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SuperPower Complete Edition- Total Conversion for BNW (
Author: Lincoln_lyf
A Total Conversion Mod for a better late-game experience and modern warfare
Current Version: v5.1 (6/13/2015)
☆Exciting civ 5 late game experiences - realistic modern warfare
☆Adaptive difficulty level - AI will get stronger if you are stronger
☆Fully new combat system - based on 2-unit-per-plot with AoE damage, collateral damage...
☆Elite units and prototype units - like “heroes”, only one unit can be built in the world
☆New elements – 40+ new buildings and wonders, 60+ new units, 11 new resources,19 new technologies, 12 new policies…
☆War casualties - units KIAs will cause population loss
☆Nuclear winter threat - nuclear warfare, nobody wins
☆City corruption - large empires are not easy to rule
☆Specialists Upgrade – upgrade your specialists to increase their output, at a cost of large more gold investment
☆Historical Buildings – early buildings become obsolete but offer Tourism output in the late game
☆Balanced and more realistic civilizations - no weak civilizations
☆Fully new Technology tree - no flight technology without discovering oil
☆Fully new Social Policy tree - Centralisation vs. Decentralization
☆Flexible management - move population between cities and move your Capital
☆Powerful terrain transformations – build cross-sea bridges, railroad across the mountain and remove ice in the ocean
☆Automation - city automation and one-click order to control all of your units
and more...

v5.1 - Complete Edition (6/13/2015, a 4-in-1 complete edition)
Download Links:
Steam Workshop:
MediaFire--If your Civ 5 game cannot unpack the file, try this!
v5.1 Update
Spoiler :
V5.1 Update
Some Bug Fixes and Minor Balance Tweaks
Compatible with older version’s saved files!
--Bug Fixed
Fixed the Tech-tree scrolling problem on certain computers. (Thanks AxGrinder for the help)
Fixed an issue that the relationship with city-states boosts abnormally after building Siam
Fixed an issue when the player loses the original capital, the new city still has a city hall.
Fixed an issue that the corruption in cities go wrong when the player adopts both Tradition and Order policies.
Fixed an issue the player cannot build anti-corruption buildings if turning off the espionage in game settings.
Fixed a bug of collateral damage and AoE damage killing the aircraft units and missile units in cities or on carriers.
--Balance Tweaks
AI will get additional strategic resources when the player enters the modern era.
AI will send more units to the frontline other than stack them around the cities far away.
Some “weak” elite and experimental units get strengthened in their combat strengths.
Siege weapons starts with the promotion of 50% bonus against fortified units.
The construction cost of every shrine and temple reduced by 15% and 30%
--Future Plans
A DLC version of Super Power Mod is expected to make this mod available for the multiplayer mode and solve the corrupted saved files problem.
I’ll try to make this mod compatible with EUI and other popular CIV 5 mods.
A big balance tweak is expected to make the naval combat system more balanced and energy-saving, also making the AI perform better in naval battles.
Other balance tweaks and bug fixes…
v5.0 Update
Spoiler :
----Attention: NOT compatible with older version’s saved files!
----Important: Please check the Civilpedia before playing! This is a total-conversion Mod with many deep-tweaks! There are too many false “bug report” due to not understanding those new settings!!
Now supports the latest official patch of Civ5 ( and Korea DLC.
Now the Mod is a 4-in-1 Edition (Balance+Units+Buildings+Misc) No longer to load 4 separated mod parts every time!
----Bug Fixed
Please upgrade DLL - Various Mod Components by whoward69 to v60 or higher versions. The trade route “overflow” bug has been fixed after v60.
A thoroughgoing check in almost every single code in this mod has been done. Many issues are fixed. It should be helpful for reducing the chance for CTDs, Corrupted Saved Data and Technology Tree error!
Fixed a Bug of a false “Free Policy” display at the beginning of the game if playing certain civilizations.
Fixed a Bug with policy discount setting, so buildings or policies which have “policy discount” effects now work fine.
Fixed a Bug may crash the game when the last city of an AI player is captured with "complete kills" checked
A new game set-up UI is built which makes this mod no longer blocking the Upgrade 1 DLC. This may solve some texts display issues and improve the stability.(Thanks CaptainCWB for the codes)
Fixed many other balancing issues.
----New Features & Balance Tweaks
Elite Units and Prototype Units:
Elite and Prototype Units: They are the best units of their era for their strength and special abilities and they can tip the balance of a war if used wisely. Some of them are elite forces in the real history while some of them are designed with human's best imagination.
There are 20 Elite and Prototype Units in this mod, for example: The 300 Spartans (Elite Infantry), Yamato (Super Battleship), Panzer VIII Maus (Super-heavy Tank), Hydra (Underwater Carrier) and so on.
These units must be built through certain Projects and those Projects are unique in the world just like World Wonders. Only the first civilization finishing the Project has the right to build the unit.
For details, please check the Civilpedia!
Move your Capital:
You are now allowed to move your Capital to other cities you own at a high cost.
Automated Cities:
Feeling tired of controlling too many cities? Now your cities can choose their production queue automatically. However you can still intervene anytime.
One-click Orders for all Units
Feeling tired of ordering too many units? Now you can give those orders by one-click: all idle units will enter “sleep”, “fortified”, “intercepting” only by clicking one button. Also, you are allowed to upgrade all your units available for upgrade at once only by clicking one button..
Specialists “Upgrade” System:
Specialists can be “upgraded”. You are allowed to build certain foundations and guilds to increase their output at a cost of more gold investment. For example, “Science Foundation Lv1” will make each scientist produce +2 Science, but you must pay 2 Gold for each scientist for research funds.
6 new policies, also, many tweaks to the Policy Tree. Please check the details in the game. Now over-powered policies are separated and you don’t need to worry to unlock all policies too early.
Many tweaks to the Ideologies for balance, Ideologies are designed for late-game use. You no longer have to rush for Ideologies.
The second level tenets for every Ideology are reduced to four. You don’t need to make the sacrifice for choosing 4 from 6.
3 new technologies: Advanced Engineering, Materials Science, and Integrated Circuit. For details, please check the Civilpedia!
The number of International Trade Route slots earned by Technologies is reduced. You must gain additional International Trade Route slots from certain policies or buildings.
New Units:
3 new units: WWII Paratrooper, EMP Bomb, Cog. Also some balance tweaks to the units are made. Please check the details in the game.
You can now purchase guided missiles directly on Missile Cruisers and Nuclear Submarines if they are inside friendly borders. (No discount!)
For details, please check the Civilpedia!
Historical Buildings
Many of the early buildings, like granary, watermill, walls and castle will become obsolete in the late game, but they will become historical sites and can provide additional Tourism after discovering certain technologies. Only the civilization with a carefully protected history can be more attractive to the tourists to achieve the Cultural Victory.
Military Production Buildings
Advanced military Units must be built in cities with military production buildings (Barracks, Armory, Arsenal, Military Base). Cities without military production buildings can only produce civilian units and recon units.
New Buildings & Wonders:
2 new buildings and 4 new world and national wonders
Some tweaks of buildings’ effects for balance are made.
For details, please check the Civilpedia!
Special Terrain Improvements:
After researching “Military Science”, you are allowed to build the Pontoon Bridge to make land units cross the water tiles
After researching “Advanced Engineering”, you are allowed to use workboat to clear the ice plot to let your naval unit cross. Also, workers are allowed to cross the mountain and build railroads on mountain plots. Once the railroad is built on a mountain plot, the mountain will become “hill” and let other land units cross.
New resources:
Two new resources: Lapis lazuli and Coral from the mod More Luxuries by Barathor
City State Bonus
City States can produce their own strategic resources: 4 Horses, 4 Iron, 4 Coal, 4 Oil and 4 Aluminum to let them build buildings and units requiring such resources. Your City State allies will also provide those strategic resources for you once you have researched the certain Technologies.
Difficulty Levels are re-designed. 8 difficulty level from “Microstate” to “SuperPowers”. Both new players and experienced players can find their fun.
Game speed options are re-designed. All units receive +1 MP in “quick” mode. Research speed are slowed down greatly but building speed won’t be too slow in “epic” and “marathon” mode.
Since the 276 patch has fixed the “science overflow“ bug, the great scientist’s ability is brought back to vanilla game’s effect.
Some tweaks for AI to make them smarter, for example, AI will annex a city if its population reaches more than 10 for its better benefit.
Other minor tweaks - please check the Civilpedia!
v4.2 (8/4/2014 fixed CTD and Research Overflow problems)
Spoiler :
V4.2 Update
Should be compatible with older version’s saved files unless you have the Modern Work Boat Unit in v4.0 (removed in v4.1) in game.
Bug Fixed
v4.1 has been proved to be a failure to solve the CTD problem in v4.0. Now some leftovers have been fixed.
The unexpected RESEARCH OVERFLOW and most CTDs are confirmed to be caused by the lack of “nil” condition in New Trait and Policies.lua. Now it is fixed. (Thanks cocoleche for the codes, 幻影 and 法伊 for testing)
Fixed a problem will cause CTD or corrupted saved file caused by using “player:GetName()”. (Thanks far_away_land and Maximus for codes)
Fixed a bug that the policy “Third Alternative” will cause runtime error.(Thanks Maximus for codes)
Fixed a bug that Japanese units will grant you culture when embarking or disembarking.
Fixed some notification text mistakes like the description of the new work boat.
Fixed a bug caused by new BTN: “settler joining the city” – the working population won’t change.
Considering not everyone owns Conquest of the New World DLC or G&K DLC, so some textures from them have been extracted to the mod itself. This may solve some “missing texture” or “broken Tech Tree” for some people.
Balance Tweaks:
Now the Work Boat will spend some turns to build the naval improvements since they won’t be consumed. (building the fishing boat need the same time as the farm while oil platform, the oil rig )
The amount of culture needed for acquiring new plot in the city has been lowered to compensate fewer cities on the map due to the increased min city range.
The cost of building Brazilwood Camp has been lowered while AI priority increased to make it able to compete with lumber mills in jungle.
v4.0 (7/13/2014 The first Version Released to Public)
Spoiler :
Steam (Note the four parts are separated):
ModDB (all-in-one):
MediaFire(Unpacked): ----------If your Civ 5 game cannot unpack the file, try this!
Usage Terms:
No guarantees, no warranty.
This mods are provided "as is" with no express or implied warranty for accuracy or suitability. The user assumes all responsibility for use, and all possible problems related.
The author shall not be responsible for any physical or mental loss of any kind whatsoever in any way arising from or relating to the use of these mods. Even you have clear evidence it is caused by this mod.
Usage of these mods implies acceptance of these terms. Even you don’t read it at all.
If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this mod.
Fair Usage Policy:
This mod is free to download and play it for your own personal use or give it to your friends.
You are not allowed to make any financial gain from this mod. It is illegal.
You are free and welcome to use any part of this mod and incorporate it into your works. However you must give the credit and you must not make any financial gain form your works.
(Thanks whoward69 for this Usage Terms and Fair Usage Policy template)
Installation Guide:
Only supports Civilization V: Brave New World and Any game version before are NOT supported.
Only supports Windows 7 and Windows 8, Windows 8.1. Windows XP and Mac are NOT supported.
-----------------------------------------------Required DLCs-------------------------------------------------
You must have all of these DLCs downloaded and activated to use this Mod, otherwise you may encounter missing elements issues such as broken TechTree or “error loading font xml” error.
Gods and Kings DLC
Brave New World DLC
Conquest of the New World DLC
Korea DLC
---------------------------------------------IMPORTANT DLL SUPPORT------------------------------------------
This MOD requires DLL - Various Mod Components by whoward69 for some Lua events support and 5 range city working distance. You must install and load DLL - Various Mod Components before using this MOD.
You can download it from WHoward's Pick'N'Mix Mods:
----------------------------------------------Manual Installation----------------------------------------
1, Make sure you have completely removed all previous SuperPower Mod files (Super Power Balance (v 4), Super Power Units (v 4), Super Power Buildings (v 4) and Super Power Misc (v 1)) before installing.
You must “unsubscribe” or “delete” them inside your game. Put them into Recycle Bin won’t help.
2, Download and unzip the file, place the SuperPower Complete Edition (v 5).civ5mod file in your Civ5 mods folder (...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS)
3, Start the game, go to “mods”.
4, check the marks to load the MOD parts, you must follow this order:
DLL - Various Mod Components → SuperPower Complete Edition → Other Mods you want to play with.
5, Begin your journey!
6, It is highly recommended to check the Civilopedia\Game Concepts for new concepts of this MOD. They are titled as “SP MOD:************”