading hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 finished roading mountain SE-SE of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker28 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker30 continues mining GL S of Aerie
worker31 finished irrigating plains NE-NE of Aerie
worker32 irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie
worker33 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker34 continues chopping forest W of Easy
worker35 moves SE, E and mines hills E of Shqiperia
worker36 roads plains SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker38 finished irrigating plains NE, NE of Aerie
worker39 roads hill N of The Roost
worker40 NW, W and irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie
Golden Talonfighter I boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
TMS Eagleprise moves NE, N (gives Golden Talonfighter and settler to TMS Fiery Sea Eagle) and moves SW, S
TMS Sea Eagle moves S, SE (into TT for an upgrade)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle takes over the troops from Eagleprise and moves NE, E, E, E
Domestic Report:
20 towns
15% of world area (Kueche has 13%)
25% of world population (62 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with 72 citizens)
40 workers
1 settler(s)
Treasury: 117 gold and +76 gpt.
Research: researching nothing (waiting for Theology from Anarchie to start with Education)
Running 10% luxuries and 0% science.
Aerie(size 6):
works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL
Tuscan Talon(size 6):
works ivory, plains, 3 irrigated GL, mined BG
Hotel California(size 1):
works BG
The Hatchery(size 4):
works FP, FP, BG, hill
Beizjagd(size 5):
works BG, BG, GL, GL, GL
Aquila(size 4):
works FP, GL, GL, GL
Birds of Prey(size 7):
works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 6 turns)
Shqipëria(size 7):
works FP, FP, 1 x hill, 3 x plains, 1 taxman
The Great Oak(size 2):
works GL, GL
Ilium(size 1):
works spices
Ignis Graecus(size 3):
works plains x 2, wheat
Eagle Eye(size 2):
works GL, GL
The Roost(size 1):
works oasis
Calistoria(size 4):
works 3 x plains, GL
Chambo(size 3):
works fish in lake, forest x2
Darkside (size 1):
works fish in lake
Easy (size 2):
works fish, GL
Schloss Adler (size 1):
works tobacco
Leone (size 1):
Works fish
Winged Spear (size 1):
Works horse
Military Report:
Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak
1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
nothing to report
Wonder Update:
Due to complete on Turn 101:
Worker in Aerie
screenies of 100:

Turn 100:
Sent Feudalism accepted to Kueche and Anarchie
Worker in Aerie (set to worker)
upgrade TMS Sea Eagle to Dromon for 45 gold
Unit Moves:
worker1 continues roading mountain N of Eagle Eye
worker2 roads BG N of Hotel California
worker3 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker4 continues chopping forest SW-SW of Tuscan Talon
worker5 roads GL W of Eagle Eye
worker6 finished roading forest NE of Darkside
worker7 finished roading plains NE-NE of Tuscan Talon
worker8 irrigates plains SE of Shqiperia
worker9 moves SW to chop a forrest for Easy (will be changed to settler)
worker10 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker11 finished mining hill W-SW of BoP
worker12 continues mining hills SW-S of Ilium
worker13 continues roading hill SW of Tuscan Talon
worker14 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker15 continues roading hill E of Aquila
worker16 continues mining hill NW of Ignis Graecus
worker17 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker18 continues roading hill S-SE of Beizjagd
worker19 moves S
worker20 continues chopping forest NW of Tuscan Talon
worker21 continues mining the iron mountain NE of BoP
worker22 continues mining hill W of Shqiperia
worker23 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker24 finished roading desert S of The Roost
worker25 finished roading hill S of Beizjagd
worker26 finished roading mountain SE-SE of Calistoria
worker27 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker28 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker29 continues mining iron mountain NE of BoP
worker30 continues mining GL S of Aerie
worker31 finished irrigating plains NE-NE of Aerie
worker32 irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie
worker33 continues clearing marsh on game SW of Darkside
worker34 continues chopping forest W of Easy
worker35 moves SE, E and mines hills E of Shqiperia
worker36 roads plains SE of Calistoria
worker37 continues mining hill SW-SW of Aquila
worker38 finished irrigating plains NE, NE of Aerie
worker39 roads hill N of The Roost
worker40 NW, W and irrigates plains NW, W of Aerie
Golden Talonfighter I boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
settler boards TMS Fiery Sea Eagle
TMS Eagleprise moves NE, N (gives Golden Talonfighter and settler to TMS Fiery Sea Eagle) and moves SW, S
TMS Sea Eagle moves S, SE (into TT for an upgrade)
TMS Fiery Sea Eagle takes over the troops from Eagleprise and moves NE, E, E, E
Domestic Report:
20 towns
15% of world area (Kueche has 13%)
25% of world population (62 citizen(s)) (Kuche has 29% with 72 citizens)
40 workers
1 settler(s)
Treasury: 117 gold and +76 gpt.
Research: researching nothing (waiting for Theology from Anarchie to start with Education)
Running 10% luxuries and 0% science.
Aerie(size 6):
works wheat, sugar hill, FP, 3 GL
Tuscan Talon(size 6):
works ivory, plains, 3 irrigated GL, mined BG
Hotel California(size 1):
works BG
The Hatchery(size 4):
works FP, FP, BG, hill
Beizjagd(size 5):
works BG, BG, GL, GL, GL
Aquila(size 4):
works FP, GL, GL, GL
Birds of Prey(size 7):
works BG tobacco tile, horse hill, gold hill, another hill, BG, GL, GL (Forbidden Palce in 6 turns)
Shqipëria(size 7):
works FP, FP, 1 x hill, 3 x plains, 1 taxman
The Great Oak(size 2):
works GL, GL
Ilium(size 1):
works spices
Ignis Graecus(size 3):
works plains x 2, wheat
Eagle Eye(size 2):
works GL, GL
The Roost(size 1):
works oasis
Calistoria(size 4):
works 3 x plains, GL
Chambo(size 3):
works fish in lake, forest x2
Darkside (size 1):
works fish in lake
Easy (size 2):
works fish, GL
Schloss Adler (size 1):
works tobacco
Leone (size 1):
Works fish
Winged Spear (size 1):
Works horse
Military Report:
Compared to "Die Kueche" our military is strong
Compared to "The Brotherhood" our military is Weak
Compared to "Anarchie" our military is weak
1 sword(s)
4 warrior(s)
3 dromon(s)
nothing to report
Wonder Update:
Due to complete on Turn 101:
Worker in Aerie
screenies of 100: