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the best civ stratagy by far


Jan 10, 2001
Fredericton, NB, Canada
1. declare war on other civs
2. win game
3. repeat

On the surface, this is good, sound advice. Especially the "Repeat" part, which I wouldn't have thought of myself. Where this strategy begins to first fall apart, though, is when other civ's start using it. There is then a great chance for a cataclysmic rip in the space/time continuum that will suck both teams into oblivion. But if the other civ's seems intent on replacing the critical "Win game" step with "Lose Horribly", then it's a great strategy.
I'm more of a fan of the sadistic variant

1. Nearly crush opponent
2. Toy with opponent until no longer fun
3. Obliterate opponent with excessive force
(ie nuking settlers, caravans)
4. Repeat and laugh evilly

Funnily enough this strategy only works if you laugh evilly.
Wow, you are both sick sick ppl

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I thought the best strategy is always to expand expand expand? I have been hearing this a lot.

It is, the best and only strategy is: expand, expand, expand - and maybe to expand some more. That way all other strategies become obsolete.

I have found that breeding like vermin(IE expanding like mad), is highly effective, but only if one's borders are adequately defended. Of course, the only borders one should have are one's coastlines, because one should expend 100% of one's effort on making sure every flag on the home isle is the same color. . . yours.
Originally posted by Cunobelin Of Hippo:
"I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me blood, or give me brain fluid!"

The Book Of Hippo
that might be good reading can you give me a copy of the book of hippo!

The people in my cool book
Yes, for only $29.99 you'll get an abridged copy of the "Book Of Hippo" featuring such classic bits of philosophy as:

"The death of the science obsessed Prime Minister comes quickly when I drive forth his own research beakers from one ear through to the other..."


"While the men of learning continue to play with their quill pens your armies should feel free to commit malicioius acts of vandalism in their cities."

Order today!

[This message has been edited by Cunobelin Of Hippo (edited February 04, 2001).]
Expansion is defintily the way to go, i used to be a perfectionist..build 20 cities then improving them to full capacity. But then a good friend of mine played the game agianst me (hot seat) and totally blew me away.

He just kept building all these units and shipping them over to me (i have to admit not only was his stategy better than mine he was just a better player).

Anyway he blew me away before I even had the railroad. I just gave up and quite it was soooo one sided.

Words of the wise = Expand...Expand...Expand thats the strategy.
I normally go for 20-25 cities if it's just a small fun game and it's no problem beating the game with that, but I still think that expand, expand, expand is the best strategy especially if your still new to the game.

Expansion is insingificant to the power BSOD!!!!

(blue screen of death)
BSOD? Is that what the enemy's Einsteins see just before the screen is blown out when an EMP from my nukes hits them?

Just curious.

(I, in my very first game of Civ, on Cheiftan level, had nukes long before anyone else, and nuked the world for the fun of it. I like to think that when the settlers from my starship arrived on Centaurus, they managed to keep the human race going.)

Fearless Leader

______ Rule!!

of the
Civ I am
And what about opposing players like me who come crashing through with their veteran chariots and elephants to capture all those pathetically defended cities?

Now hear theWord Of Hippo:

"He who expands is akin to he who spreads his legs. Both leave their capitol vulnerable, and are libel to be bagged with extreme force."

The Book Of Hippo
expansion for sure! i laso play perfectionist (if no one is messing up my borders, though). what is important is to be constantly oblitarating enemy units, destroying what you cant take, war! war! war!
only massive destruction allows to upgrade your cities. a few units well-placed can make wonders if dont like massive armies (as me!)
sgs and bribing here is a single player game i was working on to try and improve some of my strats... I was doing a turn every 1 minute so nothing is really "optimized" but it shows you what expansion + sgs can do. (+23 routes with my own cities)
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