Super Rare resources


Jan 21, 2002
I'm trying to add a resource to my game, I only want it to appear once on the map, and then never disappear/go somewhere else, but I don't want to place it, I want it to be random. So does anyone know what I should set it's appearance/disappearance ratios to in order to accomplish that?
I don't know what the appearance ratio should be, but if you want it to stay disappearance should be at zero. (I think)
very low appearance ratio will make it very rare, though I doubt they is way to make it exactly 1. with ratio of 10 my rare resources appear usually 2-3 on map. maybe try ratio of 5.
thanks, I'll give that a shot!
My understanding is that the appearance ratio number is a percentage. So if you set it to 10 then you will get a number of resources equal to 10% of the civs playing. Example: Appearance Ratio set to 10 and 16 civs = 1.6 resources on map = 2 resources on map.

I think that's how it works, but I am not 100% sure.
I've been playing around with this and I don't think there's a way to only get one guaranteed appearance of the resource. Setting appearance ratio to "one" has, for me, resulted in getting either one or two appearances of the resource. More often two. That's playing with a large map. Playing with any other size might yield different results. :eek:
I would think the larger the map the more the resources....
thats a good idea for really rare resources... me's thinkin of an idea :D
ok what the hell, i was gonna use it in a mod i was gonna make but i cant make it on my own and no one has volenteered to help make units and such, so here goes. in my space mod there would be a super rare resource that would be say a crashed alien space craft or some resource that would, when sufficient tech was discovered and the resource utilized, it would allow that player to create some sort of super unit or building/wonder, whatever which could transform a dying civ into the most powerful or turn the tides of war, or somethin like that. just my idea, feel free to use it
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