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The American War - The Revenge

@Feodor - Didnt I say I was going to make a Battle plans Tonight.
I couldn't help it, it all came to me in a flash of intuition! :groucho:
Originally posted by Octavian X
You don't have to be so negative, CG...

Sorry, I am just making sure that he is not plotting any :smoke: Moves. I agree on the Alliances however.

CivGeneral noticed that Oct has placed a Pamplet of Oct's Seminars in his Breefcase
I'd prefer if Cathy were not given access to our rails. As she must cross our territory to get to America there will be roadblocks to our own progress as her troops sit on our rail lines. I also don't want anybody to have free access to the heartland of Fanatika. We don't need a repeat of Indiagate.

Same goes for China.

Definitely get Steam to Lizzy. We need her to get England well railroaded to speed our future panzer assault.
Sorry, I am just making sure that he is not plotting any :smoke: moves. I agree on the Alliances however.

Ambitious? Me? I am the most loyal subordinate in Fanatika! [pimp]
Figured this was as good a place as any to pose a question to our military leadership: as we approach the age of superweapons like our fastmoving Panzers, bombers, and eventually *gasp* nuclear weapons, what will our military doctrine be? Are we going to concentrate on a massive land army, overwhelming air power, a large nuclear arsenal, a combination of each? What is our plan for the future?
I would say that the game is going to be a walkover for a good sized panzer force.
I would say... ...Hey!. How did this Thread became a Debate Thread?!
NOW ABE SHALL FALL!!! It was always his destiny, concidering DG1 he was the first person we... wipped of the face of the earth.

BTW, Despite my obession with aviation in real life I think the best way to go is a Large Land force for Air and Sea Support, so land being the priorit. Land is what you conquer and defend with, therefore that's the focus.
no need for sea, just air. If they get a couple boats go get them with some ships, but not alot, mostly bombers, and some fighters to clear interceptors. and if we get amphibious warfare, we can get marines too, and advanced flight for paratroopers.
We still have a ways until Motorized Transportation and flight (about 15 turns, maybe?), so, we could very well have half of their northern lands taken.

The War plans for the American war. I will put up a plan tomorrow.
(Feodor can you be paitent, BTW ;) )
Originally posted by Shaitan
You forgot the intruders and Denver.

You mean This one ;), Thanks to Cheftess, she DCC it to me last night :). I just added a few lines and a Target on the invading Cavary units.

LOVE the crosshairs, Boss!

I know that was a tribute to the elite Quellewassern Scout-Dragoon Battalion currently fighting a delaying action in the Naerwald. Our regimental motto: "Keeping them busy with Periodic Severe Head Traumas:"

Can someone translate that into Latin?

Feodor :sniper:
Cross-hairs a GREAT touch, anyway, the paths look good in my opinion, now you've just gotta get who's gonna be in each force.
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