Dutchfire's request for a review of the amendment regarding the executive branch is accepted as case 7-2.
DaveShack said:Dutchfire's request for a review of the amendment regarding the executive branch is accepted as case 7-2.
GeorgeOP said:Yes. Is there anything specific you want to discuss Donsig?
DaveShack said:I'm not planning to initiate any conferences, but will respond to conferences initiated by others. I'm not quite sure why we should need a conference. I can state quite openly that I'm very unlikely to find a conflict in any proposed amendment and this is no exception, so the only reason to confer is if another justice is likely to find a conflict and be open to persuasion.
Such discussions shouldn't need to be private, this is not a sensitive matter. If there is a concern about the existing law, a standalone JR may just as easily address that concern. This review should focus on the changes and t heir immediate effects. This CoL was enacted by the people the same way every other CoL has ever been enacted, and reviews of its amendments don't need to be more complicated than reviews of past amendments.
I'll go ahead and predict the end result -- an obstructionist justice will have prevented this court from making any rulings at all, by simple inaction. I will of course ask our citizens to take note of this at the polls.
donsig said:As for private discussions among the judiciary I think our current CJ has in the past saw fit to use them. Why is this case different?
Oh, wait, I see why it is different. Because our CJ has a predisposition to rubber stamp any proposed amendment! That statement makes a mockery of his past behaviour of remaining silent so as to be unbiased. Shame on you DaveShack!
DaveShack said:However, someone who thinks the objective is to find a conflict might go to great lengths to call something a conflict even if it isn't really one.
GeorgeOP said:I'm sure if the President or someone else tried to make this permenant change, someone would JR them for stepping over the bounds of their office.
III. The Cabinet
1. Changes in the Offices of the Cabinet.
A. The Triumvirate may Decree a change in powers or offices of the Cabinet.
B. All Officials who are affected by a Decree must consent to it for the Decree to become official.
C. Any Citizen may within 72 hours of the Official Decree start a non-conformation Poll. Should said poll be approved the Decree will not take place.
D. Any changes done by Decree are in effect only during the term in which the Decree was made. To make the changes permanent an Amendment must be approved.
robboo said:We are trying to make this permanent for a couple of reasons 1) no one seems to want the job...do you? 2) if we shrink the government and have less elections it will force people to run in other offices if they really want an office. 3) many of us consider it to be a useless office.
DaveShack said:Still looking for a legal discussion (private or public) on the amendment itself.
donsig said:If DaveShack runs for Cultural Minister, I will run for Cultural Minister.
You are all making a bigger deal out of this than there must be. If no one wants to be Cultural Minister and no one thinks we need one, what's the problem? If no one runs, just don't appoint anyone. No one will act as cultural minister and no one will care.
donsig said:If no one runs, just don't appoint anyone. No one will act as cultural minister and no one will care.