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The AI assitance is incompetant

Celtic Warrior

Aug 29, 2004
The AI assitance has strange behaviour.

Two examples:

1. As the Romans I had two armies sieging a town, approx 850 and 150 each.
The Gauls attacked the smaller army, naturally, but the bigger army was the reinforcements. I accidently set the bigger army on AI control. I cotrolled the small army.
The Gauls and the big army fought first, the big Roman army out numbered the Gauls by approx 300. I watched on as my smaller army was on the other side of the battlefield. I soon saw white flags raise up all over my AI controlled army and they fled.
The Gaullic army of about 500 then came charging at my 150 men. I stood my ground and a mass melee began. I eventuall lost been completely out numbered and surrounded.
Here's the annoying part - the 150 army killed more than 850 did, infact the 850 barely killed any.

2. This time, Romans (me) v Gauls again, controlled about 200 men v 200 Gauls and I had 40 Romans in reinforcements controlled by the AI. Neither army had any missile units so most of the fight was a hand-to-hand melee combat. The AI Romans flanked both me and the Gauls, took up positon right behind the Gauls and then stopped. They did nothing for the rest of the battle, while metres away (in battlefield terms) I was fighting a very close and hard battle with the Gauls. They never helped once. If they had charged the rear it would have inflicted heavy damages on the Gauls as I could have pushed harder in the front but they did nothing. I won the batlle in the end despite my so called "reinforcements".

I don't expect the AI assist to be a tactical genius but they could least fight.
Yeah, I wish you could at least tell the AI what kind of strategy they employ such as offensive or defensive.

Hate it when you're waiting for the enemy somewhere and your reinforcements of just a handful of units runs all teh way towards the full enemy stack and gets annhilated.
In MTW2, they now let you give the AI a basic strategy, i.e. aggressive, defensive or shootout. But I don't see them putting a patch for RTW for this anytime soon (there's ETW to work on).
Yeah, I wish you could at least tell the AI what kind of strategy they employ such as offensive or defensive.

Hate it when you're waiting for the enemy somewhere and your reinforcements of just a handful of units runs all teh way towards the full enemy stack and gets annhilated.

Yea, the charging all the way across the map with a handful of units, only to retreat all the way back over the same ground after they get brutally manhandled. That's why I try not to let the AI control ANY of my troops.
Usually if I have to let the AI take control of an army, I use them as cannon fodder, or at least a nasty distraction for the enemy. I'll only begin battle if I'm sure that my army alone can take on the enemy.

That said, I prefer it to letting the second army trickle in as reinforcements under my control. That confuses me too much.
I most often let the AI control units when I need the boots on the ground, and they're commanding, well-equipped troops designed to slug it out. When the army consists primarily of a type that lends itself to micromanagement, say, horse archers, for example, I'll command them myself, because I can take out armies twice my size with them.
I was out numbered, 600-2000 units. I tried burning down the ram but that failed. As I prepared for the assault through the door. The AI suddenly dropped the Ram and ran towards a ladder placed by another unit. Yeah thats what they did, they dropped the Ram and queued to get up the ladder. Yeah ladder with no S. They had 16 ladders, they only put up 4 on the wall and only climbed up 1. Needless to say, I jammed them on the wall and won a with 200 to 1500 casualties
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