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There was a very unique unit made by TheLopez that I'm not sure if it could find its way in. He made a sniper mod, however it was for 1.61 and he hasn't been actively developing since before Warlords edition, it appears.

Anyhow, I thought the idea and implementation for a sniper unit were very good and would have some use in these WWII games. Whether in this particular one I will leave up to you.

Reading the sniper mod thread, it appears Dale converted the mod to work in Warlords. Presumably, it has not been done for BTS as of yet -- so it would bring something of a challenge.
How will terrain capture work with peacetime allies? If two civs allied approach a city from different sides, will the person who captures the city gain his ally's squares so the city can grow, or will he be restricted permanently (because he would have to attack to get the squares).
There was a very unique unit made by TheLopez that I'm not sure if it could find its way in. He made a sniper mod, however it was for 1.61 and he hasn't been actively developing since before Warlords edition, it appears.

Anyhow, I thought the idea and implementation for a sniper unit were very good and would have some use in these WWII games. Whether in this particular one I will leave up to you.

Reading the sniper mod thread, it appears Dale converted the mod to work in Warlords. Presumably, it has not been done for BTS as of yet -- so it would bring something of a challenge.

Snipers....uh...no. First off, snipers were not widespread during the war, although they had signicant use in battles like Stalingrad. Scond, each unit is representative of one division, and there wasn't even such thing as a sniper battalion.
Another thing I didn't like about snipers, what's a sniper's max range? About 1-2km? Doesn't quite work with Civ's plot sizes. ;)

At least arty can fire over 10-30km (rocket assisted) by the end of the war. :)
Another thing I didn't like about snipers, what's a sniper's max range? About 1-2km? Doesn't quite work with Civ's plot sizes. ;)

At least arty can fire over 10-30km (rocket assisted) by the end of the war. :)

Yep so even then ranged artillery is overpowered :) And units like snipers and flamethrowers etc are ridiculous.

At least it's slightly plausible. The US Long Tom could fire 23km. And later models could fire up to 30km.
My suggestions would be to have infantry be basic and then you get the choice to give them upgrades once you have techs for instance once rockets are researched you could upgrade them by giving an anti tank bonus (+50 v armor -25 v infantry) and a anti tank soldier (or gun which you could get earlier but would hurt more vs infantry) to the visual unit either like a great general or replacing one of the 3. or you could add mechanization which would upgrade movement and lower fortification or combat engineers to upgrade fort or city attack but lower v infantry these would be better then just set piece superior advanced infantry.

Also add a trench improvement which worked well in wwII 1939. Those would be both visual and gameplay improvements to the games most valuble unit you could add these to other units.
You should make two drastic changes to units in terms of promotions.

1. Make units gain promotions approximately 3 times faster then they do now.
2. Make only two types of promotions available
A. An increase in strength level to reprisent an improvement in combat experience (+5% per promotion)
B. An increase in withdrawl chance to simulate improvements to orginization (+10% per promotion up to 5th promotion, after that it's +5% to a max of 100%)

Because you will be able to change the types of units in your division, there's no reason to make +25% vs. X promotions because you can do that by customizing the division itself.
How will terrain capture work with peacetime allies? If two civs allied approach a city from different sides, will the person who captures the city gain his ally's squares so the city can grow, or will he be restricted permanently (because he would have to attack to get the squares).

He should gain the ally's squares, shouldn't he? Thoughts?
He should gain the ally's squares, shouldn't he? Thoughts?

Under the old military control system, the original player would keep the plot. However, under the new system, provided that peace is made, the ally gets that plot. That being said, during a prolonged war it might cause a few problems.
Maybe after you conquer a country (like France) resistance soldiers could randomly appear within the former country.Here are my ideas of names for the Russian,French,and Polish resistance groups.

French Resistance "Résistance française"
Russian Liberators "Русские освободители"
Polish Resistance "Polski Sprzeciw"
How about making every nation have theyre own anti-tanks like germans would have Stugs, Marders, Hetzers or even jagdpanthers and russians Su-85 and allied wolverines etc. And how about paratroopers, germans could have fallschirmjägers(Dunno if typed names right) and Usa airborne and british commandos.
I am a relatively newcomer to the RtW (And CivIV) but the mod has captivated me.
Anyway, as a Shining Internet Knight (that my introduction seems to imply), I would like to bombard you with my wishlist.

1)Unique Technologies
I did not tinker with the tech tree modding a lot but as far as I know, tech tree stays same for every nation.
However I think there might be a slightly messy way to get around this limitation by creating a tech branch that is locked to the other civs by not giving them the unlocking first tech in the branch (and the ability to research that tech)
This way, I think you could create seperate trees for each nation, It would look messy in the research screen but I think it might be worth it.

2)Training Facilities (Promotions)
*This one is partly inspired by the "Broken Star" mod that comes with BtS.
Promotions should come in 3 flavors (so to speak); ,
-the relentless training regiments that made first line German Troops US Rangers and Airborne, British Pilots and Commandoes so deadly
-the attached specialists like snipers, anti-tank teams, engineers
-and lastly the hard earned battlefield experience

Depending on the unit and nation, we should be able to spend some gold in cities with training facilities to spend a week or four to add a promotion to the unit:
(This is a rough suggestion)

US and British Paratroopers:
Woodsman (1,2)
Guerilla (1,2)

US Rangers:
Woodsman (1,2)
Guerilla (1,2)

British Pilots:
Interception 1,2
Combat 1,2

German Frontline Armor
Drill 1,2
Flanking 1,2

German Frontline Mechanized Troops
Drill 1,2
Flanking 1,2

Each Unit should also have 1 to 3 "slots" (depending on what it is) to attach specialists to them, each specialist giving a % bonus

Attached Snipers= -%x enemy infantry strenght, negates enemy specialits x,y,z
Attached Engineers= +%x regeneration for armor, -%x enemy fortifications
Attached Anti Tank elements= +%x damage to armor
Attached Medical Support= +%x regeneration for infantry
Attached Field Artillery= additional first strike at x strenght, -%x to enemy fortifications
Attached Logistics= -%x support needs
Attached AA elements= additional first strike vs aircraft (and armor for German 88s)
Attached Communications= +%x withdrawal chance
Attached Scouts= +1 visibility
Attached Motorised Transportation= +1 movement for infantry

3)Production Facilities
Most of the war production was actually done in original factories (instead of Germans building "Panzers" in captured cities as it is done in Civ). Is there a way to keep that by limiting the production in captured cities to basic units like "conscripted" German aux. troops or scout cars? Also can you think of a way to "transfer" the captured cities production (applying penalties for distance and increasing overall maintenance costs) to original cities to boost production?

4)Buying Stuff as Netural / Small Countries
Most of the smaller nations had to supplement their limited war material productions by purchasing from outside sources. Can you create a way using the "corporations" to enable (represent) buying (building) stuff from (belonging to) Major Players? For example, if your city hosts a British trade consul, you coulld build Vickers tanks and Bristol Planes

As far as I know,
Britain sold Destroyers, Submarines, Tanks, Planes, MGs and Rifles
USA sold Tanks, Planes
A Dutch shipyard (front for Germany) sold Submarines
Spain sold (a) Submarine
Italians sold Submarines
Russians sold Tanks
French sold Tanks, Planes, MGs and Rifles
to my country before the war's start.

5)Differnt Unit Sizes
The game is based on division sized forces if I am not mistaken. However there are many instances where you would a smaller force would be sufficient. Would it clutter up to game too much if you included smaller (brigade and regiment) and bigger (corps and army) versions of the existing units?

Hopefully I will have a bit more to bombard you with soon. Till then! :)
RE: you ideas:

1) Some nations in my mod a limited to what they can build from even if they have developed the tech.
2) I have added Military Academies these can be used as unique buildings for other nations and the bonuses as outlined.
3) I think that can be implemented by utilising unique buildings, which can only be built of the "religion" is present in the city. e.g. Panzer Factory requires Fascism. (I may consider that idea as a Service Pack enhancement to my game)
4) RE: Minor nations, I have given them many exported models.
5) RE: Divisions: you need to really see my mod.
I tried to get the newest version of your mod but its map had just too many cities on limited terrain, lots of "merchant" specialists to counter the food needs which gave me too much income and very unbalanced borders due to (civ4) culture not meshing well with the real borders. (It was also very hard on my dinasour due to sheer amount of units and cities)

But then again, I might have broken the installation, as I am not familiar with Civ4 modifications. Can you point me to newest stable version (and it's readme) please?
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