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stMinionNES1: Rise to Power

Jason, Puglover took Isreal
Originally posted by Constantine
To Greece
From Roman Republic
Hello friends we wish for a NAP or an alliance.

you don't have contact with them yet... you'll have to explore for a lil' whlie. But don't worry, you'll meet plenty of minor civs on the way.
Orders Needed From

Germanic Conglomerate
Soloman's Kingdom

Update tomorrow Evening
Raise economy and expand

In a small village in the province of wessex was a young man named Henry. He looked about his people and realize that they were not much more than a tribe. He saw this and he wanted much better for his people. Through a series of events Henry rose to power. He then proclaimed himself ruler of his people. To start things off he decided to build a capitol of sorts. So he and his people built a great city to commemorate their gods. Henry called this city "London". Henry wanted many things for his people, a powerful military for their safety and for them to be the smartest . He dicided to have his smartest and wisest advisors become teachers of sorts to teach the people of many things, this he hoped would expand both their mind and culture.


increase army
expand in all directions with 100 men in each direction, ask any tribes we come into contact with to join the Briton rule to ensur their safety
increase intellect by having wise men spread their knowledge to all people
Use 400 men to expand south
Use 400 men to expand east
Increase Economy
Increase Intellect

Joshua surveyed the area. This was the place God had chosen for the site of Jerusalem. The Holy City of Israel. A Marketplace was opened and trade blossomed with the surrounding tribes and confederations in the area. The People loved God and prayed to Him at the Tabernacle. They offered sacrifices to Him there. The Tabernacle was a gigantic tent built next to the Great Palace of Joshua. Joshua loved the People and honored God. He prayed that his Empire would be able to stand the Test of Time.
From a tall hill Hilter looked over his city. Berlin had risen from adversary and with the advent of agriculture began to flourish. Sharing this technology with the surrounding villages would definetly bring them closer to the Germanic Conglomerate. Hilter realized that a Militaristically run nation was not properous and efficient so he sent out for wisemen to begin thinking of new governments. He also set them out to improve the new metal called copper. He thought of the possibilties it had in both society and in the military. To the surrounding villages he kept constant parades running through them to maintain their loyalty to Hilter's Regime. And soon he became ambitious, sending troops to non-loyal villages, demanding loyalty or death. (Old habits die hard)

Increase Intellect
Look into better weaponry with copper
Expand south with army


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Update Tonight

Soloman's Kingdom

I still need orders from Jason, Naervod, Heine, and Amirsan. Strange cause they're usually amongst the first to give, but no matter. Update is tonight, so please give orders by then. There's no penalty for giving brief first orders.
The Great Pharoah Heine turned his eyes over his small countrey made at the eastern side of the nile, the only part of the world that was habited, at least that's what he thought.

"Expand my empire" he said, "As we all know, the Nile is the only place where it's possible to live, and I want to control all of it."

Expand up and down the nile.
Increase the economy by fishing in the Nile.

OOC: Sorry for late orders, don't have so much time...
wooooooow, this game is like almost the biggest start I ever seen! :( I'm jealous now... lol, j/k. Alot of civs in Middle East :( I will post orders in a bit, I want to make a real realy nice story... oh, and can I rename my nation as Sumer, makes it more ancient, I will change it when the time comes, and my leader will be Gilgamesh.

Btw, is it alright if I use some of my stories for my last RTOR game I was as sumer? It would add to the stories I do now. :)

The wise men commitee was gathered in a mud brick hut to discuss several issues of the state. Many wait outside surrounding the enterance and exit to hear thier decision. Who will be out new leader?

"I, Gilgamesh, has been recently appointed the new governer of the three city states of Sumer and leader of the Sumerian people"

The people where overjoyed and running to thier homes to tell thier family the news. Many stayed and cheered as Gilgamesh began to walk away with the Wise Man Comittee and and couple of Stone Tipped Pikes, a new technology in Babylon. Sumer now had a leader, a real leader.

Though this leader was no ordinary one. This man Gilgamesh was once a legend in children's mind. A legend in thier Grandparent's mind. This man was more than a regular man, he was more than an Enkidu, he was a savior. No one saw his face to know if he was exactly that legend many spoke of though many knew it was him regardless.

Matters of the state was taken into action as soon as Gilgamesh was appointed the new King of Sumer. He ordered the workers of this thriving nation to build more cities, cities that are walled and can house thousands of people. These homes were made of mud brick, the same ones that the Wise Man Commitee discussed in.

New laws were built to govern this small civilization with its many people. One of the most important laws were the infamous standards of Ur. The King was always the most powerful and around him was his wise man council to govern each city of thousands that was built.

Land was spread from the city of Ur to the city of Babylon. These two cities are the largest in the world, most populated by our people fed from the Euphrates River. The land flooded every year from this beautiful river made of spirits from the above. Ziggurats where built along these rivers and people prey on them. New borns were washed in these rivers as thier first showering from the gods.

The world was also mapped on this piece of Papyrus made in Egypt. After exploring for many of years my skrimish parties brought back a map labeled in our new cuniform writing with images of how the world looked. This was proven valuable. To the looks of it we were the only in this Mesopotamia. It will stay as that.

Our army was made of many different types of technology. Two of which is the Imperial Pikeman and the Heavy Psiloi or Bowman. Many around us fear this military but the most feared is that of the Enkidu Warrior. These warriors can lift hundreds of men and throw them in the river. Many only come from the gods to have this power.

Copy and Paste the template for my nation over the one I have already as Babylon, not too many changes anyways.
Govern the people through the Standards of Ur.
I should also have 1500 troops sinse I am landlocked, I changed it on the below template aswell.
Increase Economy
Irrigate from the Euphtrates and Build Babylon
Expand to all territory shown on the World Map and expand more on the arrows IF possible. Place both cities as shown.
Increase Intellect if we can with economy increase.

OOC: I always have a feeling for neses that I start in, this is already one of my favorites already and I dont know why...
This is the template to make everything easier for you. :)

Nation: Sumer
Ruler: Emperor Gilgamesh (Amirsan)
Goverment: Tribal Council Oligarchy (or City States)
Capital: Ur
Population: 10,000
Religion: Polytheism
Economy: 3
Intellect: 1
Culture: 8
Age: Ancient Age
Army: 1500 men
Navy: none
Air Force: N/A
Wonder: none
Trade: none
Solomon was a good man, regarded by many as the eternal savior of the Jewish people, and the real crown of the Israelites. Unfortunately nearly half of the Jewish population thought otherwise. In the south, the false King of Judea subjugated his own people in a ruthless manor of oppression and segregation. Soon it would be time to put an end to this. Soon Israel will be united by one.

Expand south all I can
Increase economy.
King Bhanu was a smart man, he knew the terrain of the jungle island and the habits of the natives that occupied it. However, that was not all he had. He had a team of strong advisers and the loyal support of a people behind him, something that he could depend on to help Saliendra through times of trouble and times of plenty. He wanted this to be a time of plenty, so he commissioned great projects to bring plenty to the land.

Expand all directions on the island with all men.
Grow intellect
Grow army
2400 B.C.

Many nations of the world come together in an eventful 100 years. They are split mostly between the civilized peoples of the fertile regions along the Mediterranean and in Asia, and the barbarians living in densely forested lands elsewhere.

In Scandanavia, a tribe calling themselves the Norse arises. They begin expanding down the coast and encounter various small tribes all around them. The sons of Odin to the North, Thor's Warriors to the East, and Olaf's Band to the Southwest.

On a key Mediterranean peninsula, a republic with the unsuspecting name of Rome arises amongst seven hills. The discovery of olives spurs the population upwards and they launch many expeditions, but only a few are profitable. One uncovers a Greek speaking people calling themselves "Sicilians" to the south.

In Greece, the Greeks expand all around, and soon encounter two other city states. The militaristic Spartans, and the friendly Delphians who regularly visit Athens's many temples and markets.

In the Phillipines, the people there build around their capital of Manila. The gods seem to smile upon them and they expand favorably and meet no enemies. The population seems to grow well too.

In Britian, the Britons arise and build the city of London in the Southeast. They increase their army and expand in all directions. Some tribes join them, bringing the population up, but the biggest, the Welsh, resist.

In Israel, the Jews are divided. On one hand are the jews of Haifa under Salomon, on the other, the Jews of Jerusalem under Joshua. Conditions are cramped and population increases only slightly. The biggest problem however is directly to the East where both Jewish kingdoms face the common threat of the Philistines.

In Germania, the Goths unite under the "German Conglomerate". Led by Hilter, they expand in all directions. Thanks to linguistical similarity, and sheer force, they encounter little resistence. However, it is said the situation is drastically different to the South. The Germans have also learned how to use copper effectively, but not yet for military purposes.

In Egypt, the Egyptians expand up and down the Nile. They meet no enemies but find lots of grain which sends their population skyrocketing.

In Mesopotamia, the Sumerian people expand to the North with the goal of establishing a new city. When they arrive there however, they find that the city is already established by a small kingdom called babylon. More important however, is the fact that Sumer can now start a wonder.

On the island of Java, the Sailendrans expand without any difficulty as well. Though the population is increasing slowly because of the surrounding jungle, some metalsmiths have managed to produce copper weaponry.

China expands and reaches the sea. Through fishery and agriculture the Chinese economy grows more advanced. No new neighbors... for now...

In India, a new ruler comes to power and the Indians grow more advanced. However, another Indian city state has appeared to the North.


From Sicily
To Rome

We do not appreciate your attempts to colonize our lands. We suggest you get a firm hold of your own lands before intruding on others.

From Delphi
To Greece

Now that you have new leadership we're wondering if you'd still let us visit your temples freely?

From Welsh
To Britian

We hope you don't think of trying to convert us to your cause like you did to the other tribes around London. We are your equals and will not stand for such actions.

From Philistines
To Jewish Kingdoms

We will tolerate your queer ways in exchange for the payment of an economy level every 200 years. If you refuse we will anhialate your weak states.

From Babylon
To Sumer

Now now, let's not do anything hasty. We'll give you up all the lands around Babylon for an economy level and a promise to leave the city itself alone.

From Mehgarh
To India

We have nothing against your state. Hopefully we can co-exist peacefully?
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