In love with Rei Ayanami
Luthor_Saxburg said:I'm currently playing the scenario and it seems rather easy from the Boers side.
Game Evolution
On turn 33 I've eliminated the Zulus and conquered 2 British Cities. All the other remain neutral (even though demand for money once in a while).
Found no BUG. What kind of a Beta version is this without bugs????
I will make a formal complaint in the "Bug Union"!!!
Militia (unit):
State in the civilopedia that they are immobile, giving them zero movement points. I thought this was a bug!!! But not...
Modern Weapons (Tech):
You can get it (which should allow Gatling) BEFORE military Imports (Tech), but you can only build them if you have European weapons (resource) which only occur with Military Imports (Tech). So maybe Military Imports should be a requirement to search Modern Weapons (Tech) and Overseas Support (Tech)?
European Weapons (resource):
It requires Military Imports (Tech) but in the Civilopedia says Modern Weapons (Tech).
Indeed it is a bit easy as the Boers. So since that I actually made the British stronger (7.7) which still allows the Boers to go for their first strike while most British troops are away in Cape Town or even "Europe" but British columns when they arrive are now more deadly.
All troops cost have been increased a lot as in my latest tests, the map became covered with units. While each represent a small body of men, it was still a bit too much. Boer units cost has increased more than average so that replensihments don't come in droves --> you need to be more careful of your starting units.
I usually playtest in debug mod as the Germans to let the Boers/English free to go. Usually the Boers capture 2-3 cities (Ladysmith, Mafeking, Colesburg and sometimes Dundee (which is sometimes razed). But then the British counter-attack and it is bloody, especially in Natal and near Kimberley. And England starts to conquer Orange southern cities methodically. Which seems quite reasonable. But of course this is AI vs AI, a human opponent should fare much better (especially using cannons, howitzers and gatling). Still England has been stregthened. The war was tough and the Boers could have resisted the same way they did during the first war but still it should be a tough job for them, especially on demi-god !!
On 10 playtests I have had the Boers lose about half of the time which is fine for PBEMs albeit less so for a realistic game.
Strangely enough, Zulus usually remain alive quite a long time vs AIs.
Bugs : well, rest now, there are some. If you play a bit more you will probably see the game freeze when a certain tech is discovered.
And as you noted I completely screwed the tech-tree/resources/buildable units.
This is fixed now (and in the pedia too, normally). Just waiting for the last art.
And since there is a patch to install, place-holder art, lack of balance,... I still consider it a beta. The first official version will then be playable easily and completely by non-modders without need for constant updates.
Militias are indeed immobile. They are not supposed to be part of the army except when their city is surrounded. I have tried to limit their use though as in the beta the Boers created really too many. Upped the size-2 limit for that.
But since they share the same gfx as the Boer infantry (sorry, lack of gfx) I know it can be a bit confusing.
Apart from that all other units now have their own gfx, even Kommandos. BTW did you reach their tech ? The AI likes them but not overly so which is good but he is poor at raids deep inside English territory.
Basically it could be best played in MP (especially with special units like Kommandos, Bushveldt carbineers and bunkers).
Thanks for the report anyway ! Always useful. If you can continue a bit, all the better as while witing for art I am trying to finetune the balance and stats.
Hope it was not too annoying with the placeholder art and that the war theme is not too boring. The few (and slow) techs, the other civs and the special abilities units they allow are trying to add more diversity but maybe not enough. What do you think ?