Term 3 - Secretary of State :: FA & Trade - The Spice Trader Returns


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Term 2 Thread

More info to come after work.

Info that will follow:

Current trades and treaties
Current civ attitudes
polls and such.

Most Favored Nation System -

Origanal System

This is a system of deciding how we view other civs. In a way, the rankings sort of work like Civ4's +/- scale.

The following is from Civ3 DG1, with some changes:

The Ranking System - This lists the civs based on how we view them via a poll for each known civ in the game. The polls are based on a point scale from 5 (best) to 1 (worst).

I won't be using the -3 to +3 point system (with ranges of -9 to 9, 10 to 19, -10 to -19, etc.), as I discovered 2 flaws. (This is a testament to why I stink at legal wording -- took me 4 years to find it!!) First is that it required a lot of participation (3 people voting for MFN would only make it a Common Neighbor. Likewise, 20 people voting for "Common Neighbor" makes it a MFN.). So, the high participation requirement was its' own undoing under that system.

So, instead, I will be taking the average.

Most Favored Nations 4.5-5
Able Partner 3.5-4.49
Common Neighbor 2.5-3.49
Suspect Nation 1.5-2.49
Rouge Nation 1-1.49

Method of Trade - This is how we choose to trade with the said civ. For example, if Mongolia is a Rouge State, we might try to extort them for everything they've got!

MFN - Fair trade
AP - Small Gain
CN - Medium gain
SN - Large gain
RN - Extortionate gain

Alliances & Open Borders - The nature of Open Borders is different than Civ3. Civs can't declare war when an open border treaty is enabled (think of it as a Non-agression pact).

MFN - Always sign alliances/open borders
AP - Always sign open borders, but be cautious on alliances.
CN - Opportunistic
SN - Opportunistic
RN - Never sign any treaties except for declarations of war!

Extorsion - This is how often we'll try to extort the said civ.

MFN - Never
AP - Never
CN - Never
SN - Opportunistic
RN - Every 20 turns or less

Penalty/Reward System - This is a new system I'm making in which it helps to determine the ranking of that civ for the term. If a civ does one of the following:

- Requests a tech or gold amount (friendly request) - no change.
- Demands a tech, civic/religion change, or gold amount - rank lowers by one (i.e., MFN to AP).
- Gifts us a tech or gold - Rank increases by one (i.e., AP to MFN).
- Civ declares war on us - Rank decreases by three (i.e., MFN to SN).
[ Reserved ]
It seems to me that since the office of president is vacant due to the tie, the Secretary of State should assume the duties of the President, at least until such time as a run-off election is completed. Some things can be held off but I think under the circumstances a CJ should be appointed soon just in case the judiciary is called upon to resolve any important matters.
Well, then, for Chief Justice, I'll nominate Public Defender runner up, Nobody (yes, the user, 'nobody').
I second Nobody's nomination..
Chieftess said:
Well, then, for Chief Justice, I'll nominate Public Defender runner up, Nobody (yes, the user, 'nobody').

Madam Secretary,

I'd like to direct your attention to section 8 of our code of laws:

V. Judicial Vacancies
a. The President must request interested citizens that do not currently hold office to contact them. If no such citizen contacts the President within 72 hours of the office being declared Vacant, the President may appoint any citizen to the office.
b. This appointment may be challenged by a confirmation poll.

I think you should make this request as soon as possible (and before actually nominating someone).
Nobody said:
BUt there is no elected President so how can he appiont a cheifjustice,

According to our code of laws, when the office of President is vacant the Secretary of State assumes presidential duties. This would include making any appointments the president would be authorized to make.
This is why I never even *THOUGHT* about running for the judiciary. :p
Madam Secretary,

As your appointment of nobody as Chief Justice was made before your request that interested citizens contact you I urge you to rescind the appointment until the 72 hour period has lasped giving all interested citizens a chance to contact you so that an appointment can be made according to the procedure established by our code of laws.

I also urge nobody to refrain from assuming the role of CJ until such time as a proper appointment has been made.
Madame Secretary,
As a concerned citizen, I'm interested to know if you've had discussions with our esteemed Science Minister about our future opportunity to trade technology.

Science Minister's thread
The first post has been updated with a Most Favored Nation system.
Chieftess said:
The first post has been updated with a Most Favored Nation system.

This looks interesting and I think it will help new and infrequently visiting citizens to keep track of what's going on. I have a couple of points:

  • presumably we are not bound to these categories? I.e. we citizens can still choose to do what we want even if it disagrees with what we said we would do for that nation's category?
  • I have a slight concern on relying too much on a category system like this, rather than examining each situation carefully. I think this is a key advantage of being human, rather than AI. E.g. a weakish 'rogue' nation being overrun by a powerful 'neighbour' nation. If we suspect that the more favoured nation is likely to become too powerful after its conquest and possibly become 'rogue', then we might choose to trade with the rogue nation to prolong the war and use up more resources of the powerful neighbour. Another e.g. is that classic human trait: backstabbing your best friend if you feel you have something to gain.
Madam Secretary,

After much discussion and polling it was decided that we wanted to do minimal trading, especially with Mongolia. Mongolia rec'd exactly 2 out of 23 votes ranking them above suspect nation in your department's poll. You own instructions (in line with citizen's wishes as expressed in said poll) were Suspect Nation: Mongolia. Refuse any demand, and refuse any trades. Yet we made not one but TWO trades with them. We traded away alphabet after citizen input that we should not do that. Citizens called for a trade to get us sailing and there is no indication in the game play summary that it was even checked for.

What do you plan to do since your posted instructions were not followed? Will you take any steps to ensure this does not happen in the future?

Concerned Citizen
Dear Concerned Citizien,

What would you recommned doing Donsig. I just wanted to no. I think that while the citiziens will was not followed directly, anything that profits our nation is very good for the citiziens indeed! I would recommend the Great and Glorious Cheiftess commend those at the turnchat for there pro-active pursuuit of Licentian Knowledge.

Less-concerned citizien
Swissempire said:
Dear Concerned Citizien,

What would you recommned doing Donsig. I just wanted to no. I think that while the citiziens will was not followed directly, anything that profits our nation is very good for the citiziens indeed! I would recommend the Great and Glorious Cheiftess commend those at the turnchat for there pro-active pursuuit of Licentian Knowledge.

Less-concerned citizien

First I would recommend that Chieftess and not Swissempire reply to my earlier post. Second, I would expect not only Chieftess but the designated player to halt play and return to the forums if posted instructions could not be carried out. According to Chieftess's own poll we overwhelming designated Mongolia as at least a suspect nation. In another poll we decided we wanted to make minimal trades, especially with the Mongols. All that was flushed down the toilet by those at the chat. I want to know why Chieftess, who is certainly no demogame novice, allowed that to happen!

I am very dismayed that the one we have entrusted to be Censor is not concerned with the rights of citizens.

an even more concerned ciitizen
donsig said:
First I would recommend that Chieftess and not Swissempire reply to my earlier post. Second, I would expect not only Chieftess but the designated player to halt play and return to the forums if posted instructions could not be carried out. According to Chieftess's own poll we overwhelming designated Mongolia as at least a suspect nation. In another poll we decided we wanted to make minimal trades, especially with the Mongols. All that was flushed down the toilet by those at the chat. I want to know why Chieftess, who is certainly no demogame novice, allowed that to happen!

I am very dismayed that the one we have entrusted to be Censor is not concerned with the rights of citizens.

an even more concerned ciitizen

Dear Donsig,

I find this conversing in letters quite fun. Needless to say, i was not responding to your post, mearly asking you a question and expressing my opinion. Secondly, i am insulted by your out-and-out saying that i don't have the citiziens rights in mind. Lets not play politics here. You and i both know we both have citiziens rights in mind. If you don't, then your obviously not as smart as i thought you were. We just happen to have different opinions. If doing what is good for the citiziens or defending the people who did it isn't good for the citiziens, then I don't know what is! As i have said and will say, we trust these official, have elected them to represent us, and have given them this authority.

Secondly, how DARE you imply that since i have less experience than you or cheiftess, and that the people who ultimatly made the decisions, that we can't be trusted or even heard! Its a new game, and a new consituency, lets get with it Donsig. You are the worst kind of vetist

An Apalled and Concerned Citizien
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