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Stupid questions

Do you vote in polls?

  • Yes, I do vote in polls.

    Votes: 39 52.7%
  • No, I never vote in any sort of poll.

    Votes: 35 47.3%

  • Total voters

CD Light

Creative Cartographer
Jan 5, 2002
Wisconsin, USA
Here's the next Stupid Question:

:confused: Do you ever lie?:confused:

Add some of your own if you've got 'em!
"Are you O.K.?"
If I was freaking O.K. I wouldn't be laying on the ground trying to hold my brains in! :)

"Are you sure?"
No, not really, that is why I am suggesting that you do it first. ;)
can i post here?
can you tell me the URL for this site?

Can you tell me what this forums is called?

Are you dead?

Can you breathe?
Originally posted by The Balrog
Can you tell me what this forums is called?

Surely that is a hard question to answer? Do you want the name of the whole forum, this individual forum or do you want us to answer with every single forum?

How do I post?

Where am I?

So whats Civ then?
How do you ask a question?

How do you type?
Why don't some of the people that post on this site make sense?

Why does word association continiue to live on and on and on....
Were's the any key?

What's a mouse

were am i

how do i get here

weres the instruction's
do you mind if i ask you a question?
Originally posted by Suppersalmon
Were's the any key?

I love the Simpsons quote (I realy hope I rememering that right or I'm going to look like a dumbass)
I love the Simpsons quote (I realy hope I rememering that right or I'm going to look like a dumbass)

No, you got it right. Classic Homer. I used to have it as a .wav file. Now I want the one where the comic shop guy (shame one me for not remembering!) sees the nuclear missile coming at him: "I have wasted my life." This is my all time most favorite moment. It's just so damned perfect!
Can you hear me? (or in this case - can you read my post?)
Whats the number for 911?

How many brain cells do I not have?

Are you un-conscious?

Are you related by blood to a cartoon charecter?
along the lines of tthe "any key" one...

where's my TAB i ordered?
Its not a question but who cares.

"Only sad people post here"

"email is sexist"

"You don't know nothing"

My favourite: "Can I ask a question?"
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