SuperPower: Knights of Honor

Holy Rome will desist from attacking Duke Bstone immediately. and Dommy, if you claim in turkey, its war.
Ah, yes, yes, yes. My bad
I claim neighboring provinces, and spend all my money on upgrading provinces as much as possible. I expect the money that I should have gotten from last turn's upgrades to be included.

The game has been proven as a monster to handle,the economic system resources are way to complicated and we just can keep up with it.I am officially declaring this thread dead. Thx to all that have played this was an alpha and It simply cant work.This has been a good experiment where we have proven our theory of complex matters,I will report this to the group so we can continue making a new better game.Once again thx to all that have played :(
Understandable. The double claim function is fair but time consuming as is the resources. The stability function and mini-missions seemed to be good though. :)
Hey! I finished an IOT style game! :D Though I'm upset I wasn't able to go to war. All I needed was one more turn.
:( i wanted to crush ireland.... Whaaaa
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