Suggestions and Requests

Edmund Ironside

White Rabbit Object
Jun 27, 2017
Michigan, USA.
The thread for posting suggestions on ways to improve RFCGW
As I can never remember what I have suggested previously I thought one thread where I could post all my suggestions would be easier.
Ideas so far:
1. Have the Harappans forced collapse in the same manner as happens in DOC.
2. Have certain civs respawn (again in the same manner as happens in DOC), the Egyptians and Babylonians seem prime candidates for this, maybe also the Assyrians.
3. There have been some sweet new units made in the last year or so that would be awesome for this mod:
The ones by Mightytoad look especially appropriate for the mod.
Can blue marble be used here?
I was playing Persians today when the Bactrians spawned. I notice that their starting spot (Demetrias) is remarkably poor for a late civ. Their only Food is Sheep on a Hill. By starting them 1S, they would gain access to Rice and would lose only blank Hills and Plains. As its second city, the AI in my Persian game also settled Ai-Khanoun, north of Demetrias, 1W of the Camel and 2E of the Sheep. It's also a poor city, but would be better off if Demetrias was further away.

When I eventually play Bactria, I will move 1S before founding my city, because the default location is borderline unplayable. My suggestion is, why not make 1S the default position?
Byzantium brings down the curtain on the Greek World. It is the logical climax to RFC-GW.

It's really hard to properly replicate the Crisis of the 3rd Century that brought Constantine to power. Byzantium should spawn regadless of Rome's Stability. Having Rome control Byzantion in 286 AD is already enough leverage on Byzantium's fate.

It is entirely historical; Constantine founded his city, not to split the Roman Empire in two - he had just fought a war to unite it! - but to improve his control of it. Apart from temporary exigencies, the Roman Empire was not finally divided into West and East until the death of the last sole emperor, Theodosius I, in 395 AD. However, 395 is rather late in game terms and marks the end of a process, not its beginning. In game terms, even starting in 286, Byzantium has just 73 turns to complete whatever UHVs are eventually assigned to it.
  • Byzantium is the last civ to spawn - apart from the Huns, who don't really care who they attack.
  • Most of the civs in the near and middle east have done their thing by 286 AD, or haven't had UHVs defined yet (but UHVs should always be aware of the chance of Byzantium appearing), or are a long way east, so there's no disruption to UHVs.
  • The Sassanids, Germans, Numidia, Bactria, and India are barely affected by semirandom flips of cities in the Mediterranean, Balkans and western Anatolia in 286 AD. Rome and Macedon, if they are alive, are massively impacted - but that is historical!
Byzantium must rise!
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