Surrender to Kueche

i do not often share one opinion with Lanze lately ;) , Calis, but i think here he is right. i think you misinterpret what he said IN THE ANARCHIE-thread as if it had been directed to you. but this is not the case.

so, the Knights team might complain about this (and did :D), but i think this did absolutely not harm you in any way, at any time.
or in other words: there was a majority for the deal with you (iirc) at that time, and he may have conducted diplo WITH ANOTHER TEAM that was not according to this line or according to this majority decision, but if you had said yes to the deal, this would not have changed anything for you. (but it would of course not have been "fair" in the diplo with the Anarchie, or at least that is my opinion.)

@ Lanze - i hope you see that i come to your assistance, when i think it is right to do so ;) just as much as i jump in to criticize you, when i think it is necessary. just like a true old friend :mischief:

Just take a look at the German Bro' - Kueche thread. There you mentioned that you just wanted to stall us with these negotiations.

Yes, but that was later after all our contracts with Anarchy had already been broken, the relation with you was beyond repair as well, and the Küche was a true ally. It's quite natural in such a situation to try and make the best gains for the own alliance while slowing down the "enemy".

Well, normally this is not the way a play my games, but I had basically two choices: drop out and let the others do what they want, or try to "adjust" to the facts that the other team members had created and try to make the best out of the "broken pieces and fragments" that constituted our diplomacy. I had already invested so much time into this game (and the preparations) that I wanted to play on and not let everything go waste.
But you are right: large parts of the Brotherhood's diplomacy (mainly with Anarchos and Eagles) were "dishonest" to some degree. Only in the final phase we got an honest alliance and good cooperation with the Küche going, and this was the phase where I finally enjoyed the game again.
I wish the Germans could learn the art of quoting.... :rolleyes:
Do you refer to the lost :(? :confused:
No, :blush:
Now that I'm back and see the line in Calis' sig (thanks for responding), I know the location of the quote. And temp's use of the quotation brackets would be appropriate in this case. But through the years, I've noted that quotes from a lot of the CivForums crowd do not have the little arrow link that will take you to the original post. Sometimes the quotes just say quote: and we have to assume who said it.

So my mistake. Temp's post above just appears to be the standard ethic used when quoting. Normally, it appears like you hit quote and go to the quote screen, copy and past the quote onto a new post, losing the arrow link. It's just frustrating for me, as I like to follow a discussion back to the original quote most of the time. Especially with you guys. ;) Sorry, didn't notice that Calis had added to his sig.

(btw, bonkers is a state of being, not a pronoun, or am I misreading that?)
I just use this in the sig because Bowsling said that at some point in irony after the criticism by the other teams. So I just grabbed it and put it into my sig. (Also for the irony).

Was not aware of grammatical errors. :blush:
E.g., like that sigs cannot get quoted :rolleyes:

Really, i Wonder how i Managed to Write my theses in two different languages on two different continents. Ah, now i remember how: i realized that there is a difference between scientific work and a civforum thread.

honestly, i cannot remember ;)
E.g., like that sigs cannot get quoted :rolleyes:
Uh, yeah. That's what I said in post #48. :rolleyes:

Really, i Wonder how i Managed to Write my theses in two different languages on two different continents. Ah, now i remember how: i realized that there is a difference between scientific work and a civforum thread.

I wonder how you've gotten this far without someone putting a pillow over your face when you're sleeping. :D It's too bad you're so smart. But I'm sure someone can find a use for you.
I wonder how you've gotten this far without someone putting a pillow over your face when you're sleeping. :D It's too bad you're so smart.

that is easy to answer. don't sleep. it is just too dangerous that someone with a very small argument and a very big ego comes and finds that his point of view cannot be expressed without appliance of violence, and may it be the infamous comfy chair and soft cushions method that you seem to think of.

But I'm sure someone can find a use for you.

a compliment? quite the least i would have expected from you. and now i feel very sorry that i really cannot answer you that i would expect that the same holds true for yourself.

better put it in a spoiler...

Spoiler :
Uh, yeah. That's what I said in post #48. :rolleyes:

you did? hard to say from your post. as most of the time.

what i understand that you said: -"Germans" cannot quote.
ok you realized it was your mistake with this certain quotation after all, not mine. or so you say. but no idea what makes you think I am German (I am not). nor why you could generalize anything, that you think you have seen once, on a whole nation. or what would qualify you to do so.
and just not to forget about: why on earth would anyone in this discussion thread care about academic citation rules?
nobody else really could come up with something like that but you. do you need to over-compensate for something? i mean, it is funny how you yourself come up with such a [...] citation topic and immediately fall silent or can only come up with an insult when i let you know that i collected a couple of academic degrees myself and feel quite comfortable with that topic on international standards. are you missing that you did not get that opportunity? and that is why you mention it to begin with? whatever, this on- and off-aggressiveness has me recommend that you better make sure to take your pills more regularly, for the better of all of us.

better put it in a spoiler...

Spoiler :

you did? hard to say from your post. as most of the time.

what i understand that you said: -"Germans" cannot quote.
ok you realized it was your mistake with this certain quotation after all, not mine. or so you say. but no idea what makes you think I am German (I am not). nor why you could generalize anything, that you think you have seen once, on a whole nation. or what would qualify you to do so.
and just not to forget about: why on earth would anyone in this discussion thread care about academic citation rules?
nobody else really could come up with something like that but you. do you need to over-compensate for something? i mean, it is funny how you yourself come up with such a [...] citation topic and immediately fall silent or can only come up with an insult when i let you know that i collected a couple of academic degrees myself and feel quite comfortable with that topic on international standards. are you missing that you did not get that opportunity? and that is why you mention it to begin with? whatever, this on- and off-aggressiveness has me recommend that you better make sure to take your pills more regularly, for the better of all of us.


You just keep babbling, Temp. I'm glad you got your panties in a knot over this. :lol:

But you're showing you're not as bright as you think you are. Post #48 was more of an apology than anything else. And in answer to your question: Yes, I did. As I was explaining myself, I wrote "And temp's use of the quotation brackets would be appropriate in this case." I realize you may have a hard time understanding that as English is not your 1st language, but basically, you said the same thing I did. Thanks for agreeing with me. :)

I know you're from Austria. You try to tell us that almost as much as you try to tell us how intelligent you are. Civfanatics was playing against CivForums, which is a German site. You participate there frequently, so I grouped you in with your colleagues. The problem permeates the site in general, which was my point. Yours was just another example, as you (and you admit this) quoted something that couldn't be quoted, and used the technique I described. :shake: You can make it a racial comment if you like, but that would just make you look MORE small-minded. I have absolutely nothing against Germans.

The reason I brought it up, as you've asked about that too, is because this episode of Civ sites is about to end, and this fact has always annoyed me. It's done either out of fear of actually quoting someone, ineptness, or laziness. Plus it blocks the ability of others to substantiate the claim (unless they know exactly where to go for the quoted material). Kind of waste of time.

And as far as falling silent, I wasn't going to waste more of my time discussing this small point. I just expressed an opinion about the game we've just played. But if someone is going to get their panties all knotted and posted three times in a row, begging me to post, I'll accomadate you. And I do not need to over-compensate for anything, but thank you for thinking about my private parts, you sexy little Austrian, you. :rolleyes: :lol:
The problem permeates the site in general, which was my point.

I donnot think so. It applies to the quotes in ISDG-Cafe after the subforums had been closed. Therefore regular means of quoting were unavailable. It was still still possible to manually composit the "quoting brackets" letter by letter and preferable some Copy and Paste. But this inceases the time spent and this the point where lazyness takes over.
In general the nice links in the "quoting brackets" are used at civforum. Exceptions confirm the rule. ;)
Hats off to your playing abilities, justanick, but I disagree. This technique I saw quite a bit throughout the game, by different players. :salute:
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